The Truth and Tips About The Future and The

The Truth and Tips
About The Future and
The Practice of Law
Florida Coastal School of Law
Jacksonville, Florida
February 28, 2013
William J. Flannery, J.D.
The WJF Institute
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The Law Firm Job Market
• Hiring Fewer Law School Grads
• Salaries Down
• More Laterals Being Hired
• Firms Are Shrinking
• No Clear Business Models
• Hiring Driven By Clients
• Midsize To Small Law Firms Hiring
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So I Want To Practice Law
• Where?
• Type and Size of Firm?
• Practice Orientation?
• Money?
• Will I Fit In?
• Will I Last?
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Tips for Interviewing – Have A Process
Face-to-Face Interviewing
Follow-up Plan
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• Research The Market/Firm
• Research The Interviewer
• Prepare Writing Samples
• Defend Your Report Card
• Dress For Success
• Develop 25 Questions
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• Prepare, Prepare, Prepare For Who You Will Meet
• Interviewer’s Style
• Visual – Auditory - Kinesthetic
• Body Language
• Establish A Time Contract
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Interview - Continued
• Develop Process Questions
• Have A Strategy For Getting Hired
• Focus On The Interviewer’s Needs
• What Motivates The Interviewer?
• Don’t Sell, Build Rapport
• Rapport
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• Letter / E-Mail / Phone Call?
• More Interviews?
• Time Urgency
• Show Interest In The Firm and The Interviewer
• Continue To Develop Relationships
• Never Give Up
• Rejection Is Delayed Success
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Alternative Careers
• Government
• Corporate In-House
• Business Executive
• Sales and Marketing
• Accounting Firms
• Non-Profits
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Alternative Careers
• Consultant
• Foreign Assignment
• Journalism
• Teach
• Library / Technology
• Contract Lawyer
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• Increased Use of Non-Lawyers To Do Legal Work –
Accountants and Consultants
• Consolidation By Large Legal Services Buyers To
Fewer Law Firms
• Increased Demand By Clients For Alternative Billing
From Firms
• Greater Reliance By Clients on Technology To
Manage Outside Law Firms
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Trends - Continued
• Greater Use of RFPs and Competitive Presentations
To Select Outside Counsel
• Use of Contract Lawyers
• Issue Specific Research Database Products Being
Sold To Replace Research By Law Firms
• In-House Lawyers Keeping The Work For
• Leverage Gone
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Trends - Continued
• Growth of Super Regionals and Boutiques
• Introduction of Traditional Business Large Account
Management Techniques
• Use of Market-Driven Incentive Compensation to
Achieve Business Development Objectives
• Client-Focused Teams
• Professional Marketing / Business Development Staff
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Marketing Survey of 1,100 Law Firms
Law Firm Activities
• Bar Activities
• Public Relations and Community Involvement
• Written Articles and Speeches
• Brochures and Newsletters
• New Client Entertainment
• Prospective Client Seminars
• Individual “Entrepreneur” Isolated Activities
• Social Media and Networking
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Marketing Survey of 1,100 Law Firms
Law Firms With Significant Marketing and Business
Development Experience
• Face-To-Face Meetings – 200 hours annually
• Client Opinion Surveys
• Client-Focused Teams
• Client-Focused Strategies and Tactics
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Marketing Survey of 1,100 Law Firms
Law Firms With Significant Marketing and Business
Development Experience - Continued
• Putting Competitors’ Business Into Play Using RFPs,
Meetings and Presentations
• Track The Revenue and Profit By Client
• Management Inspection of Business Development
• Training Lawyers In Sales, Marketing and Account
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New Roles For Law School: Need To Teach
• The Reality Of The Law Firm Culture
• The Business Of Law
• Students About Clients and Client Service
• Students Law Firms Organization, Leadership,
Billing, Politics and “Culture”
• How To Get Hired and Keep Your Job
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New Roles For Law School: Need To Teach
• How To Sell To Others in The Firm
• How To Deal With Difficult People
• How To Find and Cultivate Mentors
• Develop Relationships
• How Businesses Work
• How to Read Financial Statements
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12 Things You Need To Know To Be A
Successful Lawyer
1. Think Like A Client
2. Take A Marketing And Sales Course
3. Understand The Business of Law
4. Take A Course On Interviewing and Being
5. Become Knowledgeable On Technology
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12 Things You Need To Know To Be A
Successful Lawyer - Continued
6. Take A Course on Interpersonal
Communications and Presentations
7. Video Yourself Making A Presentation and A
Face-to-Face Interview
8. Select A Career Direction and Be Prepared
To Change
9. Select An Industry and Study The Economics
of The Practice
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12 Things You Need To Know To Be A
Successful Lawyer - Continued
10. Market Yourself By Asking What The
Buyer Is Looking For
11. Expect and Embrace Change
12. Learn To Bring In Business No Matter
What The Law Firm Tells You!
THE WJF INSTITUTE© • All rights reserved 2013
Books of Interest
The Lawyer's Field Guide to
Effective Business Development
Flannery on Business Development,
Marketing, and Sales for Lawyers
Thank You!
Please send us your evaluations and comments:
William J. Flannery, J.D.
The WJF Institute
11044 Research Boulevard
Building C, Suite 110
Austin, TX 78759
Fax 512-219-1200
THE WJF INSTITUTE© • All rights reserved 2013