Green Building at 33rd and Chestnut - Drexel University

Green Building at 33rd and Chestnut
Group 23:
Andrew Good
Brad Ryals
Bill Curran
Andrew Hale
Advisor: Professor Lou DaSaro
-Drexel University
-Need for Integrated Sciences Building
-Designed and operated with an
environmentally conscious approach
-Preliminary architectural layout
-Commitment to increased energy efficiency
and development of a sustainable environment
Problem Statement
1. Understand architectural, spatial, and
occupational requirements of Drexel’s
Integrated Sciences Building.
2. Generate engineered designs for all major
building systems in a fashion consistent
with Drexel’s green desires.
LEED Checklist
-Means of quantifying achievement of green
and sustainable goals: LEED Accreditation
-Project Goal: Silver Status
Summary of LEED point goals
Site Background
-NE Corner of S.33rd
& Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA
-Area of lot: 1.03 acres
-Current Conditions:
-Parking lot
Site Background
Existing Sidewalk
Site Location: View from SW
Existing Parking Lot
Site Background
-College campus
-Mostly 18-24 year olds
-Elevations +47 to +42
-Parking revenue
Site Background
-Storm water runoff
-Minimize increase
-Relocation required
-Subsurface Obstructions:
-Septa R.O.W
-Korman Center Basement
Design Constraints
-External criteria
-Project-specific criteria
External Criteria
Uncontrollable factors innate to site placement
-Location of Philadelphia
-Immediate external constraints due to:
-Geographic region
-City requirements
-Site conditions
External Criteria
-Geographic region constraints:
External Criteria
-Average yearly rainfall: Philadelphia, Pa
-2007 World Book Encyclopedia
- 44 to 48 inches
External Criteria
-Wind speed: Philadelphia, PA
-IBC 2006 Figure 1609
- 90mph
External Criteria
-IBC 2006:
-Spectral response acceleration
for short period (0.2sec)
-Spectral response acceleration
for 1 sec period
Values will be used with site coefficient values to
calculate design spectral response acceleration.
External Criteria
-Climate: Philadelphia, PA
-IECC 2006 Section 301
-Climate zone 4A
External Criteria
-Climate zone 4A
IP Units
SI Units
9000 < CDD50°F
5000 < CDD10°C
6300 < CDD50°F ≤ 9000
3500 < CDD10°C ≤ 5000
3A and 3B
4500 < CDD50°F ≤ 6300
AND HDD65°F ≤ 5400
2500 < CDD10°C ≤ 3500
AND HDD18°C ≤ 3000
CDD50°F ≤ 4500 AND
HDD65°F ≤ 5400
HDD65°F ≤ 3600
CDD10°C ≤ 2500 AND
HDD18°C ≤ 3000
HDD18°C ≤ 2000
3600 < HDD65°F ≤ 5400
2000 < HDD18°C ≤ 3000
5400 < HDD65°F ≤ 7200
3000 < HDD18°C ≤ 4000
7200 < HDD65°F ≤ 9000
4000 < HDD18°C ≤ 5000
9000 < HDD65°F ≤ 12600
12600 < HDD65°F
5000 < HDD18°C ≤ 7000
7000 < HDD18 °C
4A and 4B
External Criteria
-City Requirements:
-Philadelphia Building Code 2007
-International Building Code 2006
-International Fire Code 2006
-International Mechanical Code 2006
-International Energy Conservation Code
-ICC Electrical Code
External Criteria
-Site conditions:
-Depth of bedrock
-Ground water table
-Soil composition
External Criteria
-Geotechnical investigation:
-Bedrock at 34’
-GWT at 14’-17’
-Composition: fill, silty
sand, schist bedrock
Project-Specific Criteria
Constraints established by the client
Client: Drexel University
-Spatial requirements
-Improved energy efficiency
-Model of green building technology
-Architecture consistent with campus
-Minimal cost
Project-Specific Criteria
Spatial Requirements:
-20,500 SF Office space
-11,200 SF Classrooms
-50,000 SF Laboratory space
Project-Specific Criteria
Modified footprint:
-25,000 SF Office space
-12,000 SF Classrooms
-48,000 SF Laboratory Space
Project-Specific Criteria
Improve energy efficiency:
-Atrium requires gross excess of
conditioned air.
Original Footprint
Adjusted Footprint
Footprint Efficiency-Equest Simulation
Energy Saving
Electric: 40%
Gas: 30%
Project-Specific Criteria
Model of green building technology:
-Incorporate green building techniques
-Utilize LEED certification system to
quantify the degree of sustainability
Project-Specific Criteria
Architecture consistent with new buildings:
Law Building
Race Street Dorm
Bossone Center
Project-Specific Criteria
Minimal cost:
-Value engineered design within budget
-Justify increased initial cost with
decreased operating costs
Initial Design Concepts
Major systems:
Must satisfy external and project-specific
criteria as efficiently as possible.
Initial Site Design
Introduction: Site design determines
impervious areas, placement of walkways,
and the extent of landscaping.
Initial Site Design
System requirements:
-Adequately handle storm-water
- 100 yr 24 hour rainfall ≈ 7”
-Facilitate efficient pedestrian circulation
- Estimated 1,300 pedestrians / hr
-Utilize site area and provide welcoming
Initial Site Design
System Alternatives:
-Porous concrete walkways
Pros: Level walkway, aesthetic
Cons: Increased heat island effect
-Pervious Concrete
Pros: Promotes vegetation
Cons: Requires maintenance
Initial Site Design
System Alternatives:
-Green roof
Pros: Direct use of water collected
Cons: Maintenance costs
-Rainwater Harvesting
Pros: Low cost, recycles water
Cons: Not aesthetically pleasing
Initial Structural Design
Introduction: Structural design determines
how loads exerted on the building will be
directed to the foundation system.
Initial Structural Design
System requirements:
-Provide adequate resistance to loads.
-Live loads (IBC 2006): 100psf-corridors
on 1st floor, 80psf- 2nd floor corridors and
above, 40psf-classrooms
-Dead loads: 70psf-roof, 95psf-floors
-Wind loads: -12.7psf sidewalls,
14.5psf windward, -9psf leeward
-Seismic loads: 50psf exerted on veneer
-Must not disrupt serviceability.
-L/360 deflection
Initial Structural Design
System alternatives:
-Framed structural system
Pros: Quick construction
Cons: Expensive
-Load bearing structural system
Pros: Simple design
Cons: Limited span length
Framed structure > Load bearing structure
Initial Structural Design
System alternatives:
-Concrete Frame
Pros: Regional, recycled material
Cons: Progress susceptible to weather
-Steel Frame
Pros: High strength to weight ratio
Cons: Long lead time
Initial Mechanical Design
-Introduction: Mechanical design determines
the type and sizing of heating and cooling
-Outdoor design temperatures:
Winter: 0 F
Summer: 95 F
-Indoor design temperatures:
Winter: maximum of 72 F
Summer: minimum of 75 F
Initial Mechanical Design
System Requirements:
-Sensible/Latent loads
-People: 0.6 MBtu/h
-Lights/Equipment: 2.4 MBtu/h
-Ventilation: 27,000 CFM
Based on ASHRAE approximations
Initial Mechanical Design
System Alternatives:
-Geothermal Heat Pump
Pros: Uses groundwater for heat
Cons: Additional excavation
-VAV system
Pros: Variability of flow to spaces
Cons: High energy to provide
Initial Electrical Design
Introduction: The electrical system needs to
be able to power the building’s lighting and
equipment (Lab, HVAC, and Office)
Initial Electrical Design
System Requirements:
-Electrical Lighting Demand
1.2 W/sf
1.0 W/sf
-Electrical Equipment Demand
0.81 W/sf
IECC 2006 & ASHRAE Fundamentals
Initial Electrical Design
System Alternatives:
-Solar power
Pros: Lower demand charges
Cons: Variable supply
-Wind power
Pros: Reduce dependence on nonrenewable energy
Cons: Not aesthetically pleasing
Initial Plumbing Design
Introduction: The plumbing system distributes
potable water to the building fixtures and also
is responsible for removing wastewater.
Initial Plumbing Design
System Requirements:
Estimated Minimum Plumbing Facilities
-Toilets: 30 (Max 1.6 gpf)
-Lavatories: 30
-Lab Sinks: 60
IBC 2006 & from GRCH, Inc. Lab study
Initial Plumbing Design
System Alternatives:
-Grey water system
Pros: Effective water resource
Cons: Additional piping required.
-Conventional sanitary system
Pros: Standard procedure - zero
learning curve.
Cons: Increases strain on regional
sanitary sewer system.
Project Planning
-Project and design budget
-Design schedule
Project and Design Budgets
Design Schedule
Race Street Dorm Pic:
Law Building Pictures:
Bossone Building Pictures:
LEED Logo:
Cut cost:
Plumbing Aerial Site photo:
Geologic map:
Topographic map:
Precipitation map:
We would like to thank the following
individuals for their contributions and
guidance this term:
Professor DaSaro
Professor Mitchell
Dr. Martin
Mr. Warren Waldorf
At this time we would like field any questions
or concerns from the audience.