8 July 2014 - Totnes Town Council

Present: Councillors Wellwood (Chairman), Harvey, Hodgson and Whitty
In attendance: Tatiana Cant (minutes), Andrew Pooley
Apologies: Councillor Gorman
No Subject
Apologies were agreed from Councillor Gorman.
To receive apologies and to confirm that any
absence has the approval of the Council.
To deal with any matters arising from the
Minutes of the meetings of 17 June 2014 and
note updates.
The minutes were agreed as a true record.
To note or discuss email from Andrew Pooley
re: signage at Steamer Quay
Andrew Pooley provided suggestions for adding
images of boats to town signage. A letter of
support to be written to SHDC recognising that
the boat trips are an important part of the town’s
economy. AP was advised to meet with Mike
Jones, DCC. AP offered to contribute some
funding. Item to be referred to Town Team.
To make recommendations on the following
planning applications:
a) No response had been received from the
letter to SHDC, Item 10.
1) 56/1433/14/LB– Listed Building
Conditional approval subject to
application (&56/1432/14/F –
i) the site being used for ancillary
Householder application) for conversion
accommodation only
of existing garage to ancillary
ii) the woodburner being a cleanburning / low
accommodation. Wrinklehorn, Bourton
emissions wood stove, suitable for
Lane, Totnes, TQ9 5JF. Applicant: c/o VK
smokeless zones
Design Consultants.(Planning Officer:
iii) the flue height to be sufficient to ensure
Nils White)
smoke clears without causing a nuisance to
neighbours – and the flue pipe to have a
black finish
2) 56/1418/14/F – Change of use from B1
(business) to D2 (assembly & leisure.
Units 1A & 1B, Horizon Units, Burke
Road, Totnes, TQ9 5XT. Applicant: Mr S
Wellington (Planning Officer: Chris
Concerns were expressed regarding potential
Health & Safety issues for children in streets on
an industrial estate. Otherwise no objections.
3) 56/1438/14/F - Conversion of existing
building to new dwelling. The Shippen,
Victoria Street, Totnes. Applicant: Mr M
No objection. Previous comments still apply:
Comments from meeting 25.01.11: “No objection
except that comment was made that this is the
Cast. (Planning Officer: Nils White)
Previous submission: 56/0107/11
4) 56/1465/14/F – Erection of single
residential dwelling, enlarging existing
gate to form vehicle access and works to
existing boundary wall (resubmission of
56/3004/13/F). Rear of 46 Fore Street.
Applicant: Mr M Cast. (Planning Officer:
Nils White)
5) 56/1423/14/F – Householder
application (&56/1424/14/LB – Listed
Building application for replacement
rear extension and internal alterations.
Little Meadow House, Plymouth Road,
Totnes. Applicant: Dr & Mrs Bruynseels.
(Planning Officer: Matthew Jones)
6) 56/1492/14/F – Householder
application for replacement of roof hip
with new gable end to side elevation.
Replacement of conservatory and coal
shed with single-storey rear extension.
Alterations to garage. 42 Denys Road,
Totnes. Applicant: Mr M Cox. (Planning
Officer: Chris Mitchell)
7) 56/1542/14/F – Householder
application for alterations and
renovation of outbuildings, to include
creation of WC/shower in studio and
new access and fenestration to
summerhouse (resubmission of
56/0894/14/F). Hidden Cottage, Collins
Road, Totnes. Applicant: Dr N Coles.
(Planning Officer: Richard Gage)
last site in this vicinity to be developed and it is
crucial that any land disturbance is supervised by
an archaeologist. This is due to the close
proximity of the site to the original line of the
medieval walls.”
The Committee supported the objections made
by a neighbour regarding the positioning of the
property, retaining the ash tree, using an
alternative cladding material to zinc, allowing
space for drainage and repairs to the wall and for
run-off and access issues. Cllr Hodgson observed
the discussion.
No objection.
Object on grounds of concerns expressed by
neighbour at 9 Westward Close regarding over
development, loss of amenity and concerns that
some development may already have been
carried out without full consent – letter to be sent
to check with Enforcement Officer.
No objection. Previous comments still apply:
Comments from meeting 06.05.14: “No objection
subject to approval of Conservation Officer.”
8) 56/1625/14/F – Householder
application for erection of detached
No objection but check that the size and height of
garage and entrance lobby. Milford
the building is appropriate for motorcycle only
House, Bridgetown Hill, Totnes.
Applicant: Mr A Millar. (Planning Officer:
Kelly Grunnill)
To note Notification to Undertake tree works:
56/1167/14. Fernleigh, Pomeroy Villas,
Bridgetown. Semi mature oak.
To note enforcement action re: Land rear of
Victoria House, Totnes
To note or discuss Inspector’s Decision re
appeal: Bob’s View, Totnes Down Hill
To note or discuss Inspector’s Decision re
appeal: Site at Western House, Station Road,
To note or discuss update re Follaton Oak
10 To note Official Notice of Street Naming: Bridge
11 To note or discuss email from Peter Rees re:
Our Plan consultation
RECOMMEND to Full Council that a Letter to be
written to SHDC to echo concerns re the
limitations of the existing highway infrastructure
around Totnes. Refer issue to Neighbourhood
Plan group and Totnes on the Move.
12 To note or discuss letter of objection to Totnes
Weir application.
Noted. The letter contained inaccuracies relating
to planned development.
13 To note or discuss minutes of Town Team
meeting, 18 June
Noted. It was recognised that it was useful to
maintain links between the groups on the Town
14 To note or discuss the minutes of the
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meetings
on 12 June
15 To note the date of the next meeting – Tuesday
29 July 2014 at 5pm