PPT presentation - Tempus Project Site

Reporting on Project Results for
Joint European Project
Tempus CD JEP 16160/2001
Innovation of Computer Science Curriculum
in Higher Education
Prof. dr Ivan Milentijevic
Prof. dr Mile Stojcev
Prof. dr Dragan Antic
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis
Serbia and Montenegro
About the project
Main events
Publishing activities
Innovation in teaching at FEEN
Student mobility
Contractor institution:
CSUD – Computer Science Department,
University of Dortmund
Coordinating institution:
FEEN – Faculty of Electronic Engineering,
University of Nis
Consortium members:
TEIA – Technological Education Institution of Athens
FNSMS – Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,
University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje
FSMN – Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,
University of Nis
About the project
Project is supported by
European Commission
Directorate-General XXII
Education, Training and Youth
Tempus Joint European Project (JEP)
Type of the project:
Curriculum Development JEP
Duration of the project:
3 years
Total amount of the project budget
€ 481.548
Project Objective
To innovate undergraduate curricula in computer
science, by restructuring existing and involving
new high quality courses, flexible enough to adapt
to the new technologies and the future one's.
To develop cooperation between consortium
 Reconstructions of CS courses in
fields: Computer Architecture (CA),
Logic Design (LD), Data Base Systems
(DBS), Computer Networks (CNet) and
Internet & E-Technologies (IntET).
 New subjects in Computer Science.
 New teaching environment in CS
courses and retraining of teaching
 Progress reviewed and future
activities planed.
Organizational Structure
Project Contractor
prof. dr Claudio Moraga
University of Dortmund
External Expert
prof. dr Rolf Drechsler
University of Bremen
Project Coordinator
prof. dr Mile Stojčev
Faculty of Electronic Engineering
Central Management Team
prof. dr Katerina Georgouli – TEIA, prof. dr Marjan Gušev – FNSMS,
prof.dr Ivan Milentijević – FEEN, prof. dr Miroslav Ćirić - FSMN
for Logic
for Internet
Central management team
prof. dr Claudio Moraga
prof. dr Mile Stojčev
prof. dr Katerina Georgouli
prof. dr Marjan Gušev
prof. dr Ivan Milentijević
prof. dr Miroslav Ćirić
6 CMT meetings were held
Main events
Workshops, symposiums and seminars were
specific checkpoints for the project.
Public present. on project results –
Total number of realized events:
Total number of prepared presentations: 153
from 17 different academic institutions.
Main events
Workshop on Computer Science Education
(Skopje September 30th - October 1st, 2003)
Workshop on Computer Science Education
(FEEN, Nis October 2nd - October 3rd, 2003)
Symposium on Innovation of Computer
Science Curriculum in Higher Education
(TEI, Athens, April 21st., 2003)
Main events
Workshop on Laboratory Practicing in Computer
Science Education
(FEEN, Nis, Jun 19th, 2003)
Workshop on Innovations in Teaching of Computer
Science Courses
(FEEN, Nis, October 07th, 2003)
Workshop on Teaching Methods In Computer Science
(FNSM, Skopje, October 08th, 2003)
Workshop on Tools for CS Education
(FNSM, Skopje, 11th – 14th December, 2003)
Main events
Symposium on Innovation of Computer Science
Curriculum in Higher Education: Retraining of Young
teaching staff
(TEI, Athens February 24th-27th, 2004)
Joint working group meetings
(CS Department, Dortmund, March 15th-19th, 2004)
Public presentation of project results in the second
project year
(FEEN, Nis, April 23rd, 2004)
Workshop on Computer Science Education
(Ohrid (MK), September 22st-25th, 2004)
Main events
Workshop on Education in Computer Science
(FEEN, Nis, October 13th, 2004)
3rd SEEITA and 2nd MASIT Open Days
(MBC Centre - Skopje fair, Skopje, 17-18 February,
Public Reporting on Project Results
(FEEN, Nis, March 4th, 2005)
2nd Symposium on Innovation of Computer Science
Curriculum in Higher Education and Intensive
Retraining of Teaching Staff
(TEI, Athens, March 30th – 31th, 2005)
Realization of Travels
Type of travel
No. of persons
Inside the
partner country
More then 70 colleagues were involved.
Publishing activities
Books published at FEEN:
14 + 5 = 19
Books published at FNSMS:
Total number of books:
Proceedings of papers
Special issue of Facta Universitatis
MATHEMATICS - The Collection of Tests Igor Z.
Milovanovic, Branislav M. Randjelovic
Numerical Mathematics - A collection of solved
Problems G. V. Milovanovic, M. A. Kovacevic, M. M.
Computer Techniques and Informatics - Questions
for the Entrance Exam Milena Stankovic
Microcomputer systems - The Collection of Solved
Problems M. Stojcev, T. Stankovic
Microprocessor Architecture, Part I M. Stojcev
Switching Theory for Logic Synthesis Tsutomu
Sasao; translated by Radomir Stankovic
Computer Architecture and Organization Nebojša
Discreet Networks and Signal Processing Vidosav
Lab manuals
Laboratory Manual for Microprocessor Systems
Tatjana Stankovic, Sasa Ristic, Milos Krstic, Ivan
Andrejic, and Mile Stojcev
Lab Manual for Artificial Intelligence Course Leonid
Stoimenov, Aleksandar Milosavljevic
Lab Manual for Data Structures Course Using Java
Slobodanka Djordjevic-Kajan, Leonid Stoimenov,
Aleksandar Dimitrijevic
Lab manuals
Lab Manual for Databases Course Using Oracle
Slobodanka Djordjevic-Kajan, Leonid Stoimenov
Lab Manual for Parallel Computer Systems Course
Emina I. Milovanovic, Vladimir M. Ciric
Lab manuals
Textbooks and manuals published at FNSMS
Computer architecture
Advanced computer architecture
Mobile and wireless technologies
Computer architecture
Microprocessors and microcontrollers
Textbooks and manuals published at FNSMS
Textbooks and manuals published at FNSMS
Lab manuals
Computer architecture
Microprocessors and microcontrollers
Parallel processing
Computer network design
System software
Internet technologies
Network and distributed operating systems
Textbooks and manuals published at FNSMS
Proceedings of Workshops on Computer Science Education
35 papers classified into 6 sections
Innovations in Computer Science
Lab Practicing
Teaching Tools
Internet Technologies in Education
Mathematics in Computer Science
Selected Topics
Facta Universitatis
Special issue devoted to
Computer Science Education
15 invited papers from 7
higher education institutions
To appear before the end of
April, 2005
Innovations in teaching FEEN
New topics involved in 25 different courses
Five completely new courses are established
and already delivered to students
Software engineering
Embedded systems
Mobile communications and services
Internet technologies
Software development using design patterns
Innovations in teaching FEEN
Work on reconstructing CS courses and
involving new courses in existing CS
curriculum initiated the work on draft version
of new CS curriculum.
BAMA structure of education is adopted
Syllabi for courses for joint first year for study
programs are adopted
Completely new Computer Science Curriculum
is made waiting to be adopted before May,
New teaching environment
What does it mean?
 New labs with new equipment
 Using modern multimedia teaching tools
 Web support to teaching
New teaching environment
What does it mean?
a)New labs with new equipment
b)Using modern multimedia teaching tools
c) Web support to teaching
New teaching environment
What did we do?
Two new teaching lab were established
(2 x (15PC + server).
New digital projectors and screens are at Computer
Science Department teaching staff disposal.
New literature was purchased
We are expecting upgrading of four
teaching/research labs before the end of the project
MTT + Web support
Modern teaching tools are applied at teaching
Important innovations relate to using and developing
original multimedia teaching tools (SimArch for
Computer Architectures, Intelligent Tutoring System for
Databases, Simulators for Computer Networks).
A lot of teaching material has been prepared for Web
E-Forum for discussion about proposals for new CS
curriculum has been initiated
Web site
All current activities and achieved results
concerning the Project CD_JEP-16160-2001
can be found at web address
Web site
Why is the site so important?
1. We announce incoming events on the site.
2. We inform our colleagues about the project.
3. The site contains a lot of presentations with high
quality academic contents.
4. Follow-up, for each event, is available on the site.
5. The site provides information about the status of
the project.
6. The site is an open report for the Commission.
Student mobility
Student mobility and accompanying academic
recognition are assumed to be necessary
prerequisites for an open and dynamic European
educational area that will aid European integration
and labor market mobility.(SM_Europe).
Student mobility: Organizing procedure
Organization and implementation of student
mobility program can be defined by 4-stage
Stage 1: Preparatory activities
Stage 2: Selection procedure
Stage 3: Realization of travels
Stage 4: Follow-up activities
Student mobility: Public competition
Applying for a candidate for a four-week-stay
University of Dortmund (CSUD), Germany
 (6 scholarships)
Technological Education Institute of Athens
(TEIA), Greece
 (4 scholarships)
Institute for Informatics of The Faculty of Science
and Mathematics Skoplje (FNSMS), FYR
 (2 scholarships)
Student mobility: Competition criteria
The recommendation of at least professor was
While choosing a candidate the Commission was
evaluating the following criteria:
Average mark from the group of courses
Average mark during the studies
Laboratory work and activities at TEMPUS club
Language proficiency in English (or German)
Results international competitions
Duration of studying
Student mobility: Realization
Finding working places for selected
Travel organization (transport, visas and
Travel realization
Supervising in host institution
Students’ work
Student mobility: Students’ work
University of Dortmund
Group I:
 Dortmund University Campus web site project “Being the student in
 http://lrb.cs.uni-dortmund.de/nis/
Group II
 Involved in embedded systems research group with specific
tasks that relates on source code optimization techniques for
embedded system software development
University of Athens
Group I
 Development of “CV Archive” web portal, aimed to allow
web-based management of staffs’ CVs
Group II
 Visualization of artificial intelligence algorithms
Student mobility: Follow-up activiteis
Formal recognition at home institution
Reporting (accademic and financial
Promotion of student mobility program
Using student mobility program in
faculty marketing campaign
Student mobility: Benefits
Personal development
Foreign language proficiency
Cultural awareness
Instead of conclusion
We had very successful Tempus Project
I hope that we will have a chance to
work together again