Welcome to Global Academy Online Learning

Course Orientation
Coordinator--Scott Lymer
Counselor—Lisa Cocio
English Specialist—Tammy Soelberg
Math Specialist – Crystal Theaker
Science Specialist – Levi Melton
Social Studies Specialist – Dustin Waters
Special Education Liaison—Christine Burke
Office Staff
Trish Wright -Administrative Assistant
Tammy Worhack - Registration Coordinator
Raquel Malmskog - Administrative Secretary
Betsy Chase – Attendance Specialist
Difficulties and
solutions with online
learning include:
Self Discipline
Log-In Daily
to spend about 3
hours per week on
each course)
No “live” teacher
Communicate with
your teacher often and
attend tutoring if you
have questions
Lack of accountability
Follow the course
calendar and due
Global Academy Tutoring Hours:
◦ Monday and Tuesday—1:00 pm-4:00 pm
◦ Please contact Global Academy to make a tutoring
◦ Tutoring sessions typically last 30 minutes
◦ Students are welcome to visit the lab during testing
hours to work on classes and ask questions.
Curriculum Website: www.apexvs.com
Username: ID#.GPS
◦ Example: 12345.GPS
Password: Refer to your Orientation Letter
◦ You will be prompted to change your password
when you first log-in to the course.
◦ Make sure to write your username and password on
your Global Academy card
Your homepage will contain the following information
Percent and
Current grade
Click on each one
for further detail
All active courses
Click on course name to access
Global Academy and Course
When you rest your cursor on the
curriculum name, your course
name and teacher name will appear
Click on your course name to
enter the course content
Once you’ve clicked on a course name, you
will see your curriculum
On the following screens, you will learn how
Navigate through the course outline
Access assignments and quizzes
Submit assignments and quizzes
Contact your teacher
Course Outline
After you have finished
a page in a unit, click
the arrow button to
move on
Some videos will have
multiple parts. Click on the
arrow buttons to move
through the videos
Vocabulary Lists
Within your course, you will have both homework
and quizzes that will need to be uploaded for
You must submit coursework the following way:
◦ 1. Open the assignment
You need to copy and paste the assignment
into a Word document.
Complete the work within that word
document and save it using the following
◦ File name: activityname.yourname
 Example: poeticanalysis.joeschmoe
The only way coursework will be accepted is
through the following procedure:
◦ Upload your homework through the message
Select your
Subject must be
Select your course
Select the activity
you are submitting
Upload your work here
Homework, Quizzes, and other work will not
be accepted in any other way, including, but
not limited to:
Outside email accounts
Hard copy
Due Dates
Important Facts about your Due Dates
◦ Please note that the due dates on the calendar are
 Do not hold all work until the deadline. Turn in work as you
complete it in order to stay organized.
 You may still submit homework after a due date has passed.
These dates are recommendations for course pacing. If you
follow these recommendations, you will be on track to finish
the course on time.
◦ Each course has an end date. You must take the final
BEFORE your end date has passed. Extensions will only
be granted for specific extenuating circumstances.
Your online learning course is designed to promote success
by requiring mastery of each assignment or quiz before you
may move on in the course
Mastery is defined as a score of 60% or better on each
Each quiz/assignment can be reset by the student one
additional time if mastery is not met
If mastery is not met the second time, the student will need
to email the instructor and provide copies of completed study
◦ Instructor will determine if student needs to repeat unit or may move
on with current score
Finals Testing
◦ All students must take their finals at Global Academy.
Please note that final exams must be taken prior to the
course deadline.
◦ Testing Center Hours
 Monday-Thursday 1:00 pm-4:00pm
Please bring the following items to testing
Photo ID
Permission to test email from instructor
4x6 handwritten note card with any useful course notes
Calculator (for math courses)
Please be aware that you must pass the final
exam with a score of 60% or better to pass
the course, regardless of your grade on
previous coursework
Prepare for the exam:
◦ Use study guides and course notes to study for the
◦ Be sure to contact your teacher often to get any
questions answered
◦ Bring a 4x6 handwritten note card with any
important notes for your exam
Please select the teacher you are
wanting to contact. If you just have a
general question, you may type in the
message box and then hit send.
If you have a question about a specific
assignment, please follow these steps:
1. Check submit homework
2. Select the teacher, course and activity you
have a question about
3. Type your question in the message box
Your email messages need to remain
courteous and appropriate—you are still held
to the Gilbert Public Schools Code of Conduct
at Global Academy.
If you are disrespectful to any of the Global
Academy staff, the administrator will be
notified and the privilege of taking Global
Academy courses may be revoked.
Did u grade that 1st hw that I sent u?
Umm, yeah, I didn’t finish that assignment,
Btw, I didnt understand the part about
fractions and stuff. HELP!
Dear Mr. Lymer,
I am having some trouble understanding the
last quiz for World Studies One. Can you
please look at my study pages and let me
know if I am missing any important
information? Thank you for your help.
Judy Smith
This will show all
assignments and due dates
This will show
current grade
If you have any additional questions about
your course, please contact your teacher or
the Global Academy/Online Learning Office
at (480)507-1476