Ohio is committed to delivering accelerated, measurable results in order to transform the current educational system. Goal 1: Increasing high school graduation rate by 0.5% per year state wide. Goal 2: Reducing the graduation rate gaps between underrepresented and majority students. Goal 3: Reducing the performance gaps by 50% on national and statewide assessments between underrepresented and majority students. Goal 4: Reducing the gap between Ohio and the bestperforming states in the nation by 50% on reading and mathematics proficiency as measured by national assessments. Goal 1: Achieve Ohio’s goals where they fit into our district. Goal 2: Assure our staff is prepared for the transition to the revised state standards for the 2014-2015 school year. Goal 3: Enhance our district’s use of technology and data for analysis of our students’ performance on assessments. Goal 4: Achieve these goals while maintaining an excellent working relationship between the IVTA and the District representation. Assurance Area B: Becka Hicks House Bill 1 Need for greater coherence, focus, and rigor in order for students to be college and career ready Educators indicated a need for improvement to the standards we currently work under Stakeholder Needs—June 2009 Improvement needed or critical in all areas! 7 Transition to revised and Core Standards over the next four years so that they are fully implemented in the 2014-2015 school year, as required by ODE May 27 Waiver Day sessions Transition includes: teacher training on changes in content examination of current materials to see what lessons can be used and in what areas units will need to be built utilize resources being provided by the state at no charge to RttT districts, such as Standards Crosswalk documents and Model Curricula Fill the gaps between our current resources and the revised/Core standards Transition for 2014-2015 CORE Standards What does this mean for the students and the curriculum each year? 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 New Assessments Begin 3rd grade Pre-K 3rd Grade OAA 4th grade 3rd Grade OAA 4th Grade OAA 5th grade K 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd Grade OAA 4th Grade OAA 5th Grade OAA 6th grade 3rd grade 4th Grade OAA 5th Grade OAA 6th Grade OAA 7th grade 4th grade 5th Grade OAA 6th Grade OAA 7th Grade OAA 8th grade 5th grade 6th Grade OAA 7th Grade OAA 8th Grade OAA 9th grade 6th grade 7th Grade OAA 8th Grade OAA 7th grade 8th Grade OAA 10th grade 10th Grade OGT 11th grade 1. Ensure that staff is aware of the format that new assessments will have as of 2014-2015. This information will be shared as final decisions are made by the Ohio Department of Education. Work will formally begin on the new assessment system in May of this year. ODE is looking for educators to volunteer to participate in this work. 2. Staff training to prepare for: * expansion of the Kindergarten Readiness Test. * use of formative assessment, authentic assessment, performance assessment, computerized assessment * providing feedback to students so they can improve their performance K-8 Assessment Changes: Combine reading and writing into English Language Arts test Establish 3 performance levels instead of 5 currently being used High School Changes: Use of nationally standardized test Series of end-of-course exams Senior project Test Administration Changes: Ohio is involved with the PARCC and SMARTER consortia in order to use technology to administer new assessments Both include: Interim and summative components End-of-course vs. End-of-year test Rapid reporting system to inform instruction Teacher involvement in developing and scoring tests Item types such as multiple choice, extended response, technology-enhanced, and performance tasks *ODE will make the final decision as to which consortium to use Assurance Area C: Ryan Burrier •To have a fully functional Instructional Improvement System (IIS) in ALL classrooms. •To continue to improve and implement formative assessment programs currently in use. •To continue to commit to partnering with institutions of higher education to evaluate and implement innovative education models. • An IIS means tools that provide teachers, principals, and administrators with meaningful support for a cycle of continuous instructional improvement, including activities such as: -Instructional planning -Gathering information -Interim assessments -Analyzing information with the support of rapid-time reporting -Using the information to inform decisions on appropriate NEXT STEPS This truly captures DATA DRIVEN DECISION MAKING •Formative Assessment is part of the instructional process. When incorporated into classroom practice, it provides the information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are happening. •One distinction is to think of formative assessment as "practice." Teachers do not hold students accountable in "grade book fashion" for skills and concepts they have just been introduced to or are learning. Teachers must allow for practice. •Formative assessment helps teachers determine next steps during the learning process as the instruction approaches the summative assessment of student learning. •The IIS helps gather the formative assessment information in rapid-reporting time. •Through People • Data Coordinator • Data Facilitators at each Building These two “roles” will work in unison with each other at both the building and district level. • Through Professional Development • We must invest and train our staff in how to use the IIS and Formative Assessment Tools. • This will take place over the 4-year period with the goal of having all staff trained by the 2013-2014 school year. • Partnering with other schools in developing and implementing formative assessments. • Work collaboratively with the state and/or other RttT districts to develop or strengthen what others have done. • Partnering with institutions of higher education to evaluate and help implement education models. Complete Professional Development in the following areas: - Formative Assessment Pilot Programs - Content-Specific Formative Assessments - New “Revised” Standards • •The majority of our RttT Funds are allocated to Assurance Area C: Using Data to Improve Instruction. • In fact, over $200,000 of the $266,000 Indian Valley received is going towards this Assurance Area. Assurance Area D: Paul Beucler and Ira Wentworth •Establish district project teams to work on the design of teacher and principal evaluations systems that include: • Annual evaluations. • The use of student growth measures as one of multiple factors. • The use of other state and federal criteria. The State’s guidelines are under development, but the following tentative guidelines were presented at an ODE meeting on December 16. 1. The performance assessment system adopted by a school should align to the Standards for Ohio Educators. 2. The assessment should encourage and support the teacher’s mastery of the Ohio Standards. 3. The assessment should provide a clear statement of expectations for professional performance. 4. The evaluation process should be systematic and ongoing in order to promote professional growth and student learning. - Multiple assessments of teachers’ performance should be conducted over time by trained evaluators that may include peers. - The district should systematically communicate with teachers about the performance assessments. 5. The assessment system should take into account experience, skill, longevity and responsibility. 6. The assessment system should use a variety of measures to collect evidence. Formal and informal observations Portfolios Multiple measures of student progress Artifacts Teacher self-assessment 7. The assessment system should have three or four clearly defined levels of performance. 8. The results of the assessments should have specific and limited uses * By teachers to identify areas for professional growth. * By administrators for coaching and promoting teacher collaboration. Our design is to meet these requirements and create a assessment tool that is designed to help the teacher become a better professional by educating the teachers on best practices and training them to improve their skill levels. Ohio's Principal Evaluation System - Similarities with other Ohio systems - Ohio Improvement Process - Resident Educator Program - Obtaining Master Teacher Status - Teacher Evaluation System Three Components to the Principal Evaluation Model - Goal Setting - Formative - Summative Component Goal Setting - No more than 2 or 3 written in to the tool at the start of the evaluation cycle - At least 1 related to student achievement - Aligned to district CIP Formative - Ongoing feedback throughout the evaluation cycle - Walk through, observation, examining artifacts Summative - Includes a scoring rubric - Differentiates at least 3 levels of performance - Ineffective - Effective - Highly Effective Janis Hunter Race to the Top Districts Originally, 538 Ohio districts submitted Memorandums of Understanding. 50 districts have dropped out of the process. Most of the “dropouts” are charter schools. 488 Schools remain. TUSCARAWAS COUNTY PARTICIPANTS: New Philadelphia City Schools Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools Indian Valley Local Schools Spending $266,414 in RttT funds over a fouryear period. Implementing programs that will outlive the duration of RttT funding. Beginning the work of the data facilitators. Providing necessary professional development in the Assurance areas. Keeping the staff, Board of Education and public continually updated. Questions And Answers!