Cell Membrane

Cell Structure and Function Vocabulary
1. Cell Theory=one of the first unifying concepts developed in biology. Major
principles of the cell theory are: a) all organisms are made of cells, b) all
existing cells are produced by other living cells, c) the cell is the most basic
unit of life.
2. Cytoplasm=jellylike substance that contains dissolved building blocks-such as
proteins, nucleic acids, minerals and ions.
3. Organelles=found in the cytoplasm, structures that are specialized to
perform distinct processes within a cell.
4. Prokaryotic Cells=do not have a nucleus or other membrane-bound
organelles; DNA is suspended in the cytoplasm. All prokaryotes are
microscopic single-celled organisms.
5. Eukaryotic Cells=have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.
Eukaryotes may be multi-cellular or single-celled organisms.
6. Cytoskeleton=supports and shapes the cell; made up of microtubules,
intermediate filaments, and microfilaments.
7. Nucleus=storehouse for most of the genetic information, or DNA, in cells.
8. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)=an interconnected network of thin folded
membranes; functions in production of proteins and lipids.
9. Ribosomes=located on the ER, tiny organelles that link amino acids together
to form proteins; site of protein synthesis.
Golgi Apparatus=closely layered stacks of membrane-enclosed spaces
that process, sort and deliver proteins.
Vesicles=small membrane-bound sacs that divide some materials from
the rest of the cytoplasm and transport them from place to place within the
cell, generally short-lived and are formed and recycled as needed.
Mitochondria=supplies energy to the cell, bean shaped and have two
Vacuole=fluid-filled sac used for the storage of materials needed by a
Central Vacuole=found only in plant cells, is a single large vacuole that
usually takes up most of the space inside a plant cell. Helps to prevent plants
from wilting.
Lysosomes=membrane-bound organelles that contain enzymes, defend
a cell from invading bacteria and viruses, as well as break down damaged or
worn-out cell parts.
Centrioles=cylinder-shaped organelles made of short microtubules
arranged in a circle, two centrioles are arranged perpendicular to each other.
Cell Wall=surrounds the cell membrane in plant cells only, is a rigid
layer that gives protection, support and shape to the cell.
Chloroplasts=organelles that carry out photosynthesis, chlorophyll is
located in the inner membrane of chloroplasts…this molecule is responsible
for plants being green
Cell Membrane=forms boundary between a cell and the outside
environment and controls the passage of materials into and out of a cell.
Phospholipid=found in the cell membrane, made of a phosphate group,
glycerol, and two fatty acid chains.
Fluid Mosaic Model=describes the arrangement of the molecules that
make up a cell membrane
Selective Permeability=property of the cell membrane, meaning it
allows some, but not all, materials to cross.
Receptor=protein that detects a signal molecule and performs an action
in response.