Sunday November 23th, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Sunday November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe
Blessed Thanksgiving to All
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Saint Cecilia, Virgin & Martyr
4:00 PM
Normand Martin
By Paul & Pauline Perreault
8:00 AM
Dona Belanger
By Mom & Dad
10:30 AM Mary & Sal Tutalo (Birthday Remembrance)
By Family
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24 St. Andrew, & Companions
8:00 AM
Missa Pro Populo
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 Saint Catherine of Alexandria
8:00 AM
Deceased Relatives
By Della Marsocci
8:00 AM
Victor Corbeil & Walter Lilly
By Victor Corbeil
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Thanksgiving Day
8:00 AM
Fr. Alphonse Lethiez
By Victor Corbeil
8:00 AM
Norman Vadnais
By Victor Corbeil
4:00 PM
Yvonne Rajotte (20th Anniversary)
Armond Doucette(Birthday Remembrance)
By Henry & Annette
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 First Sunday of Advent
8:00 AM
Clara Schroeder
By Her son & Wife
10:30 AM Donald & Liliane Dionne
(60th Wedding Anniversary)
 Sanctuary lamp
November: In Thanksgiving for All
the Blessing’s We Received During
Our Life.
This Thanksgiving let those of us
who have much and those who
have little gather at the
welcoming table of the Lord. At
this blessed feast, may rich and
poor alike remember that we are
called to serve one another and
to walk together in God's gracious
world. With thankful hearts we
praise our God who like a loving
parent denies us no good thing.
Pope Francis November Prayer Intentions
Lonely People: That all who suffer loneliness
may experience the closeness of God and the
support of others.
Mentors of seminarians and religious: That
young seminarians and religious may have wise
and well-formed mentors.
By Judy and Tom McGuire
Altar Guild of the week: Lea
Charron, Adelaide Marsocci, Corinne
 Parish Support
November 16, 2014
 Society For The Propagation of the Faith
To the Parishioners of Saint Vincent de Paul Church:
Thank you so much for the generous World Mission
Sunday contribution of $809.00.
With all the bad news that has come from our brothers
and sisters in other countries, your contribution is a
welcome change. Not only does the prayer of your
parishioners change people’s lives but so does the
monetary assistance. In reality we are sowing the Good
News in the world today, which is desperately in need
of positive loving encouragement. I am personally
grateful for your perseverance and courage in sharing
this news.
“I thank God, through Jesus Christ, for you.”
(Romans 1:18)
Rev. Robert Perron, Director
Join us for coffee, cookies and to socialize every
Sunday after Sunday Masses in the Church Hall.
 Saint Vincent de Paul Society
Saint Vincent de Paul Soup Can Sunday is next
 Christmas Giving Tree
As in the past we will be having a Giving Tree to
purchase gifts for the residents of "Alpine" and
"Woodpecker Hill" Nursing Homes.
Please take a tag from the tree and attach it securely to
the outside of the present. The deadline to bring in
your gift will be December 14. Any question, call Della
Marsocci, 821-8644 or Lea Charron, 828-3826.
 The Year of Consecrated Life
The Holy Father Pope Francis has proclaimed 2015 to be
the Year of Consecrated Life, with a theme “Wake Up
the World”, which will begin on November 30, 2014.
The diocese has announced that a Prayer Service will be
held to recognize those who have professed to lead lives
of chastity, poverty and obedience within a permanent
state of life recognized by the Church.
The Prayer Service, which will serve to locally open the
Year of Consecrated Life, which begins on November 30
(the first Sunday of Advent), and ends on February 2,
2016 (the World Day of Consecrated Life), will be held
on Sunday, December 7 at 4 p.m. at St. Pius V Parish,
55 Elmhurst Ave., Providence.
The Year also marks the 50th anniversary of two
foundational documents from the Second Vatican
Council: Perfectae Caritatis, a decree on religious life,
and Lumen Gentium, the constitution on the Church.
Bishop Thomas J. Tobin will preside, and Brother Mark
Hilton, SC, will offer a brief reflection. A light reception
will follow in the church hall immediately following the
Prayer Service. All the faithful, consecrated, clergy and
laity are invited to attend the service.
Religious Education Corner
For all Religious Education Students
Confessions will take place during Advent. Don’t
forget to sign up for our La Salette bus trip! Also,
Sunday, December 21st we will have a Birthday party
for Jesus. Come celebrate the birth of our Blessed
Lord. December 24th we will once again present a
Live Nativity so please plan to attend the 4pm Holy
 La Salette Shrine
This year’s trip to La Salette Shrine will take place on
Thursday, December 18, 2014. The bus will leave our
parking lot at 5:30 and return at approximately 9:15pm.
The cost per person is $5.00. Sign-up sheets for this
trip are in the back of the Church. Please take one, fill it
out and give it to Fr. Jacek or Miss Mel or bring it to
the rectory. Seats are limited.
 Christ the King Christmas Bazaar
Christ the King will hold its 36th Annual Christmas
Bazaar this weekend November 22, open until 5:30pm
and Sunday November 23, from 8am until 2pm. Dine
at the Café, Take pictures with Santa, or check out the
Awesome Booth. The event will take place in the
Church Hall at 124 Legris Ave., West Warwick.
 All inclusive 13 day trip Venice to Rome
This is the perfect vacation for travelers who wish to
visit a specific region in depth and learn more about the
culture, food, and traditions of this part of Italy.
Enjoy guided sightseeing in the main cities of Venice,
Bergamo, Sotto il Monte, Menaggio, Como, Maggiore,
Baveno, Turin. Plus this vacation offers highlights,
The Shroud of Turin, cruise along the Po River, a boat
ride and visit to the opulent Palace and Gardens of Isola
Bella, gondola ride, cable car view of Alps,
Boat tour of Lake Como and much more.
For full itinerary: Please call 401-231-2220
To secure your place on this pilgrimage, please send
$500 deposit payable to "East Side Travel to Rev. Peter J
Gower Our Lady of Grace 4 Lafayette Street, Johnston,
R.I. 02919"