Anatomy and Physiology Packet

Delta Agricultural Education
Animal Science
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction: Knowledge of animal anatomy and physiology is helpful if you are to be successful in the
feeding and care of domestic and animals. This unit gives a brief overview of general anatomy and
physiology common to most of the domesticated species of farm animals.
A. Define Anatomy and Physiology;
B. Identify directional anatomy locations;
C. List the main systems found in mammals; and
D. Describe the major parts and functions of each system.
1. Your instructor.
2. Animal Science Textbook
4. CEV’s Basic Animal & Human Body Systems DVD and Supplements
Student Activities:
Anatomy and Physiology Notes
Directional Lab & Worksheet
Gummy Bear Dissection Lab
Basic Anatomy Video
Introduction to Animal Science Test
Points Available
Points Earned
Directional Anatomy – Handout #1 & #2
Anatomical Terminology
Anterior – front of the animal
Caudal – towards the tail of an animal
Cranial – towards the head of an animal
Deep – further from the surface
Distal – part of the limb furthest from the body
Dorsal – along the back or uppermost surface
Frontal plane – body plane that divides the animal into dorsal and ventral parts
Lateral – side of an animal
Median – body plane that divides the animal into “equal” right and left halves
Posterior – rear of the animal
Proximal – part of the limb closest to the body
Sagittal – anybody plane that is parallel to the median plane
Superficial – closer to the surface
Transverse – body plane that divides
Directional Anatomy – Worksheet
Directional Gummy Bear Dissection Lab
Skeletal System
Muscle System
Respiratory System
Cardiovascular System
Lymphatic (Immune) System
Nervous System
Endocrine System
Urinary System (Excretory)
Digestive System
Integumentary and Sensory Systems
Reproductive System