Summer Days and Times - Office of the Registrar

Rocky Moran
Sean Woods
Scheduling & Publications
Summer Scheduling & One-Times
Jamie Sprague
Denise Belanger
Fall, Winter & Spring Scheduling
Summer Sessions Program Manager
Online Resources
 General assignment classroom inventory
 Schedule proof FAQ and Legend for Proofs and SAFs
 Approval code instructions
 One-time room request templates
 IRAL Instructions
 Academic Support Staff Calendar
 Scheduling Courses for Summer
 Sample Exercises for Scheduling Summer Classes
5539 – Academic Scheduling of Classes and Classrooms
5539 Attachment A – Classroom Scheduling
Things that have
changed now that we
are not printing the
Schedule of Classes
Online Schedule of Classes PDF
PDF includes narrative information (the first 30 pages) like calendars,
deadlines, policies, etc
Changes to the Scheduling Cycle
Proof One
An exact copy of the last “like” quarter
Listed days, times and rooms are not assignments
Proof Two
A reflection of the changes indicated on Proof One
Listed days, times and rooms are not assignments
Proof Three
Updated schedule based on changes from Proof Two
Listed days, times and rooms are assignments for primaries only
Changes to the Scheduling Cycle
Release to STAR
Allows scheduling contacts to view their schedule in STAR
Schedule is released to GOLD at the same time
New deadlines…
Deadline to Schedule Unplaced Primaries & Secondaries
Instead of a deadline to make changes before going to print
Will always be one week after the Release to STAR
Deadline for Changes
Try to make as many changes as possible before this date
Will always be one week before Pass One
Used to be the day that the printed schedule of classes was due on campus
Fall 2010 Scheduling Cycle
1st Proof Delivered
Monday, January 11th
1st Proof Due
Wednesday, January 27th
2nd Proof Delivered
Wednesday, February 10th
2nd Proof Due
Wednesday, February 24th
3rd Proof Delivered
Friday, March 12th
3rd Proof Due
Monday, April 5th
Release to STAR
Monday, April 12rh
Deadline to Schedule Unplaced
Monday, April 19th
Deadline for Changes
Monday, May 3rd
Because we aren’t printing the Schedule of Classes, the Fall schedule proof
process will begin one week later, and finish one month later that in past years.
Printing a Proof in STAR
1. From the STAR Main Menu, enter selection “R” to go to the Reports menu.
Printing a Proof in STAR
From the Reports menu, look for the “Schedule Proof (pdf)” option.
Printing a Proof in STAR
Enter the department whose schedule you’d like to view, and type in the email address
you’d like the schedule sent to. Then press Enter to submit the job. The department
course schedule will be sent to the email address entered as a pdf (it should look just like a
schedule proof) which shows all courses and restrictions, similar to how the printed
Schedule of Classes would present the information.
Curriculum Download in STAR
From the Reports menu, look for the “Curriculum Extract” option. Type the
number and press enter
Curriculum Download in STAR
Enter your email address, and press enter to run the job.
Curriculum Download in STAR
You will be sent two emails – one will be
titled “Curriculum Extract” and the other
“Curriculum Time Extract”. Delete the
“Curriculum Time Extract”.
Double click the attachment in the
“Curriculum Extract” email to access the
text file. Drag the file on to your desktop.
Curriculum Download in STAR
Open Excel, go to the “Data” tab, drop down to “Import External Data”, and click on
“Import Data”.
Curriculum Download in STAR
Excel will prompt you to open your data file. Navigate to your desktop, and open the
file you saved to your desktop. It will always start with “EMAIL.your-user-name”.
Curriculum Download in STAR
Once you choose your file, Excel will open the “Text Import Wizard”. Choose
“Delimited” in Step 1. Click next.
Curriculum Download in STAR
In step 2, check the box for “Semicolon”. Click next.
Curriculum Download in STAR
In step 3, click on the column marked “ENROLL CODE” and change the data
format to Text. Click finish.
Curriculum Download in STAR
Scheduling Course
Days and Times
Summer 2010 Session Dates
Summer Quarter Contact Time Regulations
Standard Days/Times for Fall, Winter Spring
2010 Summer Sessions
June 21
July 30
July 31
Aug 2
Sept 10
Sept 11
June 21
Aug 27
Aug 28
June 21
July 9
July 10
July 12
July 30
July 31
Aug 2
Aug 20
Aug 21
Aug 23
Sept 10
Sept 11
All non-delayed-sectioning courses must have
assigned session or session dates
Summer Days and Times
Standard time is 80 minute period
“Prime Time” hours listed in red
Courses that use two or more
time slots should be scheduled in
non-Prime Time hours
Class Begins
Class Ends
(No Later Than)
8:00 AM
9:20 AM
9:30 AM
10:50 AM
11:00 AM
12:20 PM
12:30 PM
2:00 PM
3:20 PM
3:30 PM
4:50 PM
5:30 PM
6:50 PM
7:00 PM
8:20 PM
8:30 PM
9:50 PM
Minimum Contact Time
Minimum contact time is established by the Master
Course Approval (MCA)
The MCA also establishes the distribution of hours
(e.g., lecture only; lecture and discussion section, etc.)
To “convert” the time of a F/W/S course into a
summer course, begin by converting required course
hours into minutes
Each “hour” is equal to 50 minutes
Minimum Contact Time
Course Type
If MCA says…
= Minutes
Lower Division
Primary: 30 hours
Primary: 30 hours
Secondary: 10 hours
Lower Division
(Lec/Lab Section)
Primary: 20 hours
Secondary: 40 hours
Upper Division
(Lecture only)
Primary: 30 hours
(Lecture only)
Primary: 40 hours
Lower Division
(Lec/Discussion Section)
Minimum Contact Time
Distribute minutes over number of days and weeks
for the appropriate session
See handout for sample exercises to practice
Many courses have contact times that exceed the minimum per
department practice or faculty preference. Do not change
without consulting someone in the department.
Summer Special Courses
Some courses are offered in coordination with special
summer programs. For example:
Travel-Study Programs
Language Institutes (Graduate Programs)
Courses may appear on your proof (or STAR) even though
you didn’t add them
Call Summer Sessions before altering
Standard Days and Times
Three Days a Week
 MWF for 50 minutes starting on the hour
Two Days a Week
 MW or TR for 75 minutes starting every 90 minutes
One Day a Week Primaries
 Will be scheduled at 8:00am or after 3:30pm, and after courses
following standard time blocks have been assigned
Impacted hours are 9am-5pm, and MW/TR spaces are also impacted
Non-standard days and times cannot always be scheduled, and all first
requests cannot be filled. Please have other choices ready.
Campbell Hall & IV Theater 1
Due to the increased demand for Campbell Hall and IV THEA1
for courses of 500+, we will be unable to place courses which
request a MW-75 minute space.
Space concerns have grown to a point where accommodating the
volume of requests for large lectures is a challenge in itself:
Giving all courses their choice time in these rooms may be an
impossibility. In order to ease the scheduling tension in these
rooms, we’re requesting that:
Requests for Campbell Hall and IV Theater are limited to either MWF-50
minute or TR-75 minute time blocks.
We are given at least two alternate times in addition to your first
Summer Session Finals
Summer Final Exams
Faculty can choose to hold their final exam during the last
regularly-scheduled class meeting, OR,
they may opt for a separately-scheduled, 3-hour final outside the
last class meeting.
Summer proof packets will include a form for you to indicate
which courses will require a 3-hour final.
Once courses are known, the Registrar’s office will schedule
finals and notify departments of their final schedule.
Summer Finals
There are a limited number of final time
periods available.
The possibility exists for some students to have
more than one final in the same time period.
 It is the instructor’s responsibility to accommodate
students with verifiable exam conflicts.
 If the instructor wishes to schedule a second final
for affected students, the Registrar's Office can assist
in scheduling an additional alternate final meeting.
Instructor Resource Audit List
IRAL Instructions
Third Week Census Date
 Taken 15 days after the first day of instruction
 A “snapshot” of the quarter
During the Summer quarter, the third week census date
is taken at the fifth day of instruction during each
session. The IRAL report is not compiled until the end
of the entire Summer quarter, not after each session.
Prior to the third week census date…
 Cancel courses with zero enrollment
 Drop students still enrolled in canceled courses
 IRALs printed before the third week census date will be marked
as preliminary and will not be accepted
IRAL Instructions
After the third week census date…
Print the IRAL
Check for incorrect or missing information
Will be notated by blanks and error message on the last page
Correct missing information (and call or email us with your
Sign on signature line on last page
Turn into the Registrar’s Office
Remember - the printed IRAL report is a tool for the Registrar and
the academic department scheduling contact use to make sure that all
course information enter in STAR is correct.
Frequently Asked
Scheduling Questions
Which classrooms are controlled by the
Registrar? What are their attributes?
Room Inventory lists physical and media attributes for each room
The registrar controls most rooms from 8am through 10pm (with limited
control of Bren Hall 1414, Campbell Hall, Lotte Lehman Hall, and the IV
Contact Instructional Resources at extension 3549 to coordinate the use of
media features
Other Campus Space
Departments must maintain their own schedule for department rooms
Use the Curriculum Audit report (included in Proof Two and Three) to check for
conflicts in department rooms
The Office of the Registrar cannot verify that department rooms or computer labs are
What time blocks can I use for MW
MW time blocks begin and end on same times as TR courses
MW or TR
What is Delayed Sectioning?
Indicate on Proofs with “Delayed Sectioning: I”
There will only be one enrollment code on Proof and on GOLD
Students enroll with this generic enrollment code which prompts
them to then select an instructor, using the instructor’s two digit
instructor code
A new section is then created for this instructor and the student
is enrolled
There is never enrollment in the first primary
Why doesn’t an instructor’s name
appear on the proof/in STAR?
Instructors names written on the proof must reflect
their STAR Instructor ID
 I couldn’t read your handwriting
Why does STAR list an
“incorrect” title code?
Common explanations…
Appointment has been entered into PPS but the upload hasn’t
happened yet
Summer appointment hasn’t been entered into PPS yet
There are two title codes in PPS. If PPS lists more than one title code,
the highest level will be in STAR
EX; Associate - 1507 vs. TA - 2311
Why didn’t I receive the number
of approval codes I requested?
Pass One and Two
Each course will be allowed approval codes up to 20% of the max capacity of the room
they are assigned. For courses with secondaries, this 20% will be based off of the max
capacity of the room assigned to the lecture and evenly distributed across the
EX; If PHIL 100A is assigned to Buchanan 1930 (max 100), only a total of 20 approval
codes total will be allowed during pass 1 and 2 (20% of the max capacity of Buchanan
1930 is 20). These 20 approval codes will then be distributed evenly across the four
PHIL 100A 0100
PHIL 100A 0101
PHIL 100A 0102
PHIL 100A 0103
PHIL 100A 0104
Requested Approval Codes
n/a (required secondaries)
Approval Codes Created
20 total
When do I need an SAF?
Use an SAF when…
Adding courses/sections
Canceling courses/sections
Don’t need an SAF when
…and when changing…
Day or time in any room
Registration restrictions
Registrar controlled rooms
Between two department
controlled rooms at the same
day and time
Enrollment maxes (as long as
a new registrar controlled
classroom isn’t needed)
SAFs are required once student registration has started
Questions? Concerns?
Rocky Moran
Sean Woods
Scheduling & Publications
Summer Scheduling & One-Times
Jamie Sprague
Denise Belanger
Fall, Winter & Spring Scheduling
Summer Sessions Program Manager