PROGRESS REPORT ON AUDIT FINDINGS OF 2011/2012 SRSA 1 AUDIT OF PREDERMINED OF OBJECTIVE •Management has put measures in place to align the yearly targets in the Quarterly Status Report Template to those in the approved Annual Performance Plan •The completed QSRM template is compared with the original information sent to management to prevent unauthorized changes. •Task teams reporting template has been circulated to all Chairpersons of task teams to report on monthly progress and on completion of projects. •Management will ensure that there is consistency in all QSRM reports and to make use of the QSRM data to compile the Annual Report. •SRSA discussed the DoRA indicators with provincial officials and standardized indicators across all provinces. This will ensure that interpretation of indicators and measurements is the same in all provinces. SRSA 2 AUDIT OF PREDERMINED OF OBJECTIVE. CONT. •Management provides reasons for variances for the set performance targets and includes corrective action plans as well as progress made in their reports. •The Quarterly Status Reports template addresses all the delivery areas within the department. •Changes to the APP and Quarterly targets are documented and approved. Evidence of approval kept in the relevant file •Evidence and supporting documents for performance reported kept in a file for audit purposes. •The Accounting Officer has establish a task team that focuses on the Conditional Grant requirements •Records to be kept for all required submissions by provinces and non-compliant provinces identified. •Withholding of funds from provinces that do not comply SRSA 3 AUDIT OF CONTROLS IN FINANCE AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT UNIT •The accounting officer reviews and approve relevant policies •Finance date stamps the invoices when receiving them, and capture date of receipt when processing payments. •Keep record of communication with National Treasury in verifying bank details. •The Supply Chain officials keeps copies of quotations for evidence. •All officials oriented about the new delegations. •Prices are benchmarked by various quotations received. •Tax clearance certificate required before processing of orders. SRSA 4 AUDIT OF CONTROLS IN FINANCE AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT UNIT. cont •Copy of invoices are certified before processing payments. •All deviations from supply chain procedures are recorded and approved as required by the policies. •SRSA to establish a new supplier data-base. •The data-base to be regularly updated when necessary •Conduct physical asset verification and identify redundant assets to be removed from the register. •Record all movements of assets in the prescribed forms and update the asset register accordingly. •All supporting documents attached to all claims, and payment requisitions before authorizing payments SRSA 5 AUDIT OF CONTROLS IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT UNIT •Filling of vacancies in Finance and SCM is in progress to provide the required capacity. •Leave management incorporated in the Performance Agreements of all SMS members to manage it in their specific units. •Reports of non-compliance by to be submitted to top management. •Set and comply with target dates for performance assessments and moderation of results. •Review of a special allowances against an approved list. •Circular on declaration of interest and the relevant send to all staff for completion and return to SCM & HRM. •Procedures are in place to recruit competent staff to fill key positions, and to restructuring is completed •The accounting officer reviews and approve relevant policies. SRSA 6 AUDIT OF CONTROLS IN THE TRANSVERSAL SYSTEMS (BAS/LOGIS/PERSAL) •Management amended the DRP and submit to MANCO for approval and signed off by the DG •Documentation of monitoring of passwords, user logon violations and user access to applications done on continuous basis. SRSA 7 AUDIT OF CONTROLS IN THE MONITORING OF PUBLIC ENTITIES AND FEDERATIONS •Monitoring of public entities’ is being improved to ensure compliance with all legal requirements •SRSA has deployed its own internal audit team to assist Boxing SA •DG has held a mentoring session with CEO of Boxing SA for BSA to come up with a new Business Model SRSA 8