INTRODUCTION How’s your Business English? • Open a Forex Account and Get 60% Bonus on All Deposits. • Investors expect a 15% return • OECD countries spend 1.6% of GDP on higher education • Trans-Pacific free trade deal agreed • Obama says Pacific trade deal will 'level the playing field‘ • Twitter names Jack Dorsey permanent CEO Business English terms? • Jimmy Choo Ltd. plans an initial public offering in London next month, betting that consumer demand for its $1,995 Lust peep-toe sandals can draw investors as larger luxury companies confront slumping demand in Asia. Source: Business English terms • Jimmy Choo Ltd. plans an initial public offering in London next month, betting that consumer demand for its $1,995 Lust peeptoe sandals can draw investors as larger luxury companies confront slumping demand in Asia. Source: These days in Croatia’s business media... • Podravka preuzima većinski udio u Žitu • Moramo biti još konkurentniji • Iz EU fondova stiže još 4 milijarde kuna • Sisačko-moslavačka županija: Rashodi prevagnuli nad prihodima These days in Croatia’s business media... • Podravka preuzima većinski udio u Žitu • Moramo biti još konkurentniji • Iz EU fondova stiže još 4 milijarde kuna • Sisačko-moslavačka županija: Rashodi prevagnuli nad prihodima These days in Croatia’s business media... • Podravka acquires majority stake in Žito • We have to be even more competitive • 4 billion kuna more from EU funds • Sisačko-moslavačka county: Expenditure exceeds revenue Economic affairs in political debates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. „izvoz na svjetska tržišta” „više mirovine” „stabilan tečaj” „rast BDP-a” „smanjenje PDV-a” „pomoć malim i srednjim poduzetnicima” „nova ulaganja” „niži porez na dohodak” Does this help? markets PIT GDP global exchange rate growth SME investments cuts pension Economic affairs in political debates • • • • • • • • ‘exports to global markets’ ‘higher pensions’ ‘stable exchange rate’ ‘GDP growth’ ‘VAT cuts’ ‘assistance to SMEs’ ‘new investments’ ‘lower personal income tax’ Business English also in Croatian • ICT će transformirati hrvatski biznis (Jutarnji list) • Ulaganje u hrvatski start-up (Jutarnji list) • Plodine i Tommy imaju najveću EBITDA maržu (Večernji list) Business headlines • Twitter plans layoffs next week • Ferrari’s US IPO to raise as much as $900m • Wal-Mart Changes CFO Source: Reuters Business headlines 1. U 2015. crowdfunding na svjetskoj razini premašit će 34 milijarde dolara 2. Slaba potražnja i niske kamate 3. Dobit povećana 113,4 posto 4. Sanacija Jadranske banke:banka ostvaruje gubitke, imovina manja od obveza 5. Hrvatsko devizno tržište: lagani rast kune 6. Tiskara Vjesnik: glavna skupština 3. studenoga Use these words for translation: currency losses bailout up assets AGM profits market rehabilitation liabilities UNIVERSITY ESSENTIALS • name • people • school organization • studies (degrees, study programmes, majors, courses, exams) Degrees (academic titles) 3 degrees (first, second, third) 1.bachelor’s degree (3 or 4 y. of study) 2.master’s degree (min.5 y of study)’s degree, PhD (min.8y) Degrees (cont.) I am studying for a degree in economics/business He received his MA degree from the University of Zagreb. She has a MSc in biology. I thought she had a PhD. Prepositions? I am studying ... a degree in economics/business He received his MA degree ... the University of Zagreb. She has a MSc ... biology. I thought she had a PhD. Prepositions I am studying for a degree in economics/business He received his MA degree from the University of Zagreb. She has a MSc in biology. I thought she had a Ph.D.. Arts vs. Science • Arts, humanities, social sciences (?) • Natural sciences using quantitative methods (incl. social sciences?) • Bachelor of Arts (BA) • Bachelor of Science (BSc) • Master of Science (MSc) • Master of Arts (MA) of Economics/Business e.g. Bachelor Overview • FEB and its organization: the Dean, the Council, departments • People: students:full-time s. /part-time s., junior s./senior s. faculty (teachers): professors, lecturers, assistants administrative staff: the Student Administration Office • Studies: undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate / study programmes: Economics, Business / full-time, part-time study programme • Courses:curriculum, syllabus, compulsory/elective/optional c. • Exams: preliminary e., final (comprehensive) e., sign up (apply for) an exam, take an exam, sit an exam, pass an exam, fail an exam. The Bologna System • 3y+2y+3y programmes (or 4+1+3 or 5+0+3) • European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) • 1 ECTS credit = 25-30 work hours • Diploma Supplement The Bologna reform General aims: • Mobility (course comparablity) • Employability • Competitiveness The European dimension (e.g. 2+1 languages) Life Long Learning In order to LLL – Learn how to Learn!! literacy & numeracy + resourcefulness reading & critical thinking writing & speaking (in an organised manner) searching for information & knowledge e.g. internet sources: MOOC, Khan Academy, Ted Talk, … • • • • • • • Higher education/ tertiary education Oxbridge Enrolment Degrees Tuition fees Research papers Graduates What is the difference between...? ECONOMIC ECONOMIZE ECONOMICAL ECONOMICS ECONOMIST ECONOMY ECONOMIZE, ECONOMICAL, ECONOMIC, ECONOMICS, ECONOMIST, ECONOMY 1. …………………………… (adj.) 1.relating to or involving economics, money, finance, 2.which produces enough profit to make it worth continuing with 2. ……………………………(n.) someone who studies the way in which wealth is produced and used in an area 3. …………………………… (v.)to reduce the amount of time, money, goods etc. that you use 4. …………………………… (n.)1.the system by which a country’s goods and services are produced and used, or a country considered in this way, 2.the careful use of money, goods, time etc. so that nothing is wasted, 3.a way of spending less money 5. …………………………… (adj.)using money, time, goods etc. carefully and without wasting any 6. …………………………… (n.) the study of the way in which wealth is produced and used 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ECONOMIC (adj.) 1.relating to or involving economics, money, finance, 2.which produces enough profit to make it worth continuing with ECONOMIST (n.) someone who studies the way in which wealth is produced and used in an area ECONOMIZE (v.)to reduce the amount of time, money, goods etc. that you use ECONOMY (n.)1.the system by which a country’s goods and services are produced and used, or a country considered in this way, 2.the careful use of money, goods, time etc. so that nothing is wasted, 3.a way of spending less money ECONOMICAL (adj.)using money, time, goods etc. carefully and without wasting any ECONOMICS (n.) the study of the way in which wealth is produced and used ECONOMIC, ECONOMIZE, ECONOMICAL, ECONOMICS, ECONOMIST, ECONOMY 1. The country is facing a severe.... crisis. 2. He expects Europe’s ............ to grow faster. 3. This system was extremely ............ because it ran on half-price electricity. 4. ............ is the oldest in social sciences. 5. What has gone wrong with the ............ system? 6. Some ............ analysis is required here. 7. Strikes were damaging the country’s ............ 8. She has a degree in ............ RB: ex.III (p.14) 1. The country is facing a severe ECONOMIC crisis. 2. He expects Europe’s ECONOMY to grow faster. 3. This system was extremely ECONOMICAL because it ran on half-price electricity. 4. ECONOMICS is the oldest in social sciences. 5. What has gone wrong with the ECONOMIC system? 6. Some ECONOMIC analysis is required here. 7. Strikes were damaging the country’s ECONOMY. 8. She has a degree in ECONOMICS. Group the following: IKEA tyre chocolate mechanic’s cocoa/sugar furniture wood rubber Konzum Different sectors of the economy PRIMARY SECTOR SECONDARY SECTOR TERTIARY SECTOR Cocoa/Sugar Chocolate Konzum Wood Furniture IKEA Rubber Tyre Mechanic’s Different Sectors of the Economy • Primary • Secondary • Tertiary *Quaternary sector : ICT, consultancy, R&D, education, culture, … (see MacKenzie, 2010, p.43, 44) Words, words, words (RB: p.14) • • • • • • • • • • • Industry vs. Manufacturing industry Consumer goods (1) Gravitate (1) Labour costs (1) “Rust-belt” (2) Rivals (2) Retrain (3) Outsourcing (3) Relocate (3) Counterpart (3) A fraction of salary (3) RB: p.24 1. Britain led the ......... revolution between the 1750s and mid 19th c. 2. But, today, ......... gravitates to countries with lower ......... costs. 3. This means that many companies have ........... some of their activities elsewhere. 4. Some workers therefore need to ...... or work in ......, which is not safe either . 5. All this may lead to high ........ in the developed world. ? „… a change in the pattern of human consumption….” (J.K. Galbraith, RB: P.23) Homework (MK: p.45) • heavy industry • services: accountants, lawyers, marketers, advertisers, real estate, entertainment, IT, ICT, R&D • advanced countries • labour costs • expertise • higher education • strengths Assignments: MK.45 1. Decide which arguments are in favour of manufacturing and which are in favour of services. 2. Make one short sentence to summarise each argument (1-7). RB:p.23 3. Read the text and answer the quest.