KSU Syllabus for Hist 1110 – Intro to World Civilization. Spring Semester 2011, section 11 Lori Coleman, M.A. E-mail address: lcolem31@kennesaw.edu. Office Hours, T, TH 10:50am–12:20pm by appointment, Room 4005, Social Science (Knock if door is locked) Turnitin.com Class ID 3688205, password 10916 I. COURSE TITLE: History 1110 – Intro to World Civilizations II. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class offers an overview of world history which provides an introduction to the origin and development of the world's civilizations and their political, social, cultural, and economic traditions. The class uses a global approach to world history and emphasizes the universal nature of the experience. I hope this class will be a two-way discussion between instructor and students in which each participant uses his/her background and experience to add value to the class. Come prepared each day to participate. I will have pop quizzes to ensure students are reading the text. III. REQUIRED TEXT: Bentley, Jerry H., Herbert F. Ziegler, and Heather E. Streets. Traditions and Encounters: A Brief Global History, 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2010 (ISBN 978-0-07740761-2). This is the 2nd edition. If you purchase a different edition, please ensure chapter numbers and pages are correct. If you purchase either Vol. 1 or Vol. 2, you will only have half of the text. IV. GENERAL COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Students will be expected to demonstrate understanding of textbook and class lecture information. History 1110 fulfills a core requirement and is a rigorous class that requires extensive reading and writing. V. GRADING: Exams – 60% (Four exams worth 15% each. Final exam is not comprehensive) Mapping Assignment (for instructions, see GA Vista site) – 20% Pop Quizzes-15% Attendance– 5% AVERAGE 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 BELOW 60 GRADE A B C D F VI. CLASS CONDUCT: 1. Please come to class prepared to learn and participate. Read the chapter being discussed before you come to class. Pop Quizzes will be based on the material to be discussed that day. Quizzes will be open note but not open book so take good notes on your reading. Lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Pop Quizzes will be given at the beginning of class. If you come late and we have started the quiz, wait outside until we are finished. There will be no make-up of pop quizzes. No exceptions. 2. Please be on time to class. I will take roll at the beginning of class. Students not present when the roll is passed will be counted as absent. 3. If a student misses a test or assignment, he or she will receive no credit and will be unable to make-up the assignment or test unless the absence was cleared in advance by the instructor or if the student has a doctor’s note and has contacted the instructor by the time of the exam or due date. Tests must be made up within one week. Make-ups are the students’ responsibility. 4. No computers, ipods, cell phones, or other electronics in class unless cleared in advance. 5. No recording of lectures is permitted unless arranged in advance with the instructor. 6. There is no extra credit available in this course. Page 1 Kennesaw State University Syllabus for Hist 1110 Intro to World Civilization - Coleman Code of Conduct: It is the purpose of the institution to provide a campus environment which encourages academic accomplishment, personal growth, and a spirit of understanding and cooperation. An important part of maintaining such an environment is the commitment to protect the health and safety of every member of the campus community. Belligerent, abusive, profane, threatening and/or inappropriate behavior on the part of students is a violation of the Kennesaw State University Student Conduct Regulations. Students who are found guilty of such misconduct may be subject to immediate dismissal from the institution. In addition, these violations of state law may also be subject to criminal action beyond the University disciplinary process. VII. ATTENDANCE POLICY: I check attendance every day and will give pop quizzes to ensure students are prepared for class. The instructor reserves the right to include within her evaluation of the students’ performance class participation, attendance, overall improvement, and general conduct. Please note that attendance accounts for 5% of students’ grades. VIII. WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Students may withdraw from one or more courses any time before the last three weeks of the semester. However, as of fall 2005, students will be allowed a maximum of eight total withdrawals. To withdraw they should complete an official withdrawal form in the Office of the Registrar. Students who officially withdraw from courses before mid-semester will receive a “W” in those courses and receive no credit. They will not as a consequence suffer any academic penalty. The last day to withdraw without academic penalty is Mar. 14th. Students who officially withdraw after mid-semester (and before the last three weeks of the semester) will receive a “WF” which will be counted as an “F” in the calculation of the GPA. Students who simply stop attending classes without officially withdrawing are assigned failing grades. Students can appeal to academic standing for consideration of unusual circumstances. ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the University’s policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an “informal” resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct’s minimum one semester suspension requirement. I use hTurnitin.com in part to monitor students’ honesty. IX. EXAMS AND DUE DATES: Exam One: Feb. 3rd Exam Two: Mar. 1st Exam Three: Apr 7th Mapping Assignment Due: Apr 21st Final Exam: May 3rd 9:30-11:30am X. SCHEDULE – Subject to change depending on daily progress: Jan. 11 No School – weather closing Drop/Add Jan. 13 No School – weather closing Drop/Add Jan. 18 Intro & CH 1 – Complex Societies Drop/Add Jan. 20 CH 2 – Early African Societies Drop/Add Jan. 25 CH 6 – Ancient China AND pgs 56-64 Jan. 27 CH 7 - Ancient India AND pgs 48-55 Page 2 Kennesaw State University Syllabus for Hist 1110 Intro to World Civilization - Coleman Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 8 Feb. 10 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Mar. 1 Mar. 3 Mar. 15 Mar. 17 Mar. 22 Mar. 24 Apr. 5 Apr. 7 Apr. 12 Apr. 14 Apr. 19 Apr. 21 Apr. 26 Apr. 28 CH 5 – Persia Exam 1 CH 8a Ancient Greece (pages 141-152) CH 8b Ancient Rome (pages 153-162) CH 10 – Byzantium CH 11 – Islam CH 12 – East Asia CH 13 – India Exam 2 CH 14 – Nomads CH 16 – Middle Ages CH 20 – Europe CH 17 – The Americas AND pgs 69-74 CH 22 – Africa No Class Exam 3 CH 25 – Revolutions CH 25 & CH 26 CH 26 – Industrialization CH 28 – Global Empires CH 29 – WWI CH 32 – WWII May 3 Final Exam 9:30-11:30am Last Day to Withdraw – March 14th Discuss Mapping Project Mapping Project Due ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please sign the following and return to the instructor: I, _____________________________________ acknowledge reading this entire syllabus and understand that it is my responsibility to abide by its instructions. I also give my permission to have my work submitted to Turnitin.com. (Section 11) Signed, _____________________________________ Date:____________________________ Page 3