Grade 2 Science Cohort Professional Development Achieving Scientific Literacy through NGSS – Day 2 Educational Service Center North Monday, October 13, 2014 Heinrich Sartin Elementary Science Specialist, ESC North 1 1 + 1 Day Science Cohort PD Model One-day PD & Planning 2 • Selected grade 2 teachers attend NGSS professional development and begin to plan an NGSS lesson on Wednesday, September 10. Support & Implementation One-day Follow-up • Teachers receive lesson-planning support and implement lesson during September-October. • Teachers share experiences from lessons, student work, and plan next steps on Monday, October 13. Common Core 2013-14 Goals Plan Strategic Planning Cycle Revise Deliver Reflect Common Core 2013-14 Goals • Close Reading • Text-Dependent Questions • Complex Text Common Core 2013-14 Goals Technology Integration Learning Objectives 6 After completing today’s training, teachers will be able to: • Plan rigorous science lessons that align with the three dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) • Make connections with students between NGSS and CCSS • Use Depth of Knowledge (DOK) and Understanding by Design (UbD) to plan lessons that meet the needs of diverse learners Professional Learning Community Norms Be present Start and end on time Silence cell phones Value each other’s input Listen to understand Focus on what the data tells us Ask the hard questions Think outside of the box What is learned here leaves here Be open to sharing and collaborating 7 8 Agenda Review of Day 1 Examining Student Work Engineering Design in NGSS The NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Constructing Evidence-based Explanations Planning for Next Steps 9 Agenda Review of Day 1 Examining Student Work Engineering Design in NGSS The NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Constructing Evidence-based Explanations Planning for Next Steps Life Science Lesson – First Impressions 10 • Take a few minutes to examine the provided “Make an Ant” lesson. • Discuss the lesson with your table team and chart a list of things that you would recommend adding to the lesson to improve it. • Table teams will share their recommendations with whole group. • We will revisit this lesson and your recommendations later through the lens of the NGSS EQuIP rubric. Timeline for NGSS Implementation 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 11 2017-18 • 2014-2016 – NGSS awareness training for teachers. Teachers will continue to use the current California science standards, but are encouraged to implement the NGSS scientific and engineering practices and try a few NGSS lessons. • 2016-2017 - Formal instructional shifts will begin to prepare for full implementation. • 2017-2018 – First year of full implementation with anticipated adoption of new instructional materials. Comparing CA Standards with NGSS Performance Expectations Current CA Science Standards Know Do • Students know objects fall to the ground unless something holds them up. • Students will write or draw descriptions of a sequence of steps, events, and observations. 12 NGSS Performance Expectations Know & Do Analyze data obtained from testing different materials to determine which materials have the properties that are best suited for an intended purpose. Dimension 2 Dimension 1 Disciplinary Core Ideas Scientific and Engineering Practices 13 Dimension 3 Crosscutting Concepts Performance Expectations Grade 2 Physical Science Performance Expectation Scientific & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts Connections to CCSS 14 Select the Correct Dimension 15 Task: • Work in teams of two • Use the template to sort the statements in your envelope into the following three categories: Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Scientific and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts • Use the following list of definitions to help guide your work Select the Correct Domain Task: • Work in teams of two • Use the other side of the template to sort the Disciplinary Core Ideas into the domains of: • Life science • Earth science • Physical science • Engineering 16 17 Introducing… The EQuIP Rubric • Read silently through the three parts of the “EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Science.” • Discuss the rubric with your table team and create a poster that summarizes each of the three sections of the rubric. • Table teams will share their findings with the whole group. NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas by Grade Level PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 LS1 LS2 LS3 LS4 ESS1 ESS2 ESS3 Matter and its Interactions Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions Energy Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity Earth’s Place in the Universe Earth’s Systems Earth and Human Activity K 1 2 3 4 5 18 Grade 2 Physical Science Performance Expectation PS1-3 Analyze data obtained from testing different materials to determine which materials have the properties that are best suited for an intended purpose. 19 20 Lesson 4 - Absorbency Depth of Knowledge (DOK) DOK 1 List the ingredients of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. DOK 2 Collect the ingredients for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and write the recipe. 21 DOK 3 DOK 4 Investigate how many people are coming to dinner and formulate the appropriate amounts of ingredients for 8 people. Design a plan to feed the entire class using the following information: one jar of peanut butter makes 10 sandwiches, one jar of jelly serves 8, and one loaf of bread contains 18 slices. Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix & Curricular Examples: Applying Webb’s Depth-of-Knowledge Levels to Bloom’s Cognitive Process Dimensions – Math/Science Revised Bloom’s Webb’s DOK Level 1 Webb’s DOK Level 2 Webb’s DOK Level 3 Webb’s DOK Level 4 Strategic Thinking/ Reasoning Taxonomy Recall & Reproduction Skills & Concepts Extended Thinking o Recall, observe, & recognize Remember Retrieve knowledge from long-term memory, recognize, recall, locate, identify What Type of Thinking Understand Construct meaning, clarify, paraphrase, represent, translate, illustrate, give examples, classify, categorize, summarize, generalize, infer a logical conclusion (such as from examples given), predict, compare/contrast, match like ideas, explain, construct models Apply Carry out or use a procedure in a given situation; carry out (apply to a familiar task), or use (apply) to an unfamiliar task Analyze Break into constituent parts, determine how parts relate, differentiate between relevant-irrelevant, distinguish, focus, select, organize, outline, find coherence, deconstruct o o o o o o facts, principles, properties Recall/ identify conversions among representations or numbers (e.g., customary and metric measures) Evaluate an expression Locate points on a grid or number on number line Solve a one-step problem Represent math relationships in words, pictures, or symbols Read, write, compare decimals in scientific notation o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Follow simple procedures (recipe-type directions) Calculate, measure, apply a rule (e.g., rounding) Apply algorithm or formula (e.g., area, perimeter) Solve linear equations Make conversions among representations or numbers, or within and between customary and metric measures Retrieve information from a table or graph to answer a question Identify whether specific information is contained in graphic representations (e.g., table, graph, T-chart, diagram) Identify a pattern/trend Specify and explain relationships (e.g., non-examples/examples; cause-effect) Make and record observations Explain steps followed Summarize results or concepts Make basic inferences or logical predictions from data/observations Use models /diagrams to represent or explain mathematical concepts Make and explain estimates o Select a procedure according to criteria and perform it o Solve routine problem applying multiple concepts or decision points o Retrieve information from a table, graph, or figure and use it solve a problem requiring multiple steps o Translate between tables, graphs, words, and symbolic notations (e.g., graph data from a table) o Construct models given criteria o Categorize, classify materials, data, figures based on characteristics o Organize or order data o Compare/ contrast figures or data o Select appropriate graph and organize & display data o Interpret data from a simple graph o Extend a pattern Evaluate Make judgments based on criteria, check, detect inconsistencies or fallacies, judge, critique Create Reorganize elements into new patterns/structures, generate, hypothesize, design, plan, construct, produce o Brainstorm ideas, concepts, or perspectives related to a topic o Generate conjectures or hypotheses based on observations or prior knowledge and experience o Use concepts to solve non-routine problems o Explain, generalize, or connect ideas using supporting evidence o Make and justify conjectures o Explain thinking when more than one response is possible o Explain phenomena in terms of concepts o Relate mathematical or scientific concepts to other content areas, other domains, or other concepts o Develop generalizations of the results obtained and the strategies used (from investigation or readings) and apply them to new problem situations o Design investigation for a specific purpose or research question o Conduct a designed investigation o Use concepts to solve non-routine problems o Use & show reasoning, planning, and evidence o Translate between problem & symbolic notation when not a direct translation o Select or devise approach among many alternatives to solve a problem o Conduct a project that specifies a problem, identifies solution paths, solves the problem, and reports results o Compare information within or across data sets or texts o Analyze and draw conclusions from data, citing evidence o Generalize a pattern o Interpret data from complex graph o Analyze similarities/differences between procedures or solutions o Analyze multiple sources of evidence o analyze complex/abstract themes o Gather, analyze, and evaluate information o Cite evidence and develop a logical argument for concepts or solutions o Describe, compare, and contrast solution methods o Verify reasonableness of results o Gather, analyze, & evaluate information to draw conclusions o Apply understanding in a novel way, provide argument or justification for the application o Synthesize information within one data set, source, or text o Formulate an original problem given a situation o Develop a scientific/mathematical model for a complex situation o Synthesize information across multiple sources or texts o Design a mathematical model to inform and solve a practical or abstract situation How Deep is the Understanding 22 23 Understanding by Design (UbD) UbD Stage 1: Identify Desired Results UbD Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence UbD Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences & Instruction 24 5E Instructional Model • Engage • Explore • Explain • Elaborate • Evaluate 25 Agenda Review of Day 1 Examining Student Work The NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Constructing Evidence-based Explanations Engineering Design in NGSS Planning for Next Steps Examining Student Work Groups of 4 3 Work Samples Each Examining Student Work Participants A, B, & C Participant A Presenting Participant • Review the 3 student work samples • Discuss Participant B • Round 1 (Describe) • Round 2 (Interpret) • Round 3 (Question) Presenting Participant • Participant C Listens silently & takes notes Examining Student Work Presenting Participant • Comments on the student work and responds to questions • Shares insights from surprising or unexpected comments Participant A Participants A, B, & C Presenting Participant Participant B Participant C • Listen Examining Student Work Repeat the Process Participants B, C, & D Presenting Participant Participant D Participant B • Review the 3 student work samples • Discuss Presenting Participant • Participant C Listen silently & take notes 30 Agenda Review of Day 1 Examining Student Work The NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Constructing Evidence-based Explanations Engineering Design in NGSS Planning for Next Steps Engineering an Opening 31 • Cut an opening in an index card that is large enough to pass your entire body through • Your finished product needs to be a continuous piece of paper that has not been reattached in any way • Work with a partner to accomplish this task • You have 20 minutes Engineering Design Task Solution Steps 1. Cut a slit down the middle of the index card. 32 Engineering Design Task Solution Steps 2. Beginning at one end of the slit, make alternating cuts from the inside and outside on one side of the card. 33 Engineering Design Task Solution Steps 3. Continue making cuts until you read the other end of the slit. 34 Engineering Design Task Solution Steps 4. Mirror the cuts on the other side of the card. 35 Reading/Writing Task 36 After silently reading the selection about engineering design (pp. 2-3), please respond in writing to the following two questions: • What connections do you find between the “Engineering an Opening” task and the Engineering Design elements in the NGSS? • Why do you think it is a good idea to include engineering design in these new standards? 37 Agenda Review of Day 1 Examining Student Work The NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Constructing Evidence-based Explanations Engineering Design in NGSS Planning for Next Steps Black Boxes I found some black boxes. Each one has a round object inside. They are permanently glued and taped shut, so I can’t open them. Can you help me figure out what the inside of the these boxes look like? 38 Black Boxes 39 Focus Question #1 What does the inside of your box look like? • Work in teams of two to infer what the inside of your box looks like. • Write a short description of what you think the inside of the black box looks like. Include a detailed drawing with labeled parts • Focus on shape and location Black Boxes 40 Sharing Ideas • Use a dark marker to create a model of your black box on the provided outline. • Remember to focus on shape and location. • You do not need to include the round object in your drawing. • Post your model on the chart paper that matches your letter (A-D). Black Boxes 41 Building Consensus/Science Conference • Get together with another team that has the same black box (A-D) and come to consensus about what the inside of your black box looks like. • Choose a representative from your combined group of four to draw a revised plan of your black box. Black Boxes 42 Focus Question #2 How did working with other scientists change your original thinking about your black box? Use your science notebook to answer the focus question. Black Boxes 43 Reverse Engineering: Building a Better Model Task • Work with your original partner to create a threedimensional model of your black box using the provided materials. • Use masking tape to fasten the shapes in place. • Test to see if the round object behaves the same way in your model as in the original black box. Black Boxes 44 Debriefing the Experience • The term “black box” is a general term scientists and engineers use to describe a system that works in mysterious or unknown ways. • For most people, a TV is a black box. Electricity goes in and a picture miraculously appears on the screen. A telephone is another example of a black box. • What are other examples of black boxes? Black Boxes 45 Debriefing the Experience • Which Science and Engineering Practices were evident in this activity? • Which Crosscutting Concepts were evident in this activity? • How does this activity connect to CCSS ELA and math standards and practices? • What features of this lesson would address the needs of your diverse learners? Examining the Science and Engineering Practices 46 Guiding Question for Reading • • Read “Scientific and Engineering Practices,” pp. 42-44 Quickwrite: Why is it important for students to engage in scientific and engineering practices? Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Using Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK), how would you rate: • The Black Box drawing, writing, and collaboration tasks? • How could you move these tasks to a higher level? 47 48 Agenda Review of Day 1 Examining Student Work The NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Constructing Evidence-based Explanations Engineering Design in NGSS Planning for Next Steps Student Difficulties with Evidence-based Explanations 49 Evidence • Students have difficulty using appropriate evidence and connecting evidence to a claim. • Students typically discount data if the data contradicts their current theory. Reasoning • Most explanations include claims with little backing. What is an Evidence-based Explanation? 50 Definition: A discussion/argument of how or why a phenomenon occurs and the conditions and consequences of the observed event. Components of an Evidence-based Explanation 51 Claim: a conclusion about a problem. Typically the claim answers a question. Evidence: scientific data that supports the claim. Evidence needs to be appropriate and sufficient. Reasoning: a justification that shows why the data counts as evidence to support the claim and includes appropriate scientific principles. The explanation should consider alternative explanations. (Adapted from Toulmin’s model of argumentation) Ice and Alcohol 52 Group Performance Task 53 • You and your partner will create a system that consists of a plastic cup filled with isopropyl alcohol (100 ml) and two ice cubes. Fill the cup with the alcohol first, then add the ice cubes. • In your science notebook, make observations and detailed drawings (with labeled parts) of the system and changes to the system over time (15 minutes). • Formulate questions and construct an explanation for the behavior of the system. • Develop evidence that supports your explanation for the causes of the changes in the system. 54 Individual Performance Task Write an explanation for the causes of the changes (effect) to the system. (A few volunteers will share their explanations.) Teacher Reflection Write a reflection on the type of instruction that would lead students to develop high-quality evidence-based explanations. A Closer Look at Scientific Explanations 55 • Read “Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions” pp. 67-70 • Use this information you learned to revise your scientific explanation 56 More Information Density = Mass/Volume Substance Alcohol Density .79 g/cm3 Solid Water (Ice) Liquid Water .92 g/cm3 1.00 g/cm3 Ice and Alcohol 57 Debriefing the Experience • Which Science and Engineering Practices were evident? • Which Crosscutting Concepts were evident? • How does this activity connect to CCSS ELA and math standards and practices? • What features of this lesson would address the needs of your diverse learners? Scientific Explanations 58 The goal of science is to construct explanations for the causes of phenomena. Students are expected to construct their own explanations, as well as apply standard explanations they learn about from their teachers or reading. SOURCE: NGSS APPENDIX F 59 Agenda Review of Day 1 Examining Student Work The NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Constructing Evidence-based Explanations Engineering Design in NGSS Planning for Next Steps Next Steps 60 Take some time to reflect on what you learned from: • Day 1 (September 10) • The NGSS lesson that you planned and delivered • Today’s professional development • On the provided sheet, write down what your next steps will be. • Your next steps will be shared anonymously with the group 61 Thank you! Heinrich Sartin Elementary Science Specialist ESC North Office Email: Phone: (818) 654-3717 62 Resources for Further Research and Learning • The Next Generation Science Standards: • A Framework for K-12 Science Education • NGSS Videos from Paul Anderson (Bozeman Science)