10 June 2014 - Totnes Town Council

Present: Councillors Whitty (Chair), Boswell, Cohen, Gorman and Vint Westacott
Apologies: Councillor Finn
In attendance: Tatiana Cant (Deputy Town Clerk), 4 members of the public
No Subject
To receive apologies and to confirm that any
absence has the approval of the Council.
Apologies were agreed from Cllr Finn.
The Committee adjourned for the following item:
Public Engagement Time: A period of 15 minutes
will be allowed for members of the public to ask
questions engage the committee regarding the
work of the Committee or other items that affect
The Committee convened to consider the
following items:
No members of the public were present.
To elect a Deputy Chair
Cllr Cohen was elected with unanimous support.
To deal with any matters arising from the
minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were agreed as accurate.
2. Dates for Lantern Workshops: 9, 16 and 23 December.
The group has requested one free use of the Civic Hall. This
will be referred back to Full Council.
9. Remembrance Sunday a letter of support still to be
written to the British Legion and offer of the Town Council
to engage with the British Legion in the ANZAC memorial
commemoration next April 2015.
After hearing of the request from a member of the public
to commemorate those animals who took part and died
while involved in active service, it was agreed to:
RECOMMEND to Full Council that a wreath be laid on
behalf of the animals lost in World Wars.
To discuss Working Group re new Year
arrangements: Terms of Reference,
Councillor participation and reporting back.
Cllrs Finn, Gorman and Westacott had joined this group.
The setting up of the working group by full Council was
discussed. It was felt that close communication and clear
terms of reference were required to ensure the
celebrations conformed to the expectations of the council.
Also that correct systems of monitoring the funding,
licences, health and safety and close cooperation with the
police, SHDC etc. were put in place. TTC would request
sight of all official paperwork to ensure that appropriate
permission had been granted.
To discuss the way forward from Full Council
on public raising ‘ability to pay’ guidance
from SHDC re Council Tax.
Further details to be gathered on the proposal to inform a
letter to be written to the MP and issue to be raised at
parish cluster meeting.
To discuss Community Engagement Policy and
The results of the questionnaire were discussed. Key areas
were identified and an agreed Action Plan would be
circulated to the committee including actions on schools,
updating the web site and holding meetings in Bridgetown
and Follaton. It was agreed to change the term ‘lead
councillor’ to ‘link councillor’ in all cases.
RECOMMEND the paper with agreed action points be
submitted to Full Council. The first 4 points to be
prioritised with a review in September. The
Neighbourhood Plan would engage with and incorporate
the methods within the Action Plan, the actions to be
monitored and feed in to the Neighbourhood Plan process
and evaluated.
To receive an update of database re groups
in the Town and available on TTC website
It was agreed that this was out of date, and that details of
current groups should be available in Totnes Matters when
that is published again. This was seen as a crucial action
point that covered many aspects of the Council’s work.
To note the 150 years anniversary of the
Wills Monument and decide if TTC intends to
mark the occasion and if a working group is
A simple ceremony was proposed to recognise the
conclusion of the commemorations. It was decided not to
set up a working group and it was agreed that this event
would not be marked.
To note minutes of recent Neighbourhood
Planning meetings.
These were noted.
To receive an update on Open Space
A meeting to be held with SHDC to discuss policy which
would also feed into the Neighbourhood Plan.
To receive an update on Borough Park
A meeting had been held with SHDC. Clubs were in the
process of acquiring their own licences to run and maintain
their services.
To note the DCC revised proposals for the
Youth Service and discuss implication for
Totnes, opportunities for the town and the
role of lead councillors
Details of the revised proposals and Universal Youth
Provision were discussed. Totnes to be one of eight areas
to receive provision. The nature of the proposed facilities
remained unclear. Cllr Vint to update the Full Council
meeting in July with any further developments.
Dates and location of future meetings
14 July at 10.00am in the Guildhall.