
Group Name: (if applicable)
Use this template to create your mission statement, vision statement, and simple strategic plan. You will see
descriptions of what each element should contain below. Replace the descriptions with the mission statement,
vision statement, objectives, etc. you create individually or as a team.
If you are working with a team, you will also need to complete the last section: Team Roles, Rules, and
Communication. You do not need to complete this last section if you are working individually!
Strategy & Vision Statement (Worth 100 Points Total)
I. Mission Statement (and possibly a vision statement)
II. Objectives
III. Company Description/Profile
IV. Management/Organizational Structure
Mission Statement (25 Points)
An organization's mission is its reason for existing. A mission statement describes the business in terms of goods,
markets, services, and client needs. The mission statement should define an organization's ultimate strategic intent
for profitability, growth, market share, and building competitive advantage. The mission statement should be a
concise statement of business strategy and answer three questions:
1. What do we do?
2. How do we do it?
3. For whom do we do it?
Vision Statement (25 Points)
The vision statement describes goals at a high level that coincide with the owner's business goals. The vision should
state what the owners envision the business to become in terms of its growth, values, employees, and contributions
to society. As a complement to the mission statement, the vision statement sets the stage to develop strategies for
moving the organization toward that vision. Remember, your vision and mission statements are meant to help guide
the business, not to limit your direction. As your company evolves and the competitive environment changes, your
mission and vision for the business need to adapt. Therefore, your vision and mission statements should be
periodically revisited and revised as needed.
Objectives (25 Points)
The objectives of your plan describe specific goals that are quantifiable and measurable. These objectives provide
focus toward what your business intends to accomplish. The implementation of your plan depends on being able to
track progress and measure your results based on these stated objectives.
Company Description/Profile (25 Points)
In one or two brief paragraphs, summarize this information:
• Nature of your company
• Market need you are meeting
• How you plan to meet the need
Team Roles, Rules, and Communication (Worth no points, but must be completed for each team. Failure
to completion this section if you are on a team will result in points being deducted from your total score
on this assignment!)
Include a brief description of your key players and their roles. Just as important, identify the skills and experience
you are missing and how and when you plan to fill them. Complete the table below that identifies the “Finisher”
for each Competition Round. This will be the person who is ultimately responsible for finalizing that Round’s
decisions and saving them into the Capstone Simulation. Each person on your team should play this role at
least once!
Competition Round
Designated Finisher
Your team should establish a list of rules to abide by during the course of the semester. As a team, discuss the rules
and boundaries your team will follow. For example, suppose decisions must be finalized by Sunday evening. You
may decide that each team member should have his or her portion of the round’s decisions entered by Friday
morning, so everyone will have a few days to look it over before the deadline. You may decide that three team
members must agree upon a course of action or that the acting team leader has the final say when a decision is to be
made. List your team rules here.
Finally, your team will need to communicate throughout the semester in order to be successful. Identify the
technologies and plan for communication here.