WY's Broadband Plan, Troy Babbitt

Troy Babbitt
Broadband Enterprise Architect
State of Wyoming
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
• Broadband Enterprise Architect – February 16, 2012
•Agency/Department : Enterprise Technology Services/ OCIO/
Enterprise Architect Team
• Previous: Senior Communications Technician – St of WY – 12+ years
Worked with:
• many of the State’s Internet Service Providers (ISP’s)
• many different technologies
• with State Agencies
• with Municipalities
• with University of Wyoming
• with Community Colleges
• in majority of the State’s High Schools
• on data and H.323 video units
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
State’s view on Broadband
Internet Service Providers:
•No bias or preference toward a technology or a provider
•Consider all technologies fair game for the delivery of broadband
service across Wyoming
•Different technologies from different providers include: Ethernet,
DSL, ATM, Frame-Relay, Cable, Wireless
• Different mediums – Fiber, Copper, Coax, Wireless, Satellite
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Broadband defined by:
•FCC = Federal Communications Commission
SPEED = 4Mbps down x 1Mbps up
•NTIA = National Telecommunications and Information
SPEED = 876Kbps down x 200Kbps up
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Roll of Broadband Architect
SBI – LinkWyoming & State of Wyoming
• State Broadband Initiative – LinkWyoming partner with other
subcontractors to meet grant requirements.
• State of Wyoming – representative for all State projects
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Roll of Broadband Architect
Broadband Advocate
• Primary responsibilities will be to serve as an effective champion and
advocate for the advancement of broadband access and adoption for
the State of Wyoming.
• Collaborate with the Capacity Building, Mapping, and Monitoring &
Evaluation (M&E) partners and support the ongoing LinkWYOMING
regional planning process.
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Roll of Broadband Architect
Administration and Oversight
• Keep abreast and coordinate efforts of capacity building partners
• Understand National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA) requirements for the SBI to ensure the State is in
compliance with all requirements and reporting
• Maintain documentation of in-kind match contributions of the OCIO
and regional planning teams and provide monthly documentation
pursuant to NTIA, applicable federal cost principles, and EdLab Group
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Roll of Broadband Architect
Relationship Management – A Few Themes
•One Voice: The value of a shared and collective voice across major
stakeholders is becoming more and more clear. Finding common
ground across key stakeholders including providers, government,
business leaders, health, education, ect..
•Government Role: conflict on this issue. Some say it’s the
government’s business to step in a help, others say government needs
to keep out and let the private sector work.
•Lack of Awareness: Continue to educated business leaders, consumers,
ect.. Of the benefits of Broadband connectivity.
•Data is Power: we continue to find people wanting/needing more data
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Roll of Broadband Architect with
LinkWyoming project
Started with 2009 NTIA Broadband Grant
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Stimulus funds:
•An assessment of the current availability, adoption and application: use
of broadband communications infrastructure throughout the state.
•Development of specific strategies to fill current gaps in broadband
access. Un-served and Under-served areas.
•Development of a “business plan” to expand the adoption of deployed
broadband and expedite the achievement of priority goals.
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Roll of Broadband Architect with
LinkWyoming project
State Broadband Data and Development
Grant Program
Awarded to EdLabs Group and their partners across the
LinkAMERICA Alliance as grant recipient on behalf of the State.
National Broadband Plan
•March 16, 2010, the Federal Communications Commission
released “Connecting America: The National Broadband Plan.”
•More information at: www.broadband.gov
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
SBI Program update…
LinkWYOMING moves into second half of NTIA’s State Broadband Initiative grant:
• Years 1 – 2 (initial grant period 2009) closed Oct 2011…all expectations / commitments met
• Provider data collection/mapping accomplished (including initial CAI – Community
Anchor Institutions - data)
• Public web site developed/maintained (www.linkwyoming.org)
• Regional broadband investment plans developed
• Key planning/support tools in place (www.wyomingdashboard.org)
• Years 3 – 5 (supplemental grant period) began Nov 2011
• Purposeful transition to Wyoming leadership (Broadband Coordinator in ETS)
• Focus on state needs within federal grant boundaries
• Continued data collection/mapping and capacity building
• State framework development
Grant amounts:
• Years 1 – 2…$1.80M
• Years 3 – 5…$2.36M
• Total
WY continues to provide
“match”…but no $$ per se
• In-state Monitoring & Evaluation partner WYSAC – Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center
• Other Project Partners: Wyoming Business Council
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
All things broadband in the state
of Wyoming…
Where is broadband
currently available
across the state?
What’s in
the news?
Where is demand
for broadband
across the state?
Who has adopted
broadband in
What is being done to
advance broadband
access and adoption?
What do WY consumers
think about broadband?
What is
your speed?
…tell your story
…learn about i-net safety
…and so much more
What are the important research
findings across the country?
Planning process…
Regional Planning Teams:
• Tangible benefit focused on priority issues
• Regional priorities developed thru grass roots
• Focused on both SUPPLY (access) and DEMAND
• Local ownership on execution of plans
• Regional plans to be:
Doable: realistic given available resources.
Effective: responsive to regional needs.
Fundable: tied to state and national priorities.
Measurable: benchmarks & accountabilities
Seven regions defined:
• Aligned with existing planning regions
(e.g., WBC) and to take advantage of
Community College locations
• Re-engage with RPT’s
•Mini Grants will be available for funding
through the WBC
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Broadband mapping was an important first step:
1) Developed detailed service maps that organized a comprehensive inventory of service (by
connection speed) across the entire state with a spotlight on where there are un-served or
under-served areas.
2) Core information helps to focus policymakers, community leaders, service providers and
others on the central issue at hand: where is the existing digital divide and how can we
best close the gap?
3) Engage all providers across the state in a joint effort to identify and solve an issues
4) Free marketing tool for ISP’s as well as for public to utilize
LinkWyoming and the State take great care to protect the valuable business information
submitted by each service provider
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Future milestones…
• State Framework…the emerging framework with the
Broadband Advisory Committee’s counsel on key issues,
e.g., policy issues, opportunities, resources and
• Regional Investments…the regional investment efforts
underway across the state with the Committee’s counsel
on what can be done at the state level in support of this
• Cost Model…Tool to help analyze and estimate cost of
adding fiber or wireless facilities
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Future Issues…
•State Transition GIS…the NDA’s (non-disclosure
agreements). LinkWyoming years 4-5. No changes to the
process now, but the State will begin signing their own
NDA’s with providers for the future
•State Transition Web site…the state will assume the
current LinkWyoming.org web site. Domain extension
might change to include a .gov
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Roll of Broadband Architect with
the State of Wyoming
Broadband Champion
Governor’s Priorities:
• Educate and relay the benefits of broadband (e.g., improved economic
development – jobs & economy; greater access to education,
healthcare and workforce development; enhanced public safety;
improved government efficiencies; enhanced agriculture applications;
enhanced tourism; better access to telecommuting opportunities;
government leaders and key stakeholder groups)
• Assist with connectivity build out
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
• WYDOT – Right of Way Agreements…the department of
transportation is working to define ROW
contracts/negotiations with fiber construction operations
down Interstate, Primary & Secondary corridors
•State Lands…assist with contract/negotiations with tower
location and construction
•Public/Private partnerships…new out of the box thinking
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Understanding the link
between broadband and…
Broadband can provide access to regional, national and worldwide
Owners who have
deeper Internet
involvement have greater
market share than those
with less web-savvy
Small businesses can use
broadband and online
applications to scale their
services and gain access to a
virtual network of experts.
WY strategy of pursing large
data centers is proving effective
e.g., Microsoft’s recent move for
Broadband enables an expanding ‘work
from home’ environment which is increasingly
attractive to both companies and employees
alike. Employees appreciate the flexibility and
employers are eager to keep good employees
satisfied and productive.
Keep Wyoming communities
competitive and innovative in the 21st
century economy.
Workforce development is an
important sister issue to Economic
Development…it is a vital part of our
work to retool the workforce…helping
some transition careers and supporting
an even broader effort to ensure our
workforce is well informed on emerging
It is commonly accepted that broadband is as important to
economic development today as electricity was at the
turn of the twentieth century….and many go further to say
broadband is more than an enabler…it has the potential to
be transformative for communities.
Small businesses can use online tactics to
improve customer loyalty by organizing joint
ventures, educating customers thru information,
managing reward / frequent buyer programs,
facilitating feedback and employ database
In today’s market the presence of quality
broadband is at or near the top of the site selection list
that companies employ…not only for their plant
location but for their employees as well. Communities
simply cannot attract new (or retain existing)
businesses without a sound access strategy.
Issues in Sectors…
• Education…have released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for
the creation of a statewide Unified Network. Plan to
leverage the next generation of the Wyoming Equality
Network (WEN) with State needs to provide agencies and
schools with higher bandwidth
• Public Safety...FirstNet - preparing for the Nationwide
Public Safety Broadband Network. Federal
communications network design D-Block 700MHZ
spectrum. FirstNet will be the organization to design and
maintain this network. Board was selected Aug 20th.
Mobile devices are creating an explosion in the wireless
broadband demand for faster, better coverage, quality
networks. 4G – LTE advancements.
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Issues in Sectors…
• Health…currently growing with the TeleHealth video
network and issues involving medical records
• Private…Expand small and mid-sized business utilization
of broadband to strengthen state economic
Enhance public and private sector communication and
resource sharing on broadband related projects
• Agriculture… next generation of farmers and ranchers
• Non-profits: Libraries…community anchor, learning
centers, source of free internet, faster than home,
critical link for job applications, engaging in day-to-day
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
•Funding…currently for planning purposes only
•Mountain region…10th in size and least populated
(competition for subscription)
• CNBC study ranking for America’s Top States for
Business…Wyoming ranked 10th overall…categories included:
cost of doing business, workforce, quality of life, infrastructure
& transportation, economy, education, business friendliness,
access to capital and cost of living. Wyoming ranked near the
bottom in technology and innovation at No. 48. Improvement
over previous year, in which we ranked at the very bottom.
•Regulation – (PSC) Public Service Commission (USF) – Universal
Service Funds vs future Broadband (CAF) Connect America
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
What is needed from Communities
• Engagement…new partnerships
• Input…with fresh independent ideas
• State-wide perspective…to help Wyoming in global market
• Outreach / Awareness / Education…program needs
• Contacts…state-wide contact with anyone willing to assist
• Success Stories – Grass roots strategies that have worked
• If it worked in one community, might be blueprint for others
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Future milestones…
•Broadband Summit…
•October 23, 2012 9am-4pm
Little America, Cheyenne.
Agenda, speakers and vendors
participation for a state-wide
broadband summit
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Broadband Summit – Oct 23, 2012
Agenda for October 23
8:00-9:00 Registration Open
9:00-9:30 Welcome & Event Overview
Troy Babbitt, Enterprise Broadband Coordinator, State of Wyoming
Flint Waters, Enterprise Technology Services Director/State CIO
9:30-10:00 Keynote Speaker
Governor Matt Mead
10:00-10:30 Rick Bakken, Senior Director,Data Center Evangelism at Microsoft
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:15 Broadband Provider Panel
Kristin Lee, Government Affairs at CenturyLink
John Gibbs, Regional Vice President Commercial Sales at Optimum
Aaron Sopko, General Manager ACT and part of the Cowboy Network
Brian Worthen, President & CEO at Visionary Communications
12:15-1:00 Lunch Speaker: Google’s National Vision for Broadband
Rachel Hack and Jeff Brown, Google Representatives
Resister: http://www.broadbandwyo.com
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Broadband Summit – Oct 23, 2012
Agenda for October 23
1:00-2:10 Broadband Opportunities, Strengths & Challenges Across Sectors (Panel)
Dr. Tom Richards, Physician in Sheridan
Bob Jensen, CEO of Wyoming Business Council
Lesley Boughton, State Librarian at Wyoming State Library
Bruce Thoren, Tech Director at Fremont County School District #24
Michael Szewczyk, IT Manager, City of Casper
2:10- 2:30 LinkWYOMING Broadband Framework: Policies, Initiatives & Actions to Expand
Broadband Access & Use in Wyoming
Karen Manuel, Senior Project Manager at VisionTech360 & LinkWYOMING
2:30-2:45 Break
Resister: http://www.broadbandwyo.com
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Broadband Summit – Oct 23, 2012
Agenda for October 23
2:45-3:45 Wyoming Links to Success
Glen Januska, Casper Airport Manager
Smokey Wilderman, Johnson County Commissioner
Anthony Witbroad, IT at Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy
3:45-4:00 Open Mic: disscussion/comments
Closing Comments
October 22 (Optional)
3:00-5:30PM Tours of(NWSC) NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center and Microsoft
(Space is limited: the tour is capped at 50 attendees, first come first serve)
5:30-7:00PM Cocktail Reception at Little America
Resister: http://www.broadbandwyo.com
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Questions ?
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.
Troy Babbitt
Broadband Enterprise Architect
State of Wyoming
A state-wide initiative to promote the availability and sustainable adoption of broadband internet access.