1) KSW 1201 INTERMEDIATE KISWAHILI COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS 2) COURSE CODE 3) Course Instructor Mr. Boaz Mutungi (Dip. Educ.; B.A. Arts; M.A. Kiswahili) 4) COURSE TYPE: 5) 6) 7) COURSE CREDITS (CU): 3CU i.e. 45 Contact Hours per Semester Course Duration: 15 weeks (45 hours) COURSE DESCRIPTION: ELECTIVE (B.ABM.I) Improvement of students’ skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking Swahili. Deeper introduction to Swahili grammar, oral use, translation comprehension and essay writing so that students use the language for advanced tasks and complex communication in daily business life. Exercise in reading and translation to and from Swahili with respect to practical language skills. Preparation of short compositions in Swahili 1. COURSE OBJECTIVES By the end of the course, students should be able to: b) Negate sentences in different tenses c) Construct Kiswahili sentences with direct grammatical agreements/concords d) Correctly use verbs in their extended forms by applying them in sentences e) Construct if (conditional) sentences in both the affirmative and negative forms f) Apply the relative pronoun amba-; as well as use the relative article – 0 g) Use different conjunctions to join sentences together h) Hold and sustain situational/functional conversations in Kiswahili i) Build on their vocabulary bearing in mind their main field, namely agribusiness j) Communicate both formally and informally through short write-ups e.g. memos, letters, adverts, sms, etc k) Read some Kiswahili passages and comprehend them accordingly 7. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Hinnebusch, T. and Mirza, S. (1979). Kiswahili. Univeristy Press of America. USAMlacha, V. (1998). LughanaFasihi. OxfordUniversity Press. Nairobi 2. Mture educational Publishers Ltd (2004). KamusiyaElimuyaMsingi. Mture educational Publishers Ltd. Dar es Salaam 3. Rwabushaija, M 91999). MasomayaMsingiwa Kiswahili (Bk 1). Fountian. Kampala 4. Rwabushaija, m. (2002). MasomoyaMsingiwa Kiswahili (Bk 2). Fountain. Kampala 8 COURSE CONTENT, METHODS OF INSTRUCTION, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TOPICs 1. Ukanusho (negation) CONTENT Negative prefix Different tense forms METHOD OF INSTRUCTION/TIME ALLOCATE subject Interactive lectures 6 Hours negative TOOLS and EQUIPMENT Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts 2. More on introduction self- 3. More on Grammatical Concords/Agreements 4. More on verb extensions Interactive lecture 4 Hours Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lecture 8 Hours Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts The passive and Interactive lecture 6 Hours active voices The prepositional form:-i-/-eThe causative form; etc Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Introducing yourself/others Different question words Adjectives Demonstrative affixes Possessives Enye; enyewe& -ote 5. Conditional or if sentences 6. The Relative Pronoun amba -ki- and –sipoNge – and – singeli Applying amba – Using the relative article only 7. Using conjunctions Interactive lecture Single & Complex sentences 4 Hours Conjunctions & Joining sentences together Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts 8. Formal/Informal He informal/personal Interactive lecture 6 Hrs letter Tutorials ls 6 hours The formal letter Adverts, sms Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts communication 9. COURSE SUMMARY Interactive lecture and tutorials 10. COURSE ASSEMENT Course test Assignments Final Examination 45 Hours 40% 60% Interactive lecture 4 Hours Interactive lecture 4 Hours Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts