Is There ancork Advantage to in “Corking” Bat? ...or is the better left the wineabottle? Page 2 Does Corking the Bat Give an Advantage? A Physicist’s Approach Introduction: The Ball-Bat Collision Kinematics Dynamics: a long (but interesting) detour Kinematics revisited Hitting the Ball Squarely...or not Pitching and Hitting, Thinking and Guessing Summary/Conclusions Page 3 Baseball and Physics 1927 Yankees: Greatest baseball team ever assembled 1927 Solvay Conference: Greatest physics team ever assembled MVP’s Page 4 Introduction: Description of Ball-Bat Collision forces large (>8000 lbs!) time short (<1/1000 sec!) ball compresses, stops, expands kinetic energy potential energy lots of energy lost bat is flexible it compresses too to hit a home run... large hit ball speed optimum take-off angle backspin Courtesy of CE Composites Page 5 Kinematics of Ball-Bat Collision e-r 1+e vf = v ball v bat 1+r 1+r eA vball vbat vf 1+ eA r: bat recoil factor = mball/Mbat,eff 0.25 (momentum and angular momentum conservation) e: coefficient of restitution 0.50 (energy dissipation) typical numbers: vf = 0.2 vball + 1.2 vbat Page 6 Kinematics of Ball-Bat Collision e-r 1+e vf = v ball v bat 1+r 1+r vball vbat vf Z For maximum vf: • r = mball/Mbat,eff small Mbat,eff large Mbat,eff Ih/z2 • vbat large a tradeoff vbat ~ (Ih)-x • e large Page 7 The vbat-Mbat tradeoff: General Considerations v (mph) f 120 110 n=0.5 constant bat KE 100 90 80 70 60 n=0 constant v bat vbat = 65 mph x (32/Mbat)n 20 30 M bat 40 (oz) 50 60 0 n 0.5 are physically sensible bounds Page 8 Swinging the Bat Page 9 Experimental Swing Speed Studies Thanks to J. J. Crisco & R. Greenwald Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 34(10): 16751684; Oct 2002 Page 10 X 3” Z 0.8” 70 mph @ 28” 45 rad/s z x vbat vs. z Crisco/Greenwald Batting Cage Study: College Baseball Page 11 bat speed versus MOI Crisco/Greenwald Batting Cage Study 50 48 knob 46 (rad/s) vbat I-0.3 44 42 vbat I-0.5 40 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85 1.9 • I-n knob I knob 4 2 (10 oz-in ) • n = 0.31 0.04 • 13% reduction in I gives ~4% increase in bat speed Page 12 Recent ASA Slow-Pitch Softball Field Tests (L. V. Smith, J. Broker, AMN) Bat Speed at 6" Point vs. W Bat Speed at 6" Point vs. MOI 1.06 fixed M 1.04 1.02 1.02 1 1 0.98 dashed: n=0.25 solid: n=0.23 fixed MOIknob 1.04 ~(1/M) 0.25 0.98 0.96 0.96 0.94 6000 7000 8000 9000 2 MOI (oz-in ) 10000 11000 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 W (oz) Conclusions: • bat speed more a function of mass distribution than mass • n~ 0.25 Page 13 The vbat-Mbat tradeoff revisited v (mph) f 120 110 n=0.5 constant bat KE n=0.31 (expt) 100 90 80 70 60 n=0 constant v bat vbat = 65 mph x (32/Mbat)n 20 30 M bat 40 (oz) 50 60 Looks like corking reduces vf! More later... Page 14 Kinematics of Ball-Bat Collision e-r 1+e vf = v ball v bat 1+r 1+r vball vbat vf Z For maximum vf: • r = mball/Mbat,eff small Mbat,eff large Mbat,eff Ih/z2 • vbat large a wash—at best vbat ~ (Ih)-x • e large what about this? Page 15 Accounting for Energy Dissipation: Dynamics of Ball-Bat Colllision Collision excites bending vibrations in bat Ouch!! Thud!! Sometimes broken bat Energy lost lower e, vf Find lowest mode by tapping Reduced considerably if Impact is at a node Collision time (~0.6 ms) > TN Page 16 02 A Dynamic Model of the Bat-Ball Collision 51 y 20 01 Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory‡ 5 2 2y 2y EI 2 A 2 F(z, t) 2 z z t 0 5- y -10 z • Solve eigenvalue problem for free oscillations (F=0) -15 -20 0 normal modes (yn, n) 5 01 51 02 52 03 53 • Model ball-bat force F • Expand y in normal modes • Solve coupled equations of motion for ball, bat ‡ Note for experts: full Timoshenko (nonuniform) beam theory used Page 17 Modal Analysis of a Baseball Bat f1 = 179 Hz f3 = 1181 Hz f2 = 582 Hz f4 = 1830 Hz FFT(R) 1 0.15 582 0.5 0 R 5 10 15 20 25 30 1181 0.1 0 -0.5 -1 1830 179 0.05 -1.5 35 frequency time 0 5 10 t (ms) 15 2400 20 0 0 500 1000 1500 frequency (Hz) 2000 2500 Effect of Bat Vibrations on COR nodes 4 3 2 0.5 0.4 e v (mph) f 1 120 COR f1 = 179 Hz 100 0.4 vf 0.3 80 60 0.3 Evib 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 5 10 distance from tip (inches) 40 20 f2 = 582 Hz 0 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 COR depends strongly on impact location Page 19 Relation to Reality: Experimental Data Ball incident on bat at rest v final /v CM initial v node final /v initial nodes 0.35 0.4 rigid bat 0.3 rigid bat 0.25 0.3 0.2 flexible bat 0.2 flexible bat 0.15 data from Rod Cross freely suspended bat v = 2.2 mph 0.1 0.1 0.05 i 0 16 20 24 28 distance from knob (inches) only lowest mode excited 32 0 23 data from Lansmont BBVC bat pivoted about 5-3/4" v =100 mph initial 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 distance from knob (inches) 31 lowest 4 modes excited Conclusion: essential physics understood Page 20 time evolution of bat displacement (mm) 10 0 - 1 ms 0.1 ms intervals 8 6 • rigid-body motion develops only4 after few ms 2 0 • far end of bat has no effect on -2 ball -4 knob moves after >0.6 ms collision over after 0.6 ms impact point 200 150 1-10 ms 1 ms intervals 100 nothing on knob end matters 50 • size, shape • boundary conditions 0 • hands -50 impact point 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 distance from knob (inches) Page 21 Why is Aluminum Different (Better)? • Inertial differences Hollow shell more uniform mass distribution effectively, less mass near impact location swing speed higher ~cancels for many bats definite advantage for “contact” hitter • Dynamic differences Ball-Bat COR significantly larger for aluminum (“trampoline effect”) Page 22 Aluminum Bats: The “Trampoline” Effect: Ball and bat mutually compress each other Compressional energy shared Essential parameter: kbat/kball Demo • large for wood; smaller for Al Ball inefficient, bat efficient at returning energy Net effect: less overall energy dissipation Effect occurs in tennis, golf, aluminum bats, ... >20% increase in COR! Page 23 “Corking” a Wood Bat (illegal!) • ~1” hole, 10” deep + filler • Is there a trampoline effect? MOVIE Page 24 ball-bat COR 0.495 0.490 0.485 original corked 2% 0.480 drilled 0.475 COR Measurements Lloyd Smith,Dan Russell, AMN, July 2003 Conclusion: no trampoline effect! Page 25 Kinematics and Swing Speed, Revisted VbatConclusions: dependence on I: most swing speed scenarios, increased swing -n : purely ~• Iunder phenomenological speed does not compensate for reduced eA -1/2 : fixed energy shared between ~• (I+I ) 0 “anti-corking” is probably better bat (I) and batter (I0) v (mph) v 100 0.5 unmodified 0.4 95 Nomar 0.3 90 n 0.2 Sosa 0.1 0 n=0.50 85 drilled n=0 80 0 2 4 6 I /<I> 0 8 10 75 3 7 6 5 4 distance from tip (inches) 8 Page 26 Subtle Effects where Corking May Help Bat Control Hitting and Pitching, Thinking and Guessing “Hitting is fifty percent above the shoulders” “Hitting is timing; pitching is upsetting timing” 1955 Topps cards from my personal collection Page 27 Hitting, Pitching, and Thinking Graphic courtesy of Bob Adair and NYT Page 28 Quick Guide to Aerodynamics: Effect of Spin on Trajectory FMagnus V Fdrag FMagnus ~ x v •Drag Force opposite to velocity vector •Magnus Force in direction the leading edge is turning --curve balls break --backspin keeps fly ball in air longer Page 29 Oblique Collisions: Leaving the No-Spin Zone --Oblique collisions and friction cause hit ball to spin f --Early or later: sidespin --Undercut: backspin --Overcut: topspin Page 30 Application: Swinging Early or Late (deg) down the line f Initial takeoff angle 80 120 100 60 foul 80 60 height vs. distance 40 40 fair angle vs. distanze 20 20 ~11 inches 0 0 100 200 300 400 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 t (ms) 12 14 • Balls hit to left or right curve towards foul line • 90 mph pitch misjudged by 3 mph (!) over last 30’ --swing is early or late by ~7 ms --ball goes down the line and curves foul Page 31 Application: Hitting Strategies and Undercutting the Ball Ball100 downward D = center-to-center offset (rpm) 4000 Bat 100 250 upward 3000 fastball 200 curveball, -2000 rpm 2000 150 1000 100 1.5 1.0 0.75 0.5 0 50 fastball, +2000 rpm -1000 -2000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 D (inches) 0.8 1.0 0 0.25 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Can a curveball be hit farther than a fastball? Page 32 And Finally.... Ball100 downward D = center-to-center offset Bat 100 upward pitcher batter 7 250 fastball 200 6 1.5 2000 rpm y (f) 1.0 150 5 1500 rpm 0.75 100 4 30 0.5 50backspin 90 mph fastball with 0 10 20 0.25 0 3" (!) 200 250 300 350 400 30 0 4050 100 50 150 60 x( f) Page 33 Summary Kinematic factors do not favor corked bat Higher swing speed does not compensate reduced collision efficiency No evidence for trampoline effect in corked bat Corked bat can help in subtle ways bat control bat acceleration Sammy probably didn’t take Physics 101! ...but he may have taken Biology 101! Page 34