this document

Technology-enhanced dialogic
feedback in curriculum design
Dr Susie Schofield
Lecturer / academic eLearning lead
Centre for Medical Education
University of Dundee
Get an orange cover sheet and get rid of that beast!
Curriculum review paper-based => online
Feedback: do students read it?
do they understand it?
do they act on it?
can they act on it?
lack of flexibility in length of assessment
students over-assessed
How can we reduce student and tutor isolation?
“Distanced, not disadvantaged”
Developing a transformational feedback strategy
Effective feedback should increase students effort, motivation and
engagement (Hattie & Timperley, 2007)
Feedback is mainly monologic in HE (Nicol, 2010)
Feedback should not be viewed as single occurrence (Boud and
Molloy, 2013)
Students need to develop evaluative judgement skills (Nicol, 2010)
Students may not understand feedback (Sadler, 2010)
Students may have progressed to next topic (Carless, 2006)
Reliance on tutor for feedback transition (Sadler, 1989)
The big question…
Can we create a feedback dialogue in a programme that is…
• Non cohort
• Has over 2,500 students across the globe
• Delivered totally online
• Tutors across the globe
And can we use technology to ensure it is acceptable to…
• Our students
• Our tutors
• Our administrative staff
• Our external examiners
• University QA process
3 year Strand A project (£127k) started Sept 2011
Visualise assignments
Framework for feedback dialogue
Stage 1: Cover page
Individualised per assignment
• To encourage and develop self-evaluation skills
- Objectives; academic writing; referencing
• To promote student–tutor dialogue
• Invites students to identify specific areas for feedback
• Asks students to identify where current work is informed by
previous feedback
• Quick access to student email
Framework for feedback dialogue
• Student downloads assignment rubric and
• Student completes and submits coverpage and assignment
• Tutor marks assignment and comments on
• Tutor sends email to student
Framework for feedback dialogue
Stage 2: reflective journal using wiki
Individualised per student (but all tutors have access)
Pre-populated one page per core assignment
Each page contains 4 reflective questions:
1. How well does the tutor feedback match with your selfevaluation?
2. What did you learn from the feedback process?
3. What actions, if any, will you take in response to the feedback
4. What if anything is unclear about the tutor feedback?
Framework for feedback dialogue
• Student downloads assignment
• Student uploads document into wiki
• Student reflects on feedback/answers
questions; tutor receives automatic alert
• Tutor comments on student reflection;
student receives automatic alert
Lessons learnt so far…
Creating assessment and feedback dialogue in online
distance learning is possible
Majority of students find it valuable for their learning
and that it promotes self-evaluation
Challenges have included streamlining the process and
improving the quality and timeliness of the feedback
Screencasts in email notifications greatly improve
Next stages
Students engaging quantitatively but not always
qualitatively – now developing educational material on
feedback dialogue
Introducing patchwork assessment across Certificate
Faculty development on how to best support
development of self-review skills
Principles should become backbone of strategy and
Case study for eLene2learn project
Interest from own and other institutions - applicable to
face to face and blended as well as ODL
Thanks to
The team: Dr Rola Ajjawi; Dr Susie Schofield; Ms Karen
Barton; Mr Grant Murray; Dr David Walker; Dr Sean McAleer;
Ms Natalie Lafferty; Dr Lorraine Walsh
Our reference group
JISC for funding our project
HEA for funding our interim workshop
And of course our students and staff both academic and
administrative for all the input and patience
Content (understanding of theory / principles and application to own
- Understanding of learning theory
- Evidence of critical reflection on learning theory and key learning and
teaching principles
- Evidence of application of learning theory to own practice
Tutor feedback:
Style, format and language (e.g. structure, coherence, flow, formatting,
use of language)
Tutor feedback:
Sources and references (e.g. range of references cited, relevance,
consistency, accuracy and completeness of referencing)
Tutor feedback:
Which aspect(s) of your assignment would you specifically like feedback
Student comment:
Tutor feedback:
How did previous feedback inform this assignment?
Name of Tutor:
Student comment:
Aspects I would like feedback
Ideas of not preparing too rigidly in order to be flexible within
sessions – practical advice would be welcomed!
As the first essay I have written in nearly 20 years, I would like to
know whether the standard overall was acceptable
Please advise me how I can enter a specific page number in a
reference when using Endnote (I wanted to add “p. 58” to the first
reference used in the text since this is an exact quote, but failed to
find out how I can do it, despite using the help option of the
Feedback on whether my peers have had similar thoughts for their
own teaching, or other ideas that have been commonly developed
would be beneficial in case I have not thought or considered them.
any part of it
How did previous feedback inform this assignment
• It made me realise that instead of focusing on a single or a few key
teaching principles, I focused on many of them without going into
much detail. Also I had used bullet points in the text.
• Feedback that my writing style was agreeable was reassuring. I
appreciated knowing my use of literature was valid and supportive in
the previous assignment, so have tried to continue applying the
literature to my work.
• I tried to be careful to define and reference jargon
• It was really helpful in writing present assignment
And finally…
I really like the cover sheet and request for self assessment and what
you would like feedback about ... consistent with principles of feedback!!
(M&L end of module feedback)