Thinking Outside the Box

Outside the
Fun After Trials
• It is important to generalize skills taught
during programs in order to ensure the
child is utilizing the skills in an age
appropriate, effective, and appropriate
manner in their everyday life.
• This allows for the child to more fully
understand and internalize what is being
taught to them
Geared Toward Child
• The method used to generalize the skills
should be geared toward the child’s
lifestyle (family life, school life, culture, etc)
and age
• For example: When generalizing shake hands we may not
generalize this skill with adults for some cultures because shaking
an adults hand isn’t appropriate
• Another example: Playing pretend with a dollhouse may not be
appropriate for an older child. Think about dignity and respect.
What programs and by Whom?
• All Programs should be generalized. Be
• Everyone should be part of the
generalizing process.
• Parents especially should be involved as
they are to become their child's best
Program Ideas
• The following slides contain program
suggestions for generalization
• In addition, since each child is different, each
“suggestion” may need to be modified to meet
each child's specific learning needs and learning
• Receptive vs. Expressive programs are not
specified specifically on the charts that follow
because many strategies can be used for both,
with slight modifications made to each
Beginner Learner
• Simon Says
• Obstacle Course
• Incorporate into
OCC/OSC program
Advanced Learner
Wii Sports
Simon Says-Child is
Indian Chief
Play soccer,
basketball, T-ball/
baseball, etc
Object Imitation
Beginner Learner
• Simon Says
• Incorporate into Play
Advanced Learner
• Incorporate into play
• March in band with
Beginner Learner
Simon Says
Color with finger
Basic finger songs
String beads on
string/pipe cleaner to
make necklace,
wreath, snake,
decoration, etc
Advanced Learner
“Where is Thumpkin”
Finger puppets
Don’t break the ice
Mr. Mouth game
Beginner Learner
Simon Says
Blow Bubbles
Blow horns (horn
Drink straw (straw
Advanced Learner
• Simon Says 2 step
• Blowing Ping Pong
Beginner Learner
• Simon Says
• Modified version of
Mother May I
Advanced Learner
Candy Land
Shoots and Ladders
Wii Sports
Red light green light
Mother May I
Beginner Learner
• Record mt. words on
TV and pause b/w
words and have child
Advanced Learner
• If child can read- read
word off power point
on computer and next
slide will be a
reinforcing picture
• Repeat words in mt.
in silly voices, loud,
soft, monster voicesmake into game
Beginner Learner
• “Kumon” beginner
tracing, drawing, maze
books, etc
• Make a picture out of a
shape practicing (i.e.
make a happy face –
circle eyes, circle nose,
circle head)
• Make a picture and have
child finish with shape
learning (i.e. Make a train
and have child trace
wheels on train).
Advanced Learner
• “Kumon” advanced
drawing, mazes books
• Make pictures that
sequence how to draw
something. Child traces
and at end independently
draws the picture
• Play modified Pictionary
Beginner Learner
• Kumon books are great for
cutting They sequence steps
for learning different cuts in a
fun colorful way.
• Character Cutting-Make a ditto
with favorite character on one
side and something that
corresponds to character on
other side (i.e. Buzz light year
and his sonic blaster gun).
Child cuts across a line drawn
from Buzz to his gun.
Advanced Learner
• Kumon Books
• Character Cutting-more
advanced cutting
Beginner Learner
• Memory Modified
(pieces facing up)
• Match favorite TV
characters, people,
things, etc
Advanced Learner
Diego 123 game
Old Maid (card game
with 4 cards)
Match Upper and Lower Case
Beginner Learner
Advanced Learner
• Letter Bingo-Each
• Letter Bingo-more
person has board with
letters on board
4 different Upper case
depending on student
letters. Pick a lower
case letter from pile
and match to board.
First one to fill board
Beginner Learner
Interactive Book-make book with pictures
missing. Child has pictures in front of them.
As read book place pictures where belong in
story (i.e. milk in fridge) (Verbal Criteria:
Express what else can put in that category)
Category Bingo- Each player has a matt for
a category (i.e. kitchen, bedroom) Take turns
picking cards and placing them on your
matt. When fill up matt you have Bingo.
(Verbal Criteria: Express what picture needs,
express category the card he chooses
belongs to)
Advanced Learner
What belongs? – picture of scene. Give child
10-15 pictures of pictures (some that belong
in scene and some that don’t). Child puts in
scene what belongs.( i.e. baseball stadiumpictures of mitt, baseball player, couch, and
curtains) (Verbal Criteria: Discuss what
category the items that don’t belong go to)
Category board game- go around board and
collect a piece of “flare” from each category.
Once have a piece from each category you
win. (Can make to adhere to child's interest
categories can be baseball, Dora, fishing,
and party time). (Verbal Criteria: Discuss
categories flare goes to prior to start of
game when sorting it and setting up game)
Sorting Characters-take the child's favorite
characters and make different colors and
sizes and then stretch out and make some
fat. Generalize sorting by shape, size and
color with fun pictures
Number Id
Beginner Learner
• Daily Calendar
Advanced Learner
• Daily Calendar
• Go Fish
Id Verbs
Beginner Learner
• Pictures of character
performing these
• Watch a show (i.e.
Dora) and edit out
clips of action verbs
for child to ID
Advanced Learner
• Have a photo shoot
and have child act out
verbs and take their
picture and then
develop and discuss
• Video shoot –video
tape child doing
action and bring in
attributed such as
speed, duration, etc
Id Rooms/Places
Beginner Learner
• Slide show on computer
and label
Advanced Learner
• Make a game with
pictures of rooms/places
on spaces. When lands
on space child labels
room/place and/or action
perform in room and/or
what see in room (label
depends on child's
current skill level).
Id Community Helpers/Places
Beginner Learner
• Memory Match of
Advanced Learner
• Memory Match of Helper to
where he works/his tool
• Wipe off dittos make with
connecting lines b/w whowhere, who-what tool
• Thematic Unit on most
popular/common community
helpers (incorporate math,
science, Social studies, ELA,
speech, pretend play, arts and
crafts, music, etc into unit)
Id Emotions
Beginner Learner
• Photo album of people
and characters child likes
child labels emotions in
• Bingo (look at persons
face and match what they
are feeling to picture on
your “board” Get all
emotions on your board
and you win).
Advanced Learner
• Game: put a bunch of
pictures on floor (the
bigger the better) Ask the
child to “Step on the ____
person/face” (Can have
the child take turns and
ask you to step on faces
Acting out Emotions
Beginner Learner
• Simon Says
• Video tape family
members or favorite
character making
expressions. Show
the expression and
then say to child “Lets
pretend we are mad
like Swiper”.
Advanced Learner
• Feeling Charades:
“What am I feeling?”
(person acts out
emotion and other
players guesses).
• Board game. Pick
card. Act out emotion
on card. Then move
number spaces says
to move on card.
Shape Id
Beginner Learner
• Make a picture (i.e. house
and tree) by matching
shapes to an outline.
(Verbal criteria: some
shapes are missing child
needs to Id missing
shapes and ask for them.
Receptive: Ask child to
point to some of the
shapes used to make the
house upon completion)
Advanced Learner
• (same as beginner only
no outline)
Color Id
Beginner Learner
• (same concept as shape
Id only this time Rec: SD
“Pick up Red Triangle”
Child picks up and glues
on paper to start making
the house. Exp: Few
shapes are missing so
child asks for the color
shape they need in order
to match to the design on
Advanced Learner
• Complete a coloring
activity with directions
(i.e. color the ducks
yellow, water blue, etc)
• Candy land
People Id
Beginner Learner
• Make photo album with
single pictures of family
Advanced Learner
• Look through a photo
album and ask child to
talk to you about the
• Look at a home movie of
a family gathering and
ask child to tell you about
the video (holidays with
many family members
present are usually more
Animal Id
Beginner Learner
• Make ABC book of all
animals and read it
• Memory
Advanced Learner
• Diego 123 game (can
make this game with
mastered animals)
• Go on yahoo images
(block adult stuff) and
look up the animals
and have the child
label them when they
pop up.
Beginner Learner
• Sort family member pictures
Advanced Learner
• Sort TV character pictures
• Interactive Social story-make a
book about gender and give
the child a bunch a male and
female pictures. As you read
have the child insert the
pictures. (Wording of the story
can be easy or hard depending
on learner. For example: The
boy went shopping. Vs He
went shopping.
Letter Id
Beginner Learner
• Letter Jump: Put
larger letters on floor.
Ask child to “jump on
the letter __” or Hold
up letter and ask
“What letter” after
child responds, ask
them “Jump on it”
Advanced Learner
• Letter Search: Ask the
child to search the
house for the letter of
the week/day. (i.e.
find the letter A on a
bottle of apple juice)
Body Part Id
Beginner Learner
• Make a large person
cutout and give the child
things to put on the
person i.e. put the hat on
his head (once child can
do it the correct way, try
and do it a silly way. For
example: Put the
sunglasses on his foot)
Advanced Learner
• Glue/Velcro a face
• Glue/Velcro a body
Receptive/Expressive Id (Ideas)
Beginner Learner
**Computer PowerPoint with 3-5
pictures on page.
SD “Touch ____”/”What is it?”
Response: Child touches
Appropriate picture/States
name of picture
Instructor clicks mouse and
Power Point goes to next
page where there is a
reinforcing picture or
website to a video for the
Advanced Learner
• Scavenger Hunt
Id objective when described
Beginner Learner
• “I’m thinking” game
(with a board as a
Advanced Learner
• “I’m thinking” game
• Touch and Feel box
(describe what feel
and guess what it is)
Unfamiliar Object Id
Advanced Learner
Beginner Learner
• Go on scavenger hunt • Same- more
elaborate hunt (go
around the house and
into community)
look for unfamiliar
things. Child asks
“What is it?”
• Scavenger huntTeacher asks “What is
it?” and child labels or
says “I don’t know”
Delivering Messages
Beginner Learner
• Play mailman
• Deliver letter to
• Deliver letter to family
Advanced Learner
• Telephone game
(activity where pass a
message in circle to
see if the correct
message makes it to
the last person)
Beginner Learner
• Memory
• Make coloring ditto with
one of the senses and
things you can and cant
do with that sense. Child
colors in the sense and
only the things you can
do with that sense (i.e.
color in eyes, watch TV,
read, and watch a
baseball game, don’t
color in listen to music
and smell flowers)
Advanced Learner
TV bingo
Sound CD’s
Blind fold taste test
Feel box
Thematic Units
• Done for larger units or topics with
abundance of information
• Include Math, science, social studies, ELA,
music, play, arts and crafts, generalization
and maintenance skills, writing, pretend,
life skills, community outings, etc.
What’s Missing
Beginner Learner
• Make up pictures where
something is missing.
Laminate. Child should
be provided with a few
“pieces” so that he/she
can choose what piece
fits into the picture ( fun
reinforcing pictures
should be utilized to
increase motivation)
Advanced Learner
• (same as beginner
learner activity, except
have child draw in what's
General Knowledge
• Thematic Units
Which doesn’t belong
Beginner Learner
• Make videos, dittos,
power points, etc of
pictures/items with
different attributes/from
different categories, etc
and have the child
respond by identifying the
one that doesn’t belong
with the others in the
Advanced Learner
• (same as beginner
learner just more difficult)
Beginner Learner
• Read a book and ask what
they think will happen next as
read story
Advanced Learner
• Make skits of funny things
happening in slow motion.
Half way through the skit
pause the video and ask the
child what they think will
happen next (i.e. You walk into
kitchen. Almost step on
banana. STOP TAPE. Ask
child “What will happen next.
Child responds. START TAPE.
You fall. (Child probably
laughs) )
Beginner Learner
• Use a big box and
make a game out of
teaching in and out
(try and use other silly
materials to make a
game out of other
Advanced Learner
• Opposites scavenger
hunt- have the child
search the house for
2 opposites (i.e. open
bottle, closed bottle,
big car, small car, etc)
What do when…
Beginner Learner
• Bingo game:
Instructor asks a
question-child places
a bingo marker on top
of the picture that
cooresponds to the
answer (i.e. What do
when it rains.- child
marks umbrella)
Advanced Learner
• Same as Beginner
learner only use silly
questions (i.e. What
do when a mailbox is
chasing you? ) - do as
a board game (move
spaces when answer
Beginner Learner
• Feel Box – Child
describes how the
item feels and then
guess what it is
Advanced Learner
• Feel Box- Place few
things in box and
describe what item
want child to find.
Child needs to feel
each item to find the
correct one the
instructor is
1:1 correspondence
Beginner Learner
• Trouble
Advanced Learner
• Tic Tac Toe
• Connect the dots
Play Sounds
Beginner Learner
• Simple Play
Advanced Learner
• Advanced Play
Beginner Learner
• Pretend play activity with
box and/or tent and/or
crawl tube, etc. (i.e. Start
off the pretend play
activity with phrases like
“Hurry a storm is coming.
Crawl through the tube.
Now get in the house.
The wind is going blow
over the tent. Hurry hide
under the box.”)
Advanced Learner
• Same
• Give child pictures and
tell them where the
pictures should be placed
on the paper to make the
scene (i.e. put Santa in
the sleigh, put Dancer
between Rudolph and the
Receptive Conversation
Beginner Learner
• Play dolls and have
them talk
Advanced Learner
• Puppets
• Wear mask and talk
in different voice
Social Questions
Beginner Learner
• Make book about
themselves (fill in)
pictures/word strips
provided in choice of
3-5 to help child make
the book and fill in
Advanced Learner
• Make book about
themselves. Pictures
made by child with
Functional Body Parts
Beginner Learner
• Make person from cut
outs. As child asks for
piece of body, instructor
asks why need that body
part. Child should
respond by stating a
rationale that coorelates
to that body parts function
• Simon Says
Advanced Learner
• Use doll-ask child “Show
me what the doll does
with her legs.” Child
makes doll walk, run,
jump, etc. Try and help
the child think of
everything the doll can do
with that body part and
act it out themselves.
Function Rooms/Places
Beginner Learner
• Match memorymatch picture of
room/place to action
perform in room
Advanced Learner
• Make game and when
land on room/place
tell what function is
Environmental Sounds
Beginner Learner
• Play CD and Name
Advanced Learner
• Sounds Bingo (play
sound, press stop,
mark on bingo board
sound heard,
continue with game)
Function Objects
Beginner Learner
• Memory (match object
with function)
Advanced Learner
• Interactive Social Storyread story and have child
fill in function of objects
throughout story (i.e. I left
my house and saw a car.
I use my car to ____).
Child can fill in blank in
book by placing a teacher
made laminate
picture/word with Velcro.
Learning Can
• Created by:
• Ellen Viola Thalhamer III