crossword puzzle

PS6-- Cell Organelles
Name: ________________
HW 84
Period: ____ Date: ______
These are clues for the crossword puzzle on the next page. The crossword will help you study for your Final Exam IA4.
(There might be some that you can’t answer and that’s okay if some are blank.)
5. the organelle that puts proteins together
9. when the concentration of a substance is lower outside a cell
10. when things go through a cell membrane using energy from the cell; proceeds against
the concentration gradient
11. a whip-like tail that helps a cell move
15. when water passes through the cell membrane; a form of passive transport
16. where particles produced by the cell are packaged for distribution
17. the organelle where photosynthesis, which converts sunlight into sugar (food), takes
20. a maze in the cell lined with ribosomes; where proteins are produced
21. the tough outer covering of plant cells that helps them stand up straight
22. a storage container in the cell; often contains water, nutrients, or wastes
23. the organelle that breaks things down so that their parts can be reused by the cell
24. when small molecules pass directly through the cell membrane; a form of passive
26. a network of fibers that gives the cell its shape and allows molecules to move around
inside the cell
27. the goo that fills the cell and contains all the other organelles
1. when larger molecules pass through the cell membrane using a protein that acts as a
tunnel; a form of passive transport
2. when things go through a cell membrane using no energy; proceeds down the
concentration gradient
3. the outer covering of the cell; controls what enters and exits the cell
4. when the concentration of a substance is higher outside a cell
6. a maze in the cell where fats (or lipids) are produced
7. when the cell membrane forms a pocket around what it wants to ingest and engulfs it
(pacman style)
8. when the concentration of a substance is the same inside and outside a cell
12. the fake foot some cells make to help them move and/or eat
13. a compartment in the nucleus where ribosomes are made
14. the organelle that converts food into usable energy
18. where DNA is stored in the cell
19. the tiny hair-like structures that stick out from the surface of a cell to help it
25. a vacuole that releases molecules from inside the cell