
Are You Smarter
Than a 5th Grader?
Are You Smarter Than a
5th Grader?
5th Grade 9
5th Grade 10
4th Grade 7
4th Grade 8
3rd Grade 5
3rd Grade 6
2nd Grade 3
2nd Grade 4
1st Grade 1
1st Grade 2
5th Grade 9 Question
Which system works with the circulatory
system to supply the body with oxygen and
to rid the body of carbon dioxide?
A digestive system
B nervous system
C respiratory system
D skeletal system
5th Grade 9 Answer
Which system works with the circulatory
system to supply the body with oxygen and
to rid the body of carbon dioxide?
A digestive system
B nervous system
The respiratory
system is our
C respiratory system
breathing system.
D skeletal system
5th Grade 10 Question
Gabrielle wants to perform an experiment to
test how much water bean plants need for
good growth. Which variable should be
A the type of plant
B the amount of sunlight
C the type of soil
D the amount of water
5th Grade 10 Answer
Gabrielle wants to perform an experiment to
test how much water bean plants need for
good growth. Which variable should be
The variable you change
A the type of plant
is the independent or
manipulated variable.
B the amount of sunlight
Since she wants to
C the type of soil
test how much water
bean plants need, it is
D the amount of water
the tested variable.
4th Grade 7 Question
Mala needs to find the density of a small
stone. Which tools would she use to make
the two measurements needed to calculate
A graduate and thermometer
B balance and graduate
C graduate and ruler
D thermometer and balance
4th Grade 7 Answer
Mala needs to find the density of a small
stone. Which tools would she use to make
the two measurements needed to calculate
To find density, you need to
A graduate and thermometer
know the volume and
weight of an object. The
B balance and graduate
balance will find the
weight, and the graduate
C graduate and ruler
will find the volume (by
how much water the rock
D thermometer and balance
4th Grade 8 Question
Alberto’s uncle boils water on the stove to add
moisture to the air. The pot starts out full. After
twenty minutes, the pot is only half full. Which
statement is true?
A Half the mass of the water has been destroyed.
B The water temperature is lower than it was
C Half the mass of the water is now in the air as a
D If the burner is turned down, water will disappear
4th Grade 8 Answer
Alberto’s uncle boils water on the stove to add
moisture to the air. The pot starts out full. After
twenty minutes, the pot is only half full. Which
statement is true?
A Half the mass of the water has been destroyed.
B The water temperature is lower than it was
C Half the mass of the water is now in the air as a
D If the burner is turned down, water will disappear
3rd Grade 5 Question
Johnny scrapes his knee. He cleans the scrape and
then pours hydrogen peroxide on it to kill bacteria
that might infect the wound. When the hydrogen
peroxide touches his wound, fizzy bubbles form
and bacteria die. What is happening?
change of state
chemical change
mixture formation
physical change
3rd Grade 5 Answer
Johnny scrapes his knee. He cleans the scrape and
then pours hydrogen peroxide on it to kill bacteria
that might infect the wound. When the hydrogen
peroxide touches his wound, fizzy bubbles form
and bacteria die. What is happening?
change of state
chemical change
mixture formation
physical change
Remember, some of the clues
that a chemical change has
happened are: gas forming
(bubbles), color change,
heat is produced or a new
substance is formed.
3rd Grade 6 Question
The picture to the right shows
a food chain. The parts are
not in order.
Which list shows the order in
which energy flows through
this food chain?
A owl, mouse, clover, sun
B clover, mouse, owl, sun
C sun, clover, mouse, owl
D mouse, clover, owl, sun
3rd Grade 6 Answer
The picture to the right shows
a food chain. The parts are
not in order.
Which list shows the order in
which energy flows through
this food chain?
A owl, mouse, clover, sun
B clover, mouse, owl, sun
C sun, clover, mouse, owl
D mouse, clover, owl, sun
Remember, the source of all
energy is the Sun.
2nd Grade 3 Question
Look at the picture to the right. About a
kilometer away, a huge rock falls off a
cliff. It makes a loud crashing sound
when it hits the ground. Who will hear it
first, and why?
A The boy sitting up, because his ears
aren’t blocked by anything.
B The boy underwater, because sound
travels fastest through liquids.
C All will hear it at the same time, because
the speed of sound is constant.
D The boy with his ear to the ground,
because sound travels fastest through
the solid rock.
2nd Grade 3 Answer
Look at the picture to the right. About a
kilometer away, a huge rock falls off a
cliff. It makes a loud crashing sound
when it hits the ground. Who will hear it
first, and why?
A The boy sitting up, because his ears
aren’t blocked by anything.
B The boy underwater, because sound
travels fastest through liquids.
C All will hear it at the same time, because
the speed of sound is constant.
D The boy with his ear to the ground,
because sound travels fastest through
the solid rock.
Sounds travel fastest
through solids (rock)
and slowest through
gases (air)
2nd Grade 4 Question
Which landform was formed by a
glacier, through erosion and
A canyon
B cinder cone
C delta
D moraine
2nd Grade 4 Answer
Which landform was formed by a
glacier, through erosion and
A canyon
B cinder cone
C delta
D moraine
1st Grade 1 Question
The diagram shows an
arrangement of Earth,
the moon, and the sun.
Which phase of the moon
is seen from Earth?
new moon or full moon
1st Grade 1 Answer
The diagram shows an
arrangement of Earth, the
moon, and the sun.
Which phase of the moon is
seen from Earth?
new moon or full moon
Because Earth is always in the
middle during a full moon.
1st Grade 2 Question
A chameleon’s long tongue helps it catch
insects. What is the chameleon’s tongue
an example of?
A an adaptation
B a limiting factor
C mutualism
D parasitism
1st Grade 2 Answer
A chameleon’s long tongue helps it catch
insects. What is the chameleon’s tongue
an example of?
Adaptations are characteristics
A an adaptation
that help an organism
B a limiting factor
C mutualism
D parasitism
Million Dollar Question
Grade Level 11
1,000,000 Question
Tom is doing an experiment. His hypothesis is
that water runs through gravel faster than it
runs through sand or clay. The diagram shows
his setup. He plans to pour equal amounts of
water into the top of each container and then
time how long it takes for water to begin
dripping from the bottom of each. Tom puts
the same amount of soil in each container. The
soil is held in the containers by identical
squares of cloth kept in place by rubber
bands. The containers are fastened to ring
List at least 3 variables in Tom’s experiment.
Put a star next to the manipulated (test)
1,000,000 Answer
Some of the variables are:
Type of soil
Amount of soil
Amount of water
Squares of cloth
Ring stand
Rubber bands
Time for water to go
through the soil
OK smarty pants!
What can Tom do to
improve his set-up so that
his tested variable is the
only thing tested.
Thanks for Playing
Tom should make the
containers the same size.