FOA-Reflection-Pt 2-Webster - SP New Moodle

FOA Reflection Form—Part 2—Language & Literature-SL
Submit to:
Arrival date:
Session: May 2016
School number: 2090
School name: American International School of Guangzhou
Type or write legibly using black ink and retain a copy of this form.
Complete one copy of this form for each task.
Complete this form in the target language.
To complete this form, refer to the Further Oral Activity assessment details in the Language
& Literature guide.
English A: Language & Literature
Candidate name: Arthur Tu Dai
Candidate Session Number:
0 0 1 8 3 2
Area to which the task is linked—Please include the topic and sub-topic to which your task
is linked (e.g. comparing two newspaper articles for their use of bias).
My topic & sub-topic: Discuss the effectiveness of the Cadbury Gorilla advertisement.
Activity type: PowerPoint presentation
In the table below, candidates must list the source of all reference and support materials that relate to
your FOA topic and argument, including those that you actually used or analyzed in your FOA.
Title of Work/Text
Cadbury Gorilla advertisement
Juan Cabral
Text Type
Television advertisement
Further Oral Activity reflection
School name:
American International School Of Guangzhou
Aims for the task—In a well-developed paragraph, state your goal(s) and what you want the class to
learn from your oral activity.
The Cadbury Gorilla advertisement is an effective advertisement due to its powerful image of a gorilla
drummer and how it has created a new means of advertising. The image of drumming gorilla and the
massive use of the brand color purple inscribe the product into the viewer’s mind, and when they
think about chocolate this advertisement would automatically appears in their mind. This is a new
mean of advertisement because it moves away from the old fashioned call to action type of
advertisement but created an advertisement just for the means of entertainment and hope for it to
create a long lasting image in the viewer’s mind, thus whenever the viewer falls into a dilemma of
choosing which brand of chocolate they will be more inclined to buy Cadbury.
In the space below, write a well-developed essay that integrates the elements listed below. Be sure to
include specific examples from your FOA to support your points. DUE within one week of viewing
your FOA video.
1. Briefly summarize your oral activity in terms of the topic, thesis, and the activity you chose.
2. Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of your performance.
3. Comment on how successful you were in achieving your goal(s) (i.e. learning outcomes) in your
4. If you had to give your FOA again, would you do anything differently in terms of how you would
prepare for it, how you would structure or organize the oral activity, or how you would perform or
deliver it?
---------------------------------My FOA is a PowerPoint presentation introducing the Cadbury Gorilla advertisement and discussing
the effectiveness of its stylistic features. The thesis of my presentation is that the Cadbury Gorilla
advertisement is an effective advertisement due to its powerful image of a gorilla drummer and how it
has created a new means of advertising. The strength in my FOA presentation is the well-organized
PowerPoint and that I show mostly images instead of words on the slideshow, and moves away from
just reading off whatever that’s on the slide. The weakness is that instead of reading off the words on
the slideshow, I read off my notes almost verbatim. I was fairly successful in achieving my goal of
informing the Cadbury Gorilla advertisement’s effectiveness and how it has created a new means of
advertising. Yet, it can be improved if I go in more depth than I already did in various subjects,
including the association between chocolate and the colour purple along with the gorilla. If I had to
give my FOA again, I would definitely do a sound check before I begin, also spend more time
rehearsing the presentation and double check I can properly pronounce each word.