ME 307 Machine Design I
Dr. A. Aziz Bazoune
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Mechanical Engineering Department
Chapter 7: Fatigue Failure Resulting from variable Loading CH-07 LEC-22 Slide - 1
ME 307 Machine Design I
7-1 Introduction to Fatigue in Metals 306
7-2 Approach to Fatigue Failure in Analysis and Design 312
7-3 Fatigue-Life Methods 313
7-4 The Stress-Life Method 313
7-5 The Strain-Life Method 316
7-6 The Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics Method 319
7-7 The Endurance Limit 323
7-8 Fatigue Strength 325
7-9 Endurance Limit Modifying Factors 328
7-10 Stress Concentration and Notch Sensitivity 335
7-11 Characterizing Fluctuating Stresses 344
7-12 Fatigue Failure Criteria for Fluctuating Stress 346
7-13 Torsional Fatigue Strength under Fluctuating Stresses 360
7-14 Combinations of Loading Modes 361
7-15 Varying, Fluctuating Stresses; Cumulative Fatigue Damage 364
7-16 Surface Fatigue Strength 370
7-17 Stochastic Analysis 373
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ME 307 Machine Design I
7-9 Endurance Limit Modifying Factors
7-10 Stress Concentration and Notch Sensitivity
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ME 307 Machine Design I
The rotating-beam specimen used in the laboratory to determine endurance limits is prepared very carefully and tested under closely controlled conditions. It is unrealistic to expect the endurance limit of a mechanical or structural member to match the values obtained in the laboratory. Some differences include
Material: composition, basis of failure, variability
Manufacturing: method, heat treatment, fretting corrosion, surface condition, stress concentration
Environment: corrosion, temperature, stress state, relaxation times
Design: size, shape, life, stress state, stress concentration, speed, fretting, galling
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ME 307 Machine Design I
Marin identified factors that quantified the effects of
surface condition
miscellaneous items
Marin’s Equations is therefore written as:
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S e
S ' : e
Endurance limit at the critical location of a machine part in geometry and condition of use rotary-beam test specimen endurance limit
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ME 307 Machine Design I
S ut a b are to be found in Table 7-4. a b respectively.
Table 7-4
Parameters for Marin surface modification factor, Eq. (7-18)
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ME 307 Machine Design I
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ME 307 Machine Design I k bending and torsion may be given by:
For axial loading there is no size effect, so
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Non-Rotating Parts
If a round bar in bending is not rotating or when a noncircular cross-section is used what is k b
Assume that fatigue damage occurs in material that is stressed above 95% of its maximum stress.
Equate the portion of a non-round part stressed
with the similarly stressed area of a rotating beam
max specimen and obtain the effective diameter d e where .
(7-23) as the effective size of a round corresponding to a non-rotating solid or hollow round. Table 7-5 provides areas of common structural shapes undergoing non-rotating bending .
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Table 7-5
Areas of common non-rotating structural shapes
Use d e
Eq. (7-23) for round and Eq.(7-24) for rectangular cross-sections
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ME 307 Machine Design I
General form of load factor
kpsi MPa
Bending 1 1 0
Axial 1.23
Torsion 0.32
Values given in Textbook k c
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2 where 70
1000 F
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ME 307 Machine Design I
Table 7-6
Effect of operating temperature on the tensile strength of steel.
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ME 307 Machine Design I
If Reliability is not mentioned
Otherwise Use Table 7-7
Table 7-7 Reliability factor Ka corresponding to 8% standard deviation of the endurance limit.
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ME 307 Machine Design I
Residual stresses
Directional characteristics
(e.g. rolling, drawing)
Metal spraying
Frequency of cycling
Fretting corrosion
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ME 307 Machine Design I
7-10 Stress Concentration Factor and Notch Sensitivity
In Chapter 4, it was pointed out that: The existence of irregularities or discontinuities, such as holes, grooves or notches, in a part increases the theoretical stresses significantly in the immediate vicinity of discontinuity.
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7-10 Stress Concentration Factor and Notch Sensitivity
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ME 307 Machine Design I
7-10 Stress Concentration Factor and Notch Sensitivity
In fatigue: Stress concentration should always be taken into account .
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ME 307 Machine Design I
7-10 Stress Concentration Factor and Notch Sensitivity
Some materials are not fully sensitive to notches and a reduced value of K t is used and the maximum stress is calculated as follows:
K f is the fatigue stress concentration factor, for simple loading: (Ex 7.7) or
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ME 307 Machine Design I
Notch sensitivity q index is defined by
q for steel and Al alloys are given in Fig. 7-20 for reversed bending or reversed axial load for reversed torsion use Fig. 7.21.
For cast iron use q = 0.20 to be conservative.
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Figure 7-20 and
Figure 7-21:
Notch sensitivity curves
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ME 307 Machine Design I
• References
• Design Theory
• Resources
• Manufacturing
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