Intro to creating a Java GUI


Graphic User Interfaces

Part 1

Typical GUI

Screen from Microsoft Word

• What GUI “components” can you see?

– Menus? Buttons? Labels? What else?

– Anything that appears on the screen was programmed carefully to be there..

• What do you notice about the layout of the screen?

– Where are the exit buttons? Where is the empty sheet? What happens when I resize?

• What things can happen when you use the mouse

– Go right around the screen and think carefully?

– How do you think this is handled programmatically?

GUIs.. A lot of things to do

• Components..

– What do I need? Buttons? Menus? Etc

– Where should I put them? Layouts?

– What should they “do” when I use the mouse?

• Event handling/ listeners

– Java Swing supports all of this

GUI – what makes a Graphic

User Interface

• Windows

• User interaction

– pressing buttons, choosing menu options

• Event driven programming


Two sets of components are available for GUIs in Java

• awt components (abstract windowing toolkit) package is java.awt

• Swing components package is javax.swing

You’ll see both in the Java API documentation…


• awt Components

– original GUI components

– tied directly to the local platforms GUI capabilities

– local platform determines the “look and feel”

– heavyweight components


• Swing components

– “lightweight components”

– not tied by the local capabilities of the platform

• do not rely on the operating system to render themselves

• draw themselves using standard features of the Graphics object

– can specify same “look and feel” across all platforms

– have much richer functionality than awt components

GUI Classes

• Types of classes

– graphics - drawing shapes and lines, selecting fonts, colours etc…

– components – buttons, labels, textfields, etc are placed in containers (e.g. in a panel)

– layout managers – used to arrange the components in a container

– event handling – handling external events, e.g. pushing buttons, mouse moves, uses event handlers, listeners and adapters

– image manipulation – incorporate images in a number of formats

Class Hierarchy
















Creating a Window

• Your window should instantiate or extend one of the main Swing containers

– JFrame (top level window with title & border)

– JWindow (window – no title or system menu)

– JDialog (typically takes input from user)

 all basic window functionality is available (resizing, moving...)

• Add components to the window

– buttons, textfields, lists, etc… for normal GUI controls

– panels for grouping

• The positioning of the components in the container is determined by the layout manager

(see later)

Space for Menu Bar

Content Pane


Title Bar


A code example for a simple frame

• See MyFrame. Java

• This sets up a “window” or frame, with a label and a text field

• Things to note

• A subclass of JFrame

• Setting up a menu bar.. Add a menu and a menu item

• Setting up content on the content pane ..setContentPane() which accepts a container…

• What does the createContentPane() return?

Creating a Window

public SimpleFrame extends JFrame{…}

• Set up window

– setTitle(String s) [can use super(“title text”) instead]

– setSize(int w, int h) [or pack() fits to controls on frame]

– setLocation(int x, int y)

– setVisible(boolean b)

• Indicate what to happen when close is clicked setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);

– 3 possible operations [hide, nothing, dispose]

Stop here

Designing the Window

• JComponent Java classes that represent GUI

Controls include

– JLabel

– Icons

– JButton

– JTextField and JTextArea

– JScrollbar and JSlider

– JCheckbox and JRadioButton

– JList

– and many others…

Adding components

• JComponents are placed in Containers

• Most useful/common container is JPanel

• An instance of the required control is instantiated and added to the JPanel

Container pane = new JPanel();

JButton myButton = new JButton(“Save”); pane.add(myButton);

• Components should grouped in separate containers

(JPanels) on another container

JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.add(saveButton); buttonPanel.add(cancelButton); pane.add(buttonPanel)

Adding components*

• In a JFrame components are added to the content pane

– Content pane is a Container setContentPane(createContentPane());

/* Then have a method to populate the contentPane container with whatever will be in it..*/ private Container createContentPane(){

JPanel pane = new JPanel();

JButton myButton = new JButton(“Save”); pane.add(myButton);

… return pane; setContentPane()

Is a method in

Jframe class


More GUI things that you can do.

• There are all sort of visual features that help the user when they are using a GUI to find what they want..e.g.

– Tool tips

– Borders (e.g. to help highlight a button)

– Menus, and their various menu items

– Fast keys (mneumics) on key itme

– accelerator keys on menu items

– Icons on things (e.g. picture on a button)

– Fonts..

More GUI things that you can do.

– Tool tips

– Borders (e.g. to help highlight a button)

– Menus, and their various menu items

– Fast keys (mneumics) on key itme

– accelerator keys on menu items

– Icons on things (e.g. picture on a button)

– Fonts..

* These ALL exist already in the Java API – as classes (and interfaces) - you just have to find them.

* Illustrated for reference in following slides – you have to USE them to get familiar..


• A tooltip is a context sensitive text string that is displayed in a popup window when the mouse rests over an object

JButton myButton = new JButton(“Save”); myButton.setToolTipText(“Click this to save”); pane.add(myButton);


• javax.swing.Border package consists of several classes to draw borders around components b = new JButton ("ColorizedEtched"); b.setBorder (new EtchedBorder



• There are 3 main classes that create menus

– JMenuBar : creates the menu toolbar

– JMenu : creates the dropdown menu on the menu bar

– JMenuItem : creates the menu item on the menu

JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();

JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu ("File"); bar.add(fileMenu); fileMenu.add (new JMenuItem ("New")); fileMenu.add (new JMenuItem (“Open")); fileMenu.addSeparator(); fileMenu.add (new JMenuItem (“Close”));

– use setJMenuBar(JMenuBar menuBar) to set up the menu in the content pane

Using Menus

• Different kinds of menu item

– Icon

– Text and Icon

– Radio Buttons




• Group in ButtonGroup()

– Check boxes (JCheckBoxMenuItem)

• Submenu

– add JMenu to a JMenu

Menu Shortcuts

• Mnemonics – underlines a character on the menu (to help navigate the menu in an alternative way – e.g. accessibility)

• Use the constructor of the menu item OR

• Use the setMnemonic method.

• Use the KeyEvent constant or the actual constant itself

– menu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_N);

– menuItem.setMnemonic(‘N’);

Menu Shortcuts

• Accelerator Keys

• Used to bypass navigating the menu to directly choose a menu item

• Use the setAccelerator method

• Must use a KeyStroke object – which combines a key and a modifier mask

– menuItem.setAccelerator




Control key



• Used to describe fixed size pictures

• Icons are typically embedded in a JComponent (e.g. JButton or


– not really a “component” as such… used with other components

• ImageIcon class is an implementation of Icon that creates an

Icon from an image (e.g. .gif file or URL)

Icon myIcon = new


• Using an Icon:

JButton myButton = new JButton(“My Button”, myIcon); file.add(new JMenuItem(“menu item”, myIcon);

– setHorizontalTextPosition(…) and setVerticalTextPosition positions the text in different area around the icon


• Use Font class to set the font for a component…

JLabel fancyLabel = new JLabel("Fancy Big Label");

// Instantiate a Font object to use for the label

Font fancyFont = new Font("Serif", Font.ITALIC, 32);

// Associate the font with the label fancyLabel.setFont(fancyFont);

// Place the Icon in the label fancyLabel.setIcon(tigerIcon);

Font name,

Style, size

// Align the text to the right of the Icon fancyLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.RIGHT);

Lab First GUI

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
