A Less. B. Dying

A Presentation by: Sergio Perez-Collins and
Aaron Cantu
By Ernest J. Gaines
Theme throughout a “Lesson
Before Dying”
 Theme: A theme is the central idea or ideas explored
by a literary work.
 There are several different themes seen through out the
story. A few being;
Individualism vs. Fatalism
Freedom as a state of mind
Individualism vs. Fatalism:
 The characters in the novel are split between fatalists and
individualists. Fatalists believe that our lives are dictated by
external factors. Fate, destiny, or environment dictates what we
will become or accomplish long before we are born. It is an
extremely pessimistic view of human nature. In this case, the
fatalists believe that race is the determining factor in whether or
not a person can be successful. Mathew Antoine argues that he
is better than Grant because his skin is lighter. He tells Grant it
doesn’t matter how hard he tries with Jefferson or with the
children at school, none of his efforts will help improve their
lives. Sheriff Guidry believes that Jefferson was born a hog and
will die a hog no matter what anyone does to help him.
 But there are others who believe in individualism, the idea that
everyone is empowered to choose their own way. Our lives, for
the most part, are a result of our own choices, talents, and
perseverance. Vivian tries to convince Grant that his work with
Jefferson can make a difference, that something is changing.
Reverend Ambrose tries to explain the change that comes
through accepting Jesus Christ. With their support, both Grant
and Jefferson begin to realize it is heroic to defy expectations
and resist the irresistible force.
Freedom as a state of mind:
 Grant and Jefferson are both incarcerated in a type of prison.
Steel bars surround Jefferson, but Grant is confined by racism,
self-obsession, and cynicism. He believes himself caught in a
dilemma where he must choose between fleeing the South and
staying to be broken down by prejudice into a beast of burden.
He also feels trapped in a job that he hates, believing that he can
never make a difference in any of his student’s lives.
 Jefferson, on the other hand, is freer than Grant despite his jail-
cell accommodations. Since he has already been sentenced to
die he has nothing to lose and nothing else to fear. They can’t
punish him any worse than they already have, so he is free to act
however he chooses. Moreover, he is free of the expectations
that constantly burden Grant. The bar is set so low for Jefferson
that anything above hog-like behavior would surprise everyone,
which is why his show of bravery during his execution has such
a profound effect
 Aunt Tante Lou sends Grant to university because she believes that an
education will improve his life and allow him to help others. Instead, he
returns from university completely self-absorbed and pessimistic.
Theoretically, education should enlighten one’s mind, but in Grant’s
case it only makes him more aware of his boundaries..
 Reverend Ambrose lectures Grant on what it means to be educated.
Grant looks down on the Reverend because he’s a self-taught preacher;
but he knows himself and he understands his people. He informs Grant
that Tante Lou paid for his university by cutting cane, and she has the
scrapes and scars on her hands to prove it. Like Vivian, Rev. Ambrose is
disgusted with Grant because he only thinks of using his education to
try and help himself. Since white society won’t allow him to do any job
but teaching, Grant’s university degree will be useless until he
understands how to use it to help others.
Heroism: heroic conduct especially as exhibited in
fulfilling a high purpose or attaining a noble end.
Grant Wiggins is assigned the task of turning Jefferson into a man. In the process
of doing so the two become very close. After forging a friendship Grant reveals
to Jefferson what it means to be a hero Grant then admits to Jefferson that he is
his hero. *Pg.191
“A hero does for others. He would do anything for people he loves, because he
knows it would make their lives better. I am not that kind of person, but I want
you to be. You could give something to her, to me, to those children in the
quarter. You could give something I never could ... The white people out there are
saying you don’t have it—that you’re a hog, not a man. But I know they are
The Main theme
 While there are many themes seen through out the
story, one appears the most.
 The image of Jesus Christ can be seen in the character of
Jefferson is convicted of a crime he didn’t commit, bears his
cross, and dies for it anyway.
Sites Used
 http://www.pinkmonkey.com/booknotes/monkeynote
 http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/lessonbefore/themes.