SYLLABUS OF SEMESTER SYSTEM FOR THE TRADE OF ELECTRICIAN UNDER CRAFTSMEN TRAINING SCHEME (CTS) Duration – 2 Years (4 Semesters) YEAR – 2012 Designed By Government of India Ministry of Labour (D.G.E.&T.) CENTRAL STAFF TRAINING AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE EN-Block, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700 091 Page 1 of 35 List of trade committee members approved the syllabus of semester system for the trade of “Electrician ” held on 18th October 2011 at FTI, Bangalore 1. Shri. B.S. Ravi Prasad Joint Director, Director I/c, Foremen Training Institute, Bangalore, Chairman 2. Shri. H. Madhava Rao Joint Director, Apex Hitech Institute, Bangalore. Member 3. Shri. B.V.S. Sesha chari Deputy Director, Training I/c, Foremen Training Institute, Bangalore, Member 4. Shri. P. Joji Deputy Director, Foremen Training Institute, Bangalore, Member 5. Shri. K.R. Ganapathy Deputy Director, Foremen Training Institute, Bangalore, Member 6. Shri. B.N. Sridhar Deputy Director, Foremen Training Institute, Bangalore, Core Member & Convener 7. Shri. Ketan Patel Deputy Director, RDAT, Mumbai, Member 8. Shri. C. Ramasubramanian Deputy Director, Apex Hitech Institute, Bangalore, Member 9. Shri. R.N. Dohare Deputy Director, Apex Hitech Institute, Bangalore, Member 10. Shri. M.N. Renukaradhya Principal, Govt. ITI. Peenya, Bangalore Member 11. Shri. B.L. Chandrashekar Principal, Govt. ITI. Hosur Road, Bangalore Member 12. Shri. D.M. Nagaraj Principal, Govt. ITI. Bagur, Channarayapatna, Karnataka Member 13. Shri. H.N. Prakash Principal, Govt. ITI. Tiptur, Karnataka Core Member 14. Shri. B. Paramashivaiah Asst. Director (Retd), DET, Karnataka Member 15. Smt. R. Malathi Training Officer, RVTI, Trivandrum, Kerala Member 16. Shri. G. Kantharaja JTO, Govt. ITI, Peenya, Bangalore Core Member 17. Shri. Suresha JTO, Govt. ITI, Peenya, Bangalore Member 18. Shri. V. Venugopala JTO, Govt. ITI, Hosur Road, Bangalore Member 19. Shri. N. Dharmachar JTO (Retd), Govt. ITI, Peenya, Bangalore Member 20. Shri. B.N. Shreedhar Chief Engineer,Karnataka power corporation ltd, Bangalore Member 21. Shri. G.A. Narayanaswamy Executive Engineer (Retd), Karnataka Electricity Board. Member 22. Shri. Champaka Rao Chief- Human Resource, HMT M/c tools Ltd, Bangalore Member 23. Shri. C. Subbanna Senior Manager, Kirloskar Electric Co. Ltd, Bangalore Member 24. Shri. S. Biswas Asst. General Manager, EDN, BHEL, Bangalore Member Page 2 of 35 25. Shri. L.R. Venugopal 26. Shri. Nagabhushana Rao 27. Shri. M.V. Srinivasaiah 28. Shri. A. Srirama Asst. General Manager, HMT M/c tools Ltd, Bangalore Manager, Training & Development, Bosch Ltd, Bangalore Deputy Manager, Quality control, KAVIKA, Bangalore Engineer, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Bangalore Page 3 of 35 Member Member Member Member GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the Trade : ELECTRICIAN 2. N.C.O. Code No. : 3. Duration of Craftsmen Training : 2 Years (4 Semesters having duration of six months each) 4. Entry Qualification : Pass in 10th Class under 10+2 system of Education 5. Unit strength : 20 6. Space norms : a) Workshop: 97.6 Sq. metres. b) Class room: 30 sq.meter. 7. Power norms : 5.2 KW(for two units) 8. Instructors Qualification : Degree in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering from recognized engg. college/university with one year experience in the relevant field OR Diploma in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering From recognized board of technical education with two years experience in the relevant field OR 10th/Madhyamic pass + NTC/NAC in the Trade of “Electrician” With 3 years post qualification experience in the relevant field. 9. Desirable qualification : Preference will be given to a candidate with CITS. (If not done CITS than must be trained within 02yrs on joining) Page 4 of 35 Page 5 of 35 Syllabus for the Trade of “Electrician” Duration : Six Month First Semester SEMESTER-I DOMESTIC, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL WIRING Week No. 1 2&3 Trade Practical Safety measures to be observed & followed in the electrical workshop. Demonstration of elementary first aid. Artificial Respiration. Occupational Safety & Health Basic safety introduction, Personal protection:Basic injury prevention, Basic first aid, Hazard identification and avoidance, safety signs for Danger, Warning, caution & personal safety message. Use of Fire extinguishers. Visit & observation of sections. Demonstration of Trade hand tools. Use, care & maintenance of various hand tools. Practice of using pliers, Trade Theory Engineering Drawing Vocational Science and Calculation Mathematical symbols, applied workshop problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. SCOPE OF THE TRADE, INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICITY & SAFETY PRECAUTIONS- Basic concept of electricity, Various safety measures involved in the Industry. Elementary First Aid. Concept of Standards. Engineering DrawingIntroduction, Definition & uses of drawing equipments. Freehand sketching of straight lines, rectangles, squares, circle, and polygons. COMMON HAND TOOLS, CLASSIFICATION OF ELECTRICAL MATERIALS- Identification of Trade-Hand tools-Specifications, uses, Applied workshop problems Drawing of different types involving common fractions, decimal fractions, with of lines. examples. Page 6 of 35 4 &5 cutters, screw drivers etc. Identification of simple types of screws, nuts, bolts, clamps, rivets etc. Skinning the cables and joint practice on single strand / multi strand wire. Demonstration & Practice on bare conductors joints-such as Britannia, straight, Tee & Western union. Demonstration and identification of different types of cables. Demonstration & practice of using standard wire gauge. Practice on crimping thimbles & Lugs. Examination and checking of cables and conductors. Verification of materials according to the span. care & maintenance. Classification of electrical materialsDefinition and properties of conductors, resistors, insulators and semi-conductors. Classification of insulating materialsVoltage grading & Temperature Rise permissible. Types of wires & cables, standard wire gauge, Types of joints & their uses. Specification of wires & Cables-insulation & voltage grades. Low, medium & high voltage. Precautions in using various types of cables Practice on installation and reparing of common electrical accessories. Fixing of switches, holder, plugs etc. in T.W. boards. -Identification and use of wiring accessories. Verification of Ohm’s Law, Verification of Kirchhoff’s Laws. Verify the characteristics of series and parallel circuits. Measurement of resistance by different methods- a) Using Wheatstone Bridge b) By voltage drop method. Experiment to demonstrate the variation of resistance of a metal with the change of temperature. Use of Multimeter. Verification of open circuit and closed BASIC ELECTRICAL TERMS, WORK, POWER & ENERGY. Fundamental of electricity. Electron theory- free electron. Fundamental terms, definitions, units & effects of electric current, voltage/EMF/ P.D, resistance & conductance. Ohm’s Law Simple electrical circuits and problems. Kirchhoff’s Laws, applications & numerical. Wheatstone bridge working principle and its applications . Resistance -Laws of Resistance. Series & parallel circuits. Resistors- Different Types of resistors & properties of resistors. Specification of resistors and tolerance. Effect of variation of temperature on resistance. Different methods of measuring Page 7 of 35 Free hand Sketches of the hand tools related to trade and wire joints such as straight, tee, Britannia and union joints. Geometrical construction of ellipse, ovals, spiral, Cycloid curves, Polygons, etc. Lettering practiceSpecification of letters, single stroke, vertical letters & numbers (gothic). Drawing the typical diagram of D-type cartridge fuse, H.R.C. & kit-Kat type fuse. Fuse curves graphics as per relevant IS standard. Symbols indicating the method of operation of Reduction of common fractions to decimal fractions, shop problems. Conversions from common fractions to decimal fractions & vice-versa. Laws of indices with examples, applied problems. UNITS:- Introduction, definition, Fundamental units, derived units with examples C.G.S, M.K.S, F.P.S, S.I systems of units. circuit network. Identification of different types of Capacitors. Charging, discharging & testing of Capacitor. Grouping of capacitors. the values of resistance, Explanation of Mechanical work, power & energy. Electrical power & energy. Concept of 1Ø & 3Ø supply system & loads. Capacitor- Construction details, charging, discharging, types, grouping & uses. Factors on which capacitance depends. Formulae & numerical. 6&7 Measurement of voltage, current & resistance in different circuits. Measurement of electrical power & energy directly & indirectly. Calibration of energy meters. Insulation resistance test by megger. Measurement of earth resistance by earth tester. ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTSTypes, Construction & working principle of Electrical measuring instruments such as Ammeter, Voltmeter, Ohm-meter. Energy meter, Wattmeter, P.F. meter, multimeter, megger & earth tester. 8-10 Marking use of chisels and hacksaw on flats, sheet metal filing practice, filing true to line. Sawing and planning practice. Practice in using firmer chisel and preparing simple half lap joint. Drilling practice using hand drilling & power drilling machines. Grinding of drill bits. Practice in using taps & dies. Threading hexagonal & square nuts etc. Cutting FITTING HAND TOOLS, CARPENTRY HAND TOOLS THEIR USE & MAINTENANCEALLIED TRADE WORK: Introduction to fitting work. Safety precautions to be observed. Types of files, hammers, chisels hacksaw frames, blades, steel rule, try square -their specification, grades, care & maintenance. Marking tools description & use. Allied trade Introduction to carpentry workDescription of carpenter’s common hand Page 8 of 35 the instrument and accessories as per relevant IS: Standard Sketch of panel board with voltmeter, ammeter & energy meter. Dimensioning techniquesaligned & unidirectional system. Scales (Enlarged & reduced) Projection, type, 1st angle & 3rd angle. Introduction isometric drawing. Isometric axis, isometric scale. Simple isometric drawings, isometric views of simple objects- cubes, rectangular blocks etc. Isometric views of simple blocks. Inter-relationship between metric & British system of units. Conversion of quantities from one system of units to another, Applied problems. Electricity:-Introduction, Its uses, Electric current, Use of switches & Fuses. Conductors, Insulators, SemiConductors. Fundamental, terms, E.M.F, Voltage, P.D, Resistance, Conductance, Electrical power, threads on studs and on pipes. Riveting practice. Practice in using snips, marking & cutting of straight & curved pieces in sheet metals. Bending the edges of sheets metals. Riveting practice in sheet metal. Practice in making different joints in sheet metal and soldering the joints. 11&12 Construction & testing of various electrical circuits with different accessories. Connection of Calling Bell, Buzzer, Electric Iron, Heater, Light & Fan etc. Soldering practice. Measurement of Resistance and specific Resistance. Application of Wheatstone bridge in measurement of Resistance tools such as saws planes, chisels mallet claw hammer, marking, dividing & holding tools- their specification, grades, care & maintenance. Types of drills, drilling machines, proper use, care and maintenance. Description of taps & dies. Types of rivets & riveted joints. Use of thread gauge. Introduction to sheet-metal work Description of marking & cutting tools such as snips, shears, punches & other tools like hammers, mallets etc. used by sheet metal workers. Use of different bench tools used by sheet metal worker. Soldering materials, fluxes and process. COMMON ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES, BASIC CIRCUITS- Common Electrical Accessories, their specificationsExplanation of switches, lamp holders, plugs and socket etc. Developments of domestic circuits, using switches, fuse, MCB, sockets, lamp, fan, calling bell/buzzer with individual switches, Two way switches, I.C.T.Ps, I.C.D.P’s, MCCB etc. Definition of electric circuit, requirements to construct a simple circuit, types of circuits such as open, close, short & earth/leakage circuit. Circuits of common domestic equipments & appliances. Soldering- Solders, flux and soldering technique. Types of soldering irons-their proper uses. Page 9 of 35 Electrical energy, Definitions, Units. Conversion of isometric into orthographic projection. Effects of Electric Current, Ohms law, Simple electrical circuits, Applied problems. Free hand sketch of I.C.T.P & I.C.D.P. switch with neutral. Resistors- Laws of resistance, Series & Parallel Circuits, Applied problems. INSULATING MATERIALS:- Different Insulating materials including transformer oil, Natural insulating materials Synthetic, Brief description & properties of Electrical materials- Silicon, Nichrome etc 13-15 Practice in casing- capping & conduit wiring with minimum to more number of points. Use of two way switches Testing of insulation resistance by using megger. Fixing of calling bells/buzzers. Making of test boards & extension board’s. Identification & demonstration of conduit & accessories . Cutting, threading & laying of conduits. DOMESTIC WIRING: Practice on Installation of different wiring system for Domestic -Lighting, AEH, Inverter/UPS, Staircase wiring and power circuits for both 1phase 16&17 COMMERCIAL WIRING: Practice on Installation of different wiring system for Office, Apartments, Commercial complex, Malls, bank, lodge, hospital etc. -Lighting, AEH, Inverter/UPS etc. Practice of Hospital wiring, godown wiring , hostel wiring, tunnel wiring etc DOMESTIC, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL WIRING - METHODS, INSTALLATION & TESTING- Electrical wiring, importance, I.E. rules. Specifications for wires, conduits & accessories. Grading of cables and current ratings. Selection of wiring system & Principle of laying domestic wiring & testing by megger. Types of wiring system in domestic commercial & industrial. Using PVC casing capping, PVC & Metal conduit surface & concealed system, CTS wiring, Lead sheathed wiring. Maintenance & Repair of wiring system. Practice of dimensioning to orthographic views. Free hand sketch of different types of wire joints – Britannia straight, Britannia Tee & western union joint etc. Conventional symbols of electrical installation as per BIS. WORK, POWER, ENERGY: - Definitions, Their units, Applied problems. Different forms of energy, Potential energy, Kinetic energy, -Heat, Mechanical, Electrical. Conversion from one form to another. Meaning of H.P, I.H.P, B.H.P, Applied problems. . DOMESTIC WIRING: Techniques, procedures of Layout & circuits – Lighting, AEH, Inverter, Staircase wiring etc. COMMERCIAL WIRING: Techniques, procedures of Layout & circuits – Lighting, power, Inverter/UPS wiring for Office, Apartments, Commercial complex, Malls, bank, lodge, hospital etc. Hospital wiring, godown wiring , hostel wiring, tunnel wiring etc Graphical symbols used in electrical circuits, elementary drawing of plug & sockets etc. Oblique drawing & their views. Detailed diagram of calling bell/ electromagnet etc Page 10 of 35 METALS: - Physical properties, and Mechanical properties of metals as colour, density, structure, Tenacity, Brittleness, Elasticity, Malleability, Ductility, Hardness, compressibility etc. and uses of copper Zinc, Lead , Tin, Aluminium, Brass, Bronze, Solder, Bearing metals, Timber, Rubber. Properties and uses of cast iron, wrought-iron, plain carbon, steel, High speed steel & alloy 18&19 INDUSTRIAL WIRING: Practice on Installation of different wiring system for office &Workshop 1ph & 3 phLighting, Inverter/UPS, power wiring. Street lighting. Trouble shooting & Maintenance of Wiring systems ofoffice, hostel, hotel, residential building , workshop, hospital etc 20 Installation of - Neon Sign tube, Mercury vapour (H.P. & L.P.) Sodium vapour, Halogen Lamps, single tube, double tube, Metal halide lamps. Practice on decoration lighting 21 Earthing – Practice on installation of INDUSTRIAL WIRING: Methods & procedures of Layout & circuits - Lighting, power, Inverter/UPS wiring for office & workshop. Street lighting. Power wiring for workshop. Trouble shooting & Maintenance of Wiring systems ofoffice, hostel, hotel, residential building , workshop, hospital etc Simple electrical circuits containing ampere meter, Voltmeter, switch & battery. Free hand sketching of Staircase wiring, Godown wiring, tunnel, bank, lodge, hospital wiring etc. ILLUMINATION:Explanation of Illumination- Terms & definitions, laws of illumination, illumination factors, intensity of light – importance of light, Direct & indirect lighting-efficiency in lumens per watt, colors available. Construction, working & applications of – Incandescent lamp, Carbon arc lamp, Fluorescent tube, CFL (Compact fluorescent lamp), Neon sign, Halogen, Mercury vapour, sodium vapour, Metal hallide lamps etc. Decoration lighting, Drum Switches etc. Numerical problems. Wiring diagram of the connection of arrangement and push button control of two speed AC motor. As per B.I.S. Schematic & connection diagram of Florescent lamp, Sodium vapour lamp, Mercury vapour lamp etc. EARTHING SYSTEM- Types of threads & their Page 11 of 35 steel. Brief description of manufacturing process of steel, Copper, Aluminium. SQUARE & SQUARE ROOTS: - Squares, Square roots, symbol of root, symbol of square root, symbol of cube root etc, Methods of finding of square roots-Division method, Factorization method and Logarithms method. Perfect squares, Perfect cubes (cubical figures), Square root of Perfect squares, Square root of any figure. Theorem of Pythagoras, related problems. PERCENTAGE: Introduction, Applied problems. SPEED & VELOCITY:Dynamics, Introduction, rest & motion, Types of physical quantities-Scalars ,Vectors, Examples. Speed, velocity, displacement, acceleration, retardation etc, Definitions, Their units, Applied problems. Uniform velocity, Average 22&23 earthing system and testing of earthing system- Pipe earthing, Rod type earthing, Plate earthing. Measurement of earth resistance. Connection & testing of Earth Leakage circuit breaker. Earthing – Definition & Importance of Earthing, Principle of different methods of earthing-Pipe earthing, Rod type earthing, Plate earthing, Earth Leakage circuit breaker. representation on drawing. Preparation of Layout for domestic, commercial & workshop electrical installation. PLANNING, ESTIMATION & COSTINGConcept & principles of plan, estimation & cost. Preparation of complete House-wiring layout- Lighting & AEH, Industrial wiring, Commercial such as office, lodge, hospital, bank Circuit etc... I.E. Rules for Multistoried buildings. Types of nuts, bolts, studs & washers. Prepare domestic layout diagram of Lighting & power circuit. Estimation & costing of materials & accessories as per layout. velocity, relative velocity with examples, Related applied problems. Drawing the schematic diagram of plate and pipe earthing as per B.I.S. Acceleration due to gravity, examples, Equations of motion of a body, Derivations, Distance covered in the ‘n’th sec, Momentum of a body, Recoil of the gun, Newton’s laws of motion with applications. Applied problems. Simple Estimation & costing:Simple estimation of the requirement of the materials etc as applicable to trade. 24-26 REVISION & TEST Page 12 of 35 Syllabus for the Trade of “Electrician” Duration : Six Month Second Semester SEMESTER-II REPAIR OF DOMESTIC APPLIANCES & REWINDING OF MOTORS Week No. Trade Practical Trade Theory Engineering Drawing 1&2 Assembly / winding of a simple electro magnet. Demonstration on-flux meter. The magnetic flux produced by Electromagnet, Demonstration on Tracing the magnetic field, B-H Curve & Hysteresis loop for a specimen. Demonstration on effect of eddy current on different samples. MAGNETISM & ELECTROMAGNETISM. Magnetism – Definition, Classification of magnets, methods of magnetization, magnetic materials. Properties, care & maintenance. Para & Diamagnetism and Ferro magnetic materials. Comparison of magnetic & electric circuit. Principle of electro-magnetism, Right hand grip rule, right hand thumb rule, Maxwell’s corkscrew rule, Fleming’s left & right hand Page 13 of 35 Vocational Calculation Ratio & Science and Proportions: - Foundation bolts, vibration Definitions, Symbol, Types of proportions, Applied problems. nuts (locking). Machine screws & screws. MAGNETISM:Definition, Magnetic materials, Magnetic Field, Flux Density, Magnetic Permeability set moment, ,Susceptibility ,Principle of electromagnetic induction, comparison of magnetic & electric circuits. Electro magnet rules, Magnetic field of current carrying conductors, loop & solenoid. Self & Mutual induction. Fundamental terms - MMF, Flux density, susceptance, reluctance, etc. B/H. curve, Hysteresis, Eddy current. Principle of electro-magnetic Induction, Faraday’s Laws, Lenz’s Law. Numerical problems. 3-5 6-8 Identification and study of the parts of a D.C.machine. Practice- dismantling and assembling of D.C. Machine. Connection of shunt Generator, Measurement of voltages-Demonstration on field excitation. Connection of compound GeneratorVoltage measurement-cumulative and differential – No Load & Load characteristics of Series, Shunt & Compound Generator. Trouble shooting & maintenance of DC Generators. Demonstration and practice on identification of parts and terminals. Study of 2 point, 3 point & 4 point starters. Study of the characteristics of DC motors. Connection, starting, running, speed control, calculation of efficiency. Testing of D.C. motors. Demonstration on Thyristor / electronic control of DC motor. Trouble shooting & maintenance of DC motors. Demonstration of sine wave, DC MACHINES & CONTROL GEARS: D.C. Machines - General concept of Electrical Machines. Principle of D.C. generator. Parts-Field Coil, Yoke, Commutator, slip ring Brushes, Laminated core. Etc., Classification, E.M.F. equation, Types & applications of DC Generators. Brief description of series, shunt and compound generators with their characteristics. Expl. of Armature reaction, commutation, interpoles and their uses, connection of interpoles. Power stage, Efficiencies, voltage regulation, Trouble shooting. Numerical problems. DC Motors – Working principle, Terms used in D.C. motor-Torque, speed, Back-e.m.f. etc. Related problems. Types, characteristics and practical application of D.C. motors. Safety precaution to be taken in DC Series motors. Starters used in D.C. motors Types of speed control of DC motors in industry Ward-Leonard control, Thyristor / electronic controls. AC FUNDAMENTALS, SINGLE PHASE & 3 Page 14 of 35 (solenoid), applications. Types of keys, cotters. Practical MAGNETISM: - Comparison of magnetic & electric circuits. Sketch of yoke & field TRIGONOMETRY: poles of D.C. machine. Definition, Trigonometric functions, applications of Sketching of brush and trigonometry, brush gear of D.C. Use of trigonometrical tables, applied problems, use of machines. logarithmic trigonometrical tables. Trigonometrical Sketching of D.C. 2 point, formulae, Relationship between 3-point & 4 point starter. trigonomical ratios, sine rule cosine rule Areas of triangles, Polygons etc, with the aid of trigonometry. Sketch of panel board for D.C. Motor with suitable starter, rheostat, voltmeter, ammeter & main switch. Knuckle joint & cotter Measurement of angles- 9-11 instantaneous values etc. Study of the PHASE behavior of R, XL & XC in A.C. circuits both Alternating Current -Comparison D.C& A.C., in series and in parallel. Advantages of A.C over D.C. & related terms Instantaneous value, R.M.S. value, Average Experiment on poly phase circuits. (star & value, Peak factor, form factor, frequency, delta) Current, voltage, power & P.F. etc. Generation of sine wave, phase and measurement in poly-phase balanced & phase difference. Inductive & Capacitive unbalanced circuits. reactance XL & Xc, Impedance (Z), power Measurement of power, P.F., Frequency & factor, (P.F) ; Vector diagram. Active and energy in single & poly-phase circuits. Reactive power. Admittance, susceptance & Use of phase sequence meter & phase conductance. sequence indicator. Simple problems on A.C. , single phase. AC circuit containing R, L ,C, R-L, RLC in both series & parallel, power consumption, P.F. etc. Concept of three-phase generation, Advantages of 3 ph. Over 1 ph. Supply. Fundamental terms- Line voltage & phase voltage, current. Star & Delta connection. Power & P.F. measurement in balanced and unbalanced load. Effect of open neutral in 3Ø supply system. Numerical problems. Identification, Connection of single phase Single phase induction motorcapacitor start/run motor, testing, running Working principle, different method of and reversing. starting and running (capacitor start/capacitor run, shaded pole). FHP Identification, connection, testing, running motors. and reversing DOR of universal motor. Universal motor- Principle, characteristics, applications in domestic appliances and industry. Trouble shooting. Repulsion induction motor- Principle, characteristics, applications in domestic appliances and industry. Trouble shooting. joint. sexagesimal system, centesimal, circular (radian) Types of rivets & riveted system. Trigonometrical values of joints. certain degrees such as 0, 30,45,60,90 degrees, trigonometrical values of any angle, related problems. Couplings – Flange, box & HEIGHTS & DISTANCES:muff coupling, protected Angle of elevation , Angle of depression, applied problems. type, clutch. FORCE:- Definition – Mass, Sketching of D.O.L. & Star- Weight ,Force , Their Units, delta starter. absolute unit of force , The Layout arrangement of ac motor with starter & accessories for control panel. Sketching the connection Page 15 of 35 weight of a body ,Resultant force, Representation of force, Space & Vector diagrams, Parallel forces, Couple . Parallelogram law of forces, Resolution & composition of forces. Solution of problems with the aid of vectors. diagram of controlling & Conditions of of protective devices for Kinds Examples. Induction motors. 12-15 16&17 Install, repair & service of all kinds of electrical home appliancesDismantle and reassemble, General repair of heating iron, kettle, ceiling fan, table fan, washing machine, wet grinder & mixer grinder. Test the fan capacitors. Clean and lubricate the bearing of ceiling and table fan, and check the speed. Repair and rectification of an automatic electric iron, servicing and repairing of mixer, ceiling and table fan. Measure the insulation resistance between the terminals and body of the appliance. Assemble, connect and install a single & twin fluorescent lamp with accessories. Check the internal connections of cooking oven selector switch and . Replace the heating element in a soldering iron. Check the simple mechanical timer, small water pump, washing machines and regular service and trouble shooting. STUDY, REPAIR & MAINTENANCE OF DOMESTIC ELECTRICAL APPLIANCESSpecification, Construction, block diagram , working & uses of 1. Electric Heater 2. Electric Iron (Auto & non-auto) 3. Electric Kettle 4. Ceiling Fan 5. Table Fan 6. Washing Machine (Manual, semi-auto & fully auto) 8. Microwave oven 9. Storage water Heater 10. Wet Grinder 11. Mixer grinder -Do- Test a single-phase transformer for its Continuity and insulation. Take the dimensions of a bobbin and prepare the bobbin from suitable materials. Measuring a enamelled winding wire with Standard wire gauge. Dismantle /reassemble the transformer cores. Wind the primary and secondary of REWINDING OF CHOKES, COILS & SMALL Further practice in Blue -DoTRANSFORMERS - Testing the transformer print reading. Triangle of forces, Converse of triangle of forces, Lami’s theorem. Connection diagram of 1Ø motor with suitable Effects of force & materials starter, meter & such as application as expanding, bending, twisting accessories. & shearing. Fault finding and trouble shooting of domestic electrical appliances. before declaring for rewinding. Terminology used in single phase and three phase winding. Principle of shell type winding techniques Method of rewinding of choke & coil. Impregnation / Varnish after testing the Page 16 of 35 Equilibrium, Equilibrium, Drawing development diagram for single-phase A.C. motors. Isometric drawing of transformer. transformer – its advantages. circular objects – Cylinder, Use & Operation of hand operated and Familiarization and operation with cone, hallow cylinder etc. motorized coil winding machine. motorized coil winding machine. General maintenance-Test the transformer for insulation, transformation ratio and performance. 18-23 Method of stripping the old winding and preparing the winding former and the coils. Preparation of winding data for given Motor. Method of inserting coil in the slots. Procedure followed for re-winding of all kind of electric motors like 3 phase & single phase A./C. motors, DC machines, pump motors, ceiling fan, table fan, washing machine motors etc. Various methods used of inserting coil into the slots. Making end connections Impregnation & Testing the motor after rewinding. REWINDING OF AC MOTOR, DC MOTOR WINDINGD.C. m/c Winding— Introduction to armature winding. Winding terms - pole pitch, coil pitch, back pitch, front pitch, Types of winding - Lap & Wave winding. Progressive and retrogressive winding. Moment of Inertia, Radius of Drawing of simple lap & Gyration, Centripetal force, Centrifugal force. wave winding. Rectifiers:- Half wave ,Full Isometric drawing of wave ,Bridge rectifier, circular objects – Hallow Calculations related to cylinder, bearings, C.I. maximum value, Average brackets. value Winding materials, Conditions to be fulfilled for Lap & Wave winding. Types of sections & sectional views (Half A.C. m/c Winding - Introduction to stator section & Full section.) winding, Terminology used in single phase and three phase winding like pole pitch, coil pitch etc., rules for end connection of 3Ø motors. Testing the motor before declaring Method of dismantling the burnt winding for rewinding. Principle of different winding Blue print reading wire. techniques. Study the parts of armature. Check and test the armature. Strip the old winding from the armature Record the winding data AC/DC armature winding. Prepare the armature for rewinding. Preparation of winding data for given armature. Wind the coils by hand insulate them Connection of armature leads on raiser. Preparation of winding table, connection Page 17 of 35 diagram, winding diagram for given armature. Practice end connection, electrical and distinguishing start and finish of each. Impregnation / varnish of armature after rewinding and test it. 24 25&26 PROJECT WORK/INDUSTRIAL VISIT REVISION & TEST LIST OF TOOLS & EQUIPMNT FOR SEMESTER-I &II FOR THE TRADE OF “ELECTRICIAN” (Unit Size : 20) Sl. No. NAME OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENT QUANTITY TRAINEE TOOL KIT 4 Rule wooden 4 fold 60 mm Plier insulated 150 mm Plier side cutting 150 mm Screw driver 100 mm 21nos. 21nos. 21nos. 21nos. 5 6 7 8 9 Screw driver 150 mm Electrician connector, screw driver 100 mm insulated handle thin stem Heavy duty screw driver 200 mm Electrician screw driver 250 mm thin stem insulated handle Punch centre 150 mm X 9 mm 21nos. 21nos. 1 2 3 21nos. 21nos. 21nos. Page 18 of 35 Electrician Knife Neon Tester ,500V Rule steel 300 mm Tenon saw 250 mm Hammer, cross peen 115 grams with handle Hammer ball peen 0.75 kg. With handle Firmer chisel wood 6mm,12 mm 25mm Gimlet 6 mm. Bradawl Scriber 150 mm X Ø 4 mm (Knurled centre position ) Pincer 150 mm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21nos. 21nos. 21nos. 21nos. 21nos. 21nos. 21 each 21nos. 21nos. 21nos. 21nos. SHOP TOOLS, INSTRUMENTS & MACHINERY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. C. Clamp 200 mm, 150 mm and 100 mm. Spanner 150 mm adjustable 15 degree Blow lamp 0.5 litre Electric Melting pot with laddle Chisel cold 25 mm X 200 mm Drill Machine hand 0 - 6 mm capacity Electric drill machine portable 6 mm capacity Pillar electric drill machine 12 mm capacity, 1 H.P. 3Ø Allen key Oil can 0.12 litre Grease gun ½ litre capacity Outside micrometer 0 - 25 mm Bench grinder motorised , 1 H.P. 3Ø Rawl plug tool & bit Pulley puller Bearing puller Thermometer 0 -100º C 2 each 1 No. 2 no. 1 no 2 no. 1 no 1 no 1 no 1 set 2 no. 1 no 1 no 1 no 2 set 1 no 1 no 1 no Page 19 of 35 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Scissors blade 150 mm Crimping tool, hand operated (Up to 50mm²) Wire stripper , Manual (Up to 16 mm²) Wire stripper auto eject (Up to 16 mm²) Chisel cold flat 12 mm Mallet hard wood 0.50 kg. Mallet Teflon 0.50 kg. Hammer Exeter type 0. 40 kg. Hacksaw frame 200 mm, 300 mm adjustable Try Square 150 mm blade Outside & inside caliper 150 mm Plier flat nose 100 mm Plier gas, round nose, 100 mm Plier Gas, 150 mm Tweezers 100 mm Snip straight 150 mm Snip bent 150 mm Spanner D.E. metric standard set Drill hand brace 0 - 100 mm Drill S.S. Twist block 2 mm, 5 mm 6 mm Plane, smoothing cutters, 50 mm Gauge, wire imperial File flat 200 mm 2nd cut File half round 200 mm 2nd cut File flat 150mm rough Rasp, half round 200 bastard Iron, soldering 25 watt, 65 watt, 125 watt Desoldering gun Vice hand 50mm jaw Vice Table jaw 100 mm Pipe cutter to cut pipes up to 5 cm. dia 4 no. 2 set 4 no. 4 no. 4 no. 4 no. 4 no. 8 no. 2 each 4 no. 2 each 4 no. 4 no. 4 no. 4 no. 2 no. 2 no. 2 set 4 no. 4 each 4 no. 2 no. 8 no. 4 no. 4 no. 4 no. 4 each 4 no. 4 no. 8 no. 4 no. Page 20 of 35 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. Stock and die set for 20 mm to 50 mm G.I. pipe Multi meter 0 - 1000 MΩ, 2.5 - 500 volt (Analog, Portable type) Digital Multi meter ( 3 ½ digits ) Voltmeter M.I. 0 –500V A.C. ,Analog, Portable type Mill Voltmeter centre zero 100 – 0 – 100 mV, Analog, Portable type D.C.Milliammeter 0 -500mA, Analog, Portable type Ammeter MC 0-1 A, Analog, Portable type Ammeter MC 0-5 A, Analog, Portable type Ammeter MC 0-15-25 A, Analog, Portable type Ammeter M.I.. 0-5A, Analog, Portable type Ammeter M.I.. 0-15-25A, Analog, Portable type K.W. Meter 0-1-3KW 300V/600V, 5/10A, Analog, Portable type A.C. Energy meter (1Ø, 5A , 230 V) Single phase power factor meter, Analog, Portable type Frequency meter, portable, Analog type Tacho meter digital type 1 set 6 nos 2 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. Motorized coil winding machine 1 no 3 no. 2 set 6 each 2 no. 2 no. 2 no. 1 each Stand for armature winding Readymade former universal size Fibre or Hylam knife of assorted sizes Awl of required length & thickness Spatula Magnetic compass 15mm dia Burnt out 3Ø motor with single layer distributed winding of 3 HP, 5HP Burnt out 3Ø motor with single layer concentric half coil winding of 3 HP Readymade stepped former universal size Burnt out armature of DC Machine, 2.25 KW Bath Impregnating Baking oven Growler external 2 no. 2 no 2 set 2 no. 1 No. 1 no. 1 no. Page 21 of 35 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. Tong tester / Clamp meter, 0 – 100 Amp. AC Megger 500volts Wheat stone bridge complete with galvanometer and battery Load bank- 5 KW( Lamp / heater Type) Including panel meters, Controlling device & protective device. DC power supply 0 - 100 volt, 5A Rheostat 0 – 1Ω, 5A.; 0 – 10 Ω., 5A ; 0 – 25 Ω, 1A. ; 0 – 300 Ω., 1A Domestic appliances – a) Electric hot plate 1500 watt. 220 V with temperature control b) Electric kettle, 1000 watts, 230 V c) Electric iron, 750 watts, 230V with temperature control d) Immersion beater 750/1000/1500W-230 V e) Geyser 25 litre 240 V (Storage type) f) Washing machine 6.5 kg (Semi automatic) g) Mixer grinder h) Wet grinder i) Induction type heater Flux meter 0-30µ tesla Laboratory type induction coil 6 volt to 230V 2-point D.C. starters 3-point D.C. starters 4-point D.C. starters Electrical machine trainer: -Suitable for demonstrating the construction and functioning of different types of DC machines and AC machines (single phase and three phases). Should be completed with friction brake, dynamo meter instrument panel and power supply units. Motor generator (AC to DC) consisting of : a) Motor induction squirrel cage, 7 HP 400 Volts, 50-cycles, 3-phase with star delta starter and switch directly coupled to DC shunt generator 5 KW, 440 volts, and switch board mounted with regulator, air circuit breaker, ammeter, voltmeter knife blade switches and fuses, set complete with case iron and plate, fixing bolts, foundation bolts and flexible coupling. Used DC generators-series, shunt and compound type for overhauling practice 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 set 2 no. 2 each 2 no. 2 no. 2 no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 2 no. 1 no. 1 no. Page 22 of 35 2 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 set 1 set 1 each 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. D.C. shunt generator, 2.5 KW, 220 V with control panel accessories D.C. compound generator, 2.5 K.W. 250 V, with control panel including filed rheostat, voltmeter, ammeter and circuit breaker Motor series DC, 220 Volt, 2 HP, coupled with mechanical load with control panel accessories Motor shunt DC 220 volt, 2 HP with control panel accessories Motor DC compound wound 220 volt 2 HP with starter and switch Motor A.C. series type 230V, 50 cycles, ½ HP with mechanical load Motor AC single phase 230 volt 50 cycles 1 HP capacitor type with starter switch 1 HP Motor universal 230 volt, 50 cycles ½ HP with starter/switch Fan A.C. 230 volt, 1200 mm Diesel generator set, 5 KVA, 440 volt, AC 3 phase with suitable accessories Bench working 2.5 x 1.20 x 0.75 meters Almirah 2.5 x 1.20 x 0.5 meter Instructor’s table 2 ½ x 4 Feet Instructor’s chair .S type Industrial type locker 12 doors Fire extinguisher. 5 kg capacity 1 set 1 set 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no 2 no. 1 set 4 no. 2 no 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 2 no. Fire buckets. 5 liters capacity Metal rack 100 x 150 x 45 cm 2 no. 4 no. Tower ladder on type wheels Min 10ft-Max 30ft Portable extension ladder Aluminium 6 to 9 meters 1no. 1no. Page 23 of 35 Page 24 of 35 Syllabus for the Trade of “Electrician” Duration : Six Month Third Semester SEMESTER-III INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS & MAINTENANCE OF MACHINES Week No. 1&3 4 -6 Trade Practical Trade Theory Identification of semiconductor devices. Diodes-symbol – Testing of diodes using multimeter. Studying the characteristics of diodes (Forward & reverse bias of junction & zener diode). Construction & testing of Half wave, Full wave, Bridge rectifier, Filter circuits (without & with filter circuits). Simple R.P.S. BASIC ELECTRONICS-INTRODUCTION, COMPONENTS, CHARACTERISTICSAtomic structure, Semiconductor energy level. Formation of ‘P’ & ‘N’ type of semiconductor materials –P-N-junction. Reverse Bias and Forward Bias. Diode-classification of diodes Zener, LED,photo diode, solar cells, Heat sink. Specification of Diode – PIV rating. Rectifier circuits- Half wave, Full wave and Bridge circuit. Filter circuits. Drawing B.I.S. symbols for electronic components. Diodes, Transistor, Zener diode, S.C.R. I.C. etc. Using of digital voltmeter and ammeter. Use of digital multi meter. ELECTRONIC MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Conversion of simple objects Page 25 of 35 Engineering Drawing Filling of m/cs history card and maintenance cards and inventory control cards. Vocational Science and Calculation LOGARITHMS: Introduction, Definition, applications of logarithms, log tables, positive characteristic, negative characteristic mantissa, antilog tables. Relation between log &Antilog tables. Laws (rules) of logarithms. Examples, Applied workshop problems. Practice in the use of log for multiplication, division, square, square root, cube root. Related problems. STRESS & STRAINS:Introduction, definitions ,types – Construction details, working principle, types & applications of Voltmeter & Ammeter- (Digital type) Identification of different controls & use Multimeter:i) Analog type ii) Digital type of Oscilloscope. Megger: i) Analog type ii) Digital type, Measurement of different wave shapes its construction, working and uses. and their values using C.R.O. Tong tester: i) Analog type ii) Digital type, its construction, working and uses. Connect energy meter and measure the CRO: Block diagram, working and energy of 1Ø & 3Ø load. applications. Signal generator: Block diagram, working and uses. Energy meter (Attraction type, Quadrant type.) Digital Energy meter (single phase & three phase). of orthographic into isometric drawing. Identification of transistors. Identification of terminals,. Testing of Transistors. Plot the characteristics of transistors Drawing of B.I.S/I.S.I. symbols for Electronic devices Drawing of half wave, Full wave and Bridge circuits. Identification and connection of signal generator (Function generator) 7-11 (CB, CE & CC). Assemble and testing of a single stage Amplifier and checking with an oscilloscope. Assemble & testing of power amplifier. Assembling & testing of I.C Amplifier 810. Assemble & testing of oscillator circuit. Assembling & testing of various Op. Amp. Circuits, applications and timers. Multivibrators (Transistor & I.C.). ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS- TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIERS, OSCILLATOR CIRCUITS, OPAMP & TRIGGERING CIRCUITSExplanation, working principle of a transistor- Types of transistors Characteristics of transistors. Biasing of transistors. Configuration & use of transistor. Specification and rating of transistors. Amplifiers -Explanation of transistor Amplifiers, Class A,B & C, Power amplifier. Oscillator-working principle Explanation of stages and types of oscillator. Multivibrator – applications (Transistor & I.C. version). OP-AMP – Working principles and applications. Page 26 of 35 Block diagram of C.R.O., Signal generator & Function generator. Connection diagram of Full wave, half wave & bridge rectifier. Drawing circuits for a single stage Amplifiers and Multi stage Amplifies and types of signals. of stresses, Hooke’s law, young’s modulus of elasticity, ultimate stress, working stress, Factor of safety, stress-strain graph, Modulus of rigidity , poison’s ratio, bulk modulus, relationship between three module for a given material. Applied problems ALGEBRA: Introduction, Algebraic symbols. Add, Subtract, multiplication & division of expressions involving algebraic symbols. Simple Equations& transpositions problems. Standard algebraic formulae, Proofs. Simultaneous Equations with two unknown Quantities. Factorization, Quadratic Equations, Related problems. ROTATIONAL MOTION OF BODIES: Rotational motion, angular velocity, acceleration, Radius of gyration. MENSURATION:Introduction, Areas & perimeter of Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Rhombus, Circle, Triangle, Pentagon, Hexagon, Circle sector, Segment of a circle, Ellipse, Length of belts, Area of a irregular surfaces. 12-14 15 -18 Construction & testing of simple circuits containing U.J.T. for triggering. Construction & testing of FET as an amplifier. Construction & testing of Power control circuits by S.C.R., Diac, triac, & I.G.B.T. Demonstration on DC/AC power control using transistor/thyristor. Demonstration of voltage stabilizer & UPS. Demonstration of DC/AC motor drives, speed control etc. Uses of SCR and other modern semiconductor devices in controlling speed of motors and in changing the direction of rotation of motors. Demonstration on power supply stabilizer. Demonstration of DC /AC. Motor Drives. THYRISTORS, AC/DC DRIVES, VOLTAGE STABILISERSExplanation and working principle and practical applications of U.J.T., F.E.T., S.C.R. Diac, Triac, power MOSFET, G.T.O & I.G.B.T. D.C / A.C Power control using power transistor, thyristor. Voltage stabilizer, U.P.S.-Construction details of basic circuit, operation, online & offline UPS. DC / AC motor drives using transistor/thyristor. Power Supply Stabilizer, Ferro resistant circuit. DC / AC motor drives using Thyristor/Transistor control. Drawing of circuits containing Area of four walls, Length of longest pole placed in a room. U.J.T. F.E.T. & Simple power Geometrical figures etc. control circuits. Properties of lines, angles, triangles & circles. Radius of Block diagram of UPS. largest hole that can be inscribed in a given triangle. Testing of I.C. Logic gates and combinational circuits. Sequential circuits-Flip Flops, Registers & Counters using digital ICs. Demonstration of simple programs on 8085 microprocessor & 8051 microcontroller & applications. Demonstrate the parts of PLC & verify the various PLC programs. Ladder logic program for AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR gates etc. Ladder logic programming- Latch & Unlatch instructions, Timers & Digital Electronics –Number system, logic gates and combinational circuits, Sequential circuits-Flip Flops, Registers & Counters. Memory devices-Definitions of RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM & Flash. Free hand drawing of Logic gates and circuits. Introduction to 8085 microprocessor, architecture, programming model & instruction set Architecture of 8051 micro-controller & instruction set. Page 27 of 35 Area of rectangles, Squares, Parallelogram, Rhombus, Trapezium, Triangles, Circles, regular polygons. Simple Problems on lines, angles, triangles & circles - Area, perimeter calculations. Architecture of 8051 & 8085. Volumes of solids- Cube, Rectangular Solid, Cylinder, Hemisphere and Volume of Hollow sphere, Hollow cylinder, Cone, Frustum of cone, Hexagonal bar, any pyramid. Frustum of pyramid. FRICTION:-Meaning of friction, Examples, Applications of friction, Limitation laws of friction, Co-efficient of friction, Angle of friction, Applied problems. 19-22 counters. Traffic light control, Star delta starter, Speed control of DC motor. PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) Block diagram, Parts of PLC, hardware connection, Input – Output devices, Ladder logic program. Timers & counters. Demonstration on alternators, voltage building, load characteristics & voltage regulation. Practice on installation, running and maintenance of Alternators. Practice on starting ,running, parallel operation to bus bar, ALTERNATOR, AC MOTORS, STARTERS & MAINTENANCE. Explanation of alternator, parts, prime mover, types, coil span, breadth factor, EMF equation, regulations, phase sequence, specification of alternators and brushless alternator. Parallel operation & efficiencies. Trouble shooting, Automatic Voltage Regulator. Numerical problems. SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR – Construction & Working principle, effect of change of excitation and load. Application in industry in power factor improvement. Synchronous motor: Study the effect of changing field excitation and Power factor correction of Inductive load. Induction Motors - Study the parts of Squirrel cage and Slip ring Induction motor. Measurement of slip, P.F. at various loads. Practice on connection of D.O.L Starter, Star /Delta starter, Autotransformer & resistance type starter, starting, running & speed control & D.O.R. change. 23 Trouble shooting & preventive DENSITY& RELATIVE DENSITY:-Forms & properties of matter. The molecule & atoms. Difference between mass & weight. Density of solids & liquids. Specific gravity. Diagram of parallel operation of alternators (both dark lamp & bright lamp method). Archimedes principle. Relation between specific gravity & density, Related problems. Schematic circuit diagrams of D.O.L., Star-delta, resistance starter & auto transformer starters. DIGITAL ELECTRONICS: NUMBER SYSTEM - Decimal & Binary (base two system), Hexa decimal (base 16 system).BCD code. Panel wiring circuit diagram for 3 phase AC induction motor with star-delta starter & suitable meters. Induction motor – Construction & Working principle - Squirrel Cage Induction motor , Slip-ring induction motor & 2 speed induction motor. Characteristics & applications, Starting and speed control. Starters-D.O.L Starter, Star /Delta starter, Autotransformer starter & resistance type starter. Numerical problems. MACHINE MAINTENANCE: Concept, types Page 28 of 35 -do- Conversion from decimal to maintenance of motors, starters & controls. of maintenance. Trouble shooting & Preventive maintenance of motors, starters & controls. 24-26 binary & Binary number system to Decimal. Related problems. REVISION & TEST Syllabus for the Trade of “Electrician” Duration : Six Month Fourth Semester SEMESTER-IV OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF SUBSTATION Week No. 1-3 Trade Practical Trade Theory Engineering Drawing Assembly of a Dry cellElectrodes-Electrolytes. Grouping of Dry cells for a specified voltage and current, Practice on Battery Charging, Preparation of battery charging circuit, Testing & Installation of batteries. Charging of a Lead acid & Nickel iron batteries, preparation & filling of electrolyte- Testing of discharged and fully charged battery. Routine care & maintenance of batteries BATTERIES-TYPES, TESTING & MAINTENANCEChemical effect of electric current-Principle of electrolysis. Faraday’s Laws of electrolysis. Electro chemical equivalents. Explanation of Anodes and cathodes. Primary cell & secondary cell such as voltaic, leclanche, Daniel & dry cell. Lead acid & Nickel iron cell-construction, discharging & methods of chargingPrecautions to be taken & testing equipment, Rechargeable dry cell, description advantages and disadvantages. Care and maintenance of cells Connection diagram for battery charging panel board with D.C. Shunt generator with details of panel board. Page 29 of 35 Graphical symbols used in electric technology, ckt. Elements. Circuit diagram of panel board layout of electroplating generator with ISI standard. Vocational Science and Calculation HEAT TREATMENT:Function of heat treatment, Critical temperature. Process of heat treatment-Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening, Tempering, Case Hardening etc. 4-8 9&10 Identification of types of transformers. To test / check the polarity of single phase transformer. Insulation Testing of single phase and Three Phase transformers. Conducting No-load/O.C. & short circuit tests. Connection of transformers efficiencies of transformers, parallel operation of transformer. Maintenance of transformer equipments such as: - Oil gauge, Tap changer, Bushes, Breather, Earth fault relay, Protective relay etc. Replacement of oil and testing of its die-electric strength . Recharge the silica gel in breather. Making up a straight splice for different cables. Practice of lying of cable in trenches /pipe. Grouping of cells of specified voltage & current, Sealed Maintenance free Batteries, Lead Acid & Nickel iron batteries, general defects & remedies. Concept of 24/48/110/220V D.C. auxiliary supply in sub-stations. Power & capacity of batteries. Efficiency of batteries. TRANSFORMERS – Power Transformer – Its construction, working principle, E.M.F. equation, their connections. Regulation and efficiency, parallel operation of transformer,Cooling of transformer, S.C. & O.C. tests. Specifications, problems on e.m.f. Equation, transformation ratio, regulations and efficiency. Characteristics of ideal transformer. Construction of core, winding shielding, auxiliary parts breather, conservator. buchholtz’s relay, other protective devices. Transformer oil testing and Tap changing off load and on load. Transformer bushings and termination. Auto transformer- Its construction, working, performance & uses. Graphic symbols for Rotating m/c’s and Transformers Internal diagram of 3Ø power transformer. Exercises on Blue print reading of connection to motors through Ammeter, voltmeter & K.W. meters. Exercises on Blue print reading, tracing the wiring diagram of an alternator & reproducing it in proper sequence with protective equipment sketching the synchronizer connections. DISTRIBUTION OF POWER, UG & OHFree hand sketching of Alternating current, Direct current. sectional view of pin type i. By Over Head lines. insulator. ii. By underground lines Mechanical aspects of overhead line: i. Conductor materials their shapes, size, current density, tensile strength etc. ii.Insulator materials, their dielectric strength etc. Page 30 of 35 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE: Introduction, Atmospheric pressure, Absolute pressure, unit, Pressure at a depth in a liquid, Gauge pressure and vacuum pressure. How to measure atmospheric pressure and pressure inside the boiler, simple Barometer , Boyle’s law Charles’s law , Pascal’s law. Some examples. GRAPH: Introduction, Plotting of point, origin, horizontal axis, vertical axis, abscissa, ordinate, co-ordinate. Reading and plotting of simple graph. Solving Equation of two variables by graph .The relationship between two terms by graph and finding the unknown term with the help of known term. 11-17 iii.Pole and Towers, their shape, size and utility iv.Guards, their necessity in overhead lines and types. Electrical aspects of overhead line: i. Resistance of overhead line ii. Inductance of overhead line iii. Capacitance of overhead line iv. Effect of earth v. Formation of corona. & Power loss due to corona and their remedies. Identify & test fuses. SWITCHGEARS (SUBSTATION EQUIPMENTS) Practice connection of contactors, - Fuse / cut out / kit Kat – function, MCB& MCCB. characteristics, and materials. H.R.C Fuses – application. Practice connection & testing of Contactors – Miniature circuit breakers & different types of relays over Moulded Case circuit breakers. voltage, under voltage, over Relays: their types, viz. over voltage, under current, earth fault etc votage, over current, earth fault relay, their operation, setting, resetting and maintenance. Practice connection & operation of Substation Equipments- Circuit Breakers: circuit breakersi. Oil circuit breaker, its construction, working Oil circuit breaker and installation. Air circuit breaker ii. Air blast circuit breaker, its construction, Gas filled circuit breaker, SF6 circuit breaker, & vacuum circuit working and installation. iii. SF6 circuit breaker, its construction, breaker. working and installation. iv. Vacuum circuit breaker, its construction, working and installation, their voltage grade, utilization & current carrying capacity etc. Horn Gap Switches/ Air break switch, Disconnect Switch, Grounding Switch , Surge Arrestors, Current Limiting Reactors - Its Page 31 of 35 Sketching indicating instruments. Drawing the diagram of typical marking plate of a distribution transformer. Typical wiring diagram for drum and controller operation of A.C. wound rotor motor. Layout diagram of a substation. Sketching different shapes of coils, Sketches indicating possible faults in stator winding. Draw the development diagram of AC 3 phase & single phase motor winding. CENTRE OF GRAVITY: Meaning of C.G, Centroid, Methods of finding out center of gravity of figures, C.G of certain geometrical figures, Simple experiments for determination, examples. SIMPLE MACHINES: Simple machines, Effort, Load , Mechanical advantage, Velocity Ratio, Output &Input , Efficiency of machines, relationship between efficiency ,V.R,M.A. Practice of fixing lightening arrestors and lightening conductors (Horn gap). Connections for measurement of energy through C.T. & P.T. Trouble shooting & Maintenance of switch gears, relays, circuit breakers, instrument transformers 18&19 20-22 construction details, working and use on HT & LT lines. Instrument Transformers- Current Transformer, Potential Transformer, Their Construction, working and uses Protection of high & medium voltage system Protective devices: i. Fused cut outs ii. Reclose circuit breaker. iii. Sectionalizer Corona, Lightning arrestor/lighting conductor, Horn gap. Single line diagram of substation feeders. Connection diagram of typical overload current relays. Key diagram of a power station. Central controlling panel. Trouble shooting & Maintenance of switch gears, circuit breakers, instrument transformers etc TYPES OF SUBSTATIONS- INDOOR, OUTDOOR Earthing practice for substation. & POLE MOUNTING Substation construction: Measurement of earth resistance. i. Outdoor and Indoor substation. ii. E.H.T. substation iii. H.T. substation iv. Medium & low voltage substation (Pole Visit & observation of Switching station /Substation /MUSS/MRS. mounting type) Filling up the cable-jointing box. UNDERGROUND CABLE-TYPES, JOINTS, Jointing of cables in lead sleeves. TERMINATION & TESTING Jointing of cables in epoxy, XLPE Underground cables, their construction, types & heat shrinkable cables. and uses as: Termination of cable conductor. (A) For high voltage transmission lines. Detection of faults (open circuit i. Oil filled cables and short circuit) in cable and ii. High pressure cables rectify. iii. Gas filled cables iv. H.S.L. type cable etc. Demonstration & use of cable Page 32 of 35 -Do- Schematic diagram of 11/33KV, 33/66KV & MUSS (Master unit sub-station). Simple machines like Winch, pulley block, wheel &compound axle, simple pulley, simple wheel & axle, screw jack. V.R calculations. Loads: Examples a simple supported load fault locater. 23 24-26 (B) For low voltage transmission (PILC, PILCSTA, XLPE, heat shrinkable etc.) (C) Submarine cables Cable jointing, purpose of cable joints and techniques of joints. Study the cable fault locater & Faults in underground line & overhead lines and their methods of rectification. Industrial training OR Project work preferably in cross sectoral trades REVISION & TEST LIST OF TOOLS & EQUIPMNT FOR SEMESTER-III &IV FOR THE TRADE OF “ELECTRICIAN” (Unit Size : 20) Page 33 of 35 Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NAME OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Current transformer 100-50/ 5 or1A (Secondary wound) burden 5VA/15VA, class-1/0.5 Potential transformer 440V/110V class-1, burden 50VA Inverter 1 KVA Input 12 volt DC, Output 220 volt AC with 12V battery Voltage stabilizer- Input 150 – 230 volt AC, Output 220 volt AC Over voltage relay, electro-mechanical type (portable) Over /Under voltage Static relay Starters for 3-phase, 400 V, 50 cycles, 2 to 5 H.P. A.C. motors a) Direct on line starter b) Star delta starter with manual, semi-auto and automatic c) Auto transformer type starter Motor generator (DC to AC) set consisting of – Motor shunt 5 HP, 440 Volts with starting compensator and switch directly coupled to generator AC. 3.5 KVA, 400/230 Volts, 3-Phase, 4 wire, 0.8 PF, 50cycles with exciter and 1 switch board mounted with regulator, circuit breaker, ammeter, voltmeter, frequency meter, knife blade switch and fuses etc. Set complete with cast iron bed plate, fixing bolts, foundation bolts and 1 no. flexible coupling. Motor AC squirrel cage, 3-phase 400 volt, 50 cycles,5 HP with star delta starter and triple pole iron clad switch with fuse. Motor AC phase-wound slip ring type 5 HP, 400 volts, 3-phase, 50 cycles with starter and switch. Stepper motor with digital controller Transformer single phase, 1 K.V.A., 230 / 115-50-24-12 volts, 50 cycles core type, air cooled. Transformer three phase, 5 K.V.A., 440/230 volts, 50 cycles, delta / star, shell type oil cooled. Variable auto transformer 0-250 V, 8A. Oscilloscope –Dual Trace,30 MHZ Function Generator 10MHz Discrete component trainer (For diode & transistor circuits) Linear I.C.Trainer Digital I.C.Trainer Oil testing Kit Battery charger with variable output 1 KW Hydrometer A.C.B. 3Ø, 440V, 3pole, 50Hz. M.C.C.B. 3Ø, 440V, 4pole, 50Hz, 100A Page 34 of 35 QUANTITY 2 each 2 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 each 1 no. 1 set 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 3 no. 2 no. 2 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 no. 2 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 25 26 27 28 29 Thyristor/IGBT controlled D.C. motor drive 1 HP with tacho-generator feedback arrangement. Thyristor/IGBT controlled A.C. motor drive with VVVF control ,3 Phase 2 HP PLC trainer kit with 6/4 Input/output micro type 8051 Microcontroller kit with simple application. 8085 microprocessor kit with simple application. Page 35 of 35 1 no. 1 no. 4 no. 4 no. 4 no.