MISSION, VALUES, VISION CONTACT INFORMATION 2243 Andersen Library www.uwworsp.org MISSION The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is a unit within the Division of Academic Affairs. The ORSP supports the institution’s strategic priorities related to the teacher-scholar model and regional engagement. ORSP’s mission is to enhance the research productivity of the University; increase internal and external support for scholarly activity; promote and facilitate commercialization of technology, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, and economic development; foster regional outreach and engagement; and celebrate the achievements of the campus community. VALUES As an academic service and outreach unit, the ORSP is committed to the academic excellence of the University. As such, the ORSP values: A broad definition of research and creative activity that includes the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of learning, and the scholarship of engagement; The pursuit of knowledge in an environment that encourages free and open inquiry, academic achievement, innovation, scholarship, and creativity; The collaborative nature of research, outreach, and other types of regional engagement; The importance of research experiences for undergraduate and graduate students; and The celebration of academic achievement and entrepreneurial activity. VISION The ORSP will contribute to the University’s success by providing important services related to grants (both internal and external) and other sponsored projects, research and entrepreneurial activity, technology commercialization, compliance, and regional engagement. In addition, the ORSP will create an environment that fosters professional development to better serve our constituents. CONTACT US NAME TITLE EMAIL PHONE OFFICE Laurie Taylor ORSP Director I-Grants Manager E-Grants Manager taylorl@uww.edu x 5289 2244 Carol Katch Compliance Manager katchc@uww.edu x 5288 2245 Chris Greenwood Budget/Grants Specialist GreenwooCM08@uww.edu x 5758 2248 Earle Young I-Grants Specialist younge@uww.edu x 5219 2243 The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Office Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) provides faculty and staff with information and technical assistance for identifying and obtaining internal and external funding in support of research, scholarship, and program development. WHO SHOULD I CONTACT FOR…. OFFICE # NAME Laurie Taylor Carol Katch Chris Greenwood Earle Young (Andersen Library) 2244 2245 2248 2243 PHONE # x5289 x5288 x5758 x5219 EMAIL taylorl@uww.edu katchc@uww.edu greenwoocm08@uww.edu younge@uww.edu PRIMARY AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY External grants Internal grants (proposal development) Proposal review/editing (both Internal and External) Contract development and review Official signatory for grants and contracts Liaison with funding agencies Conflict of Interest compliance IRB/Research involving human subjects IACUC/Research involving animals Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training requirements Internal grants (budget development) SMARTS system account setup and funding opportunity searches ORSP website, review portal management, reviewer accounts, and review surveys Internal grant forms and Requests for Proposals Internal and External grant award data Internal grant progress/final reports Liaison to Marketing and Media Relations for grant-related public relations information The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Office Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) provides faculty and staff with information and technical assistance for identifying and obtaining internal and external funding in support of research, scholarship, and program development.