THE STUDENT SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE 52nd Legislative Assembly, 2nd Session SB52.2-3 AN ACT TO REVISE THE FINANCIAL PROCEDURES ACT Short Title: Financial Procedures Act Revisions Act Primary Sponsor: Brandon Maddux, Belk College of Business Secondary Sponsor(s): First Reading: Referred To: OWAM Passage: Enacted: Whereas, The FPA is in need of updates again due to recent deliberations; Whereas, These changes are to take effect immediately; Therefore, be it resolved by the Student Senate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte: SECTION I: The FPA is to read: ARTICLE I. POLICIES & PROCEDURES SECTION 1. Definitions §8-1.12. Spending Restrictions. (y) Tailgates SECTION 2. Types of Funding §8-1.2. Grants Overview. (c) Grants must be signed and submitted via OrgSync by Friday at noon 5pm to be considered for the following week in hearings if applicable. SECTION 4. Budgeting and Procedures §8-1.13. Guidelines for Accessing and Using Funds. (b) All invoices and bills must be submitted within 10 20 business days of receipt, event, or travel, or SGA will not be responsible for payment. ARTICLE II. SECTION 2. COMMTTEE OPERATIONS Process Outline and Timeline UNC CHARLOTTE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION THE STUDENT SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE §8-2.11. Friday. (c) All grants must be submitted by Friday at 12pm 5pm to be heard for the following week’s hearings. ARTICLE V. TRAVEL GRANTS SECTION 2. Line Items §8-5.6. Transportation. (f) Rental Cars may be used. Groups must submit quotes or prices from two different rental services and the lowest price shall be funded. Groups must also submit documentation of mileage to and from the destination and a list of students who are utilizing such services. Groups may use any rental car company as long as a quote is provided. (g) Motor Fleet may be used on the contingency of students paying for mile overage. UNC CHARLOTTE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION THE STUDENT SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE Mandates: Dr. Arthur R. Jackson, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Christine Davis, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Karen Shaffer, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Director of Student Activities Adam Burden, Advisor to the Senate Fahn Darkor, Press Secretary Niner Times I hereby certify that this legislation was considered and adopted by the Student Senate of the University of North Carolina in accordance with the Constitution of the Student Body and the By-Laws of the Student Senate on this __________ day of ______________, ____________. _______________________________________________________ Alexander S. Rodriguez President Pro Tempore of the Senate UNC CHARLOTTE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION THE STUDENT SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE I hereby signify my approval of this legislation as adopted by the Student Senate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, this __________ day of ________________, _____________. _______________________________________________________ Mitchell Daratony President of the Student Body UNC CHARLOTTE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION