Sociology: Crime Analysis Data: Unit IV 2 Grade Level: 11/12 Subject: Sociology Overview- The use of data is a primary means of assessing the meaning of many sociological issues. Discussion about possible causes and correlations of crime statistics will encourage students to participate in critical thinking in groups to come to an agreement about the causes of crime in their chosen region. Do Now: In a group of five (5), have each member have one of each form for analysis. Teacher Objectives Prepared By: L. Korpics 11/28/11 Performance Standards Addressed. ASA: American Sociology Association Pre-College Board Prototype for AP Sociology Courses. NYU Sociology Curriculum Understand the types of crimes, incidence of poverty and crime as a connection and unreported crimes. Utliize Data as a learning tool in criminology/sociology. Student Guide Materials Needed SWBAT: Evaluate and analyze statistics to determine possible correlations between certain demographics, (poverty, race, socioeconomic), and the incidence of reported crimes. Cooperate in groups to come to a conclusion and summarize and present back to class their findings. Understand: Strain Theory, Dysfunction Theory, Anomie Theory, and others. They Do: CRIME: Causes and Correlations In your group you will evaluate statistics about crime, brainstorm reasons for this data, write down your conclusions and present back to the class. I do: Handouts on Crime, Explanation of Statistics Verification (“What did we learn) Theories: Labeling, Conflict, Differential Association, Anomie, Dysfunction, Geographic. We do: Analzye statistics, activity Pen Notebook Text: “Sociology: HOLT. Crime Stats:NY Crime Stats: Florida Crime Stats: U.S. Crime Stats: Arizona Readings: Amish Unreported Crime Activity: Crime Statistics: In a group, students will analyze different examples of crime statistics from a variety of regions and time periods categorized from murder/manslaughter, violent crime, rape, burglary, property crime, etc Using the handouts – they will brainstorm possible correlations using each criminology theory TEST: Culture, Deviance and Crime: Friday Dec. 2nd