Animal and Plant Systems Chart

Needs and Functions
Human Organ System
Plant Organ System
Key vocab; Important Information
Supports the organism (body)
Skeletal system
Xylem = Bark
Transport nutrients
Circulatory System
Stem system (vascular)
Xylem – transports from the roots
Phloem– transports from the leaves
Copper is a micronutrient needed for
reproduction_ and _chlorophyll production
Reproduction (to produce offspring)
Reproductive System
Flower System
(sequence of fertilization)
Remove wastes
Excretory System
Root and Leaf Systems
Underside of leaf contain most of the stomata ( a
structure that regulates (in/out) of gases and
water in the plant aka-osmoregulation
Urinary System
CO2 (human) and O2 (plant)
Use or make energy
All systems
All systems
Provide a barrier to the outside
Integumentary (skin, hair, nails,
Epidermal system
-has a waxy cuticle(layer) that conserves water
and provides protection
Takes in water and nutrients
Digestive system (works with
Root and Leaf System
Xylem brings in water and nutrients from the
roots to the rest of the plant
linings inside the body)
the muscular system through
contractions to move food through
the body)
Phloem brings sugars (glucose) made in the leaves
to the rest of the plant
Stomata are closed in dry conditions (drought)
and open in
Communication (response to stimuli
through nervous impulse, hormones,
feedback loops, etc.)
Nervous System
Endocrine System
Specialized Cells – plant hormones
called AUXINS
-Homeostasis is maintain through feedback loops
for temperature, blood glucose (diabetes),
osmoregulation (blood water), blood-calcium
-Tropisms (how plants respond to light, tough,
geography, etc.) controlled by AUXINS (plant
hormones)—ex: phototropism, geotropism,
-Reflex response is automatic (not thought about,
not learned, not conditioned for)
Prevent disease/injury
Immune System
Specialized Cells
Pathogens, infection
Plant will form a callus to heal wounds by rapid cell