Annual Performance Review (APR) process for heads of program Every student succeeding State Schools Strategy 2014-2018 School leaders delivering extraordinary and sustained improvement and achievement Lead teaching and learning Develop self and others Lead improvement, innovation and change Lead the management of the school Engage and work with the community Leadership Agenda Strategic context Performance development Annual Performance Review process for heads of program Investment and support Principals’ Leadership Agenda 25/02/15 State Schools Strategy 2014-2018 Collaborative culture in theory Professional learning culture + Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework – August 2012, AITSL Australian Charter for the professional learning of Teachers and School leaders – 2012, AITSL 5 Unpacking the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers How are the APST organised? 3. The seven standards are then separated into focus areas. There are 37 focus areas that have descriptors for four professional career stages. 1. There are three domains of teaching 2. Within the three domains, there are seven standards. There are two standards in domains 1 and 3 and three standards within Domain 2. Unpacking an APST standard Domain The standard Focus area Career Stage Descriptor Illustrations of practice Evidence Career stages: what the language tells us Graduate Knowing and understanding Proficient Applying knowledge and understanding Highly Accomplished Developing a sphere of influence Lead Sphere of influence within and across schools Self-Assessment Tool My Standards App APSP and the Leadership Profiles Australian Professional Standard for Principals (APSP) and the Leadership Profiles. Updated June 2015 APSP and the Leadership Profiles Annual Performance Review • Phase 1 - Reflection and goal setting • Phase 2 - Professional practice and learning • Phase 3 - Feedback and review Phase 1: Reflection and goal setting • Consider systemic agenda • Consider your school and/or regional context and priorities • Consider your areas of strength and areas for development Tools to consider in self-reflection Classroom Practice Continuum Self-Assessment Tool My Standards App Following the recent decision by AITSL to remove Union representation from its Board and Committees, the QTU has decided at State Conference to strongly recommend that QTU members not support AITSL initiatives outside of the scope of the APR process alignment to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and the Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles. Phase 1: Reflection Phase 1 – Reflection Consider your role description to identify areas of strength and areas for development. Areas of strength Areas for development Phase 1: Reflection Phase 1 – Reflection Consider your role description to identify areas of strength and areas for development. Areas of strength Areas for development Head of Curriculum (HOC): The identification and delivery of professional development needs of the school in relation to curriculum, and assessment. Head of Curriculum (HOC): Contributing to and assisting with the facilitation of year level planning days and activities. Head of Special Education Services (HOSES): Embed socially-just practices in daily school life. Head of Special Education Services (HOSES): Understand the legislation and policies that impact on schooling especially in relation to students with a disability. Guidance Officer (GO): Provide a counselling and referral service to assist students in decision-making about critical educational and career development. Guidance Officer (GO): Facilitate effective working relationships with external support agencies. Master Teacher : Working with instructional leaders to prioritise the teaching of literacy within the school’s curriculum and teaching framework. Master Teacher : Supporting all staff in the analysis of, and response to, systemic and student data. Head of Department (HOD): Manage the financial, facilities and curriculum resources of the school department to achieve goals. Head of Department (HOD): Lead your school department to commit to a shared vision focused on providing quality learning outcomes for all students. Phase 1: Reflection Australian Professional Standards for Teachers APSTs are listed in the professional practices to which they align from the APSP and the Leadership Profiles Standard 1: Know students and how they learn Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning Professional Practices Areas of strength Areas for development Taken from the APSP and the Leadership Profiles. Leading teaching and learning Standard 1: Know students and how they learn Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it Developing self and others Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments Standard 6: Engage in professional learning Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments Leading the management of the school Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning Standard 6: Engage in professional learning Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community Leading improvement, innovation and change Engaging and working with the community Phase 1: Reflection Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Professional Practices Areas of strength APSTs are listed in the professional practices to which they align from the APSP and the Leadership Profiles Standard 1: Know students and how they learn Standard 1.1 Knowledge of students to Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning Standard 1: Know students and how they learn Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments Standard 6: Engage in professional learning Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning Standard 6: Engage in professional learning Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community improve learning. Areas for development HOD: Lead the school department to commit to a shared vision focused on prioritising quality learning outcomes for all students. Standard 2.6: Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICTs to increase meaning. PP: Seek leadership potential in others and provide opportunities for development. PP: Apply effective performance development processes and celebrate successes. HOC: Contribute to and assist with the facilitation of year level planning days and activities. HOSES: Embed socially-just practices in daily school life. Standard 4.3: Manage challenging behaviour through clear expectations. Taken from the APSP and the Leadership Profiles. Leading teaching and learning Developing self and others Leading the management of the school Standard 5.2: Provide timely and effective feedback to students about their achievement. MT: Working with instructional leaders PP: Improve own knowledge of to prioritise the teaching of literacy improvement strategies and leading within the school’s curriculum. change. PP: Promote parent and carer GO: Facilitate effective working engagement as a key aspect of raising the relationships with external support achievement of all students. agencies. Leading improvement, innovation and change Engaging and working with the community Phase 1: Reflection and goal setting • Through discussion with your supervisor, agree on up to three goals aligned to the Role description for your position, and/or the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, and/or the Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles. • Use the SMART goals strategy to record the agreed goals • Record actions that will identify the achievement of your goals – Refer to Leadership Development Guides • Record expected indicators of success – How will you know you have achieved your goals? – What evidence will identify goal attainment? SMART Goals Phase 1: Set goals aligned to APSP Phase 1 & 2 — Goal setting, professional practice and learning These should be framed through reflection on areas of strength and areas for development within the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and/or Australian Professional Standard for Principals (APSP) and the Leadership Profiles Focus areas for development from: • APST • APSP professional practices • Role description As per reflection Goal 1: APST 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning Goal 2: Professional practice Developing self and others Goal 3: Agreed performance development goals Actions to develop capability Refer to SMART goals framework Be specific about what actions you intend to undertake and the support and professional learning you will require. Indicators of success What will you/others see if your goal is achieved? Phase 2 – Reflections, comments and notes on professional practice and learning Phase 1: SMART goals Phase 1 & 2 — Goal setting, professional practice and learning These should be framed through reflection on areas of strength and areas for development within the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and/or Australian Professional Standard for Principals (APSP) and the Leadership Profiles Focus areas for development from: • APST • APSP professional practices • Role description Agreed performance development goals Refer to SMART goals framework As per reflection Goal 1: APST 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning Goal 2: Professional practice Developing self and others Goal 3: By the end of Term 3 2015, develop and implement improved practices for student feedback in relation to their learning goals. By end of Term 4 2015, develop and demonstrate skills to establish a leadership hierarchy within team to share leadership and responsibility for faculty vision. Actions to develop capability Indicators of success Be specific about what actions you intend to undertake and the support and professional learning you will require. What will you/others see if your goal is achieved? Phase 2 – Reflections, comments and notes on professional practice and learning Phase 1: SMART goals Phase 1 & 2 — Goal setting, professional practice and learning These should be framed through reflection on areas of strength and areas for development within the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and/or Australian Professional Standard for Principals (APSP) and the Leadership Profiles Focus areas for development from: • APST • APSP professional practices • Role description Agreed performance development goals Refer to SMART goals framework Actions to develop capability Be specific about what actions you intend to undertake and the support and professional learning you will require. As per reflection Goal 1: APST 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning By end of Term 3 2015, develop and implement improved practices for student feedback in relation to their learning goals. • • • • • Goal 2: Professional practice Developing self and others By the end of Term 4 2015, develop and demonstrate skills to establish a leadership hierarchy within team to share leadership and responsibility for faculty vision. • • • • • Identify, observe and collaborate with colleagues who are identified within the school as having effective feedback processes in place to support improved student outcomes. Examine AITSL Illustrations of practice for Focus area 5.2. Complete the reading ‘Seven keys to effective feedback’ and discuss with line manager to generate action plan. Develop a standardised feedback data check-sheet with key task elements for feedback and timing guides. Implement and refine check-sheet as part of action plan. Engage with the Effective Influencing Foundation Leadership Development Guide to examine collaborative leadership actions. Collaborate with colleagues in similar roles to examine shared leadership models. Create a communication action plan and review with line manager. Share your vision for your team and promote benefits. Monitor and support colleagues in line with action plan. Indicators of success What will you/others see if your goal is achieved? Phase 2 – Reflections, comments and notes on professional practice and learning Phase 1: SMART goals Phase 1 & 2 — Goal setting, professional practice and learning These should be framed through reflection on areas of strength and areas for development within the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and/or Australian Professional Standard for Principals (APSP) and the Leadership Profiles Focus areas for development from: • APST • APSP professional practices • Role description Agreed performance development goals Actions to develop capability Indicators of success Be specific about what actions you intend to undertake and the support and professional learning you will require. What will you/others see if your goal is achieved? Refer to SMART goals framework As per reflection Goal 1: APST 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning Goal 2: Professional practice Developing self and others By end of Term 3 2015, develop and implement improved practices for student feedback in relation to their learning goals. Identify, observe and collaborate with colleagues who are identified within the school as having effective feedback processes in place to support improved student outcomes. Examine AITSL Illustrations of practice for Focus area 5.2. Complete the reading ‘Seven keys to effective feedback’ and discuss with line manager to generate action plan. Develop a standardised feedback data check-sheet with key task elements for feedback and timing guides. Implement and refine check-sheet as part of action plan. • • By the end of Term 4 2015, develop and demonstrate skills to establish a leadership hierarchy within team to share leadership and responsibility for faculty vision. Engage with the Effective Influencing Foundation Leadership Development Guide to examine collaborative leadership actions. Collaborate with colleagues in similar roles to examine shared leadership models. Create a communication action plan and review with line manager. Share your vision for your team and promote benefits. Monitor and support colleagues in line with action plan. • • • • • • Personal professional learning log. Feedback resources have been developed and are incorporated in learning cycle. Team meeting minutes identify strategy shared with others. Action plan has been created. Meeting minutes identify communication of vision and strategy for implementation. Head of Program models strategy. Leadership successes of team members celebrated. Curriculum artefacts provide evidence of shared leadership. Phase 2 – Reflections, comments and notes on professional practice and learning Professional learning Examples: – – – – – – – – Professional networks Regional network and learning forums Peer coaching Leadership Development Guides Mentoring Action research Formal studies Professional reading The Australian Charter for Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders Relevant Collaborative Futures-focused Evidence • The head of program and their supervisor will identify and agree on appropriate evidence to measure successful attainment of goals. • Evidence supports heads of program knowing if what they are doing is making a difference to improve outcomes for all students. • Evidence of leadership and/or teaching practice may be seen in the behaviours or actions of the staff, students and school community. • Heads of program can use evidence in their routine professional communications, practice and through whole school data sets. • Evidence needs to come from a range of sources. Evidence Illustrative examples of best practice may include, but are not limited to: – Impact of faculty/team leadership on student outcomes, colleagues and the school as a whole – Stakeholder feedback – Community partnerships supporting the school – Head of program self-assessment – Professional learning, including collaboration with other school leaders – Systemic data analysis – Celebrating school successes Phase 2: Professional practice and learning • Undertake professional formal or informal learning to support achievement of planned goals • Identify, collect and reflect on agreed evidence to support the achievement of your goals • Receive formal and/or informal feedback focused on improvement Formal feedback to be given no more than four times in the 12-month cycle Phase 2: Professional practice and learning Phase 1 & 2 — Goal setting, professional practice and learning These should be framed through reflection on areas of strength and areas for development within the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and/or Australian Professional Standard for Principals (APSP) and the Leadership Profiles Focus areas for development from: • APST • APSP professional practices • Role description As per reflection Agreed performance development goals Goal 1: By end of Term 3 2015, develop and implement improved practices for student feedback in relation to their learning goals. Identify, observe and collaborate with colleagues who are identified within the school as having effective feedback processes in place to support improved student outcomes. Examine AITSL Illustrations of practice for Focus area 5.2. Complete the reading ‘Seven keys to effective feedback’ and discuss with line manager to generate action plan. Develop a standardised feedback data check-sheet with key task elements for feedback and timing guides. Implement and refine check-sheet as part of action plan. • • By the end of Term 4 2015, develop and demonstrate skills to establish a leadership hierarchy within team to share leadership and responsibility for faculty vision. Engage with the Effective Influencing Foundation Leadership Development Guide to examine collaborative leadership actions. Collaborate with colleagues in similar roles to examine shared leadership models. Create a communication action plan and review with line manager. Share your vision for your team and promote benefits. Monitor and support colleagues in line with action plan. • • APST 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning Goal 2: Professional practice Developing self and others Refer to SMART goals framework Actions to develop capability Indicators of success Be specific about what actions you intend to undertake and the support and professional learning you will require. What will you/others see if your goal is achieved? • • • • Personal professional learning log. Feedback resources have been developed and are incorporated in learning cycle. Team meeting minutes identify strategy shared with others. Action plan has been created. Meeting minutes identify communication of vision and strategy for implementation. Head of Program model strategy. Leadership successes of team members celebrated. Curriculum artefacts provide evidence of shared leadership. Phase 2 – Reflections, comments and notes on professional practice and learning Phase 3: Feedback and review • Throughout the process, as well as during Phase 3, timely and frequent developmentfocused feedback provided • Full reflection of performance against agreed goals using multiple sources of evidence • Verbal and written feedback provided • Feedback may form the basis for subsequent performance reviews • Retention as an official record (endorsed and dated) Key documents • State Schools Strategy 2014-2018 • Queensland State Schools Annual Performance Review (APR) process for heads of program: – – – – • Overview A step-by-step guide Annual Performance Development Plan template for heads of program Joint statement Australian Professional Standard for Teachers and/or Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles Resources • The Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders • PowerPoints: – Unpacking the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – Unpacking the Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles • Regional Principal Advisors: Organisational Transformation