Norton Lecture Slides
Give Me Liberty!
Eric Foner
The Problem We All Live With
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Demonstrator offers a flower to military police
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Delegate at the Republican National Convention
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Demonstrators protesting the World Trade Organization
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Demonstrators in New York City
protesting the impending Iraq War
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Lecture Preview
The Golden Age
The Eisenhower Era
The Freedom Movement
The Election of 1960
A portrait of affluence
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Golden Age
 Focus Question:
What were the main characteristics of the
affluent society of the 1950s?
The Golden Age:
A Changing Economy
A Suburban Nation
Figure 24.1 Real Gross Domestic Product
Per Capita, 1790–2000
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Vice President Richard Nixon
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
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Levittown, New York
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Golden Age:
The Growth of the West
A Consumer Culture
This aerial view of Westchester, a community in
Los Angeles, demonstrates suburban “sprawl”
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Ernst Haas’s 1969 photograph
of Albuquerque, New Mexico
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
In this 1950 photograph, television
sets move through an assembly line.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Golden Age:
The TV World
A New Ford
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Map 24.1 The Interstate Highway System
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Figure 24.2 Average Television Viewing
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Introduced in 1954, the frozen TV dinner was
marketed in a package designed to look like a
TV set.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
A 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Golden Age:
Women at Work and at Home
A Segregated Landscape
Table 24.3 The Baby Boom and its Decline
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Jack Gould’s 1946 photograph of a maternity ward
during the first year of the postwar baby boom
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Advertisers during the 1950s sought to convey women
enjoying their role as suburban homemakers.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Elliott Erwitt’s photograph of a young mother
depicts life as less idyllic.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Golden Age:
Public Housing and Urban Renewal
The Divided Society
Suburban builders sometimes openly advertised
the fact that their communities excluded minorities.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
An aerial photograph of Boulevard Houses
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
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Students at an East Harlem elementary school in 1947
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Golden Age:
Religion and
Religion and Anticommunism
Selling Free Enterprise
Anticommunism and Religious Faith
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
This postage stamp depicts four
chaplains who perished during the
sinking of an American ship during
World War II.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
TV became the most effective advertising
medium in history.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Golden Age:
People’s Capitalism
The Libertarian Conservatives
The New Conservatism
The Eisenhower Era
 Focus Question:
How were the 1950s a period of
consensus in both domestic politics and
foreign affairs?
The Eisenhower Era:
Ike and Nixon
The 1952 Campaign
Map 24.2 The Presidential Election of 1952
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Eisenhower Era:
Modern Republicanism
The Social Contract
“Do you call C-minus catching up with
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Eisenhower Era:
Foreign Relations
Massive Retaliation
Ike and the Russians
An advertisement for a government film explaining
to children how to survive a nuclear attack
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Backyard Bomb Shelter
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Eisenhower Era:
Developing Countries
The Emergence of the Third World
The Eisenhower Era:
The Cold War
The Cold War in the Third World
Mohammad Mossadegh, prime minister of Iran
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The military junta installed in Guatemala
by the CIA in 1954
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Eisenhower Era:
Origins of the Vietnam War
Save the Holy Places
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Eisenhower Era:
Mass Society and Its Critics
Commuters returning from work in downtown
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Eisenhower Era:
Rebels without a Cause
The Beats
Elvis Presley
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Rebels without a cause, Coney Island, Brooklyn
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
A Beat coffeehouse in San Francisco
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Freedom Movement
 Focus Question:
What were the major thrusts of the civil
rights movements in this period?
The Freedom
Movement: Origins
Origins of the Movement
A segregated school in West Memphis
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Freedom
Movement: The Law
The Legal Assault on Segregation
The Brown Case
Two black girls crossing dangerous railroad track to
attend a black school in Topeka, Kansas
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Freedom
Movement: Protests
The Montgomery Bus Boycott
The Daybreak of Freedom
The Leadership of King
Mug shot of Rosa Parks
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Black residents walking to work in
Montgomery, Alabama
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Freedom
Movement: Civil Rights
Massive Resistance
Eisenhower and Civil Rights
The World Views the United States
Opponents of Racial Integration
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Problem We All Live With
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Little Rock Central High School, 1957
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Election of 1960
 Focus Question:
What was the significance of the
presidential election of 1960?
The Election of 1960: A
New Era
Kennedy and Nixon
The End of the 1950s
Map 24.3 The Presidential Election of 1960
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The 1960 presidential campaign produced a flood
of anti-Catholic propaganda.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
A photograph of John F. Kennedy and his wife
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Residents of Los Angeles don gas masks to protest
the government’s lack of action on air pollution
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Golden Age
Focus Question: What were the main characteristics of the affluent
society of the 1950s?
The Eisenhower Era
Focus Question: How were the 1950s a period of consensus in both
domestic politics and foreign affairs?
The Freedom Movement
Focus Question: What were the major thrusts of the civil rights
movements in this period?
The Election of 1960
Focus Question: What was the significance of the presidential election
of 1960?
Chapter 24
Media link
Eric Foner on the landmarks for
the civil rights movement
Eric Foner on McCarthyism, pt 1
Eric Foner on McCarthyism, pt 2
Eric Foner on growth in California
Next Lecture PREVIEW:
—— Chapter 25 ——
The Sixties, 1960–1968
The Civil Rights Revolution
The Kennedy Years
Lyndon Johnson’s Presidency
The Changing Black Movement
Vietnam and the New Left
The New Movements and the Rights Revolution
Norton Lecture Slides
Independent and Employee-Owned
This concludes the Norton Lecture Slides
Slide Set for Chapter 24
Give Me Liberty!
Eric Foner