The Egyptian, Nubian, and Assyrian Empires (2.2, 4.1, 4.2) DATE

The Egyptian, Nubian, and Assyrian Empires (2.2, 4.1, 4.2)
DATE: _________________
Excellent mathematical knowledge
helped build pyramids and palaces.
 Great medical knowledge!!!
 Old Kingdom Declines Around 2180 BC
o Middle Kingdom restores or and trade from
(2040-1640 BC)Control the Nile for
farming and improved trade.
Nomadic Invaders Rule Egypt
1. We will be able to identify key characteristics of Egypt’s
2. We will be able to analyze the rise of the Kingdoms in Egypt,
the Assyrian Empire, Nubian Empires and their declines.
3. We will be able to assess the military might of the Assyrian
 Looking at Ancient Egypt (OLD KINGDOM
EGYPT2660 to 2180 BC)
o The NILE RIVER was vital to Egypt
 King Menes united Upper and
Lower Egypt in 3100 BC
o Egypt’s Rulers, Pharaohs were equal to
 Pharaohs were the center of Egypt's
religion, government, and army.
This is a theocracy (A government
Weak Pharaohs emerged after the Middle Kingdom
o Asiatic invaders Hyksos ruled 1640 to 1570 BC
 During this time, Hebrews settled in Egypt
 Some say the Hyksos encouraged
1600 BC-Changes are Coming
o Warlike rulers began to restore Egypt's power
 Hyksos driven out of Egypt to Palestine
controlled by religious leader).
 A form of Egyptian writing based on
pictorial characters for words and
sounds (part of a civilization)
 Egyptian Life
o Menes' family passed the double crown of
upper and lower Egypt from father to son
 The pharaoh ruled even after his
 Tombs were left valuables
and heavily decorated for
the Pharaoh to live
comfortably (PYRAMIDS)
o Pharaohs expected
to reign for
o Tombs were more
important than
their palaces.
 Polytheistic like Mesopotamia
o Egyptian Advances
 Invented a better writing surface
 Egyptians developed a calendar to
keep track of floods.
Hebrews remain and are enslaved
 Would not leave Egypt until The
Exodus (1500-1200 BC)
The New Kingdom of Egypt
New Kingdom (1570-1075 BC) look to strengthen by
building an empire.
o Did so by increasing military
 Bronze weapons, chariots, archers,
charioteers, infantry
But not just war!
o Hatshepsut (1472 BC) encourages trade
The Egyptian, Nubian, and Assyrian Empires (2.2, 4.1, 4.2)
DATE: _________________
Carried out trading expeditions to land
near present-day Somalia
Thutmose III changes this and becomes much
more warlike
 Took lands to the east
(Palestine and Syria) and
Pushed farther in Nubia
Egyptians and Hittites clash but Ramses II gets an
alliance (1285 BC)
 Great BuildersOld
 New Kingdom=Temples
The Decline
By Land and Sea
o Began to slip after Ramses II around (1200 BC)
 Sea and desert could no longer protect
 Libyans take control but change
little (950 to 730 BC)
o Nubians come north and seize power, but change
little too
United the entire Nile Valley
 However, it was short lived.
 Assyrians conquered Egypt in
671 BC
o Even with loss, Kushites experienced a golden age
The Golden Age of Meroe
o Moved further south and toward Red Sea
 Major supply of iron and good for trade
o Fell as Aksum took trade
The Mighty Assyrian Empire….Which Takes Place In
Mesopotamia after Sumer, Babylon, and the Hittites
850 BC Assyria acquired large empire
 Conquered Babylon and others with well-equipped
 Showed no mercy (killed or enslaved victims)
o Forced the conquered to move
 Large Land Ruled-Great System
 Local government reported to central
o Do we still have this?
Kushites Conquer the Nile Region
Assyrian Culture
Kingdom of Kush between 2000-1000 BC dominated by
o Emerged as power before rise of New Kingdom
 Consistently influenced by Egyptian
 Kushite princes: learned
languages, dress, customs
o Wanted to guard Egyptian values as it declined in
1200 BC to the Libyans
Piankhi Captures the Egyptian Throne
751 BC Painkhi, Kushite king, overthrew Libyan ruled
A Great Library
o 20,000+ clay tablets
 Organized by subject matter
 Cataloged collection
Conquered by Medes and Chaldeans
o Chaldeans reestablished Babylon in 600BC
 1000 years after Hammurabi
 King Nebuchadnezzar rebuilt city and
established Hanging Gardens of
 Fell shortly after Nebuchadnezzar's death
 However, great ziggurat allowed
for astronomy and astrology to
The Egyptian, Nubian, and Assyrian Empires (2.2, 4.1, 4.2)
DATE: _________________
Pyramids of Giza
Temples and Statues in the Valley of the Kings
High levels of mathematics to build great buildings
MedicineStitching wounds, bandaging,
Irrigation Improved
Produced first government to rule entire nations
Highly centralized with the Pharaoh (Army, Religion, and Government Under His Control)
o Civil Service (officials and scribes to help governBureaucracy)
Nile provided large surplus for crops
Nile provided great trade route to get goods: Ivory, Gold, and Slaves
o Would trade internationally
Small nobility class
Extremely hierarchal
Women hold higher status
1. Who held a lot of power in early ancient Mesopotamia and why?
2. What form of writing did ancient Mesopotamia create and what did it lead to in this area?
3. What did Hammurabi create and why was it so important?
The Egyptian, Nubian, and Assyrian Empires (2.2, 4.1, 4.2)
DATE: _________________
4. What political organization did the Assyrians bring and what does this mean? In addition, why was it
good to have meritocracy?