Data for Dummies Susie Dyson Spanish/ELL teacher Wyoming City Schools . Objectives: 1. Define summative and formative assessments. 2. Provide examples of teacher made summative and formative assessments based on standards. 3. Presenters will share data from their own classrooms. 4. Teachers will have the opportunity to make their own rubric. Monkey Survey: -This is what you said……. survey results **You can use this too!! Discussion questions: What does an A mean if ……. -my school uses a 10 point scale and yours doesn’t? -your school uses weights for grades and mine doesn’t? -you count homework as a completion grade and I don’t? Furthermore: -Inconsistencies -Base feedback based on something standard, so students know where their strengths and weaknesses are. Discussion questions: How do you grade your students? Homework-20% Speaking-10% Writing-10% Tests/Quizzes-20% Portfolio-10% Projects-20% Miscellaneous-10% Formative and Summative Assessments Formative-informal assessment of how students are doing with a particular learning objective; not graded -exit slip, 3 question quiz, Blackboard quizzes, clicker, surveys, observations from a class discussion, phone message, etc…. Others??????? Marzano Marzano Research Tips Summative Assessments A formal assessment at the end of a unit -Unit tests, quiz, final exam, final papers, oral exam, projects, presentation, OGT, AP, National Spanish/Latin/French exam, etc…. -Others ??????? When will I ever use this? Monitor student progress Make adjustments Let students know where they are at Comprehensible across the board Some examples of what I have done Rubrics-checklists -yes or no -descriptive words like always, sometimes, never -descriptors -requires certain number of examples -give full credit and put comments in grade book Standards Briefly talk about ACTFL ACTFL and Ohio Ohio K-12 See my example…. My example based on ACTFL: My example based on Ohio: Interpreting it Go over it with the students +++/---- make students aware “ll” sound, eye contact, subject verb agreement, vocabulary, intonation, etc…. What are you working on in your class right now? Link it to a standard and create a rubric that has descriptors as well as points Share it…… Just for fun: Songs of the week!! Be a bouncer Throw things Just for fun Make podcasts Minimal extra credit but award them for things like participating in Spirit Week Make hall passes out of currency Let them use their phones during class and leave you a voicemail (on your school extension)