Student Support Services

Student Support Services
We understand that studying isn’t always easy; you may not have studied for some time or perhaps
you haven’t studied online previously. Juggling study, work and family commitments and trying to
find the balance can be demanding. Our support teams are here to assist you when you encounter
these challenges and work with you to overcome any difficulties so that you can achieve your study
Below is a guide to the student support services offered by Kaplan Professional.
Student Services Team
Our Student Services Representatives are your first point of contact and can help you with a range of
questions relating to access and support, including:
Advice on study pathways, choosing the subject or qualification that is right for you
Assistance with enrolment or activation of subjects
System requirements and navigation of the online subject rooms
Login and password queries
Explaining the processes related to your assessment tasks; how to book exams and upload
assignments in your online subject room
Assistance with queries regarding your subject deadlines, including extensions
It’s important to know that our Student Services Representatives are here to assist you with nonacademic questions so there are some questions that they won’t be able to answer for you. If they
cannot assist, they will direct you to the appropriate team who will be able to help you.
Student Services Representatives are not tutors or subject matter experts, so they cannot answer
questions about the content of the subjects. The ‘Ask Your Tutor’ forum in your online subject room
is the place to go for this advice. You will find information on this service outlined later in this section.
How to contact Student Services
You can reach our Student Services Representatives on 1300 662 203 or by emailing
Customer Experience Team
If you have enrolled in Kaplan’s Financial Planner Level 1 or Financial Planner Level 2, you will receive
a call from one of our Customer Experience Officer’s during your first subject. For Financial Planner
Level 1 you will be contacted during your Foundations of Financial Planning subject and for Financial
Planner Level 2 during Taxation Fundamentals.The Customer Experience team will introduce you to
online learning with Kaplan Professional and provide an orientation of your KapLearn subject room
and the available resources.
Your dedicated Customer Experience Officer can also help you:
Map out your study plan
Manage your time and workload
Maintain your momentum; you will receive a follow up call prior to assessment deadlines to
check that you’re on track for completion
Again, the Customer Experience Officers are not tutors or subject matter experts, so they cannot
answer questions about the content of the subjects. The ‘Ask Your Tutor’ forum in your online subject
room is the place to go for this advice. You will find information on this service outlined later in this
How to contact Customer Experience
If you are commencing either Foundations of Financial Planning or Taxation Fundamentals you will be
contacted directly by a member of the Customer Experience team during your enrolment.
Your dedicated Customer Experience Officer will follow up your initial conversation with an email
containing their direct telephone number and email address. They will also agree on a date to call you
again prior to your assessment deadline. Of course, you can contact them directly at any time for
If you have misplaced your Customer Experience Officer’s contact details or have not received a call,
please contact Student Services on 1300 662 203 and they will connect you.
Ask Your Tutor
Ask Your Tutor is your online subject support for academic advice located at KapLearn. Your tutor is a
dedicated industry professional and subject matter expert, available to answer your queries regarding
your subject notes and assignment preparation via the forum.
Ask Your Tutor is an open forum for communication between you and your subject tutor. It allows all
enrolled students to benefit from the guidance provided by your tutor in response to questions posed
by individual students. Your posts are anonymous, only revealing your student number to others on
the forum.
You can post ‘technical’ queries, i.e. questions about concepts you do not understand from your
subject notes and clarification about the intent of an assignment question.
It’s important to note that learning support is limited to the learning content of your subject only and
does not extend to providing assignment or exam answers. Your online tutor will not assist you with
‘vetting’ (previewing) your assignment answers. Queries about assignment grading, assessor
comments or exam questions should not be posted on the forum. Those queries are addressed by our
Student Success team as outlined later in this section.
How to access Ask Your Tutor
Your tutor will provide responses online via the forum located in your KapLearn subject room. The
tutor is not contactable by telephone. Login to KapLearn at
Student Success
Our Student Success team is available to provide assessment support to you. The team focuses on
facilitating queries between you and your assessor that cannot be posted in the ‘Ask Your Tutor’
forum, such as:
Could the assessor’s feedback on my assignment be explained?
I don’t agree with my exam result, can I get a re-mark?
I don’t understand the feedback in the KapLearn Exam Summary page. What should I revise
for my exam resit?
The student success team monitor the ‘Ask Your Tutor’ forum and respond to any questions of a nonacademic nature.
Another key responsibility of the Student Success team is to monitor the academic progress of
students in their studies. The team has systems in place to ensure the early detection of students who
are at risk of not making satisfactory progress. Appropriate support mechanisms are then
implemented to assist students successfully complete their chosen course.
How to contact Student Success
The Student Success team facilitates communication between yourself and an assessor, who is often
external to Kaplan Professional, so it is important that we receive your query in writing. Please email
your questions to
We also encourage you to provide feedback about your subject; we want to hear about your study
experience so please email your comments to the team at the above address.