CSSAC Meeting
Thursday, November 15, 2012
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Sam Williams, Chair
Lisa Brown, Susan Delatorre (Secretary), Marie Dugan, John Harris (Vice-Chair), Amy Hemingway,
Logan Julien, Mary Beth Rincon, Chiquita Teamer (Treasurer)
Call to Order (Sam Williams)
Approved Agenda and Minutes
Treasurer’s Report (Chiquita Teamer) – Mary Jane Dopp will be invited to a CCSAC meeting. CCSAC
endowment has roughly $40,000. Business Office reviews employee contribution accounts. Money from interest
earned can be used for scholarships. M.B. Rincon discussed scholarship money status with the Business Office.
Interest earned is used to determine how much money is given for scholarships. C. Teamer went over CCSAC
treasurer book from 2003, which had $30,000. Endowment money cannot be touched. Three staff and three
dependents received scholarships for Spring 2013.
Announcements - Best places to work in Indiana presented by Michelle Claus. Administered by a third party
(Best Companies Group) who manages the process and tabulates employee’s confidential ratings. Approximately
350 benefit eligible faculty/staff will be chosen at random to participate in the online survey via email. Survey
participation is optional, however your ratings and inputs are extremely valuable to this process. Survey begins
on January 4th; the deadline for employees to submit their online survey is January 25th.
Sub-Committee Reports
a. Human Resources Report (Mary Beth Rincon):
 November 16th is the last day to enroll in Health Care Benefits.
 The board affirmed last year’s decision to increase the tobacco-user additional premium on medical
insurance to $500 per person per year. It would be a good idea for M. Lowry to offer the tobacco
cessation classes before November due to that by classes should be completed by November 16th to
waive the $500 additional medical premium..
 Make sure everyone attends Staff Evaluation training that will be offered until January. There is a
new form with better and more consistent formatting. Secure signatures/comments on original
evaluation and file in employee’s official personnel fine by February 15th.
b. Administrative Leadership Team Meeting (Chiquita Teamer) – No. Report.
c. University Forum (Sam Williams) – Meeting was cancelled, no report.
d. West Lafayette Report (Sam Williams) –
 Center for Healthy Living opening late February. Medical Director and Pharmacist have been hired.
 VP Lewin is forming a committee to create an employee engagement survey.
 The France A. Cordova Recreational Sports Center’s scheduled opening on October 26th went well.
Pool will not be completed until March 2013. CCSAC members were given a tour after meeting.
 Purdue moving to a trimester was discussed.
e. CSSAC Website (John Harris) – M. Dugan has icon for CCSAC. .
f. Communication (John Harris) – All CCSAC members will be added to R drive.
1. Newsletter
2. Social Media
3. Emails
Discounts (John Harris) – Varsity Tutors is interested in offering a discount for tutoring services. After
discussion, MB Rincon will look into if this is a good for the PUC community.
Membership & Recruitment - (All CSSAC members) – Liz Kubacki and Geraldine Revoir
Both Liz and Geraldine were accepted as CSSAC members.
Fundraising & Activities - (All CSSAC members) – Sam’s Club came to the PUC campus. K. Butala has a
$100 gift card from Sam’s Club. Book Fair will be held on December 5th and 6th from 10 am to 3 pm in SUL.
A. Hemingway will talk to Burger King about a potential fund raising opportunity.
Traffic Appeals/Parking Waivers (Marie Dugan) – Possibly closing the turn between both University Villages
due to a lot of accidents. Will conduct a survey but it will probably close making it only an entrance.
Parking Committee – (Lisa Brown) – No report. Next meeting will be held November 30th at 1 pm.
Multi-Cultural Campus Council - (Lisa Brown) – No report.
Scholarship (John Harris) - The CSSAC scholarship drawing was held Thursday, November 15th. M. Kull
randomly picked the winners:
Employee dependents:
Carmela Siedentopf, Information Services
Lisa Brown, Building Services
Pamela Riddering, Behavioral Sciences
Employee dependents:
Tyler Kerrick, dependent of Cathy Kerrick, Engineering Technology
Janice Bales, dependent of Jackie Bales, Admissions
Jeanette Delatorre, dependent of Susan Delatorre, Chemistry & Physics
p. Campus Security Advisory Committee Chiquita Teamer) – After participating in the Campus Safety Walk 24
issues were found. These were mainly lighting issues. Thirteen of these have already been completed. There
was some high grass between Gyte and SUL. There was also a water leak by Powers and Potter. Bushes
were trimmed by the Anderson Building. One of the main concerns was putting a Stop sign by the Police
Department. The intent of the walk is to identify campus hazards and lighting conditions that require repair or
q. Food Service Advisory Council (Susan Delatorre) – No. Report.
r. Faculty/Staff Satisfaction Survey Task Force (Lisa Brown) – No Report.
New Business
Meeting with Chancellor Keon – January 28, 2013 at 2:15 pm.
Review by-laws – vote at next meeting.
Please let us know of any suggestions to add/update the CCSAC bulletin board in SUL.
June 11, 2013 is the CCSAC regional visit. This is an all-day event at West Lafayette.
A student sent an email to CCSAC regarding a possible Farmer’s Market. Student should forward it to
Student Government. This may be a project they may want to pursue.