HTML - Lesson

Intro to HTML
Steps To
Basic HTML Code
• HTML is short for Hyper-Text Markup Language. That’s
gibberish for ‘something that makes plain text look good’. It’s
the ‘code’ that’s behind every webpage. And, surprisingly, it’s
actually quite simple.
• The teachings of basic HTML code can (almost) be broken
down in two all-ruling disciplines: style aka manipulating the
appearance, and referring, aka marking and pointing to
locations of, and within documents. HTML can’t do anything
more complicated than drawing a table, or creating frames,
and we’re not going to cut into PHP or Java.
• My goal today is to give you some of the HTML building
blocks. You won’t be a programmer just yet, but you’ll be able
to skim the source of a webpage and hopefully, understand it.
Step One – The Concept Of Tags
• As said previously, basic HTML code
manipulates a plain text document to apply style
and reference. It does so by applying ‘tags’. A
tag does nothing more than indicating a position
or selection of the document, and specifying the
kind of wizardry that needs to be done.
• <tag-example-1>This, and only this part of the document
is affected.</tag-example-1>
• <tag-example-2>Something just happened, preceding
this part of the document
• Example 1 shows a sentence that’s encapsulated by two
tags, a begin- and end tag. Everything in between is
affected. Very common examples are making text bold,
italic, or creating a link. The end tag is identical to the
begin tag, but is preceded in angle brackets by a forward
slash ( / ).
• Example 2 shows a tag that works alone and
(arguably) doesn’t need to be closed. Although
not required, it’s occasionally also written as <tag
/> to emphasize this very attribute. Loner tags
don’t affect ‘part’ of the document, but signify
local wizardry, things that happen ‘in between’.
Common examples are line breaks and
paragraph breaks.
• Note: for loner tags, <tag>, <tag />, and
<tag></tag> all mean the same thing.
• <tag attribute=”value” attribute2=”value2″>This, and only
this part of the document is affected.</tag>
• Sometimes tags allow for additional attributes to be
supplied. Common examples are text font and color, or
image width, height and source. In those cases, the tag
name is followed by a space, and a number of attribute
with a value, again separated by spaces. The value is
the variable part of this formula. Note that the end tag
remains the same, regardless of the attributes.
Step Two – The Parceling of HTML, HEAD & BODY
• The HTML, HEAD and BODY tags are to
an HTML document what a bedroom,
kitchen and living room are to a house.
These encapsulating tags parcel out the
big parts of a document.
The Parceling of HTML, HEAD & BODY
• <HTML></HTML> simply indicates the use of HTML code. They’ll
show in every webpage, usually at start and end, and embrace
practically all the other code, including the next two.
• <HEAD></HEAD> mark the ‘administrative building’. These will
encapsule the title, and enable certain scripts. Usually at the very
head (no pun intended) of the document, this is where you don’t
need to be.
• <BODY></BODY> is located below the HEAD tags, and makes
up most of the document. This part tells the tale of what’s actually
showing on your webpage. Living here are the text, images, links,
and pretty much anything you can see in your browser. This is
where we play. The following tags all occur within the BODY part
of an HTML document.
The Parceling of HTML, HEAD & BODY
Step Three – Because <P>, <BR> &
<FONT> Make You Feel Pretty
• We’ve already said HTML was a markup language. This
means as much as making text feel pretty. Remember,
HTML dates back to when the web was a very text-y
experience. Besides, the internet would’ve been far too
slow to support YouTube. Here are some of the most
common pretty-making tags.
• <b></b> makes your text look bold
• <i></i> makes you write in italic
• <u></u> underlines what you just wrote
<P>, <BR> & <FONT>
• <br> hits the break, making you continue on a new line
• <p> indicates a paragraph, creating an extra large break
• These allow you to structure the document, because an
actual break doesn’t mean anything in an HTML
<P>, <BR> & <FONT>
• <FONT></FONT> allows you to manipulate a bunch of
other stuff with text, by using attributes like size, face
and color.
• An ideal example would be <FONT
<P>, <BR> & <FONT>
<P>, <BR> & <FONT>
• <H1></H1> to <H6></H6> allow you to quickly draw up
different sized headers. H1 is biggest and H7 smallest.
• Nowadays, markup is often kept in a separate CSS file.
The exact style figures are explained externally, and one
only needs to ‘mark’ part of the document to apply them.
This is done by using div tags. For example, <div
class=”headermakeuseof”>sometext</div> will look for a
headermakeuseof class in the CSS file. We won’t
discuss CSS in detail here.
sample HTML document
• Here is the structure of a sample HTML document:
<title>Title goes here</title>
<font size=+2>Welcome to my page</font>
The p is a paragraph tag, which tells the browser that this is all one
Step Four – Embedded Images with <IMG>
• Images have become customary on HTML pages, and
yet there’s a piece of code behind it. The <IMG> is one of
two tags we’re going to discuss in detail, because it’s
something you’ll be able to use.
Embedded Images with <IMG>
• Here are some of the attributes used in conjunction
with the IMG tab.
• src=””
• Very important. The source attribute specifies the
location of a picture. That’s right, a picture is never
really rendered in a web page, but gets pulled in from
an external source. Once you’ve got that address,
you’ve got the picture.
Embedded Images with <IMG>
• Sometimes, only part of the URL is displayed. The actual
URL will depend on the location of the HTML file. This is
called a relative address, contrasting with an absolute
address. An exemplary may show a value
of “image.jpg” when the picture is located in the same
directory as the webpage. In this example, the full
address would be
• If you encounter a relative address of “dir4/image.jpg”,
the image will be located in
Embedded Images with <IMG>
• Similarly, “../image.jpg” will have you go back one
directory, “../../image.jpg” two directories, and so on.
• height=”200″ width=”50%”
• These tags define how large the image is displayed. It
doesn’t say anything about the actual size of the image.
Sizes can be added in pixels (where 200 and 200px are
one and the same) or percent. With only height or width
specified, the other one changes accordingly. Using both
tags allows you to ‘stretch’.
Embedded Images with <IMG>
• alt=”alternative name or comment”
• The alt tag specifies the text shown on mouse-over, or
when an image fails to load.
• Proper usage would be, e.g. <IMG src=”image.jpg”
height=”20px” alt=”example”>
Step Five – Links Are Made With A Tag
• This one could be even more important than the IMG
tag. An <a></a> tag allows you to mark a spot in a
document, and link to documents, pictures, files, and
even anchors in other HTML sites. Here are the most
common attributes.
Links Are Made With A Tag
• href=””
• One of the most common attribute, written <a
href=”address”>text</a>. You can create links by
defining the web address and encapsulating said
‘anchor text’.
• name=”neverwhere”
• Used in conjunction with the name attribute, the tag will
create an anchor. You can use this anchor to link back
to from within the same page, or even over the web.
One can link to an anchor by using a relative or
absolute URL, respectively <a href=”#name”> or <a
In Conclusion
• This is the part where I admit we’ve only brushed the
surface of basic HTML code. What we’ve seen today
will allow you to skim through and understand a big
part of simple websites. Go ahead, try it. You’ll
definitely find some tags you don’t know, but that’s
part of learning.
<html> </html>
Standard opening and closing tags for any HTML page. Enclose everything else in these.
Container tag.
<!... …!>
A comment — whatever you put here will be skipped over by the browser.
<head> </head>
Starts the header part of your document. Everything between these is mainly used to help your
browser and search engines classify your page. Using this is optional, but recommended.
Container tag.
<title> </title>
Whatever is between these tags will appear in the blue bar at the top of the screen.
A group of tags that give page and creator information specifically to the search engines.
Changes the default link target or relative link URL, useful if the page is read on another server.
Allows you to associate stylesheets and a favorites icons to your page.
<body> </body>
Everything visible on your page goes between these tags. Everything. Container tag.
<a> </a>
Makes the enclosed text or image a hyperlink to another file.
Creates an ordered list, where each item is numbered in order. Container Tag.
Creates an unordered list, with each item bulleted. Container Tag.
Each list item begins with an li, and they are all placed in either an ol or ul.
Creates a definition list.
Creates a definition term.
Creates a definition, which appears below its parent term and indented from the left.
Places an image on your page
Adds a multimedia element directly into your page, allowing your browser
to play it with a plug-in.
Adds a script, usually a JavaScript into your page.
Enclose anything you want displayed by browsers that do not support
Checking the source
You can view the html code of a website by going to the page tab on
the browsers control panel and scrolling down to page source.
Checking the source
This will allow you to see the source code for the website.