PEER TUTOR APPLICATION (ASC) Read the Information Below Before Completing the Application. KEEP THIS PAGE – DO NOT SUBMIT Requirements/Expectations: 1. Applicant must be in very good academic standing, possessing an overall cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better. 2. To be eligible to tutor a given course at Stevens, you must have completed the course at Stevens, earning a grade of A- or better. 3. Tutor applicants must also have good communication skills and a sincere commitment to the educational process in helping others achieve success with their own studies. You are expected to share your time management skills, study skills, problem solving skills, test preparation skills, etc. with your tutees. (Specific strategies for meeting this expectation are detailed in the Tutor Manual.) 4. Both Work-Study and non-Work-Study students are eligible to tutor. If you are Federal Work-Study eligible, please notify the ASC accordingly. On this application: Please indicate the courses you are interested in tutoring by writing the grade you received for a course in the blank column to the left of each course code. If course(s) completed at another university, you must also: 1. Submit a copy of the transcript from that university. (no originals please) 2. On the transcript, highlight & write Stevens course number next to the course that corresponds to it. 3. Write the grade you received in the course. If the grades are not the same as Stevens, then please convert them using the chart on the Registrar’s web site by clicking on the “grading system” link on the left side menu. Completed applications are to be submitted to the Academic Support Center drop-off box located in EAS-119. If you meet the requirements, you will then be contacted to attend a “Tutor Training Session” at which the approaches, policies, and procedures for being an ASC tutor will be thoroughly reviewed. Role of a Tutor: The role of the tutor is to supplement the tutees’ classroom experience by helping them understand subject matter that is unclear. Tutors do not give answers, but rather help the tutees find the answers for themselves. It is the tutor's responsibility to help tutees to learn on their own while providing an open exchange during which learning can take place. Tutoring Pay Rates: Individual & Walk-In tutoring pays $12 per hour, and group tutoring (more than one tutee at a time) pays $14 per hour. The maximum limits for tutoring are as follows: 2 hours per day per subject per tutee 4 hours per week per subject per tutee 30 hours per semester per subject per tutee Also: Tutors may not tutor for more than a combined total of 20 hours each week (15 hours for FWS). It is therefore your responsibility to keep track of the combined total number of hours you tutor various tutees. Tutoring Assignments Tutors are responsible for checking email regularly and replying to the tutee promptly. The tutor and tutee will determine the times and days to meet for individual tutoring. All tutoring is required to take place at the Samuel C. Williams Library during its normal hours of operation: Both the tutor and the tutee(s) must have their Stevens Student ID Card “swiped” upon entering the library before starting the tutoring session. If you have never held an on-campus job, please visit the Student Employment Office site & click link: “apply here if you have not previously worked on-campus”. Academic Support Center FALL 2014 PEER TUTOR APPLICATION Name: _____________________________________ Student ID#: ____________________________ Preferred Phone #: ___________________________ Stevens Email: __________________________ Major: _____________________________________ Box #: S- _______ Class Level: ___SOPH ___JR ___SR ___Graduate/PhD with Bachelors Degree in (field): _________________________ Federal Work Study (FWS) Eligible? __No __Yes Have Another Job On Campus?: __No __Yes … Hours a Week: _____ Hours Available for Individual Tutoring Weekly: ______ (20 hrs Max Per Week Combined for Individual & Walk-In Center) By signing below, you agree that you have read the “Procedures of Being a Tutor” attached to this application & will uphold the policies & procedures for appropriate tutoring as communicated in Tutor Training Session & Tutor Manual. Signature: _____________________________________ Grade Date: ______________________ Write the Grade received in the first column below for the courses you are interested in tutoring. Course # Course Name Grade Course # Course Name BME 306 Bio-Engineering CH 362 Instr. Anal-Spect/Chrom. BME 342 Transport in Biological Systems CH 381 Cell Biology BME 453 Bioethics CH 421 Chemical Dynamics BME 460 Biomed Digital Signal ProcessLab CH 484 Molecular Genetics BME 482 Engineering Physiology CHE 210 Process Analysis BT 200 Financial Accounting CHE 234 Chemical Eng. Thermodynamics BT 214 Market Research CHE 332 Separation Operations BT 221 Statistics CHE 336 Fluid Mechanics BT 223 Applied Models & Simulation CHE 342 Heat and Mass Transfer BT 243 Macroeconomics CHE 432 Chemical Engr'g Systems BT 244 Microeconomics CPE 345 Modeling and Simulation BT 321 Corporate Finance CPE 360 Comp Algorithms & Data Structure BT 330 Social Psychology & Org Behavior CPE 390 Microprocessor Systems BT 350 Marketing CPE 441 Introduction to Wireless Systems BT 353 Project Management CPE 442 Database Management Systems BT 360 International Business CPE 487 Digital System Design BT 401 Implem, Control & Cap. Acq. Plan CPE 490 Information Sys. Engineering I BT 411 Busi. Consult. In Eng. Des. I CS 105 Intro to Scientific Computing BT 413 Business Law, Ethics & Negotiate CS 110 Creative Prob Solving Computing BT 421 Systems Analysis and Design CS 115 Intro to Computer Science BT 425 Investment Mangement CS 135 Discrete Structures BT 435 Social Networks: Marketing Persp CS 146 Intro to Web Prgming & Web Dev BT 440 Intro to Banking and Credit CS 181 Intro Comp Sci-Honors I CE 342 Fluid Mechanics CS 284 Data Structures CE 484 Reinforced Concrete Design CS 306 Introduction to IT Security CE 486 Structural Steel Design CS 334 Automata and Computation CH 115 General Chemistry I CS 383 Comp. Org. & Programming CH 243 Organic Chemistry I CS 385 Algorithms CH 360 Spectra & Structure CS 392 Systems Programming Grade Course # CS 397 CS 442 E 115 E 120 E 126 E 232 E 234 E 243 E 245 E 344 E 355 EE 250 EE 345 EE 348 EE 359 EE 441 EE 465 EE 471 EE 478 EM 301 EM 360 EM 365 EM 450 EM 451 EM 489 MA 117 MA 120 MA 121 MA 122 MA 123 MA 124 MA 134 MA 221 MA 227 Course Name Outreach Participation Database Management Systems Introduction to Programming Engineering Graphics Mechanics of Solids Engineering Design IV Thermodynamics Probability & Statis. for Engr. Circuits and Systems Materials Processing Engineering Economics Math for Electrical Engineers Modeling and Simulation Systems Theory Electronic Circuits Introduction to Wireless Systems Intro Communication Sys. Trnsprt Pheno/Sld Device Control Systems Accounting & Business Analysis Total Quality Management Statistics For Engr. Management Logistics & Supply Chain Mgt. Analysis of Networks &Strategies Elements of Operations Research Calculus for Business & Lib Arts Introduction to Calculus Calculus1A:Differential Calculus Calculus1B:Integral Calculus Calculus2A:Series,Vectors, Func Calculus2B:Cal for Func of Two Discrete Mathematics Differential Equations Multivariable Calculus Grade Course # MA 232 MA 331 MA 360 MA 410 MA 441 MA 450 ME 225 ME 234 ME 335 ME 342 ME 345 ME 354 ME 358 ME 361 ME 483 ME 491 MIS 201 MIS 460 PEP 111 PEP 112 PEP 123 PEP 151 PEP 201 PEP 209 PEP 332 QF 101 QF 103 QF 201 QF 301 QF 365 TG 403 TG 421 Course Name Linear Algebra Intermediate Statistics Intermediate Differential Eqns. Differential Geometry Intro to Mathematical Analysis Optimization Models in Finance Dynamics Mech. Eng Thermodynamics Thermal Engineering Fluid Mechanics Modeling and Simulation Heat Transfer Machine Dynamics & Mechanisms Design of Machine Components Control Systems Manuf. Processes and Systems Fundamentals of Info Systems Managing the IT Resource Mechanics Electricity & Magnetism Physics for B&T I Introduction to Astronomy Physics III for Engineers Modern Optics Math Techniq. Eng'g Phys Intro to Quantitative Finance I Basic Financial Tools Princ. of Financial Modeling Financial Time Series Data Structure and Algorithms Entreprenuership Inter Eng I Entrepreneurial Analysis Eng Des ASC WALK-IN TUTORING CENTER Want to work in the ASC Walk-In Tutoring Center located in Library Room 306. Indicate the hours you are available below. Note: Need is for those who tutor: 1. Freshman and sophomore level courses in ALL disciplines. 2. Junior level courses in the Computer Science & Engineering disciplines. 3. THE MORE COURSES ON YOUR LIST THE BETTER! Name: ______________________________________ ASC Walk-In Tutoring Center ASC will be hiring students to work as tutors in the tutoring center. Tentative hours will be MON-THURS 2PM – 11PM, FRI 12PM – 5PM & SUN 5PM – 11PM. Please indicate the times you’re available to work below. (Minimum 2 hour blocks) Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Sunday: