College Planning CENTRAL BUCKS HIGH SCHOOL EAST CLASS OF 2017 WALT SANDSTROM (A-LA) MELANIE JONES(LE-Z) OVERVIEW Junior Year Timeline Standardized Test options Admissions Factors Naviance - Career & College Search Process Counselor letter of recommendation Application Timeline Program Planning Process Junior Year Timeline FALL WINTER/SPRING SUMMER √Revisit Naviance, update resume and game plan to include potential major. Course selection for senior year Call ahead to set up campus (Portal opens January) tours and visit schools of interest. √Meet with college admission reps who visit East. Visit College Campuses and Attend District College Fair on March 16th 6:30pm at South. √PSAT’s on October 14th Take the SAT/ACT/SAT Subject Start looking at/working on Tests, AP exams. college applications. Register for fall SAT/ACT/SAT Subject tests if necessary. √Student Athletes register with NCAA √Attend Financial Aid Night on November 11th at CB South. Naviance - college search process, enter colleges of interest, complete “college recommendation questionnaire” Complete Career Plan Essay in Request teacher English Class recommendations from 11th grade teachers. Revisit college application essay written in English 11 for Career Plan and fine-tune existing activity resume. Participate in an enrichment program, get a job or internship There are HOW many colleges in the US? Approximately 4,646 colleges in the US Consider all options Narrow down the list to 1o-15 by end of 11th grade Apply to approximately 4-8 in senior year Types of Post-Secondary Schools PA State Colleges/Universities Private Colleges/Universities “Ivy League” Schools Military Academies Specialized Institutions (art, music, culinary arts, technical/trade, etc.) Community Colleges (Transfer Programs) Two-Year Private Colleges Decision Factors Entrance Requirements Selectivity Public vs. Private Majors Available Specialized programs Final Cost and Expenses More Decision Factors Finding the perfect match…. Size of school/classes Geographic location Distance from home Type of campus Surrounding community Campus personality Diversity Athletics/Extracurricular Activities Facilities and housing Resources for the College Search Naviance (Counselor can re-set password) Websites such as: College Click TV,, College Confidential Facebook, twitter Traditional guidebooks, college brochures, reference books – Fisk Guide Ask around. Neighbors, teachers, family members, etc… College Fair- March 16, 2016, 6:30p.m. at CB South East data College data Campus Visits… What makes their college unique? Campus Tour Open Houses- spring or next fall. Overnight stay with sibling/friend Visit an actual class in session Interview, if requested or required “Chat” with current students Visit before applying, and again after acceptance. Students can take up to 3 excused absences in both 11th and 12th grade for college visits. Most Important Factors in College Admissions Grades GPA Trend of grades Rigor of schedule Stays the same or increases Standardized Testing (SAT, ACT, SAT Subject) Varies in importance at each college Test optional - Student Transcript Sample Senior Year Schedule Sample Senior Year Schedule Most Important Factors in College Admissions (Continued) √ Grades GPA Trend of grades √ Rigor of schedule Stays the same or increases Standardized Testing (SAT, ACT, SAT Subject) Varies in importance at each college Test optional - The 2015-16 Testing Timeline AP Exams SAT Subj SAT Subj SAT Subj ACT ACT SAT Subj SAT Subj PSAT (New) Oct ACT ACT SAT (New) SAT (Old) SAT (Old) Nov Dec SAT Subj ACT SAT (New) SAT (New) SAT (Old) Jan Feb Mar Apr May June College Admissions Old SAT, New SAT, & ACT Most Colleges Admissions Representatives have stated that they will accept the Old SAT, New SAT, & ACT o However, a few colleges posted on their website and/or verbally stated that they would only accept the New SAT and ACT for the Class of 2017. This includes: University of Delaware (verbal) Virginia Tech (website) o We recommend to check with the college website or their admissions office if you have a concern Worried About Your SAT & ACT Scores? Consider applying to colleges that are Test Optional The National Center for Fair & Open Testing maintains a list at American University College of New Jersey Dickinson College Connecticut College Fairfield University Franklin & Marshall George Mason George Washington Ithaca College Gettysburg College Loyola University Muhlenberg College Saint Joseph’s Uni. Temple University Susquehanna Wake Forest Test Optional for certain GPA/Major Arizona State University, Duquesne University, Elizabethtown College Test Flexible SAT/ACT not required if other exams such as SAT Subject Test or AP Exam Scores are submitted Middlebury College, Hamilton College, NYU Other Admission Factors Essays Extracurricular Activities/Leadership Athletics, Work, Clubs, Volunteering, Music Recommendations Teachers Counselor Audition/Portfolio (If applicable) Demonstrated Interest Campus visit, Interview, College rep visits at East, Communication with admissions Communication Tips Create a college-appropriate email address Online presence Student contact with Admissions Officer Prepare with questions before visiting: lication-process/interviews/questions-for-you/ Counselor Letter of Recommendation o o o o o “Counselor Recommendation Questionnaire” survey on Naviance Optional “Parent Recommendation Questionnaire” Print survey and submit to guidance office beginning February 2, 2016. Sent with transcript and standardized scores Request made as part of the Transcript Request Form (Allow at least 15 school days for processing). Counselor Letter of Recommendation College Application Deadline Overview Rolling Apply early because colleges make their decisions as applications come in Once the class is full they will stop taking applications Schools like PSU have a priority deadline, we recommend your application be complete by Halloween Early Decision (ED 1 and ED2) November & January Binding, usually notified of decision by winter break Only can apply to one school Early Action (EA) November Non-binding Sometimes this is restricted to one school but usually can apply to more Regular January - March Apply by deadline set and usually find out in March/April The 2016-17 College Application Timeline Review/ Write College Essays Common App Open Date 8/1 Transcript Processing begins early September. Must submit a minimum of 15 days prior to deadline Rolling Admission & Priority Deadlines Early Action (Non Binding) FAFSA Early Decision (Binding) CSS Profile Aug ACT ACT SAT (New) SAT (New) Sept Oct Regular Decision ACT Decision Day SAT (New) Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Program Planning for 12th Grade Enter courses in portal January 8 – February 7. Counselor classroom visits. Make sure you and your student can access portal. Maintain rigor and/or add challenge. Early Release/Late Arrival privileges & provisions. Join us again…. Late Spring Summer activities, introduction to transcript/application process, financial aid process, looking ahead to senior year. Fall 2016 Senior timeline, transcript request process, sending teacher/counselor recommendations, financial aid & scholarships, final decisions. Follow us on Twitter @CBEGuidance2017 Questions?