Comments from Wiki Author: I started this project as a detailed summary of each section. Like paraphrasing to show that I covered that section. But this approach is evolving into more of comments on the sections, and maybe problems that can occur in real world implementation. Chapter 5 starts to deviate from original approach. Desired effect is that a better grade will result from a discussion than a summary. Promotional for RMP: “Use Risk Management Process or Use a 12-step program for Management.” This wiki is meant to be a link between high brow tech speak to a more Risk Management for Dummies style. Part II – Risk Management Process This Part contains: Chapter 4 – Identify Risk Chapter 5 – Analyze Risk Chapter 6 – Plan Risk Chapter 7 – Track Risk Chapter 8 – Resolve Risk These chapters will cover predictable risk management results. Identify Risk 4 - Identify Risk Discussion covers the Risk Identification Process. Analyze Risk Plan Risk Track R 4.1 – Define the Risk Identification Process External View contains process controls, process inputs, process outputs, and process mechanism. Internal View contains process activities. 4.1.1 Process Goals The Risk Management Process has been successful when these topics are accomplished Encourage input of perceived risk from the team. Identify risk while there is time to take action Uncover risk and sources of risk. Capture risk in a readable format Communicate risk to those who can resolve it. Prevent project surprises. 4.1.2 Process Definition Process Controls Project Resources Project Requirements Risk Management Plan Process Inputs Uncertainty Knowledge Concerns Issues Identify Risk Process Mechanisms Risk Checklists Risk Assessment Risk Management Form Risk Database Process Output Risk Statement Risk Context 4.1.3 Process Activities Conduct a Risk Assessment Uses established criteria to identify and evaluate risk. These criteria include likelihood of occurrence, consequence, and time frame for action. Identify Risk Systematically Checklist Interview Meeting Review Routine input Survey Working group Define the Risk Attributes Probability Almost certainly Highly likely Very good chance Probable Likely Probably We believe Better than even We doubt Improbable Unlikely Probably not Little chance Almost no chance Highly unlikely Chances are slight 100% 0% Document Identified Risk Risk statement should contain issue, probability, and consequence. Use a form to create a familiar frame of reference. Communicate Identified Risk To communicate risk affectively uses verbal and written forms. Both forms have their purpose. Verbal form is used to open a dialogue between team members. Written form is used as a historical document. 4.2 Develop Risk Checklists Risk Checklists are important because they represent a systematic way to identify risk. Include the project’s critical success factors, items in the critical path of schedule, and itemize the project interfaces, internal and external. SEI software risk taxonomy can save a lot of time. 4.2.1 Software Risk Taxonomy Product Engineering 1. Requirements Stability Completeness Development Environment 1. Development Process Formality Suitability Program Constraints 1. Resources Schedule Staff Clarity Validity Feasibility Precedent Scale Process control Familiarity Product control Budget Facilities 2. Design Functionality Difficulty Interfaces Performance 3. Development System Capacity Suitability Usability Familiarity Reliability System support 2. Contract Type of contract Restrictions Dependencies 3. Project Interfaces Customer Associate Contractors Testability Hardware constraints Nondevelopmental software 3.Code and Unit Test Feasibility Unit test Coding/implementation 4.Integration and Test Environment Product System 5. Engineering Specialties Maintainability Reliability Safety Security Human factors Specifications Deliverability 4. Management Process Planning Project organization Management experience Project interfaces Subcontractors Prime contractor Corporate management Vendors politics 4.Management Methods Monitoring Personnel management Quality assurance Configuration management 5.Work Environment Quality attitude Cooperation Communication Morale 4.2.2 Work Breakdown Structure WBS is the framework for identifying specific project risk. Time spent on unplanned work reduces time spent on planned work. This could cause problems including schedule slips and cost overruns. 4.3 Define the Risk Assessment Method Objectives include training techniques to identify risks. The method is based on concepts developed by the SEI Risk Program. 4.3.1 Assessment Preparation In preparation, an assessment team reviews the project profile. This Project Profile contains Company organization, Project data, System description, and Project history. The preparation can be broken down into the following tasks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select and train the assessment team. Review the project profile. Select the interview participants. Prepare the risk assessment schedule. Coordinate the meeting logistics. Brief the project participants. 4.3.2 Interview Session SEI Taxonomy-based questionnaire(TBQ) is used by the assessment team tod conduct interviews of peer groups TBQ is a risk identification mechanism of high importance. The interview protocol will al be used in the interview session. The protocol will identify and evaluate risk. Interview protocol is used to set up the environment, so that all views can be voiced. The interview session will include the followings roles: Interviewer, recorder, and observer. The interview session will include the following tasks: Interview the peer group Record the risks Clarify the risk statements Observe and document the process results 4.3.3 Preliminary Risk Analysis Preliminary risk analysis comprises the following tasks: Evaluate the identified risks. Evaluate the interview session. Categorize the risks. Enter the risks in the risk database. 4.3.4 Results and Retrospective Interview Session Results are summarized and the team is briefed. Feedback is recorded and the risk database is updated. 4.4 Develop the Risk Management Form Risk Management form is used as a risk identification mechanism that can be used by any member of the team. 4.5 Establish the Risk Database Schema Database Schema is the Risk database design that ties the requirements and risk and risk attributes together. 5 Analyze Risk Chapter 5 covers risk analysis process. Also will cover tools and techniques for evaluation and estimation of Software risk. 5.1 Define the Risk Analysis Process Author uses the same wording in each X.1 paragraph. This is good for a reference manual, but bad for capturing reader interest. He goes over how the risk analysis process can be broken down into internal and external views. External- process controls, inputs, outputs, and mechanisms. Internal- transforms used on inputs to make outputs. 5.1.1 Process Goals He lists the quality goals for the risk analysis process. Later some of these same goals are explained in detail under process activities. Goals Analyze risk in a cost efficient manner. Refine the risk context. Determine the source of risk. 5.1.2 Determine the risk exposure. Determine the time frame for action Determine the highest-severity risks. Process Definition Here he explains what a IDEF0 diagram is just like in the last chapter. If a reader is using this as a real resource they would have already come across the definition when first mentioned. It seems like the author had to fill a little space. Process Controls Project Resources Project Requirements Risk Management Plan Process Inputs Risk Statement Risk Context Analyze Risk Process Output Risk List Process Mechanisms Evaluation Criteria Analysis Techniques Analysis Tools Risk Database Process controls - This section is the same as in chapter 4. Author acknowledges this with a note to see ch. 4. Process inputs - the process inputs for “Analyze Risk” is the same as the process output of identify risk. We need a risk statement and Risk Context to start this step. Risk Statement – is a concise declaration of risk in terms of Issue probability and consequence. Risk Context – puts the risk statement in context by providing events, conditions, constraints, assumptions, circumstances, contributing factors, and related issues. Note: Risk Context will be refined in the “Analyze Risk” step. Process outputs - The process outputs are conflicting between the diagram and the process output paragraph. The paragraph doesn’t just mention Risk List, but also includes a refined Risk Context. Risk List – Inventory of risks that shows the relative ranking of all identified risks. Refined Risk Context (unofficially) – like metadata for the risk statement, but refined to include a risk category. Process Mechanisms – Provides structure for the process activities. Basically detailed descriptions of these mechanisms are contained in the next section. Evaluation Criteria Analysis Techniques Analysis Tools Risk Database 5.1.3 Process Activities Remember it’s all about the Risk List! So these process activities are all mean to transform risk statements into a Prioritized Risk List. To accomplish such a transformation the following Activities are necessary: Group similar and related risks. Determine risk drivers. Determine source of risk. Use risk analysis techniques and tools. Estimate the risk exposure. Evaluate risk against criteria. Rank risks relative to other risks. Let’s explain each one of these with a bit of detail. Group Similar and Related Risks – Use risk category to accomplish Grouping of similar and related risks. Handle duplicates by flagging them as such. Be sure to link related risks or risks that have effects on one another. Determine Risk Drivers – Here we have an activity that will modify/refine the Risk Context. Risk Drivers cause the probability and consequence of Software risk to fluctuate. Risk Driver Types: Performance – related to tech specs Support – completely left out by author Cost – factors related to cost-estimation models Schedule – items on critical path of schedule Determine Source of Risk – ask why 5 times. Note: The five times rule seems to simple to be useful. All risk sources aren’t uniformly 5 levels deep. What about asking why until risk source is beyond management control. Use Risk Analysis Techniques and Tools – handle conflicting cost and performance goals, uncertainty, and risk preference. Structure – states attributes of outcomes and relationships between outcomes Analyze – analyze the decision model. Details in 5.2. Evaluate – quantify decision model probabilities. Details in 5.3. Communicate – share results to stakeholders. Estimate the Risk Exposure – RE = P * C where P is probability of risk and C is consequence of risk occurrence. Evaluate Risk against Criteria - ensures that all risks will be judged against the same standard. Time Frame Short Medium Long Low 5 7 9 Risk Exposure Moderate 2 4 8 High 1 3 6 Risk Severity Rank Risks Relative to Other Risks – sort risks by evaluation criteria, so high priority risks are reviewed first. This step supports the Top-N Risk List report. 5.2 Define Risk Analysis Techniques This section will focus on refining risk statement and risk context using risk analysis techniques. 5.2.1 Causal Analysis There are two techniques for Causal Analysis, fishbone diagram and five whys. Somehow Causal Analysis is also a three step process: Determine the cause of the error. Determine the actions that will prevent the error in the future. Implement these corrective actions Sounds like a step for a programmer instead of risk analysis team. In my limited experience, EPGs rarely get down into the “weeds” like the example in this section. 5.2.2 Decision Analysis Decision Analysis Structures decisions, represents real-world problems using models. These models can then be analyzed to gain insight. This section provides two graphical models for Decision Analysis, influence diagrams and Decision Trees. DTs look more simple, and logical, but as the number of nodes increase, the branches will grow by 2^x. 5.2.3 Gap Analysis Gap Analysis is used to determine the difference between two variables. This is basically a qualitative chart about how surveyors feel about different categories of Risk Management. Because of the abstract nature of importance, any information other than perceived lack or abundance in a category seems farfetched. This section also explains the use of Radar charts for Gap Analysis. 5.2.4 Pareto Analysis Pareto Analysis sorts the issues in the order they should be addressed. The core of this analysis technique is the 80/20 rule. It states, 20% of the sources cause 80 % of the problems. The output of Pareto Analysis is the Pareto Chart. A Pareto Chart come in two flavors, either Identified Risk or Risk Exposure. 5.2.5 Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity Analysis is used to determine the sensitivity of a model, by setting inputs of the model to the extremes. This analysis technique uses Tornado Diagrams to identify the most sensitive variables. Utility functions have been covered in part one, and in this section a new version is referenced. Exponential Utility function has an addition parameter known as the risk tolerance. This parameter is used to vary risk aversion. Sensitivity analysis of a Exponential Utility function displays the point of Risk tolerance where the decision of what branch to take changes. 5.3 Define Risk Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria define probability, consequence and time frame for action. 5.3.1 Probability Probability >80% 61-80% 60-41% Uncertainty Statement Almost certainly, highly likely Probable, likely, probably, we believe We doubt, improbable, better than even Unlikely, probably not Highly unlikely, chances are slight 40-21% 1-20% 5.3.2 5.3.3 Evaluation 5 4 3 2 1 Consequence Criterion Cost Low Moderate <1% <5% Schedule Slip(week) 1 2 High Critical <10% >10% 4 >4 Technical Slight effect on performance Moderate effect on performance Severe effect on performance Mission cannot be accomplished Time Frame Time Frame 1 month 2 months 3 months Evaluation Short Medium Long 5.4 Establish the Risk Prioritization Scheme Risk Prioritization is required to provide focus risk importance. The difference between the follow schemes are rank verses rate. 5.4.1 Nominal Group Technique Turns individual priorities into team priorities, by having the individuals rank the risks by importance to them. Then each risk is evaluated and scored on the individual inputs. 5.4.2 Weighted Multivoting Weighted Multivoting rates risks based on a consensus prioritization scheme. Basically, each team member is given a equal number of points, and they distribute them among the risks. The number of points a risk receives is proportional to the importance. 6. Plan Risk The chapter subject matter includes What are the activities of the risk planning process? When should you use each of the strategies for risk resolution? How do risk scenarios help to monitor risk? 6.1 Define the Risk Planning Process Internal verses external 6.1.1 Process Goals Goals we are trying to satisfy during the Risk Planning Process Provide visibility for key events and conditions. Reuse successful risk resolution strategies. Optimize selection criteria (e.g., risk leverage or risk diversification). Understand the next action for each high-severity risk. Establish automatic triggering mechanisms. I’m sure will see these again under process activities. 6.1.2 Process Definition Process Controls Project Resources Project Requirements Risk Management Plan Process Inputs Risk List Measures Plan Risk Process Output Scenarios 6.1.3 Process Activities Risk Planning Process Activities include: Develop Risk Scenarios for high-Severity risks. Develop Risk resolution alternatives. Select the risk resolution approach. Develop a risk action plan. Establish thresholds for early warning. Develop Risk Scenarios for High-Severity Risks – Here we use the Top-N Risk List developed in the Analyze Risk Process, and we develop scenarios for the high priority risks on the List. Follow these three steps to develop scenarios. Think about the risk as if it had occurred. State the risk scenario as if the risk had already happened. List the events and conditions that would precede the risk occurrence. Develop Risk Resolution Alternatives – Risk Resolution alternatives are options that when implemented resolve risk. A Risk Resolution strategy uses the following resources to resolve risk: Acceptance Avoidance Protection Reduction Research Reserves Transfer Make sure that each strategy developed contains objectives, constraints, and alternatives. More on this in 6.2 Select the Risk Resolution Approach – This step narrows the set of options down to the best alternatives. Develop a Risk Action Plan – The Risk Action Plan contains details on the risk resolutions. A Risk Action Plan documents the approach, resources required, and approval authority. It also contains the following: Approval Authority Responsible person Resources required Start date Activities Due date Actions taken Results achieved Establish Thresholds for Early Warning – risk action plan can be for future events. This causes the potential for a risk plan not to be addressed in time because it was overlooked. A triggering mechanism can be used to prevent this. These triggering devices should be based on quantitative targets and thresholds. Another word for targets, in this case is goals. By using a minimum performance value, a warning level or threshold can be defined. Once the actual performance dips below the minimum performance value then action may be required to resolve risk. 6.2 Define Risk Resolution Strategies This section will cover strategies for risk resolution. 6.2.1 Risk Acceptance Risk Acceptance is a strategy used when the risk consequence is accepted, and no resolution occurs. This section uses the loss of an employee as an example. The risk consequence is that cost of a new hire. 6.2.2 Risk Avoidance Risk Avoidance is a strategy where the risk is eliminated altogether. This strategy is favored in lose-lose situations. This section contains an above average example that illustrates a lose-lose situation that risk avoidance may be an acceptable strategy. A good quote from this chapter is “Use a risk scenario to determine if you have the organizational support, staff experience, and risk management expertise to win on the project, not just the proposal.” 6.2.3 Risk Protection Risk Protection is a strategy to introduce redundancy to avoid risk. Example includes FAA control system design that included tandem computers. 6.2.4 Risk Reduction Risk Reduction is a strategy that uses the following to minimize risk: Mitigation Prevention Anticipation Risk Reduction lowers the probability of risk occurrence and/or consequence. 6.2.5 Risk Research Risk Research is a strategy that is used when more information is required. Types of Risk Research tools include: Prototyping Consumer questionnaires Trade studies Basically, Risk Research occurs when empirical information is bought. 6.2.6 Risk Reserves Risk Reserves is a strategy that uses contingency funds and built-in schedule slack. This is a good strategy to use when there’s uncertainty in cost or time. When using this strategy it’s a good idea to proportion the reserves with the proportion of unknowns associated with individual subsystems. 6.2.7 Risk Transfer Risk Transfer is a strategy that uses another person, group, or organization to shift the risk to. The best time to use this strategy is when another entity is in control. At first glance this sounds like a way to blame another entity for when something unfavorable happens, but the example does a good job of clarifying the nature of risk transfer. 6.3 Define Selection Criteria Helps determine the best alternative to resolve risk. 6.3.1 Risk Leverage Risk Leverage measures the relative cost-benefit of potential risk resolution activities. Associated terms are Risk Resolution Cost and Risk Exposure. Risk Resolution Cost is the cost of implementing a particular risk action plan. Risk Leverage is used to determine the risk resolution activity with the highest payback. Risk Leverage = (RE(before) – RE(after))/Risk Resolution Cost 6.3.2 Risk Diversification Risk Diversification reduces risk by distribution. Basically, don’t rely on single Risk Resolution to handle all Risk. Try to reduce single points of failure. 6.4 Develop the Risk Action Plan Template Purpose: Capture the risk resolution strategy in a standard format. When developing the Risk Action Plan include events and condition of the risk scenario. A complete Risk Action Plan will include: Risk resolution strategy Objectives Alternatives Approach Approval Authority Responsible Person Resources Required Start Date Activities Due Date Action Taken Results Achieved 7. Track Risk Risk monitoring is not a passive activity! Indicator is an aspect of a project that implies a value of another aspect of the project without directly specifying the quanity. Leading indicator means aspect has a predictive capability. This chapter will focus on the risk tracking process. It’s all about monitoring the risk status. Answered questions of this chapter include Process Controls Process Inputs Process Mechanisms Process Output Plan Risk Targets Scenarios Project Listare the activites ofQuantitative Risk What the riskResources tracking process? Resolution Strategies Thresholds Project Requirements Measures How can static measures indicate dynamic risks? Criteria Risk Action Plan RiskSelection Management Plan Metrics What types of triggers provide notification of unacceptable risk? Risk Database Triggers 7.1 Define the Risk Tracking Process internal verses external again. 7.1.1 Process Goals Process is completed successfully when the following goals are met: 7.1.2 Monitor the events and conditions of risk scenarios. Track risk indicators for early warning. Provide notification for triggering mechanisms Capture results of risk resolution efforts. Report risk measures and metrics regularly. Provide visibility into risk status. Process Definition Process Controls Project Resources Project Requirements Risk Management Plan Process Inputs Scenarios Thresholds Risk Status Track Risk Process Output Measures Metrics Triggers Process Mechanisms Tracking Techniques Tracking Tools Risk Database 7.1.3 Process Activities The following activities are required to monitor risk status and notify team/management when a risk resolution needs to be triggered. Monitor risk scenarios Compare threshold to status Provide notification for triggers Report risk measures and metrics Monitor Risk Scenarios – These scenarios are important because they can provide evidence that a risk is starting to occur. Compare thresholds to Status – Watch for indicator values outside accepted ranges. If this occurs then a trigger device has been tripped. Provide Notification for triggers- make sure the right people are notified once a trigger is tripped. These are the types of triggers (should be in a different section) Periodic event Elapsed time Relative variance Threshold value Report Risk Measures and Metrics – a lot of metrics exist. Here are a few measures: Logged Risk Risk Exposure Risk Management Index 7.2 Define Risk Tracking Techniques Using automation software for tracking can greatly help free up personnel. Trend is a time series of metrics data. Technical Performance Measure describe goals for performance. Tracking performance measures are essential for monitoring risk. These are the three important step to using static measures: 7.2.1 Define warning levels of unacceptable status as thresholds Monitor status indicators in terms of measures and metrics. Regulate the risk action plan execution using triggers Project Control Panel A Project Control Panel gives us a visualization of indicators that are important to management and technical metrics. Some companies may call these dashboards. Some features of an automated control panel: Monitor project health by a core set of metrics. Group metrics into gauge clusters. Convey dissimilar metrics using different formats. Highlight safe operating areas and warning levels. Update display based on real-time work flow. Display lower-level and trend data. Key Indicators of the project control panel include: 7.2.2 Progress Size Change Quality Risk Staff Software Measures Software Measures indicate how close a project is to meeting its process and product goals. Key word for this section is Goal/question Metric(GQM) paradigm. Then 3 manuals are listed that implement this paradigm. GQM manuals are: Metrics Guidebook for Integrated Systems and Product Development Practical Software Measurement Software Measures and the Capability Maturity Model 7.3 Define Risk Measures and Metrics Use these measures to determine risk management metrics: Number of risks – risks being managed Number of logged risks – number or risk in database Risk category – number of risk in a particular category, when this statistic is compared to one another the category with highest number could have largest affect on project. Risk exposure – is the product of Probability of unsatisfactory outcome to the Consequence of that outcome. Risk severity – a level of relative risk Risk leverage – measures the cost-benefit of candidate risk resolutions Risk threshold – value that triggers a particular risk action plan. Without this the risk action plan may not occur in time. Risk indicator – current value of measures watched for risk Risk Management Index - summation of risk exposure for all risks relative to the total cost of the project. Return on investment- summation of savings for total risks over the cost of the risk management team and resources used for risk management. 7.4 Define Triggering Devices Triggers give us three basic functions. These functions include: To Activate To Deactivate To Suspend Four Types of Triggers were mentioned earlier. 8. Resolve Risk This chapter defines the Risk Resolution Process. The questions answered in this chapter are: What are the activities of the risk resolution process? How can you creatively resolve risk? When is the level of risk acceptable? 8.1 Define the Risk Resolution Process Internal verses external 8.1.1 Process Goals Risk resolution process is complete when the following goals are met: 8.1.2 Assign responsibility and authority to the lowest possible level. Follow a documented risk action plan. Report results of risk resolution efforts. Provide for risk aware decision making. Determine the cost-effectiveness of risk management. Is prepared to adapt to changing circumstances. Take corrective actions when necessary. Improve communication within the team. Systematically control software risk. Process Definition Process Controls Project Resources Project Requirements Risk Management Plan Process Output Risk Status Acceptable Risk Reduced Rework Corrective Action Problem Prevention 8.1.3 Process Activities Resolve Risk Activities include: Respond to notification of triggering event Execute the risk action plan Report progress against the plan Correct for deviation from the plan Respond to Notification of Triggering Event – Triggers should give ample time for response from management. When such a trigger occurs, a review of reality and an updated determination of the time frame for action should be completed. Execute the Risk Action Plan – make sure the risk action plan to resolve risk is thoroughly documented. Miscommunication must be avoided. The author suggests using phases of software development to implement details of the execution of the Risk Action Plan. When listing actions for risk resolution, keep in mind to … Think about working smarter Challenge yourself to find a better way Exploit opportunities Be prepared to adapt Use common sense Report Progress Against the Plan – Be sure to report the results of any risk resolution efforts. Make sure that the entire team regularly reviews the following to ensure tisk aware decision making: Risk Status Measures Metrics Correct for Deviation from the Plan – Be agile when deviation from the plan occurs. Quickly recover by taking corrective action. 8.2 Define Risk Resolution techniques The following subsections will be used repetitively to resolve risk. 8.2.1 Creativity Creativity is inventiveness in coming up with new ideas. Creative Process is how we come up with new ideas Innovation style is how we go about the creative process Note: I don’t think one can be taught how to be creative. Our amount of creativity is more than a technique. It’s a function of our experience and how easily we apply those experiences to seemingly unrelated situations. Maybe that in itself is a even more narrow-view of creativity. Here are the four innovation styles: 8.2.2 Envisioning Experimenting Exploring Modifying Collaboration Winner for the best quote so far is Michael Schrage with his quote from Shared Minds, “[collaboration is] two or more individuals with complementary skills, interacting to create a shared understanding that none had previously possessed or could have come have come to on their own” When involved in the collaboration try to overcome these problems: Sending the wrong message Receiving the wrong message Communication link breakdown 8.3 Define Risk Management Return on Investment This topic was discussed before, but let’s see what is new. Oh it’s specific to risk action plans. It’s worth to show the Cost Avoidance Calculation table Outcome Risk did not occur because of successful risk resolution. Cost Avoidance Max(RE) Rationale Cost avoidance is based on the maximum estimate of risk exposure. Using the Max function promotes periodic updates of the risk action plan to reflect more accurate estimates of probability and Risk did not occur because of good fortune. 0 Risk occurred; the consequence is less than the initial estimate. Max(Ct) – Ct=1 Risk occurred; the consequence is equal to (or greater than) the initial estimate. 0 consequence. Cost avoidance is zero if no risk management efforts were initiated. Cost avoidance is the difference between how bad it could have been and how bad it was when the consequence was realized. Risk resolution strategies were ineffective. Investment in risk management has a zero return. No cost was avoided. (Negative returns are not used because they promote use of worst-case estimates.) 8.4 Develop a Corrective Action Procedure To make a corrective action procedure you must follow these four steps: Identify the problem Assess the problem Plan action Monitor progress