SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1. Pearson correlations of 25(OH)D, redox and inflammatory biomarkers with clinical variables in participants with available serum 25(OH)D concentrations Fasting glucose1 -0.09 (0.01) Fasting insulin1 -0.28 (<0.001) HOMA-IR1 TG1 -0.27 (<0.001) GSH1 -0.13 (<0.001) -0.23 (<0.001) GSSG1 -0.07 (0.07) Eh GSSG LDL HDL -0.06 (0.11) Total cholesterol 0.09 (0.01) -0.0006 (0.99) 0.23 (<0.001) -0.23 (<0.001) -0.07 (0.07) 0.004 (0.91) -0.02 (0.55) 0.09 (0.02) -0.09 (0.02) -0.10 (0.01) -0.07 (0.05) -0.09 (0.02) -0.04 (0.27) -0.05 (0.17) 0.06 (0.11) 0.13 (<0.001) 0.14 (<0.001) -0.0004 (0.99) -0.08 (0.049) -0.01 (0.74) -0.12 (0.001) Cys 0.07 (0.07) 0.12 (0.002) 0.13 (0.001) 0.11 (0.006) 0.06 (0.15) 0.05 (0.23) -0.03 (0.45) CySS 0.21 (<0.001) 0.31 (<0.001) 0.32 (<0.001) 0.22 (<0.001) 0.08 (0.04) 0.08 (0.03) -0.11 (0.006) Eh CySS 0.03 (0.37) 0.03 (0.39) 0.04 (0.34) -0.009 (0.81) -0.03 (0.52) -0.01 (0.79) -0.02 (0.53) CySSG1 -0.09 (0.02) -0.16 (<0.001) -0.16 (<0.001) -0.02 (0.68) -0.02 (0.66) -0.05 (0.22) 0.06 (0.14) CRP1 0.10 (0.01) 0.37 (<0.001) 0.37 (<0.001) 0.17 (<0.001) -0.02 (0.59) 0.0009 (0.98) -0.13 (<0.001) IL-61 0.02 (0.56) 0.28 (<0.001) 0.26 (<0.001) 0.07 (0.07) -0.009 (0.82) 0.03 (0.38) -0.11 (0.005) IL-81 0.06 (0.09) 0.02 (0.67) 0.03 (0.49) 0.09 (0.02) 0.06 (0.10) 0.04 (0.35) 0.0008 (0.98) TNF-α1 0.03 (0.42) 0.06 (0.11) 0.06 (0.10) 0.15 (<0.001) 0.008 (0.84) 0.07 (0.08) -0.21 (<0.001) IFN1 0.007 (0.86) 0.06 (0.12) 0.06 (0.14) -0.001 (0.97) 0.0003 (0.99) -0.005 (0.89) 0.003 (0.95) MMP9/NGAL1 -0.06 (0.11) -0.02 (0.63) -0.03 (0.47) 0.10 (0.01) -0.04 (0.25) -0.08 (0.05) -0.004 (0.91) 25(OH)D Reported as r (P-value). Bold type indicates statistical significance. Abbreviations: HOMA-IR, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance; TG, triglycerides; LDL, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D; GSH, glutathione; GSSG, glutathione disulfide; Eh, redox potential; Cys, cysteine; CySS, cystine; CySSG, cystine-glutathione mixed disulfide; CRP, C-reactive protein; IL-6, interleukin-6; IL-8, interleukin-8; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor- α; IFN, interferon-gamma; MMP-9/NGAL, matrix metalloproteinase 9 /neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin. 1 Variables were log-transformed for analyses. SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 2. Demographic and clinical characteristics of participants in the Emory Predictive Health Initiative cohort by vitamin D supplement intake1 Characteristic No vitamin D supplement (n = 273) 48.8 ± 10.5 Any vitamin D supplement (n = 281) 50.4 ± 10.5 0.06 Female gender 182 (66.7) 192 (68.3) 0.72 Caucasian race 189 (69.2) 220 (78.3) 0.002 4 (1.47) 4 (1.42) 0.37 BMI (kg/m2)2 28.9 ± 6.7 27.6 ± 6.5 0.02 Percent body fat (%)3 37.3 ± 8.3 35.9 ± 8.8 0.05 Fasting glucose (mmol/L) 5.0 ± 1.0 5.0 ± 1.1 0.65 Fasting insulin (pmol/L) 47.2 ± 50.3 37.7 ± 52.0 0.03 Systolic blood pressure (mmHG)4 123.3 ± 15.9 121.4 ± 16.5 0.15 Diastolic blood pressure (mmHG)4 77.9 ± 11.0 76.4 ± 10.7 0.11 Diabetes (%)5,6 20 (7.6) 19 (6.9) 0.75 Hypertension (%)5,7 96 (36.5) 68 (24.6) 0.003 Hyperlipidemia (%)5,8 80 (30.4) 78 (28.3) 0.58 57.7 ± 23.7 83.1 ± 30.0 <0.001 Age (yr) Hispanic/Latino ethnicity 25(OH)D (nmol/L) 1 P Values reported as mean ± SD or N (%). Differences were determined with two-group t-test or chi2 test. Supplement intake was missing in 139 participants. 2 n=271 without vitamin D supplement, 280 with vitamin D supplement; 3n=266 without vitamin D supplement, 276 with vitamin D supplement; 4n=272 without vitamin D supplement; 5n=263 without vitamin D supplement, 276 with vitamin D supplement; 6Self-reported diagnosis or fasting glucose 7 mmol/L; 7Self-reported diagnosis, use of blood pressure-lowering medication, or blood pressure 140/90 mmHG; 8Self-reported diagnosis or use of lipid– lowering medications. SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 3. Demographic and clinical characteristics of African American and Caucasian American participants in the Emory Predictive Health Initiative cohort with available serum 25(OH)D levels1 Characteristic African American (n = 156) 46 ± 9 Caucasian American (n = 497) 49 ± 11 <0.001 134 (85.9) 294 (59.2) <0.001 1 (0.64) 8 (1.61) 0.37 BMI (kg/m2)2 31.8 ± 7.8 27.1 ± 5.6 <0.001 Percent body fat (%)3 40.5 ± 8.1 34.8 ± 8.7 <0.001 Vitamin D supplement use4,8 46 (37.1) 220 (53.8) 0.001 Fasting glucose (mmol/L) 5.0 ± 1.4 5.0 ± 0.8 0.77 52.8 ± 50.7 37.5 ± 48.6 <0.001 Systolic blood pressure (mmHG)5 126 ± 17 120 ± 16 <0.001 Diastolic blood pressure (mmHG)5 78 ± 12 76 ± 10 0.06 Diabetes (%)6,9 14 (9.4) 25 (5.2) 0.06 Hypertension (%)7,10 51 (42.9) 109 (27.2) 0.001 Hyperlipidemia (%)7,11 27 (22.7) 128 (31.9) 0.05 57.7 ± 23.7 83.1 ± 30.0 <0.001 Age (yr) Female Gender Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity Fasting insulin (pmol/L) 25(OH)D (nmol/L) 1 P Values reported as mean ± SD or N (%). Differences were determined with two-group t-test or chi2 test. 2 n=154 African American (AA), 495 Caucasian American (CA); 3n=150 AA, 485 CA; 4n=123 AA, 409 CA; 5n=496 CA; 6n=148 AA, 482 CA; 7n=118 AA, 401 CA; 8 Self-report of use of any supplements containing vitamin D; 9Self-reported diagnosis or fasting glucose 7 mmol/L; 10Self-reported diagnosis, use of blood pressure-lowering medication, or blood pressure 140/90 mmHG; 11Self-reported diagnosis or use of lipid–lowering medications. SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 4. Circulating markers of thiol/disulfide redox and inflammation of participants in the Emory Predictive Health Initiative cohort by serum 25(OH)D concentrations < and ≥ 50 nmol/L1 25(OH)D < 50 nmol/L 25(OH)D ≥ 50 nmol/L n = 124 n = 569 GSH (μM)2 1.54 0.60 (1.46) 1.78 0.69 (1.65) <0.001 GSSG (μM)2 0.06 0.04 (0.05) 0.06 0.05 (0.05) 0.71 -132.8 ± 12.6 -136.5 ± 9.31 <0.001 Cys (μM)2 9.84 ± 2.47 9.22 ± 2.10 0.005 CySS (μM)2 89.9 ± 20.2 83.6 ± 17.7 <0.001 Eh CySS (mV)2 -70.5 ± 6.7 -69.8 ± 5.6 0.22 CySSG (μM)2 2.46 0.96 (2.36) 2.62 0.92 (2.49) 0.02 CRP (mg/L)3 0.45 0.49 (0.31) 0.28 0.41 (0.13) <0.001 IL-6 (pg/mL)4 2.48 4.9 (1.50) 1.39 2.12 (0.91) <0.001 IL-8 (pg/mL) 10.11 6.27 (8.74) 9.49 10.78 (8.13) 0.35 TNF-α (pg/mL)5 3.81 2.08 (3.90) 4.21 9.06 (3.65) 0.75 IFN (pg/mL)5 0.26 0.47 (0.08) 0.25 0.52 (0.20) 0.87 MMP-9/NGAL (ng/mL)6 30.4 22.1 (24.9) 32.5 22.3 (26.9) 0.08 Characteristic Eh GSSG (mV)2 1 P Reported as mean ± SD with median is listed in parentheses for variables that were not normally distributed. Differences between groups were determined with two-group t-tests. Abbreviations: 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D; GSH, glutathione; GSSG, glutathione disulfide; Eh, redox potential; Cys, cysteine; CySS, cystine; CySSG, cystine-glutathione mixed disulfide; CRP, Creactive protein; IL-6, interleukin-6; IL-8, interleukin-8; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor- α; IFN, interferon-gamma; MMP-9/NGAL, matrix metalloproteinase 9 /neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin. 2 n = 549 in vitamin D sufficient group (25(OH)D ≥ 50 nmol/L), respectively; 3n = 568 in vitamin D sufficient group; 4n = 550 in vitamin D sufficient group; 5n = 551 in vitamin D sufficient group; 6n = 123 and 545 in vitamin D insufficient and sufficient groups, respectively. SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 5. Circulating markers of thiol/disulfide redox and inflammation of participants in the Emory Predictive Health Initiative cohort by vitamin D supplement intake1 Characteristic No vitamin D supplement (n = 273) Any vitamin D supplement (n = 281) P GSH (μM)2 1.67 ± 0.62 (1.57) 1.76 ± 0.71 (1.60) 0.07 GSSG (μM)2 0.06 ± 0.04 (0.05) 0.06 ± 0.06 (0.05) 0.08 -135.9 ± 10.3 -135.9 ± 9.1 0.97 Cys (μM)2 9.44 ± 2.25 9.16 ± 2.16 0.14 CySS (μM)2 85.6 ± 19.6 85.3 ± 17.6 0.85 Eh CySS (mV)2 -70.2 ± 5.8 -69.3 ± 5.8 0.09 CySSG (μM)2 2.51 ± 0.93 (2.39) 2.66 ± 0.99 (2.50) 0.06 C-reactive protein (mg/L)3 0.38 ± 0.5 (0.17) 0.29 ± 0.44 (0.15) 0.02 Interleukin-6 (pg/mL)4 1.74 ± 3.27 (1.05) 1.53 ± 2.48 (1.03) 0.18 Interleukin-8 (pg/mL)5 9.69 ± 5.87 (8.42) 10.01 ± 14.34 (8.39) 0.63 Tumor necrosis factor-α (pg/mL)5 4.6 ± 12.63 (3.79) 3.82 ± 2.92 (3.51) 0.73 Interferon-gamma (pg/mL)5 0.23 ± 0.3 (0.17) 0.29 ± 0.72 (0.20) 0.31 MMP-9/NGAL (ng/mL)5 32.3 ± 21.2 (27.6) 32.2 ± 21.7 (26.5) 0.66 Eh GSSG (mV)2 1 Reported as mean ± SD with median is listed in parentheses for variables that were not normally distributed. Differences were determined with two-group t-test. Abbreviations: 25(OH)D, 25hydroxyvitamin D; Cys, cysteine; CySS, cystine; Eh, redox potential; GSH, glutathione; GSSG, glutathione disulfide; CySSG, cystine-glutathione mixed disulfide; MMP-9/NGAL, matrix metalloproteinase 9 /neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin complex. 2 n=268 without vitamin D supplement, 271 with vitamin D supplement; 3n=272 without vitamin D supplement, 281 with vitamin D supplement; 4n=269 without vitamin D supplement, 270 with vitamin D supplement; 5n=269 without vitamin D supplement, 271 with vitamin D supplement. SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 6. Circulating markers of thiol/disulfide redox and inflammation of African American and Caucasian American participants in the Emory Predictive Health Initiative cohort with available serum 25(OH)D levels1 Characteristic African American Caucasian American P GSH (μM)2 1.63 ± 0.74 (1.50) 1.75 ± 0.64 (1.62) 0.01 GSSG (μM)2 0.06 ± 0.05 (0.05) 0.06 ± 0.05 (0.05) 0.92 -134.0 ± 10.5 -136.3 ± 9.9 0.01 Cys (μM)2 9.62 ± 2.19 9.24 ± 2.17 0.06 CySS (μM)2 89.7 ± 19.0 83.6 ± 18.0 <0.001 Eh CySS (mV)2 -70.0 ± 5.6 -69.9 ± 5.8 0.83 CySSG (μM)2 2.42 ± 0.88 (2.32) 2.65 ± 0.95 (2.51) 0.003 4.8 ± 5.1 (3.0) 2.6 ± 4.0 (1.3) <0.001 Interleukin-6 (pg/mL)4 2.64 ± 4.83 (1.46) 1.31 ± 1.92 (0.91) <0.001 Interleukin-8 (pg/mL)5 9.20 ± 5.32 (8.21) 9.34 ± 5.39 (8.17) 0.79 Tumor necrosis factor-α (pg/mL)5 3.64 ± 2.36 (3.49) 4.35 ± 9.63 (3.79) 0.05 Interferon-gamma (pg/mL)5 0.28 ± 0.91 (0.10) 0.24 ± 0.28 (0.20) 0.57 MMP-9/NGAL (ng/mL)6 26.7 ± 21.2 (22.2) 34.4 ± 21.9 (29.2) <0.001 Eh GSSG (mV)2 C-reactive protein (mg/L)3 1 Reported as mean ± SD with median is listed in parentheses for variables that were not normally distributed. Differences were determined with two-group t-test. Abbreviations: 25(OH)D, 25hydroxyvitamin D; Cys, cysteine; CySS, cystine; Eh, redox potential; GSH, glutathione; GSSG, glutathione disulfide; CySSG, cystine-glutathione mixed disulfide; MMP-9/NGAL, matrix metalloproteinase 9 /neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin complex. 2 n=153 African American (AA), 481 Caucasian American (CA); 3n=156 AA, 496 CA; 4n=154 AA, 481 CA; 5n=154 AA, 482 CA; 6n=154 AA, 479 CA.