
Project proposals
Learning outcomes
Everyone should understand the key
ingredients of the PP
 Some of you will find that you already
have a good idea of what to put in your
‘areas of thought’
 A few of you could produce your PP right
What is the Project Proposal?
Five elements:
1. Title and Objectives
2. Reasons for choosing this project
3. Activities & time scale / milestones
4. Resources
5. Contingencies
The title should be …
In the form of a question, phrased in such
a way as to ensure that the answer –
 Will be analytical as opposed to
description / narrative
 Involves evaluation and / or judgement
 Reaches a conclusion based on the
 Will not be a simple list
For example:
What happened at breakfast?
 What did you eat for breakfast?
 Why did you eat breakfast?
 ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of
the day.’ How far do you agree?
A good title
Uses the right sort of language:
To what extent …?
 Assess the view that …
 How important was …?
 How far …?
Is pithy & elegant!
Last year’s titles:
Water Fluoridation: Poison or Panacea?
Deir Yassin – Myth or Massacre?
‘Prison is a £2.2 billion failure.’ To what extent is this true?
‘Powerful evidence of inhumanity to women.’ To what extent is
this true of the 1612 Pendle witch trial in Lancashire?
‘Alcohol liver disease patients should not be eligible for liver
transplantation.’ Assess this view.
A good title reflects a good topic
A good topic will be:
 Narrow enough to research in 2 months
 Controversial: you need two or more sides to the
argument (aka ‘Schools of Thought’)
 Resource-rich: you need plenty of material to
research (but not too much … back to the first point
 Best of all, some of the evidence (or even a whole
School of Thought) should be flawed or unreliable or
suspect – which makes it easy for you to evaluate
 0f deep personal interest to you
2. Reasons for choosing this project
Personal interest – Why? Trigger?
 Future plans?
 Knowledge you want to increase
 Why the topic is important (to the world!)
 Skills you want to learn …
3.Activities & time scale / milestones
AVOID the ‘I’ll research everything, then I’ll
write it all up in one go’ approach
Go for a rhythm with your schedule ….
research, write; research, write; research,
 Make the rhythm reflect the ‘areas of research’
(see 4ii below)
 Put together a calendar from now to Feb
allowing time for hols, Exams.
4. Resources
i. Resources …. Journals, books,
museums, people, internet, equipment,
podcasts, blah, blah. That bit is easy.
ii. The really, really CRUCIAL bit is hidden
down at the bottom ….
‘Your areas of research’ = Your research
‘Your areas of research’
= your plan in effect
 = what your contents page will look like
 BUT phrased as questions at this point in
 The better you write this part up now, the
easier your job in the summer.
For example – see the rhythm
Model 1
Background – some general information on this debate
What is the case for …?
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3
Pros & cons of this
Pros & cons of this
Pros & cons of this
What is the case against …?
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3
Pros & cons of this
Pros & cons of this
Pros & cons of this
Conclusion – based on the evidence and my evaluation of the theories,
what are my thoughts?
For example – see the rhythm
Model 2
Background – here’s an outline of the situation … why did it happen /
is it happening?
School of Thought A, followed by evidence for and against this SoT
School of Thought B, followed by evidence for and against this SoT
School of Thought C, followed by evidence for and against this SoT
Introduce case study (a local study?)
Which theory best fits my case study?
Conclusion – what do I think on the basis of my case study of the
whole situation? Are any of the theories correct?
In the next three weeks
Devise a model
 Fill in the blanks (Theory A = )
 Talk it through with as many people as
 Write it up
 Make your calendar reflect the plan
 Remember – follow the rhythm
5. Contingencies Game
What problems might you have?
Shout out your worst fear
What will you do if this happens?
Everyone else – come up with three
solutions, please!
What does a good PP look like?
What does the mark scheme say?
Read AO1, Mark Band 3
Use the EPQ mark scheme to help you
plan your project.
So …?
Minimal help reaching the question
 A clearly focused, well-defined question
 Clear, concise project plan
 Thoughtful objectives & rationale
 Break down of tasks
 Appropriate time span to each
Any questions?
Things to do:
 See your mentor and use email to contact
them. They are busy people and this is extra
work for them. ( Give gifts)
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Get reading and thinking!