Photosynthesis- How plants eat!!! Grade 4 Heterograph vs. Autograph Heterograph (or consumer): Organisms that need to get their energy from the foods they eat. Example: Humans and animals Autographs (or producer): Organisms that use light energy from the sun to produce the food they need. Example: Green plants Photosynthesis Autographs use photosynthesis to produce their own food. Photosynthesis- made up of a prefix- Photo (light) and suffix- synthesis (to put together) Photosynthesis is the production of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water, using sunlight as the source of energy and with the aid of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll: pigment in leaf that absorbs light. Ingredients needed for Photosynthesis Photosynthesis could be compared to a recipe. It is a set of steps that happen inside the cells of green plants. Before we can start the “recipe” there needs to be all of the right ingredients. Ingredients: Light energy- from the sun Water- gathered from the soil by roots Carbon dioxide- from the air Chlorophyll- found in the cells of green plants Steps of photosynthesis 1. The chlorophyll in the cells of the plant absorbs light from the sun 2. The sun’s energy splits the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen 3. The hydrogen joins with carbon dioxide to make sugar (food) 4. The sugar is carried to other parts of the plant. The extra oxygen is released into the air Photosynthesis Plants do that, Plants do this, Plants do photosynthesis! Green plants do, Make their food, Water, sunlight, C-O-2! Every time, They wanna' meal, Plants photosynthesize, With zeal! Pigment called, Chlorophyll, Fills green plants, On windowsill, Lets those plants, Feed us all, Lets green plants, Feed the world! And they give, O-2 To breathe, Better hope, Those plants, Don't leave! Now just give, Plants a kiss, For their photosynthesis... Diagram of photosynthesis Twenty Questions Subject: Photosynthesis Twenty Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. Organisms that get their energy from the food they eat, are called? Heterographs 2. What is an example of a heterograph? Human or animal 3. Organisms that use light energy from the sun to produce the food they need, are called? Autographs 4. What is an example of an autograph? Green plants 5. What is it called when autographs produce their own food? Photosynthesis 6. What does the prefix in photosynthesis mean? Photo- light 7. What does the suffix in photosynthesis mean? Synthesis- to put together 8. What is the definition of Photosynthesis? Production of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water, using sunlight as the source of energy with the aid of chlorophyll. 9. What is chlorophyll? A pigment in leaf that absorbs light 10. Where do plants get “light energy”? The sun 11. How do plants gather water? Roots in the soil 12. Where do plants get carbon dioxide? From the air 13. What are the 4 “ingredients” for photosynthesis? 1. Light energy 2. water 3. Carbon dioxide 4. Chlorophyll 14. What does the suns energy do inside the plant? Splits the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. 15. What is the plants food? Sugar or glucose 16. Hydrogen joins with carbon dioxide to make? Sugar (food for the plant) 17. What happens to the extra oxygen? Released into the air 18. True or false: Sugar is carried to other parts of the plant, besides the leaves. True 19. What do plants give off that humans need? Oxygen 20. What is the most interesting thing you learned? Something they learned in the slides