Martinique Project Nom For this project you will work in a small

Martinique Project
Nom ____________________________________________
For this project you will work in a small group to research different places in Martinique and different activities that you
would like to do there. Each member of the group will be in charge of one day of your trip. Follow the directions given
for each part of the project.
Mon groupe:
Partie 1: Choose your activities and complete journal about where you went and what you did on each day. You can
pretend that you and your friends did the activities together, with your families, or that some of you did certain things
while others did other things.
You and your partners will want to discuss, coordinate, and share what you research and write so that it is all clearly
linked together and does not contradict. The best way to do this is to work together on Partie 1 using a single Google
Doc that you will edit together. Even if you write out your ideas in class, you can always type up and share your work via
the Google Doc when you can get to a computer. This part of the assignment will be checked by Mademoiselle and you
will be given feedback as to ways to improve before you move onto your Presentational Speaking and Writing tasks.
Jour 1: Fort-de-France
Vous commencez votre voyage à Fort-de-France, la capitale de la Martinique. Voici des activités possibles et des sites
pour trouver des renseignements :
 Visiter le Fort Saint Louis ( )
 Visiter la Bibliothèque Schœlcher ( ) ( )
 Visiter la Place de la Savane ( )
 Visiter la Cathédrale Saint Louis (
 Visiter le Jardin de Balata (
 Visiter un marché ( )
( )
 Visiter le Musée d’Archéologie Précolombienne et de Préhistoire de la Martinique ( )
Jour 1 (suite) Imaginez que vous, votre famille et/ou vos amis avez fait deux de ces activités et remplissez le tableau
avec quelques détails.
Qu’est-ce que vous y avez fait ?
(Où est-ce que (Ecrivez 5 – 7 phrases pour chaque endroit qui expliquent ce que vous, les autres membres de
vous êtes
votre famille et vos amis avez fait ici.)
Ex. Musée
Nous sommes arrivés au musée à 9h et nous y sommes restés pendant deux heures.
Nous avons appris l’histoire de la Martinique.
d'histoire et
Mon père a regardé la collection de vieux documents.
d'ethnographie Ma mère a admiré les robes et les bijoux sur les mannequins.
J’ai vu un tambour traditionnel.
Mon frère a pris une photo d’un masque de Diable rouge.
#1 :
#2 :
Jour 2 : Aller à la plage
Choisissez une plage et un village à visiter :
 Anse Trabaud + Sainte Anne
 Grandes Anse des Salines + Sainte Anne
 Anse Michael Cap Chevalier + Sainte Anne
 L’Anse Couleuvre + Le Precheur
 Plage du Grand Macabou + Le Vauclin
La Plage :
Qu’est-ce que vous y avez fait ?
(Ecrivez 5 – 7 phrases qui expliquent ce que vous, les autres membres de votre famille et vos amis avez
fait ici.)
Nom :
Le Village
Nom :
Jour 3 : Faire du sport
Choisissez deux sports et les endroits où vous allez les faire.
 Faire de la plongée avec un tuba
 Faire de la plongée sous-marine
 Faire de la randonnée
 Surfer et visiter Tartane
 Faire de la planche a voile, du kitesurf ou du bodyboard (you may not choose the same beach that you visited yesterday)
 Faire une excursion en mer
Qu’est-ce que vous y avez fait ?
(Ecrivez 5 – 7 phrases pour chaque endroit qui expliquent ce que vous, les autres membres de
votre famille et vos amis avez fait ici.)
Activité :
Endroit :
#2 :
Activité :
Endroit :
Partie 2: Make the Google Drive Presentation that you and your partners will use for your Presentational Speaking task.
You will only need to make one presentation per group.
Here’s a description of the presentation you will give as part of your IPA.
 Mademoiselle is thinking about taking the class to Martinique next spring and she has asked you to come in and
talk about your trip to interested students and parents. You will show them a Google Presentation of your
pictures and talk about where you went and what you did while you were in Martinique. Be prepared to answer
any questions that Mademoiselle asks!
Here are the requirements for your presentation:
 Title your presentation: Mon Voyage a la Martinique and share it with Mademoiselle by ______________
 You may have as many or as few slides as you would like for each of the three days of your trip.
 Each slide should have at least one photograph and a caption. You may not write out sentences on your slides.
 You must include the bibliographic information for each photograph that you use. (MLA format) This can be on
a separate document and not in the Presentation.
 You will be required to present whether or not you have prepared a slide show.
 Each group member should speak for 1-2 minutes long during the presentation and it should be entirely in
French (even when you speak to each other!)
 You will not be allowed to refer to or read any notes during your presentation. Make sure you are familiar with
the pictures and captions you chose for your presentation to help you stay organized and on track.
Presentational Speaking
Score Indicators
You exceeded the stated expectations for this assignment.
You used complex structures and varied vocabulary with no errors.
You spoke fluently with excellent pronunciation.
9/10 You thoroughly addressed the prompt/task with accurate, relevant and interesting detail.
Your presentation was well-organized with smooth transitions.
You were able to speak without relying on written notes.
You used level-appropriate structures and varied vocabulary to express your meaning with few errors.
You spoke fluently with excellent pronunciation.
You adequately addressed the prompt/task; most information was accurate and relevant.
Your presentation was logically organized.
You glanced at your visual aid/notecards, but only occasionally.
You used level-appropriate structures and vocabulary with only minor errors which did not impede
You may have spoken with a slight accent and occasional pauses.
Your presentation fell slightly short of stated expectations due to a lack of adequate, pertinent detail.
Your presentation occasionally lacked adequate transitions between ideas.
You paused to check the script on your visual aid or notes.
You relied on simple structures and repetitive vocabulary, or made errors which occasionally interfered with
You may have spoken with considerable accent and/or frequent pauses.
Your presentation fell significantly short of stated expectations.
Your presentation lacked organization; you jumped around between ideas rather than presenting your
information in a logical order.
You read directly from your visual aid or notes.
You made errors in grammar and/or vocabulary which significantly impeded comprehension.
You may have spoken with significant pronunciation errors or long pauses.
Your presentation did not meet stated expectations in terms of content, organization,
vocabulary/grammatical structures, and pronunciation.
Partie 3
You will write a blog entry about your trip to Martinique for the Presentational Writing portion of your IPA. You will
write this blog entry by hand in class. Here is the prompt:
 Write a blog entry about your recent trip to Martinique. Include lots of details about where you went each day
and what you, your friends, and the other members of your family did while you were there. Be creative and
imagine some funny/scary/interesting things that happened during the trip. Your blog entry should be at least
200 words long.
Presentational Writing
Score Indicators
You exceeded the expectations for this assignment by providing an abundance of creative detail,
using complicated structures with no errors, including a varied vocabulary, and organizing your
work carefully.
9/10 You thoroughly addressed the prompt with accurate, relevant and interesting detail.
Your work was well-organized with appropriate transitions.
You used level-appropriate structures and varied vocabulary to express your meaning with few
You adequately addressed the prompt; most information was accurate and relevant.
Your work was well-organized with some transitions.
You used level-appropriate structures and vocabulary with only minor errors which did not impede
You partially addressed the prompt; your work would have benefited from additional relevant
Your work lacked organization— the lack of an introduction, conclusion, or adequate transitions
made it appear choppy or difficult to follow.
You relied on simple structures and repetitive vocabulary, or made errors which occasionally
interfered with comprehension.
Your work fell significantly short of expectations due to a lack of relevant detail.
Your work was disorganized; you jumped around from one topic to another and/or did not include
an introduction and conclusion.
You made errors in grammar and/or vocabulary which significantly impeded comprehension.
You did not meet the stated expectations for this assignment. See Madame for a retake.