Lucinda Martin Interfaith Minister Groom & Bride’s Wedding Ceremony Day, Date Welcome Please join me as we take a moment and take a breath right into our hearts. You may close your eyes if you wish. We breathe in the beauty of Mother Nature surrounding us. We are reminded by the four elements of the presence of the Divine in all things; the salt water, the prevailing winds, coastal rocks and the fire of the sun. We exhale and send love right from our hearts into this sacred gathering. Our collective prayers sanctify this space and time. We take a deep breath and allow the exhale to become fully present. And so it is. Minister’s Address Bride and Groom, it is my honor to be here today as you will say the most powerful words two people can say to one another. You will speak your wedding vows. Bride, you will become a wife and Groom you will become a husband. This ceremony does not mark the start of a relationship, but recognizes a bond that already exists. It is truly amazing how two people are brought together in the most unexpected ways, like two ocean waves destined to converge on sand and foam of a sea shore. (831) 566-2467 Page 1 There is an old saying to console people with broken hearts; “Don’t worry, there are plenty of fish in the sea.” Well, yes, there are plenty of fish in the sea and thank God for the Internet dating site, “Plenty of Fish”, helping couples that are destined to meet to find each other. And now, here we are meeting together at Nick’s Cove before an ocean filled with plenty of fish and it is your wedding day. Any wise old fisherman will tell you how difficult it is to reel in a good catch. Sure, there may be plenty of fish in the sea, however, a "good catch" is a rare thing. A “good catch” takes time, patience, and optimism. Maintaining a loving marriage will also require time, patience and optimism. And, it requires trust, commitment and forgiveness. The poem, “Words of Wisdom” speaks to what makes for a successful marriage, eloquently; Words of Wisdom, by Bill Swetmon It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say, “I love you” at least once a day. It is at no time taking the other for granted. It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives. It is standing together facing life. It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family. It is doing things for each other not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy. It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude. It is not looking for perfection in each other. It is cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding, and a sense of humor. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is finding room for the things of the spirit. It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is establishing a relationship in which independence is equal, dependence is mutual, and obligation is reciprocal. It is not marrying the right partner; it is being the right partner. (831) 566-2467 Page 2 Groom and Bride, you have been together long enough to know how in your relationship emotions can ebb and flow like the ocean tides. There are low tides and high tides all influenced by the earth and moon; regardless of all that is going on in the world, may your love remain as constant as the moon and sun. The two of you have enough life experience to understand it is not a question of “if” there will be challenges, but “when” there will be challenges; may you always face them together . And, when a challenge appears as an insurmountable wave, face it boldly - don’t try to jump over it - dive through it - together, holding hands. When the fog is damp and cold, and you can’t see your way and feel lost, remember God’s love – your love is the lighthouse safely guiding you to safe harbor. May your trust in each other be constant. A marriage is like a sand bucket; if you get too much wet sand in it and forget to dump it out it may become too heavy to carry. Forgiveness is essential with the willingness to empty the bucket on occasion. When the winds are gusting and cold, hold each other closely and keep each other warm. Be affectionate often – during storms and sunny days. As a mature couple you understand a marriage takes work, but it is just as important to remember to play. Together, build sand castles and dreams have fun. May you experience an abundance of laughter and joy. Intent Today, we celebrate this "perfect catch" and solemnize this union of love. I now ask; Groom, will you have Bride to be your wedded wife, to live together in the estate of holy matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live? Bride, will you have Groom, to be your wedded husband, to live together in the estate of holy matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live? (831) 566-2467 Page 3 Blessing of the Hands Matt and Bride, before you exchange your wedding rings let us take a moment for a hand blessings. Please hold hands in a figure eight. (Left palms together. Minister places her hand on couple’s hands) These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy. These are the hands that will comfort you in illness, support your healthiness and hold you when fear or grief racks your mind. These are the hands that will hold you tight when you struggle through difficult times and celebrate with you in joyous times. These are the hands that will give you support and encourage you to chase your dreams. Together, everything you wish for can be realized. Ring Exchange With Vows A circle is the symbol of sun, the earth, the universe; of wholeness, perfection, peace and of unity. Like circles, your rings have no beginning and no ending. They are tokens of the growing relationship you have come here to celebrate and confirm. Bride and Groom, you each will offer the ring by placing it on the other’s finger. Each will accept by putting it in place. Please repeat after me: I, Groom, take you, Bride, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully through the best and worst, through the difficult and the easy. What may come, I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold, so I give you my heart to keep. (831) 566-2467 Page 4 I, Bride, take you, Groom, to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully through the best and worst, through the difficult and the easy. What may come, I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold, so I give you my heart to keep. Ritual: Wine Ceremony [Altar: Two wine bottles, or two carafes of wine and one goblet or one goblet of wine]. Bride and Groom, when we first talked about your wedding ceremony we discussed the inclusion of a Wine Ceremony and what the symbolism of this ritual would mean to you. The goblet is the symbol of life; may you always share in the celebrations of life, love and your marriage. Good wines not only taste pleasant; they exhibit rounded, intricate flavors. When examined in the context of its type (you should never expect a Chardonnay to taste like a Pinot Noir) a good wine should display not only the signature characteristics of its variety but also a personality of its own; may you always remain true to thy self and complement each other. Blessing I wish to share with you a blessing I have created for your wine ceremony; “A New Vineyard of Love” © By Lucinda S. Martin A great wine begins with the vineyard. One must cultivate a vineyard with attention to some fundamental requirements. First, it is essential to prepare the soil for a healthy vineyard. From the first time you met and over time your friendship evolved into the creation of a new vineyard – a decision to become married. You have been preparing the soil for today, your wedding ceremony. When planting a vineyard, it is important to leave sufficient space for the new vines. Together you are planting in anticipation of a great harvest. This requires resiliency when life’s events take a turn you were not hoping for. May you always make room for change, your dreams, and the new ones that will follow. (831) 566-2467 Page 5 Grapes are extremely hardy and will do well in soil that is considered to be of inferior quality. May your relationship be robust, regardless of what is going on in the world. This requires being present and a good listener for each other. May your love and kindness to each other be enduring. Grapes grow very deep roots and do best in well-drained soil. During difficult times allow for good drainage. This requires open, honest communication and forgiveness. May your love deepen and mature over the years. For a new vineyard to thrive it is important to take care of the soil. It must be amended and watered well. This requires trust, time and attention for each other. May you feed your marriage with love, intimacy and affection. For vines to bear fruit there must be a lot of sun. This requires a marriage be nurtured in open space, allowing for sun. May the Joy of Love shine upon you, daily. May you play together under the sun and with your children and your children’s children. It is important to plant a vineyard with access to a water supply. The supply may be from a natural source such as a dam, creek and rain water or through an irrigation system. May you continue to be blessed by the loving support of family and friends and by those that will come. For a vine to climb there must be a sturdy trellis or wood frame. May your spiritual path be a priority so you are supported by Divine Wisdom. This will allow for the growth of a healthy relationship and in years to come, bearing the weight of thick, woody vines, abundant with leaves and fruit. I now invite you to share in your first glass of wine, as husband and wife. [Minister hands glass to groom, groom hands to bride, she sips, returns it to groom, he sips and sets the glass down.] May you find life’s joys heightened, its bitterness sweetened and each of its moments enhanced by true companionship and love (831) 566-2467 Page 6 Pronouncement Groom and Bride, it is with tremendous joy I am honored in pronouncing you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. You may now face the sun the moon and the sea as; Mr. and Mrs. ______________ Go in peace. (831) 566-2467 Page 7