Whitley County Health Department Community Health Assessment & Improvement Plan June 28, 2014 Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 1 Table of Contents Community Partners……………………………………………………… 3 Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 4 Essential Public Health Services…………………………………………….. 5 Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)….. ……..5 Community Health Assessment: Community Health Status Assessment……………………………………… 7 Community Themes and Strengths………………….………………………15 Forces of Change ………………………………………………………….. 17 Local Public Health Assessment…………………………………………… 18 Strategic Planning Priorities………………………………………………... 24 Community Health Improvement Plan: Strategies…………………………………………………………………… 28 Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 2 Whitley County Community Partners Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition Haley Bargo Keith Barnett Sherry Blaylock Melissa Bond Teresa Bunch Jennifer Canada Margie Centers Stephanie Davis Marian Collette Sherry Paul Cooper Kathleen Croley Mattie Daniels Beverly Faulkner Jamie Freeman Debbie Hardin Debbie Harp Peggy Henderson Willard McBurney Elizabeth Neal Tamara Phelps Rich Prewitt Sharon King Donna Lang Katharine Lay Jayma Moore Jamie Moses Cheryl Owens Judy Petrey Leigh Powell Lee Richardson Kristen Smith George Paul Rains John Taylor Shannon Thacker Gail Timperio Patricia Turner Cecelia White Baptist Health Whitley County Adult Education Women’s Health Associates Whitley County Extension Office Whitley County Health Department Whitley County Health Department HANDS Whitley County High School YRC Corbin United Effort Independence Place of the Cumberland Whitley North Family Resource Center HANDS Program Whitley County Extension Office Corbin Senior Citizens Whitley County Home Health Baptist Health, Corbin Kentucky University of the Cumberland Healthy Start and HANDS Supervisor Mayor of Corbin Kentucky HANDS Program Supervisor Whitley County Health Department Cumberland Valley Rural Electric HANDS UNITE Whitley County Health Department Firestone Industrial Products Healthy Start Whitley County Extension Office Whitley County Middle School YRC Cumberland Valley Area Development District Baptist Health Whitley County Extension Office Whitley County Board of Health Corbin United Effort Cumberland River Clinic (Daysprings) Whitley County Health Department Director Independence Place of the Cumberland Cumberland River Rape Crisis Center Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 3 Introduction Our local public health system faces challenges because of rising health care costs, managed care, and shrinking funding and resources. The Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition has become more devoted than ever to identify and address health issues in our community. We are proud to present our MAPP & Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), a combined effort from committed community partners (Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition), and the Whitley County Health Department. With continued collaboration with our community partners we are working diligently on goals and objectives from this Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan. This will be our first step to mobilize community partnerships to improve the health status of people in Whitley County. The action taken on these plans will result in a local public health system working together to deliver the 10 Essential Public Health Services. The 10 Essential Public Health Services are: 1. Monitor Health Status, 2. Diagnose and Investigate Health Problems, 3. Inform, Educate, and Empower People about Health Issues, 4. Mobilize Community Partnerships to Identify and Solve Health Problems, 5. Develop Policies and Plans that Support Health Efforts, 6. Enforce Laws and Regulations that Protect Health, 7. Link People to Health Services and Assure the Provision of Healthcare, 8. Assure a Competent Public Health and Personal Healthcare Workforce, 9. Evaluate Health Services,10. Research for Innovative Solutions to Health Problems. The Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of our 37 community partners that participated in visioning and planning sessions to develop the framework of the Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan. In addition, total of 1500 citizens of Whitley County participated in surveys for the Community Health Assessment. If you have any questions about our Community Health Assessment or Community Health Improvement Plan visit us at www.whitleycountyhealthdepartment.com , also look for updates on how we are changing our community for a healthier Whitley County Kentucky. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 4 STRATEGIC PLAN FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT The Whitley County Healthy Community (MAPP) Coalition was formed on October 6, 2010. The coalition used the community health improvement planning model known as Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP). This model was developed by the National Association of County and City Health Officials in cooperation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition used the framework to assess the strengths and needs of Whitley County and then formulated a plan to address identified needs. The figure below shows how the data is collected during the MAPP assessments. This model provided the necessary information for the entire process of creating a plan. The four assessments were: Community Themes and Strengths Assessment, Local Public Health System Assessment, Community Health Status Assessment, and Forces of Change Assessment. The Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition analyzed the assessment data, identified priority health issues and created this plan specifying program, policy, systems and environmental change strategies to improve the health of Whitley County. Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 5 Mission and Vision In the beginning of our coalition development a meeting was called with community members on October 6, 2010. The Whitley County Community Coalition discussed and brainstormed what would be included in our mission and vision and statement. This mission and vision included creating a healthier Whitley County Kentucky that included a comprehensive smoke-free policy prohibiting smoking in public, and all workplaces that protect non-smokers from the harms of secondhand smoke. The benefit would be that smoking rates will start to decline and fewer adolescents and young adults will start or use tobacco. Our vision includes healthier foods served in all of our schools and increased physical activity for all students throughout our county with at least 30 minutes every day dedicated to engaging students in real physical fitness activities. It also includes a community where individuals can walk, run, bicycle and engage in physical fitness activities. It includes having a community with good access to nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables. Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition’s primary focus is to create policy and environmental changes that will improve the health of places where we live, work, learn, and play. We hope to build lasting partnerships in the community to address obesity and other chronic diseases through a variety of nutrition, physical activity and smoke-free strategies that will improve the quality of life for all Whitley Countians. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 6 COMMUNITY ASSESSMENTS Four assessments were completed prior to the strategic planning phase. The four assessments included: Community Health Status Assessment, Community Themes and Strengths Assessment, Local Public Health System Assessment, and the Forces of Change Assessment. A total of 10 meetings were held to develop these four assessments and analyze information. Community Health Status Assessment: Demographics (2010-2013) Population Persons under 18 years old Persons 65 years and older White persons Black persons American Indian and Alaska Native persons Asian persons Persons reporting 2 or more races Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin Table 1: Whitley County 35,766 23.8% 14.4% (2012) 97.3% (2012) 0.8% (2012) 0.3% (2012) Kentucky 4,395,295 23.2% 14.0% 88.6% 8.1% 0.3% 0.4% (2012) 1.2% (2012) 1.3% 1.6% 1.0% (2012) 3.2% U.S. Census Bureau, 2010-2013 Demographics The Whitley County community covers 437.83 square miles containing two cities of Williamsburg and Corbin Kentucky. Whitley County has the population of 35,766 with 8l.4 persons within each square mile, and borders the state line of Tennessee. Whitley County is the home for University of the Cumberlands, which brings new students to our community of different race and ethnic groups. The community’s diversity (see table 1 above) includes African American, Asian, American Indian and Alaska native persons, and has a predominately White population. 23.8% of residents are under the age of 18 and 14.4% of residents are 65 years of age or older (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). The two area hospitals are Baptist Health located in the north end of the county (Corbin), and Jellico Community Hospital located over the Kentucky and Tennessee state line. Both hospitals provide medical services to our community. Socioeconomic Characteristics Whitley County has 37% of children living below poverty level compared to the 27% in Kentucky. The median household income (2011) was $29,876, lower than the state at $42,610 and significantly lower than the national median of $50,502 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). Socio Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 7 economic characteristics, such as, unemployment rates, insurance coverage and education level have been a very important determinate for health status in a community. The United States Department of Labor (2011) data revealed unemployment rates of 10.8% for Whitley County, 9.5% for Kentucky. The most recent health insurance estimates showed an uninsured rate of 18% for Whitley County equal to 18% for state of Kentucky. The graduation rate of 81% for all Whitley county high schools was higher than the state of Kentucky percentage of 78%. On the flip side of these statistics Whitley County residents with some college showed a lower rate of 42% compared to Kentucky average of 56% (2013 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps). Social and Behavior Indicators: Adults 2011 Indicator Obesity + Lack of Physical Activity + Prevalence of Overweight (percent of adults) Whitley Kentucky 37% 27% 39% 31% 66% 64% Data Source BRFSS Kentucky Health Rankings 2013 BRFSS Kentucky Health Rankings 2013 BRFSS Kentucky Health Rankings 2013 Maternal & Child Health Indicator Teen Birth Rate (ages 1519 per 1000) (1) Adequate Prenatal Care (2) Number of reported Child Abuse Cases (2010) (3) Low Birth weight (4) Births to mothers who smoked during pregnancy (5) Early Childhood Obesity (age 2-4) (5) Data Source: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Whitley Kentucky U.S. 61 50 21 81% 85% 75% 348 33,353 - 9.8% 36% 9.0% 24% 8.2% - 24.2% 15.6% 12.1% 2005-2011 National Center for Health Statistics 1999-2003 Kentucky Health Profiles 2011 KIDS Count Data 2004-2010 National Center for Health Statistics 2010 Kentucky Youth Advocates Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 8 Indicators Primary Care Physicians (per 1000) Whitley 1.3 Kentucky 1.0 US _ Immunization Coverage (ages 19-35 months) % of Uninsured Adults (under 65 years) % of Uninsured Children (under 19 years) Poor mental health days (average/month? 76% 80% 81% 18% 18% 11% 7% 7% - 5.7 4.3 2.3 Data Source 2008-2010 Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure 1999-2003 Kentucky Health ProfilesKentucky Institute of Medicine 2010 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates 2010 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates 2005-2011 BRFSS Cancers Indicators Cancer deaths (per 100,000) Lung and Bronchus Cancer deaths (rate per 100,000) Colorectal Cancer Deaths (rate per 100,000) Prostate Cancer Deaths (rate per 100,000) Breast Cancer Deaths (rate per 100,000) Whitley 244.33 102.73 Kentucky 222.85 79.00 US -- Data Source 2006-2010 Kentucky Cancer Registry 2006-2010 Kentucky Cancer Registry 21.66 20.37 -- 2006-2010 Kentucky Cancer Registry 19.43 18.45 -- 2006-2010 Kentucky Cancer Registry 11.11 13.95 -- 2006-2010 Kentucky Cancer Registry Heart Disease Per 100,000 population Heart Disease Deaths Whitley 287.2 Kentucky 224.0 Stroke Deaths 37.6 47.0 Data Source Kentucky State Data Center-Vital Statistics Kentucky State Data Center-Vital Statistics Prevalence of Asthma (percent adults) Per 100,000 population County data Whitley 15% Kentucky 13% Data Source BRFSS Prevalence of Hypertension (percent adults) Percent of adults who report they have told the health care professional they have hypertension or high blood pressure Whitley Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Data Source Page 9 County 34.9% BRFSS Cancer Cancer Deaths (age –adjusted rate per 100,000 population) All cancers Lung and Bronchus Colorectal Breast Prostrate Whitley Kentucky 203 90 19 19 212 75 20 23 25 Data Source BRFSS “ “ “ “ Diabetes Diabetes per 100,000 population Whitley Kentucky Percentage of population with Diabetes 14% 12% Diabetes screenings (Medicare enrollees that receive screening) 83% 84% Data Source 2010 Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 2009 National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Stroke Stroke Deaths (per 100,000 population) Age adjusted rate of deaths (due to stroke) per year Whitley 37.6 Kentucky 47.0 Data Source Kentucky State Data Center – Vital Statistics Tobacco Use Adults Prevalence of Youth Smoking Whitley 31% 25% Kentucky 26% 25% Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Kentucky Health Rankings Youth Tobacco Survey and Youth Risk Behavior Survey Page 10 Social and Mental Health Social and mental health factors can influence directly or indirectly the overall health status of an individual and the community quality of life. Mental health can be affected by substance abuse and violence factors. Looking at mental health; Kentucky Health Facts uses the BRFSS source to show data that residents of Whitley County reported having an average of 8 mentally unhealthy days per month compared to the average for Kentucky, of 4.0. The BRFSS data revealed social and mental health indicators, which included depression, stress, and problems with emotions within an individual’s daily life. The Kentucky BRFSS 2005-2011 also reported that the percentage of adults who report fair or poor health for Whitley County was 28% compared to Kentucky’s percentage of 22%. The safety of a child to grow and develop into adults is also an important determinate of mental and physical health. According to Kentucky Kids Count county data the number of child victims with substantiated abuse in 2012 was 174. County Health Rankings 2014 The health of a community depends on many different factors, including environment, access to quality of health care, high school graduation rates, unemployment, physical inactivity, smoking, access to healthy foods, and much more. The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute study was funded by Robert Woods Foundation. It ranks all 120 counties of Kentucky with 1 being the healthiest to 120 being the unhealthiest. Whitley County ranks 94 in health outcomes or “today’s health” or the length of life which tells if people are dying too early; and quality of life which tells how well people feel while living. Health factors are “tomorrow’s health” which measures health behaviors, clinical care, socio-economic and physical environment. Health factor measures behaviors such as tobacco use, diet and exercise, alcohol use, and sexual activity. Whitley County ranks 75 out of 120 counties. The county rankings are a snapshot of our community that shows where we live matters to our health. Health Outcomes Rank County Whitley Rank 94 Health Factors Rank County Whitley Rank 75 Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 11 Source: Kentucky County Health Rankings 2014 Community Health Assessment A total of 1506 surveys were completed by the citizens of Whitley County either online by Survey Monkey or through paper survey. The survey asked questions regarding health and safety issues within the community. The questions asked and the results of the survey are reflected in the following table: Question Answers (Top 3 if applicable) Percent of Respondents 1. In the list below, what do you think are the 3 most important areas we need to improve upon? Good Jobs Low crime/safe neighborhoods Healthy behaviors and Lifestyles 52.8% 33.1% 32/3% 2. In the list below, what do you think are the 3 biggest health problems in our community? Cancer Diabetes No Health Insurance Drug Abuse Meth Labs Alcohol Abuse 40.7% 37.9% 29.5% 59.5% 53.2% 38.6% 4. For survey purposes, please click the color RED. RED (1,502 respondents) 99.7% 5. Are you for or against a smoke free policy in all public places? For Against 77.9% 27.1% 6. Are you for or against alcohol sales in our community? For Against 47.8% 52.2% 7. Do you feel that breast feeding is important for infant health? Yes No 86.4% 13.6% 8. Do you know what the EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment) Program is for kids aged birth to 21 years? Yes No 46.1% 53.9% 9. How would you rate our community overall as a “Healthy Community?” Very Unhealthy Somewhat Unhealthy Very Unhealthy Somewhat Healthy 20.4% 52.2% 4.8% 22.6% 3. In the list below what do you think are the 3 most “Risky Behaviors” in our community? Those behaviors that have the greatest impact on overall community health. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 12 10. How would you rate your own personal health? Very Unhealthy Somewhat Unhealthy Very Healthy Somewhat Healthy 3.7% 22.0% 28.5% 45.8% 11. What is your postal zip code? 40769 40701 40759 53.7% 38.5% 2.9% 12. Sex? Male Female 26.5% 73.5% 13. Marital Status? Single Married 53.8% 46.2% 14. Age? Top 3 19-25 26-39 40-54 25.4% 24.7% 23.4% 15. Work Status? Full Time Unemployed Part Time Work at Home 44.3% 34.5% 18.5% 2.6% 16. Household Income Less than $10,000 $10,000 to 19,999 Over $50,000 28.9% 15.7% 26.6% 17. How do you pay for your Health Care? Health Insurance (e.g. Private Insurance, Blue Shield, HMO) Pay Cash (No Insurance) Medicare Medicaid Kentucky Spirit Medicaid Well Care Medicaid Coventry White/Caucasian African American/Black Hispanic/Latino 57.9% 16.4% 9.9% 6.7% 5.4% 3.2% 94.8% 2.4% 1.1% 19. Education? High School Diploma or GED College Degree or Higher Less than High School 45.8% 41.5% 12.7% 20. Where/how you got this survey? Workplace Personal Contact Health Department 26.0% 21.7% 19.2% 18. Ethnic Group? Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 13 Whitley County Health Synopsis Whitley County has good rankings in two areas: physical activity rates among adults and primary care physician to population ratio. Its challenges are high rates of smoking, obesity, diabetes, motor vehicle accident deaths, and infant mortality. Whitley County has among the worst health indicators in poor oral health, occupational fatalities, cardiovascular disease, lung, colorectal and prostate cancer deaths. Improved nutrition, increased exercise, and smoking reduction can reduce the risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Smoke-free policies and smoking cessation can help reduce lung cancer deaths and improve respiratory health. Early detection through regular screenings and treatment can reduce colorectal, prostate, and other cancer deaths. In the future more Community Health Assessments and statistical information will be gathered to give the Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition a better picture on how the Affordable Care Act has impacted health needs in our Whitley County community. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 14 Community Themes and Strengths Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition What are the themes that come from the data? A meeting was held August 27, 2013 and coalition members were asked to identify themes from the county data which were positive and concerning. Information was collected from the coalition members and is reflected below in the table. Positive County Themes Data Source Population Growth U.S Census Bureau projected a slow population growth for Whitley County Kentucky. The estimated population growth from 2010 was (35,637), compared to 2013, which is (35,637). 2010 BRFSS reveals that Whitley County Kentucky rates 8% compared to the State of Kentucky, 12%. 2010-2011 Kentucky Department of Education data shows 81% for Whitley County, and the State of Kentucky. 2009-2011 Kentucky Youth Advocates. Data was compared from Whitley County showing 15 compared to the State of Kentucky’s 22. 2008-2010 Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure: Whitley County 1.3 compared to the State of Kentucky 1.0. Two hospitals service Whitley County, Baptist Health and Jellico Community Hospital. 2006-2010 Kentucky Cancer Registry: Whitley County, 11.11 compared to State of Kentucky, 13.95. Low excessive drinking rate High School graduation rates Asthma Hospitalizations 2009-2011 (per 10,000) Primary Care Physicians (per 1,000) Breast Cancer Deaths (rate per 100,000) Concerning County Themes Children in poverty Teen Birth Rate (ages 15-19 per 1,000) Data Source 2010 Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates. Whitley County poverty level is 37% compared to Kentucky, 27% and US, 14%. 2005-2011 National Center for Health Statistics. Whitley County 61, compared to Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 15 Early Childhood Obesity (2-4 yrs.) Births to mothers who smoked during pregnancy Cancers deaths (per 100,000) Number of recreational facilities (per 100,000) Poor Mental Health (average/month) Lack of Physical Activity (% of adults 20 and older reporting no leisure time physical activity) Tooth Loss (percent of adults missing 6 or more teeth) Immunization Coverage (ages19-35 months) Adult Smoking Sexually Transmitted Infection (Chlamydia rate per 100,000) Kentucky 50, and US, 21. 2010 Kentucky Youth Advocates. Whitley County, 24.2% compared to Kentucky 15.6%, and US, 12.1%. 2009 Kentucky Youth Advocates: Whitley County, 36% compared to Kentucky, 24%. 2006-2010 Kentucky Cancer Registry: Whitley County 244.33 compared to Kentucky, 222.85 2010 County Business Patterns: Whitley County, 3 compared to Kentucky, 8 and US, 16 2005-2011 BRFSS: Whitley County, 5.7 days compared to Kentucky, 4.3 and US, 2.3 2009 National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Whitley County 35% compared to Kentucky, 31% and US, 21% 2008-2010 BRFSS: Whitley County, 33% 1999-2003 Kentucky Health Profiles— Kentucky Institute of Medicine: Whitley County, 76% compared to Kentucky, 80% and US, 81% 2008-2010 Kentucky Youth Advocates: Whitley County, 31% compared to Kentucky, 26% and US, 13% 2010 National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention: Whitley County, 160 compared to Kentucky, 377 and US, 92 Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 16 FORCES OF CHANGE ASSESSMENT: (Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition) On August 27, 2013 a discussion was led by Angela Carman with the Community partners of the Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition to identify forces, trends, factors or events that are or will be influencing the health and quality of life of the community and the work of the local public health system. A brainstorming session was held and answers were recorded and placed in specific forces of change categories as follows: Social Forces of Change Substance Abuse Mental health issues Legal/Ethical Forces of Change: Alcohol Sales increase health problems 2 cities of Whitley County became Smoke-free Alcohol sales brings in money Economic Forces of Change: Funding Sources diminishing Losing school nurses in schools Lost 650 jobs from companies closing CSC Government agency closed in Williamsburg Political Forces of Change: Affordable Care Act Legislation/program cuts New Judicial Center built Environmental Forces of Change: Garbage disposal Recycling Scientific Forces of Change: Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 17 Growing number of obese children Children with chronic health problems Overuse/Over prescribing of pain medications Technological Forces of Change: Electronic Medical Records Everything is going to computer systems Local Public Health System Assessment: The Whitley County public health system was assessed by organizations and agencies that serve Whitley County and part of the Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition on August 27, 2013. The purpose of this assessment was to identify our public health system’s strengths and weaknesses by using the 10 Essential Core Functions of Public Health Services and then decide upon opportunities for continuous improvement. Whitley County Health Department is only one of many partners in Whitley County’s public health system. The public health system includes governmental agencies, healthcare providers, human service organizations, school, and universities, faith institutions, youth development organizations, economic and philanthropic organizations. Essential Public Health Service (EPHS) #1: Monitor Health Status Whitley County Health Department- Monitor health status to identify and solve community health problems; Community Health Assessment; Applying for Grants; Starting Programs looking on policy changes in health; Health Risk Assessment; Home Visits-monitor prenatal, postpartum care; In-home depression, screening, domestic violence screen; Monitor statistics (all sources). Baptist Health Center and Baptist Health Systems, Inc. The hospital is located centrally among the three counties of Knox, Whitley and Laurel. Baptist Health completed a hospital community health assessment to identify health needs in the community. Baptist Health provides many educational programs throughout the community on cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension and CHF, diabetes, obesity, teen births, cancer and uninsured/forego care due to cost, that includes depression, bone density, cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure and PSA blood test screening for our community. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 18 Whitley County Cooperative Extension Service through EFNEP program- Through EFNEP program and our NEERS federal reporting # 1 is covered partially through partner in the Diabetes Coalition and the Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition; Whitley County Extension provides educational classes to the community on gardening, baking, budgeting, nutrition, 4-H programs for children and teenagers in the schools, and etc. Jellico Community Hospital located on the Kentucky and Tennessee state line, provides educational programs in the community on many health topics. Women’s Health Associates- Sexually Transmitted disease reporting; EPHS #2: Diagnose and Investigate Health Problems Whitley County Health Department- Investigate diseases; Environmental Health Services School/restaurant/ other facility inspections; Epidemiology-Infectious Disease Control& reporting; Lead Program, Food safety; Pool Safety; Flu Outbreak; Food borne illness; Baptist Health Hospital- The hospital and physician offices ensures infection and disease control practices are followed and reporting to diagnose and investigate health problems. Whitley County Cooperative Extension Service through EFNEP program- Work in Substance Abuse rehab to better educate; Example- Pregnant mom’s coming off substances to take proper care and have a healthier infant. Also through various Advisory Councils; Advisory Council assesses community needs for education on a yearly basis. The council is made up of many in the community; Jellico Community Hospital- Infection and Disease Control practices are implemented by the hospital and physicians’ offices, reporting to diagnose and investigate health problems. Cumberland Valley Electric- Investigate and correct health safety hazards in the community on a regular basis- stoplights-security lights-road light poles; EPHS #3: Inform, Educate, and Empower People about Health Issues Whitley County Health Department- Tobacco Prevention & Control; WIC counseling; Postponing Sexual Involvement and Reducing the Risk in the schools; Food Service Handler classes; Home Visiting (pregnant women & infant children) offering education and information; Diabetes Self-Management classes; Healthy Start/HANDS; Medical Nutrition Therapy; Counsel patients on health and educate them on how to help themselves; Work in community, schools and other organizations to educate on health issues; . Baptist Health Systems provide many educational programs throughout the community on cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension and CHF, diabetes, obesity, teen births, cancer and uninsured/forego care due to cost that includes depression, bone density, cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure and PSA blood test screening for our community. Psychiatry, chemical Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 19 dependency programs, and rehabilitation are among the many services the hospital provides in the community. Comp Care- Provide mental health & substance abuse treatment to children and adults; provide training on suicide prevention to schools and community groups; Jellico Community Hospital provides educational programs in the community on different health topics. Health screening services are provided at community events, health fairs in Whitley County and surrounding areas. Whitley County Cooperative Extension Service through EFNEP- Inform and educate through various classes taught; Nutrition Education Program and March of Dimes; Education about- nutrition, budgeting, aging, agriculture, arts, horticulture, 4h; Whitley and Corbin Senior Citizens- Monthly nutrition education; Health issues educationheart, diabetes, hearing, falls prevention, elder abuse; Utilize Baptist Health and Health Departments; Women’s Health Associates- Educate patients on importance of preventive care; Partner with AHEC to educate pregnant patients; Cumberland Valley Electric- School electrical safety classes; Volunteer fire department safety training; Independence Place- Women obtaining treatment for alcohol and drug addictions; EPHS #4: Mobilize Community Partnerships to Identify and Solve Health Problems Whitley County Health Department- Diabetes coalition, Whitley County Healthy Community coalition; Healthy Start coalition; Dental Health coalition; Home Health advisory; Board of Health actions; Medical Reserve Corps; Consortia; Local Health System Health Plan; Baptist Health Hospital – The hospital partners with health organizations throughout the tricounty area to identify and solve health problems. Baptist Health is on many planning committees and coalitions. The hospital on going provides health screenings at many health fairs and special events in the community. Whitley County Cooperative Extension Service through EFNEP program- Work with the Housing authority groups; Comp Care TSR clients; Diabetes coalition group; Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition; Family Resource Centers and their advisory council groups; Rehab’s – substance abuse; Comp Care- Collaborate with OCBS, Schools & Court system; Sit on domestic violence councils and elder abuse councils; Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 20 Cumberland Valley Electric- Maintains community partnerships through financial assistance to nonprofit entities; Jellico Community Hospital – Ongoing partners with many community organizations to provide screening for cholesterol, blood glucose, and blood pressure and the hospital partners with health coalitions throughout Whitley County to identify and solve health problems. Corbin Senior Citizens- Elder Abuse Council; Independence Place- women that are in rehabilitation for alcohol and drug dependency; Bell Whitley Community Action – heating and electric assistance to residents in the community, and early head start program for children in Whitley County. Firestone Industrial Products – partners with different health coalitions in Whitley and provides small grant assistance for health and community activities. Firestone takes the lead with ongoing fundraising events that supports cancer projects in the tri-county area and employees. EPHS #5: Develop Policies and Plans that Support Health Efforts Whitley County Health Department- Board of Health actions/policies; Smoke-free policies; Disaster preparedness meets with Local Emergency Planning Committee quarterly, stakeholders include emergency manager for Whitley County, police, fire, Red Cross, University of the Cumberland, Baptist Health, and Firestone Industrial Products representatives. EPHS #6: Enforce Laws and Regulations that Protect Health Whitley County Health Department- Environmental services and safe food and water; Environmentalist; Environmental policies and regulations; Board of Health; Investigate reportable diseases- infectious disease control; Immunizations; STD/TB; Disaster preparedness practices for the community. Whitley County Cooperative Extension Services through EFNEP program- Teach food safety and March of Dimes curriculum; Promotion of healthy eating; Women’s Health Associates- Monitor monthly reports to assure patient care provided and does not fall through cracks – (pap smear follow); Firestone- OSHA practices for employees’ safety EPHS #7: Link People to Health Services and Assure the Provision of Healthcare Whitley County Health Department- Tri-County cancer coalitions; Healthy Communities coalition; Health start consortium; School advisory councils; HANDS; Home health services; Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 21 Contract with other providers for clinical services; outside referrals to needed resources and health providers, medical providers, etc; Whitley County Cooperative Extension Service through EFNEP program- Being part of different councils and collaboration efforts with various agencies; promote and let clients know about additional resources; Jellico Community Hospital – refers patients to specialists and area community organizations for additional resources. Comp Care- Refer to hospitals, private physicians, health department, domestic violence advocate, etc.; Provides mental health and substance abuse counseling to the community. Cumberland Valley Electric- Maintain data base of essential lifesaving equipment in residents to prioritize our work during an outage; Corbin& Whitley Senior Citizens Centers- Referrals to physicians, dieticians, and health departments for diabetes education; Referrals for community resources- Food pantries; Meals on Wheels for elderly that doesn’t have transportation and provides lunch for seniors at both locations. Baptist Health provides hospital referrals to specialists and other community organizations. Women’s Health Associates- Referral to patients to needed health care or Health Departments; Family Resource and Youth Resource Centers- The three school system provide health screenings for students and works with families to obtain additional resources by making referrals. Firestone Industries- provides in house nurse for employees’ health issues and refers employees’ to additional resources in the community. EPHS #8: Assure a Competent Public Health and Personal Healthcare Workforce Whitley County Health Department- Internal quality assurance; employee training; Training and education for staff-clinical providers; Junior Achievement and Southern Kentucky Chamber; Success skills in schools for job empowerment; Drug screens for employees; Baptist Health Hospital- The hospital provides employees with many employee training and education opportunities and, internal quality assurance procedures. Comp Care- Train new staff, train schools, train ER staff; Women’s Health Associates- Competence check lists for employees; Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 22 Jellico Community Hospital- The hospital ensures staff is given opportunity to obtain training and education. EPHS #9: Evaluate Health Services Whitley County Health Department- State reports on effectiveness on sexual abstinence and tobacco programs; Grant reporting; Quality assurance; Works with community agencies to develop Community Health Assessments. Whitley County Cooperative Extension Services through the EFNEP program- Our reporting systems helps with evaluations, etc; Baptist Health- Quality Assurance measures and works on Community Health Assessments. Jellico Community Hospital- Internal quality Assurance measures within the hospital. EPHS #10: Research for Innovative Solutions to Health Problems Whitley County Health Department- State trainings on new renovating programs on health that other states use and work; work with CDC, universities, participate in research activities; Comp Care- Provide evidence based treatment (trauma focused-cognitive behavior therapytrauma informed care-education programs); Baptist Health and Jellico Community hospitals research for innovative solutions to health problems by renovating and expanding patient’s services and buying state of the art equipment. Both hospitals opened urgent care clinics in Williamsburg and Corbin area. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 23 I. Strategic Plan Process Data was shared with the Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition group from objective statistics (data perspective), community forums (organizational perspective) and community surveys (individual perspective). Small workgroups were formed and each group was provided with handouts which contained information from the Three Perspectives on Community Health (data perspective, organizational perspective, and individual perspective). Each workgroup reviewed the Three Perspectives on Community Health and discussed which areas of focus they felt would have the most impact on the health of Whitley County. The workgroup process resulted in the following potential focus areas identified (numbers indicate the number of workgroup suggestions for that topic to become a strategic initiative): Substance Abuse – including alcohol and all drugs Chronic Disease – including prevention awareness, obesity, physical inactivity, cancer due to environment, unhealthy lifestyles/behaviors/diets due to cost and accessibility issues Economy/Unemployment Teen Pregnancy Transportation Workgroups were directed back to the Three Perspectives on Community Health handouts. In addition, workgroups were given a copy of the Local Public Health System Assessment (LPHSA) completed in the first forum. This information was used for workgroup discussions on the resources currently present in Whitley County to work on potential focus areas for improvement of Whitley County health. After reviewing the list of resources currently present in Whitley County, participants determined the following strategic initiatives were supported by the Three Perspectives on Community Health and by the resources available. Strategic Initiative #1: Substance Abuse (which includes alcohol; all prescription and illegal drugs) Strategic Initiative #2: Chronic Disease (with emphasis on unhealthy lifestyles/behaviors) In an effort to assure on-going progress toward the strategic initiatives community partners formed two volunteer workgroups to develop strategic initiatives in substance abuse and chronic diseases. The substance abuse workgroup met on January 15, 2014, and the Chronic Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 24 Disease workgroup met on January 22, 2014. These two workgroups will report back to the Whitley County Healthy Coalition with information from these meetings. Healthy Communities Chronic Disease Workgroup Substance Abuse Workgroup Owner: Whitley County Health Department, Kathy Lay Owner: UNITE - Carl Varney II: Methodology of the Workgroups The two workgroups set meeting dates: Substance Abuse workgroup, January 15, 2014 and Chronic Disease workgroup, January 22, 2014. The two columns below identified which community partners volunteered to meet and what workgroup. The workgroup responsibility was to develop goals and objectives for the strategic initiative of substance abuse and chronic disease and report back to the Whitley County Community Coalition. Substance Abuse Cecilia White Melissa Bond Debbie Harp Gail Timperio Jamie Moses Elizabeth Neal Jennifer Canada Patricia Turner Debbie Harden Cheryl Owens Kathy Lay Carl Varney (UNITE ) Chronic Disease Haley Bargo Teresa Bunch Kathleen Croley Sherry Paul Cooper Jamie Moses Elizabeth Neal Jennifer Canada Jamie Freeman Debbie Harden Marian Colette Mattie Daniels Cheryl Owens and Kathy Lay Substance Abuse (Strategic Initiative 1): The substance abuse workgroup met on January 15, 2014, the five whys were discussed for the reasons substance abuse is a problem in Whitley County. The workgroup brainstormed the following ideas and these were recorded: Poverty, lack of education, lack of immediate resources, lack of treatment money, teens/kids taking prescription drugs from home, lack of jobs, Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 25 mental health issues untreated, behaviors passed down through generations, lack of youth activities/recreation, transportation, rural areas, doctors prescribing pain medications, pain clinics, qualify less for social assistance with food stamps and social programs when they go to work, never ending cycle for drug users for relapsing, and parents who use substances. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely, (SMART) Goals were discussed and decided on by coalition members. The items of discussion were, Pill Dragon from UNITE, National Drug Take Back Days, Statewide Smoke-free Initiative editorials for paper and supporting this issue, Drug mobile Unit owned by UNITE, KYASAP assistance for activities. KYASAP for Bell, Knox and Whitley four goals in our community are: Tobacco prevention and Cessation services, pregnant women smoking, METH, and Alcohol. KYASAP provides money for science based school curriculum, for instance, Life skills. KYASAP will provide money for media and promotion of drug prevention and awareness activities in Whitley County. Celebrate Recovery Drug Support group was discussed for a possible activity to support and promote this program. The Whitley County Healthy Community Substance Abuse Committee decided on a goal for our substance abuse issue. Andy Croley Coroner of Whitley County has developed a program called Win one Way that brings different celebrity/athlete speakers to the area schools and talk about what drugs have done to their life and how they have recovered. The message targets middle and high school teenagers to stay away from drugs and alcohol. Andy Croley is currently seeking funding to provide drug kits to parents. Parents can obtain the drug kits at the local health department, coroner’s office and organizations where parents feel comfortable obtaining them. Chronic Disease (Strategic Initiative 2): The Chronic Disease workgroup met on January 22, 2014 at the Corbin Health Department. The workgroup reviewed the October 21, 2013 meeting minutes along with KAPHTC Community Physical Activity and Community Nutrition Interventions. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely, (SMART) Goals were reviewed before discussion began to create a strategic plan for Chronic Disease. The question was asked to the workgroup to start off discussion, why do we have a problem with Chronic Disease in Whitley County? This was an interactive discussion with members of this workgroup their answers were reflected why there was a problem in our community that contributed too many chronic diseases. The following answers were given and recorded: Lack of Physical Activity: lack of affordable recreational centers, generational behaviors passed down to children, lack of motivation, depression, not enough time to exercise, live in rural area, transportation issues, lack of PE time in schools, more emphasis on core content in schools, funding cuts in schools. Screen time, watching too much television, computer, IPad use, children not in sports or physically active due to living in rural area, lack of transportation, recreational facilities, and lack of parents modeling healthy behaviors themselves to their children. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 26 Nutrition: Access to convenient foods, healthy foods are more expensive, fast food is cheap and easy, new generations of people don’t know how to budget or cook food, lack knowledge on life skills, fast food desert, lack of access to healthy foods, no gardening and food preparation skills, model after parents with unhealthy eating behaviors, high consumption of sugary drinks, energy drinks and mental health issues. Tobacco Use: generational modeling from parents, parents buy tobacco products for kids, high number of pregnant women that smoke, alcohol and drug use, and socially acceptable in public. Screenings and Disease Management: Many people don’t get screened for health problems, noncompliant with medications needed for health problems, non-compliant with dietary plans, lack of knowledge and disease information, doctors don’t talk to patient about disease and provide resources from other organizations in the community to give education on chronic health issues, disease management to learn new behavior skills in diet and promoting physical activity. After the sub-committee looked into the 5 Whys, they further discussed what could be the main goals and objectives were decided on for Chronic Disease in Whitley County. After both of the meetings were held with workgroups goals and initiatives were developed to address chronic disease and substance abuse. The workgroups reported back to the Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition on March 18, 2014 to review the Goals and objectives of each initiative and were approved by the coalition. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 27 GOAL: To promote education and awareness of healthy lifestyle behaviors in Whitley County. Objective#1: From February 2014-February 2017, create and maintain community partnerships to increase the awareness of chronic health disease risks and prevention. Strategies: Cancer Awareness Timeline: Who: AHEC, Baptist Dinner for cancer Fall Annually Health, Whitley survivors and families County Health in Whitley County. Department, TriCounty Cancer In the Pink Cancer Coalition, Whitley Prevention Fall Annually County Healthy Symposium Community Coalition Ladies in Red Women Timeline: Who: Southern Cardiovascular Spring Annually Kentucky AHEC, Dinner Baptist Health, Whitley County Health Department, and Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition. Cardiovascular & Timeline: Who: Southern Diabetes Symposium Spring and Fall Kentucky AHEC, Annually Baptist Health, Whitley County Health Department Dare to Compare Timeline: Who: University of Health Fair, Spring and Fall the Cumberland’s, promoting the five Annually Whitley County components of fitness. Healthy Community Coalition, area health organizations, and Whitley County Microclinic Facilitator Health Department. Training and Training March 25, implementation of the 26th, and 27th 2014 program. 2 sessions June 2014 2 Microclinic Classes in Corbin and Williamsburg May 2014 Ongoing Whitley County Health Department Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 28 Objective#2: From February 2014-February 2017, promote and educate on programs and initiatives that will increase awareness of prevention strategies for type 2 diabetes. Strategies: Diabetes education Timeline Who self-management Spring annually Whitley County classes. Health Department Taking Ownership of Timeline: Who: Your Diabetes” Class July-September Whitley County Series Annually Extension Office 5-2-1-0 Program Timeline: Who: Microclinic Program Ongoing Whitley County in Corbin and Annually Health Department Williamsburg Promote Choose My Timeline: Who: Plate, USDA/CDC Ongoing Whitley County Nutrition and Physical Annually Health Department Activity Information Whitley County Extension Office Diabetes Support Timeline: Who: Group Annually Baptist Health (Linda Mills) Objective #3: From February 2014-February 2017, promotion of cessation programs that can decrease the adult (31%) and pregnancy smoking rates (36%) and provide education that can decrease the initiation of youth tobacco use (25%). (Baseline: Data Source BRFSS 2008-2010 and 2009 Youth Advocates). Strategies: Promote Quit Now Timeline: Who: Kentucky quit line to February 2014 and Whitley County patients. ongoing Health Department Tobacco Program, clinic and HANDS and Healthy Start Program. Promote the usage of Timeline: Who: Quit Now Kentucky February 2014 Whitley County to OB doctors, Ongoing Health Department Pediatricians, which and Whitley County would target pregnant Community Coalition women and parents that smoke. Educational programs Timeline: Who: at local schools and February 2014Whitley County youth events on February 2017 Health Department Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 29 dangers of tobacco use. UNITE Activities in schools. Objective #4: Increase access the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables in Whitley County. (Baseline: Consume 5 or more fruits and vegetables/day. Data Source 2008-2010) Strategies: Create community Timeline: Who: gardens within the city to promote access Ongoing 2017 Whitley County to fresh fruits and Healthy Community vegetable Coalition, and community organizations Promote and educate Ongoing Whitley County the public on the Extension office importance of Whitley County supporting Farmers Healthy Community Markets in Whitley Coalition County. Promote the Whitley County WIC Vouchers usage Farmers Market with patients. Strategic Issue #1: How can the Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition address the issue of substance abuse in Whitley County? Goal: Increase education and awareness of substance abuse issues in Whitley County. Objective #1: From February 2014 through January 2017 the Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition will provide educational information to the public twice per year on substance abuse and use the accidental dealer program to decrease prescription drug abuse. Strategies: Educate individuals Timeline Who on the risk of sharing Yearly in October Whitley County medications and how during the month of Healthy Community to safely dispose and Red Ribbon. Coalition, UNITE, store medication with RPC, Police a locked box. Departments, Baptist Health, and Whitley County Health Department, and KYASAP, Bell, Knox and Whitley. Participate in Take April and October Whitley County Back Initiatives that Healthy Community are held twice per Coalition, UNITE, Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 30 year. Partner with Whitley County UNITE by going to meetings and participating in activities. UNITE Camp for teens WIN ONE WAY PROGRAM (Andy Croley) Monthly meetings UNITE Camp Ongoing WIN ONE WAY PROGRAM (Andy Croley) Promote through education and media permanent Drug Drop-off location(s) within Whitley County. Ongoing RPC, Police Departments, Whitley County Health Department. Coordinate with Police Departments Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition, Whitley County UNITE, and University of Cumberland’s Coroner Andy Croley and Speakers that were former drug users that present at assemblies in the three school systems of Whitley, Williamsburg Independent and Corbin City Schools. Drugs kits for parent’s pickup places, health department, Coroner office, area organizations. KYASAP of Bell, Knox and Whitley County, Whitley County Healthy community coalition. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 31 Objective# 2: From February 2014 through April 2017, provide educational and prevention programs that will decrease the youth access and initiation of ATOD in Whitley County. Strategies: 1. Coordinate with UNITE to have the Drug Mobile Unit in all three school systems targeting 6th, 7th, 10th grades 2. Provide Lifeskills Science Based Curriculum in two schools systems 6th or 7th grade. Look for other grants and funding sources to implement LIFESKILLS into schools. 3. Accidental Dealer Program to target Parents and Grandparents Timeline February 2014 – May 2015 Who Whitley County Health, Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition, UNITE, school systems FRSC, YSC Timeline February 2014 Spring and Fall Who Whitley County Health Department Health Educator KYASAP, YRC, FRSC Ongoing Timeline Ongoing Whitley County Healthy Communities Coalition and School Systems Who Whitley County Healthy Community Coalition, health fairs, and provides presentations. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 32 Objective#3: From February 2014 –January 2017, will promote Quit Now Kentucky quit line and support Smoke-free Kentucky Initiatives. Baseline: 32 individuals per year average from 2012-2014. Source: Kentucky Department for Public Health, Manager Health Promotion Branch. Strategies 1. Support, Timeline Who promote, Ongoing until State is Whitley County Smoke-free Smoke-free Healthy Community Kentucky Coalition members Initiatives for the State of Kentucky to become Smoke-free. Coalition members will write editorials for newspapers, and contact legislators. 2. Promote the Timeline Who Quit-Now From February 2014 Area organizations, Kentucky quit ongoing Whitley County line to Healthy Community pregnant Coalitions, Whitley women and County Health tobacco users. Department. Whitley County Community Health Improvement Plan - MAPP Page 33