Biology story line

Biology Storyline
ACT Quality Core Standards and NGSS Combined
(The following four units are instructional additions that are introduced to facilitate the effective
integration of the Next Generation Science Standards with aspects of the Quality Core Assessment
Standards. These units provide instruction on concepts that are not explicitly addressed to the same
level of detail.)
Unit A- Introduction
Students will begin the school year with an introduction to Scientific Inquiry, Mathematics and
Measurement in Science, Science in Practice, and Biology Foundations. This material is specific
to Quality Core A.1-A.4, but found throughout the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
This material explicitly addresses the basic knowledge and scientific processes that are implicit
throughout the remainder of the year.
Unit B- Classification/ Major Divisions of Organisms
Following the introductory unit students learn about how organisms are classified. This
material is specific to Quality Core E.3 and is not specific to any NGSS. This information
provides a concrete background for more abstract concepts that are taught after this unit.
Unit C- Biochemistry
During this unit students are exposed to basic chemistry of life. This is a necessary precursor
for understanding cell functions, genetics, and metabolism which appear later in the year. This
material is specific to Quality Core A.5 and is NOT found in the NGSS life science standards,
although some of the fundamental concepts are addressed through physical science standards.
Unit D- Cell Structure and Function
In this unit students learn about cell structure and functions of the major organelles. Students
are also introduced to cell transport, membrane transport, and homeostasis. This material is
specific to Quality Core B.1 and is NOT found in NGSS.
Unit 1- Organ Systems
In this unit students discover how cells create organ systems that provide for the needs of the
organism. The following performance expectations are addressed: HS-LS1-2, HS-LS1-3, and HSETS1-2.
Unit 2- Genetics
A connection between the specialization of cells to create organ systems and genetics is HS-LS14. This is when students will learn about mitosis. The remainder of this unit is truly centered
around the inheritance of DNA and how DNA leads to the development of an organism. In
addition it addresses the connections between Mendelian and molecular genetics. The
following performance expectations are addressed: HS-LS1-1, HS-LS3-1, HS-LS3-2, HS-LS3-3,
and HS-LS3-4. Quality Core C.1.B, C.1.I, and C.1.N are NOT addressed in the NGSS.
Unit 3- Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
This unit specifically addresses the 2 physiological processes that primarily lead to the
movement of energy into living systems and the transfer of energy between organic molecules.
The following performance expectations are addressed: HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-5, HS-LS1-5, HS-LS16, and HS-LS1-7.
Unit 4 – Evolution
This unit explains how organisms have changed over long periods of earth’s history and the
mechanisms that direct those changes.
The following performance expectations are addressed: HS-LS4-1, HS-LS4-2, HS-LS34-3, HS-LS44, and HS-LS4-5. Quality Core D.1.A, D.1.E, D.1.F, D.1.H and D.1.N are NOT addressed in the
Unit 5 – Ecology
This unit is used as a culmination to the previous units. Students generally have considerable
prior knowledge of this topic. Also this time of year lends itself to outside activities. This unit
covers the movement of energy between abiotic and biotic systems, trophic levels, species
interactions, populations and resources and environmental impacts. The following
performance expectations are addressed: HS-LS2-1, HS-LS2-2, HS-LS2-6, HS-LS2-7, HS-LS2-8 and
HS-LS4-6. Quality Core F.1.A, F.1.L, and F.1.M are NOT addressed in the NGSS.