Pathophysiology . Mechanisms of diseases .the physiology of abnormal states or diseases . Pathophysiology can also mean the functional changes associated with or resulting from disease or injury. . Another definition is the functional changes that accompany a particular disease 1 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES Mehtap KAÇAR MD. PhD Assist. Prof. Pathophysiologist Yeditepe University, Faculty of Medicine Department of Physiology 2 Learning Objectives: 1- Describe the relationships between humans and infectious agents, 2- Describe the mechanisms of infection and cellular injury by bacteria, viruses, and fungi, 3- Describe the clinical manifestations of infectious diseases. 4- Describe the septic shock. 3 Infectious Agents Infectious diseases are the number one cause of death world-wide. Dense populations in developing countries with poor sanitation are victims of plaque, cholera, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy and schistosomiasis. Only smallpox has been eradicated from the world by vaccination. 4 5 Microorganisms and Humans: A Dynamic Relationship Many microorganisms find human bodies to be hospitable sites in which to grow and flourish; there they are provided with nutrients and the appropriate conditions of temperature and humudity. These microorganisms are called the “normal flora”. They are found in different parts of body, including the skin, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and genital tract. 6 The many relationships between humans and organisms: (box 9-1) 7 Stages of infection: Four separate stages are associated with pathologic infection: colonization, invasion, multiplication, Spread. (Table 9-3) 8 9 Infection by a pathogen is influenced by several factors as listed below: a- mechanism of action, b- infectivity, c- pathogenity, d- virulence, e- immunogenicity, f- toxigenicity, g- portal of entry. 10 a- Mechanism of action: Direct damage of cells, interference with cellular metabolism and rendering a cell dysfunctional because of the accumulation of pathogenic substances and toxin production. 11 b- Infectivity ability of the pathogen to invade and multiply in the host. For example, coagulase, an enzymatic product of some pathogens that causes coagulation and allows some microorganism, such as staphylococci, to clot and form a sticky layer around themselves, protects the pathogens against host defenses. 12 c- Pathogenicity Ability of an agent to produce disease – success depends on speed of pathogen reproduction, extent of tissue damage, and production of toxins. 13 d- Virulence Potency of a pathogen meausered in terms of the number of microorganisms or micrograms of toxin required to kill a host. For example, measles virus is low virulence; rabies virus is highly virulent. 14 e- Immunogenicity Ability of pathogens to induce an immune response. 15 f- Toxigenicity A factor important in determining a pathogen’s degree of virulence, that is, the ability to produce disease by production of a soluble toxin, such as hemolysin, leukocidin, other exotoxins and endotoxins. For example: hemolysin destroys erythrocytes and leukocidin destroys leukocytes; both are products of streptococci and staphylococci. 16 g- Portal of entry Route by which a pathogenic microorganism infects the host: direct contact, inhalation, ingestion, bites of an animal or insect. 17 Classes of infectious microorganisms Infectious disease can be caused by microorganisms that range in size from 20 nm (poliovirus) to 10 m (tapeworm). Table 9-4 18 19 Infection compartments Pathogens cause damage to the host in three main ways: 1- They may cause direct tissue injury to cells they enter or contact, either mechanically or chemically, or by interfering with normal cellular metabolism. 2- microbial products may be toxic to host cells. (exotoxins, endotoxins) 3- pathogens may cause the host immune system to damage host tissue (immunopathogenesis) 21 Direct Mechanisms of Pathogen-induced tissue Damage Indirect Mechanisms of Pathogen-induced tissue Damage Defense Mechanisms: 1. External defense 2. Internal Defense 3. Immune Defense 24 Protective Immunity To Microorganisms Defense against microbes is mediated by: Innate immunity and acquired immunity Humoral immunity (antibodies) Through both Cell mediated immunity (CMI) 25 Overview of Immune System Responses innate host defense mechanisms The first lines of defense against infectious microorganisms are external barriers, including the skin and mucous membranes and the cells and biochemicals of innate immunity. (Figure 9-1) 27 28 Cells of innate immunity express Toll-like receptors that recognize pathogens and activate inflammation and adaptive immunity, the second and third lines of defense. Once a microorganisms penetrates the first lines of defense and invades the body the inflammatory response is initiated, especially the phagocytes. (figure 9-2) 29 30 Non-Specific Host Defense Mechanisms 1. First line of defense: a. Intact skin and intact mucous membranes as physical or mechanical barriers. b. Cellular and chemical factors. such as digestive enzymes, acidity of stomach (PH 1.5)and alkalinity of the intestine, acidity of vagina. c. Microbial antagonism by indigenous microflora; and overall nutritional status and state of health 31 2. Second line of defense: a. Transferrin and lactoferrin, are tie up iron, thereby preventing pathogens access to this essential mineral. b. Fever, that augments host defense by stimulating leukocytes to deploy and destroy invaders, reducing available free plasma iron, and inducing the production of IL-1, which causes proliferation, maturation, and activation of lymphocytes in the immunologic response. Elevated body temperature also slow down the rate of growth of certain pathogens and can even kill some especially fastidious pathogens. 32 c. Interferons, are small , antiviral proteins that prevent viral multiplication in virus- infected cells and serve to limit viral infections. d. Inflammation, localized an infection prevent the spread of microbial invaders, neutralizes toxins, and aid in the repair of damaged tissue. e. Phagocytosis. 33 f. Complement system, involves approximately 30 different blood proteins that interact in a step-wise manner known as the complement cascade. Consequence of activation of the complement system: -- Initiation and amplification of inflammation. - Attraction and activation of leukocytes. - Lysis of bacteria and other foreign cells. - Increased phagocytosis by phagocytic cells. 34 3. Specific Host Defense Mechanisms (third line of defense) Immunology is the scientific study of the immune system and immune responses. The immune system is the third line of defense against pathogens; it is a specific host defense mechanism. Types of Acquired Immunity: 1. Active acquired immunity. 2. Passive acquired immunity. 35 Cells of the Immune System 36 Cells of the Innate (Non-specific) Immune System Phagocytes Monocytes/Macrophages PMNs NK cells Basophils and Mast cells Eosinophils Platelets Used with permission: Dr. Peter Darben, Queensland University of Technology 37 Phagocytic Cell Functional Responses Adhesion (localization) Chemotaxis (migration) Phagocytosis NADPH oxidase activation Lysosomal granule fusion: degranulation 38 Mechanism of Phagocytosis Macrophage Cells that Link the Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems Antigen Presenting Cells (APCs) are a heterogenous population of leukocytes that play and important role in: Innate immunity Activation of helper T cells (Th cells) APCs are rich in class II MHC molecules Dendritic cells Macrophages B cells (not part of the innate immune system) Other cells (not part of the innate immune system) 40 Cells of the Adaptive (Specific) Immune System Lymphocytes B cells Plasma cells T cells Cytotoxic (Tc) Helper (Th) Th1 Th2 Used with permission: Dr. Peter Darben, Queensland University of Technology 41 Role of antibodies and complement system Antibodies are the primary defense against extracellular pathogens Neutralization 42 Antibodies are the primary defense against extracellular pathogens Neutralization Opsonization 43 Antibodies are the primary defense against extracellular pathogens Neutralization Opsonization Complement activation 44 The complement system, through the alternative and lectin pathways produces C3b, which attaches itself to the surface of the bacterium with carbohydrate capsules. The C5b-C9 membrane lytic complex kills bacteria. C3b functions as a highly effective opsonin that allows adherence between the bacterium and C3b receptors on the phagocyte’s surface, thus facilitating phagocytosis. 45 46 Pathogenic defense mechanisms True pathogens have devised means to circumvent the host’s defenses. Examples of these adaptations include surface coats that inhibit phagocytosis, surface receptors that bind to host cells, and toxins that damage cells or alter their function. If the immune system is compromised, infections cannot be regulated. 47 48 Bacterial virulence and infectivity Bacteria injure cells by producing desturictive enzymes (exotoxins) or endotoxins. Exotoxins can damage the plasma membranes of host cells or prevent phagocytosis. Endotoxins activate the inflammatory response and produce fever. 49 Exotoxins…. They are proteins released during bacterial growth. They are usually enzymes including; -cytotoxins, - neurotoxins, - pneumotoxins, - enterotoxins, - hemolysins. 50 Exotoxins can; - damage cell membranes, - activate second messengers, - inhibit protein synthesis. Exotoxins are immunogenic and elicit the production of antibodies known as antitoxins. 51 Endotoxins…. Endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) contained in the cell walls of gramnegative bacteria and released during lysis of bacteria. 52 53 Bacteria that produce endotoxins are called “pyrogenic bacteria”, because they activate the inflammatory process and produce fever. Inflammation is the body’s initial response to the presence of the bacteria. Vascular permeability is increased allowing blood-borne substances (i.e. Complement system). 54 Endotoxins increase capillary permeability further by activating the anaphylotoxins (C5a and C3a) of the complement cascade. (Hypotension, shock) Endotoxins also can activate the coagulation cascade, leading to the syndrome of DIC. 55 Antibacterial Immunity I) Immunity to extracellular bacteria: 1- The innate immunity: a- Complement activation b- Phagocytosis c- The inflammatory response 2- The acquired immune responses: i-The humoral mechanisms (antibodies) “main role” ii- Cell mediated immune response “less role” 56 i- the humoral immune mechanisms: i- Antibodies induce immunity through: a- Neutralization of bacterial toxins b- Antibodies attach to the surface of bacteria and; - Act as opsonins, enhance phagocytosis (Opsonization) - Prevent adherence of bacteria to their target cells e.g. IgA on mucosal surfaces - Activation the complement leading to bacterial lysis - Agglutinate bacteria, preventing their spread and facilitating phagocytosis 57 ii- Cell mediated immune mechanisms: * Microbes are internalized by APCs and presented to TH * TH cells are activated and release cytokines which; - activate phagocytosis their microbicidal functions - Stimulate antibody production - Induce local inflammation 58 II- Immunity To Intracellular Bacteria 1) Innate immunity It is mainly by natural killer (NK) cells - They kill infected cells and secrete IFN-γ - IFN-γ activate phagocytosis to kill intracellular microbe E.g. tuberculosis, leprosy, listeriosos 2) Acquired immunity is mainly by CMI - Activation of macrophages to kill intracellular microbes - Lysis of infected cells by cytotoxic cells (CTLs) - Most of these organisms are resistant to phagocytosis, cause chronic infection and granuloma formation 59 CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF INTRACELLULAR BACTERIAL INFECTIONS Pathogen: - intracellular living - low toxicity for the host Immune response: - T-cell dependent - antibody independent -granulomatous tissue reaction - delayed type hypersensitivity 60 The ability to produce immunologic hypersensitivity reactions is an important pathogenic mechanism of bacterial toxins. Tissue lesions of many chronic infections are related to the induction of hypersensitivity to the toxin or cell wall components. (for example; mycobacterium tuberculosis causes inflammatory chronic lesions known as granulomas) 61 Viral infection and injury Viruses enter host cells and use the metabolic processes of host cells to proliferate. 62 Infection begins when a virion binds to receptors on the plasma membrane of a host cell (attachment). The specifity of the virus for these receptors and the distirubition of receptors throughout the host’s tissues dictate the range of host cells that a particular virus can infect. Once bound the virion penetrates the plasma membrane by receptor mediated endocytosis, by envelope fusion with the plasma membrane or by directly crossing the plasma membrane. 63 Cellular effects of viruses: Once inside the host cell, viruses have many harmful effects including the following: -inhibition of host cell DNA, RNA or protein synthesis, - disruption of lysosomal membranes resulting in release of “digestive” lysosomal enzymes that can kill the cell, 64 Cellular effects of viruses: - promotion of apoptosis of host cells, - fusion of infected, adjacent host cells, thereby producing multinucleated giant cells, - alteration of the antigenic properties or “identity” of the host cell, causing the host’s immune system to attack the cell as if it were foreign, 65 Cellular effects of viruses: - transformation of host cells into cancerous cells, resulting in uninhibited and unregulated growth, - promotion of secondary bacterial infection in tissues or organs damaged by viruses. 66 ANTI-VIRAL IMMUNE MECHANISMS Innate: interferons and NK cells Adaptive (specific): antibody – neutralize virus infectivity but act only when viral particles are outside cell (prodromal stage of infectious disease), cytotoxic T cells – recognize and destroy virus infected cells early (by apoptosis), before new viral progeny appear 67 INTERFERONS (IFNs) Type I IFN-,leucocytes-13g./chr. 9 IFN-,fibroblasts-1g./chr.9 IFN-,leucocytes-1g. IFN-,keratinocytes,1g IFN-,leucocytes,-1g Receptors: IFNAR- 1 and 2 of MHC class I expression Antiproliferative activity Produced: after virus infection of cells Type II IFN--1 gene / chrom.12 immunomodulating, activation of macrophages, NK, T cells of MHC class I and class II expression Receptors: IFNGR-1 and 2 Antiproliferative activity Synergism with IFN’s type I Produced: only after antigenic or mitogenic stimulation of T and NK cells 68 1- ANTI-VIRAL HUMORAL IMMUNITY a- Virus neutralization * In viraemic infections, Antibodies neutralize virus, preventing its attachment to receptor sites on susceptible cells e.g. Poliovirus, mumps, measles, rubella * In superficial non-viraemic infections (infleunza) Secretory IgA neutralizes virus infectivity at the mucous surfaces 69 b- Antibodies destroy free virus particles directly by: i- Aggregation of virus and opsonization ii- Complement mediated lysis * Both mechanisms also act on virus infected cells 70 2- ANTI-VIRAL CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY Cell mediated cytotoxicity, mediated by : - Cytotoxic T-cells (CTLs) - NK cells - Activated macrophages 71 2- ANTI-VIRAL CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY CMI acts on virus infected cells through: - CTLs kill virus infected cells directly after recognition of viral antigens on cell surface in association with MHC I - TH-cells stimulated by viral antigens release cytokines Cytokines attract and activate macrophages to kill virus infected cells - Nk-cells destroy virus infected cells early in infection before appearance of antibodies - Antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC): Antibody binds to virus infected cells such cells are lysed by NK cells, macrophages and polymorphs 72 3- ANTI-VIRAL ACTIVITY OF INTERFERONS 1- Virus infected cells produce INF-α; - IFN-α inhibit intracellular replication of viruses - IFN-α activate NK-cells to kill virus infected cells - IFNs have no direct effect on extracellular virus - IFNs act early in viral diseases before antibody - IFNs activity is not specific 73 IMMUNOPATHOLOGY OF VIRAL INFECTIONS 1. Immune cytotoxic response to viral antigens (hepatitis) 2. Immune complexes (glomerulonephritis) 3. Infection of cells of the immune system (EB virus, HIV, measles virus, CMV) 4. Virus induced autoimmunity (MS?) 74 Examples of human diseases caused by specific viruses are listed in table 9-6 75 Fungal infection anf injury Fungi are relatively large microorganisims with thick walls that grow as either singlecelled yeasts (spheres) or multi-celled molds (filaments or hyphae). 76 Some fungi can exist in either form and are called dimorphic. The cell walls of fungi are rigid and multilayered. The wall is composed of polysaccharides different from the peptidoglycans of bacteria. The lack of peptidoglycans allows fungi to resist the action of bacterial cell wall inhibitors such as penicilin and cephalosporin. 77 Pathologic fungi cause disease by adapting to the host envorinment. Fungi that colonize the skin can digest keratin. Other fungi can grow with wide temperature variations in lower oxygen environments. Phagocytes and T lymphocytes are important in controlling fungi, and low white blood cell promote fungal infection. 78 Disases caused by fungi are called mycoses. Mycoses can be superficial, deep or opportunistic. Fungi that invade the skin, hair, or nails are known as dermatophytes. (Tinea capitisskalp; tinea pedis-feet, tinea cruris-groin) Fungi causing deep infection enter the body through inhalation or through open wounds. 79 Common pathologic fungi are summarized in table 80 Anti-Fungal Immunity Immune response to fungi consist mainly of : 1) Innate immunity is mediated by: - Neutrophils and macrophages - Fungi are readily eliminated by phagocytes 2) Acquired immunity (cell mediated immunity) - CMI acts in a manner similar to its action against intracellular bacteria * Disseminated fungal infection are seen in: immunodeficient persons 81 IMMUNE RESPONSES TO FUNGI Predominant defense mechanisms differ depending on the specific causative agent Activated neutrophils are critical in the defense against disseminated candidiasis and aspergillosis 82 IMMUNE RESPONSES TO FUNGI Cell-mediated immunity predominates in protection against cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis and mucosal C. albicans infection Virulence factors help pathogenic fungi to evade host response and subvert basic immune processes 83 Helminths: They are large complex organisms with complex life cycles. In general, the most severe tissue damage arises by immunopathogenic hypersensitivity reactions. ( For example ascaris lumbricoides ) 84 HELMINTH-INDUCED IMMUNE RESPONSES Characterized by IgE antibody production, tissue and blood eosinophilia, mast cell involvement and type 2 cytokines Implicated both in pathogenesis of helminth infections and in mediating immunologic protection Regulated by T cells and other cells producing IL-4, Il-5, IL-10 and/or IL-13 85 Helminth evasion of immune responses Antigenic disguise – parasites synthetise host-like antigens to mask their own foreigness. Alternatively they absorb host molecules to their surfaces (Schistosomes) Concomitant immunity or premunition – worms live in in host for years with no evidence of immune response. The latter however is formed to prevent reinfection of the same worm. 86 Protozoa: Many species of protozoa, such as Plasmodium, Trypanosoma cruzi and Toxoplasma gondii are also obligate intracellular parasites. Others such as Entamoeba histolytica are free-living. They may cause direct tissue injury or elicit hypersensitivity reactions. 87 IMMUNOPATHOGENESIS OF SEVERE MALARIA (P. FALCIPARUM) Release of malarial antigens stimulates TNF- production. TNF- induces expression of endothelial adhesion molecules (VCAM, ICAM, E-selectin etc) and NO. 88 IMMUNOPATHOGENESIS OF SEVERE MALARIA (P. FALCIPARUM) -2 Trophozoite proteins interact with RBC to form cell membrane abnormalities Infected RBC with membrane defects adhere to upregulated endothelial adhesion molecules Trapped infected RBC cause microcapillary plugging – tissue ischemia, inflammation pathology. 89 Prions The term “prion" was originally coined by Prusiner to explain the unusual infectious agent in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. the term proin from Proteinaceous infective particle and changed to prion to sound it rhythmic. 90 Prions Diseases Definition: Degenerative diseases of the central nervous system caused by a pathogenic isoform of a normal cell protein. Human Prion Diseases •Kuru •Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease •Genetic •Sporadic •Iatrogenic •Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome •Fatal Familial Insomnia • New Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Animal Prion Diseases •Scrapie •Transmissible mink encephalopathy •Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) •Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) (Mad Cow Disease) •Feline spongiform encephalopathy 91 Characteristics features of prion diseases: Degenerative nervous system diseases with very long incubation periods (months to years; decades) No inflammatory response Chronic progressive pathology (slow infection) No remissions or recoveries: always fatal “Degenerative” histopathology: amyloid plagues, gliosis No visible virion-like structures by electron microscopy No interferon production; No interferon sensitivity No infectious nucleic acid demonstrable No antigenicity No alteration in pathogenesis (incubation period, duration, course) by immunosuppression or immunopotentiation: No cytopathic effect in infected cells in vitro Varying individual susceptibility to high infecting dose in some host species; Unpredictable ability to cross species lines 92 Prion-Related Diseases, Hosts, and Mechanism of Transmission Disease Kuru Host Mechanism Human Cannibalism Human Spontaneous PrP C to PrP Sc conversion or somatic mutation Iatrogenic CJD Human Infection from prion-containing material, eg, dura mater, electrode Familial CJD Human Mutations in the PrP gene nvCJD Human Infection from BSE GSS Human Mutations in the PrP gene Sporadic CJD FFI Sporadic fatal insomnia Human Human D178N mutation in the PrP gene, with M129 polymorphism Spontaneous PrP C to PrP Sc conversion or somatic mutation Scrapie Sheep Infection in susceptible sheep BSE Cattle Infection from contaminated food TME Mink Infection from sheep or cattle in food CWD Mule, deer, elk Feline spongiform encephalopathy Exotic ungulate encephalopathy Unclear Cats Infection from contaminated food Nyala, oryx, kudu Infection from contaminated food 93 Prions: Isoform of Normal Host Protein Normal Protein Protease sensitive Soluble High alpha-helix content Found in brain tissue Physiological functions of cellular prion protein (PrPc) is not clear. Disease Causing Prion Protease resistant Insoluble Forms amyloid fibrils High beta-pleated sheet conformation Prion peptide of 106-126 residues is found to be neurotoxic. 94 How do Prions “Replicate”? When the normal prion protein changes shape it becomes pathogenic Mutations can occur that make the pathogenic shape more likely Prions don’t replicate but they do increase in number When an abnormal prion combines with a normal one, the normal one changes it shape and becomes abnormal……hence the numbers of abnormal prions increases, but it is at the expense of the normal ones. No new protein is created…… 95 Mechanism of action of prions 96 sc Mechanism of PrP induced apoptosis 97 Pathophysiologic changes Brain vacuolation Astrogliosis Neuronal apoptosis Accumulation of misfolded prion plaques. 98 Clinical manifestations of infectious diseases Clinical manifestations of infectious diseases vary, depending on the pathogen, the organ system affected and severity. Effects of infection may be acute, chronic, related to immune responses or a consequence of bacterial toxins. The majority of manifestations results from the host’s inflammatory and immune responses. Infectious diseases typically begin with nonspecific or general symptoms of fatigue,malaise, weaknessand loss of concentration. However, the hallmark of most infectious diseases is FEVER. 99 Pathophysiology of fever Body temperature is regulated by nervous system feedback to the hypothalamus (central thermostat). The normal range of body temperature is considered to be 36.2º to 37.7ºC A large number of agents (pyrogens) can produce fever. In current classification, those pyrogens: - exogenous pyrogens derived from outside the host, - endogenous pyrogens produced by the host. 100 exogenous pyrogens: (i.e. Endotoxins) the most frequently encountered exogenous pyrogens are the lipopolysaccharide complex in the cell wall of gram positive bacteria and viruses. endogenous pyrogens; including -IL-1, -IL-6, -TNF-α, - IFN-γ, are produced by phagocytic cells as they destroy microorganisms within the host. The endogenous pyrogens act on the preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus, which release PGE2 and other cytokines 101 102 endogenous cryogens During fever, AVP, α-MSH and CRF are released and can act as endogenous cryogens to help diminish the febrile response. This antipyretic effect constitutes a negativefeedback loop. 103 Benefits of fever Fever production aids responses to infectious processes through several mechanisms. Simple raising of body temperature kills many microorganisms. Higher body temperatures decrease serum levels of iron, zinc and copper, all of which are needed for bacterial replication. The body switches from burning glucose to a metabolism based on lipolysis and proteolysis, thereby depriving bacteria of a food source. Anorexia and somnolence reduce the demand for muscle glucose. 104 Increased temperature also causes lysosomal breakdown and autodestruction of cells, thus preventing viral replication in infected cells. Acute-phase proteins produced by the liver during inflammation bind cations necessary for bacterial reproduction. Heat increases lymphocytic transformation and motility of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, thus facilitating the immune response. 105 Bacteremia or Septicemia…. It is the presence of bacteria in the blood. It is caused by a failure of the body’s defense mechanisms. The usual cause is proliferation of gramnegative bacteria (endotoxins). Once in the blood, endotoxins cause the release of vasoactive peptidis and cytokines that affect blood vessels, producing vasodilation (septic shock). 106 SHOCK Shock is a condition in which the cardiovascular system fails to perfuse tissues adequately, resulting in widespread impairment of cellular metabolism. An impaired cardiac pump inadequate tissue perfusion: generalized cellular hypoxia (starvation) widespread impairment of cellular metabolism tissue damage organ failure death 107 Septic shock Septic shock, is the endpoint of a continues of progressive dysfunction. The syndrome begins with bacteriemia, then sepsis, then severe sepsis, then septic shock…. 108 109 110 111 112 THANK YOU! 113 References : Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. (Dennis L. Kasper , Eugene Braunwald Stephen Hauser) Pathophysiology of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Medicine . Gary D. Hammer , Stephen J. McPhee Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. Kathryn L. McCance , Sue E. Huethe 114